• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Strait

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터키 유라시아 터널 프로젝트에 대한 사례연구 (A Case Study on Turkey Eurasia Tunnel Project)

  • 김도형;방규민;전기찬;김동현;김택곤
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2010년도 춘계 학술발표회
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2010
  • Turkey Eurasia Tunnel Project is large scale road construction project of which the total length is 14.6km. The subsea shield TBM tunnel will be constructed under Bosphorus strait and the project site is in poor condition as composite ground, high water pressure and earthquake. The design procedure of subsea tunnel was introduced with tender design materials. That procedure contains tunnel type, TBM type and the principal design items considering geological condition such as high water pressure, composite ground and seismic area. This paper states the progress for geotechnical investigation, seismic analysis and TBM tunnel design. Analysis for geotechnical investigation is in progress, aseismatic design is going on stability study for liquefaction and structure. In addition, the performance of shield TBM to be considered such as advance rate and improvement of TBM was reviewed. The plan of fire safety was also reviewed with respect to fire protection.

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Estimated Advection Heat in the East/Japan Sea

  • Han, In-Seong;Kang, Yong-Q;Kim, Bok-Kee;Seong, Ki-Tack
    • 한국환경과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국환경과학회 2003년도 International Symposium on Clean Environment
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2003
  • A significant surface net heat loss appears around the Kuroshio and the Tsushima Warm Current regions. The area where the surface heat loss occurs should require heat to be supplied by the current to maintain the long-term annual heat balance. Oceanic heat advection in these regions plays an important role in the heat budget. The spatial distribution of the heat supply by the Tsushima Warm Current near the surface was examined by calculating the horizontal heat supply in the surface layer of the East/Japan Sea, directly from historical sea surface temperature and current data. We have also found a simple estimation of the effective vertical scale of heat supply by the current to compensate net heat loss using the heat supplied by the current in the surface 10m layer. The heat supplied by the current for the annual heat balance was large in the Korea/Tsushima Strait and along the Japanese Coast, and was small in the northwestern part of the East/Japan Sea. The amount of heat supplied by the current was large in the northwestern part and small in the southeastern part of the East/Japan Sea. These features suggest that the heat supplied by the Tsushima Warm Current is restricted to near the surface around the northeastern part and extends to a deeper layer around the southeastern part of the East/Japan Sea.

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A Seasonal Circulation in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea and its Possible Cause

  • Oh, Kyung-Hee;Pang, Ig-Chan
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2000
  • A seasonal circulation in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea and its possible cause have been studied with CSK data during 1965-1989. Water mass distributions are clear in winter, but not in summer because the upper layer waters are quite influenced by atmosphere. To solve the problem, a water mass analysis by mixing ratio is used for the lower layer waters. The results show that the distribution of Tsushima Warm Current Water expands to the Yellow Sea in winter and retreats to the East China Sea in summer. It means that there is a very slow seasonal circulation between the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea: Tsushima Warm Current Water flows into the Yellow Sea in winter and coastal water flows out of the Yellow Sea in summer. By the circulation, the front between Tsushima Warm Current Water and coastal water moves toward the shelf break in summer so that the flow is faster in the deeper region. The process eventually makes the transport in the Korea Strait increase. The Kuroshio does not seem to influence the process. A possible mechanism of the process is the seasonal change of sea surface slope due to different local effects of surface heating and diluting between the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea.

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南韓의 海産 海綿動物의 分類 (I) (Marine Sponges in South Korea (I))

  • Kim, Hoon-Soo;Park, Boon-Jo;Sim, Chong-Ja
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 1968
  • 著者들이 1956年부터 1967年까지의 其間에 南韓의 海岸一帶에서 採集한 海綿動物을 同定分類한 結果 다음과 같이 10科 14屬 17種을 얻었다. 17種中 Halichondria japonica Kadota 以外의 16種은 韓國未記錄種이다. Family Haliclonidae: 1. Haliclona permollis; Family Callyspongiidae: 2. Callyspongia elegans, 3. C. ramosa, 4. Ceraochalina differentiata; Family halichondriidae: 5. Halichondria japonica, 6. H. okadai, 7. H. oshoro, 8. H. panicea; Family Suberitidae: 9. Suberites ficus; Family Myxillidae: 10. Myxilla setoensis, 11. Lissodendoryx isodictyalis; Family Ophlitaspondiidae: 12. Ophlitaspongia noto, 13. Mycale plumosa; Family Ancorinidae: 14. Penares incrustans; Family Tethyidae: 15. Tethya japonica; Family Grantiidae: 16. Leucandra tuba; Family Heteropiidae: 17. Vosmaeropsis japonica.

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동해 해류 및 환경 특성 연구 (EAST-I) (East Asian Seas Time-series I (EAST-I))

  • 장경일;강창근;강동진
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.267-268
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    • 2010
  • Many countries has been interested in studying the East Sea to look ahead into the world oceans' future, since the East Sea has been known as a miniature ocean. In this respect, PICES decided the East Asian Seas Time-series (EAST) studies, and the East Sea as the first subject (EAST-I). Since 2006 Ministry of Land, Transport & Maritime Affairs, Korea has supported the Korean EAST-I program. Through the Korean EAST-I program, 44 research papers were published in various scientific journals. This special issue contains 6 research articles including results from the interdisciplinary observation in the summer, 2008. Those articles cover the entire East Sea from the Korea Strait to the Japan Basin, and also cover the studies of the euphotic layer to the bottom sediment. MLTM and KIMST have provided full support to EAST-I program. KHOA carried out the joint cruises in the Ulleung Basin. Those are deeply appreciated. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the editorial board of Ocean & Polar Research.

동해고유수의 생성가능해역 I. 극전선에 의한 해역구분 (Possible Formation Area of the Japan Sea Proper Water I. Subareas by the Polar Front)

  • 최용규;양성기
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 1993
  • Based on the Results of Marine Meteorological and Oceanographical Observations during 1966∼1987 and the Ten-day Marine Report during 1970∼1989 by Japan Meteorological Agency, the possible area where the Japan Sea Proper Water (JSPW) can be formed is investigated by analyzing the distribution of water types in the Japan Sea. The Japan Sea can be divided into three subareas of Northern Cold Water(NCW), Polar Front(PF) and Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) by the Polar Front identified by a 6℃ isothermal line at the sea surface in vinter. Mean position of the Polar Front is approximately parallel to the latitude 39∼40。N. The standard deviation of the Polar Front from the mean position of about 130km width is the smallest in the region between 136。E and 138。E where the Polar Front is very stable, because the branches of the Tsushima Current are converging in this region. However, standard deviations are about 180∼250km near the Korean peninsula and the Tsugaru Strait due to greater variability of warm currents. In the NCW area north of 40∼30。N and west of 138。E, the water types of the sea surface to the loom depth are similar to those of the JSPW. This fact indicates that the surface layer of the NCW area is the possible region of the JSPW formation in winter.

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한국산 해성류의 계통분류학적 연구 I. 남해 연안에 사는 종 (A Systematic Study on the Asteroidea in Korea I. Species from the South Sea)

  • 신숙
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.243-258
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    • 1992
  • 1980년 4월부터 1992년 4월까지 우리나라의 남해연안과 여러 도서 지방의 총 69개 지역에서 채집된 해성류를 동정하였다. 그 결과 5목 8과 23종이 밝혀졌고, 이들 중 Mediaster brachiatus와 Stellaster equestris 2종은 한국 미기록종이었으며 Asterina pecitinifera는 43개 지역에서 채집되어 가장 흔한 종이었다. 대한해협과 제주도 해역에는 각각 15종의 해성류가 있었으며 온대종 15종, 열대종 7종, 한대종 3종이 분포하고 있었다. 현재까지 밝혀진 해성류는 43종이 된다.

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Matching Method for Ship Identification Using Satellite-Based Radio Frequency Sensing Data

  • Chan-Su Yang;Jaehoon Cho
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2024
  • Vessels can operate with their Automatic Identification System (AIS) turned off, prompting the development of strategies to identify them. Among these, utilizing satellites to collect radio frequency (RF) data in the absence of AIS has emerged as the most effective and practical approach. The purpose of this study is to develop a matching algorithm for RF with AIS data and find the RF's applicability to classify a suspected ship. Thus, a matching procedure utilizing three RF datasets and AIS data was employed to identify ships in the Yellow Sea and the Korea Strait. The matching procedure was conducted based on the proximity to AIS points, ensuring accuracy through various distance-based sections, including 2 km, 3 km, and 6 km from the AIS-based estimated points. Within the RF coverage, the matching results from the first RF dataset and AIS data identified a total of 798 ships, with an overall matching rate of 78%. In the cases of the second and third RF datasets, 803 and 825 ships were matched, resulting in an overall matching rate of 84.3% and 74.5%, respectively. The observed results were partially influenced by differences in RF and AIS coverage. Within the overlapped region of RF and AIS data, the matching rate ranged from 80.2% to 98.7%, with an average of 89.3%, with no duplicate matches to the same ship.


  • Yi Songsuk;Yun Hyesu;Choi Duck-Keun;Yoon Sun;Koh Gi-Won
    • 한국석유지질학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국석유지질학회 1998년도 제5차 학술발표회 발표논문집
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 1998
  • Twenty species of calcareous nannofossils belonging to 11 genera are identified from the Seoguipo Formation in Cheju island, Korea. On the basis of the marker species, the Seoguipo Formation is biostratigraphically assigned to the Pseudoemiliania lacunosa Zone (NNl9), which corresponds to the combined zones of Emiliania annula - Emiliania ovata (CN13a-CN14a) of latest Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. Generally, cold-water species is dominant in the lower part, whereas warm-water one in the upper part. This is interpreted the palaeoceanographic condition has changed from cooling to warm phase. The change in floral composition and abundance of specific species allows the recognition of 4 ecostaratigraphic units in the Seoguipo Formation and the migration of oceanographic frontal boundary. According to nannofossil distribution in the study area, the position of an oceanographic boundary between warmer water and cooler water appeared to have oscillated north-south over the Korea Strait and Cheju island in response to glacial and interglacial cycles. The geologic time of the interpreted paleoceanographical changes determined by nannofossil biochronology is well agreed with the results obtained from the Japan Sea (East Sea) and Japan-Sea side of Japan.

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  • Kim Sang-Woo;Jeong Hee-Dong;Suh Young-Sang;Go Woo Jin;Jang Lee-Hyun
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2005년도 Proceedings of ISRS 2005
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    • pp.437-440
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    • 2005
  • We examined the relationship between the 50m temperature estimated by remote sensing sea surface temperature (SST) and fishing ground (squid fishing ground) detected by nighttime visible channel defense meteorological satellite program (DMSP) I operational linescan system (OLS) images in the East/Japan Sea during 1993-2000. The results are as follows: The numbers of nighttime fishing boat were distributed the highest in October, and the lowest in April during this study. A nighttime fishing grounds have concentrated in the East Korea Warm Current region, coastal regions of Honshu Island, and Polar front region. Fishing grounds have distributed $11-18^{\circ}C$ of estimated 50m temperature from the satellite data. Relationship between estimated 50m temperature and the distributed fisheries boats showed that the north boundaries of fishing grounds have distributed the temperature of below $12^{\circ}C$ from 1996 to 2000 and that of $13-15^{\circ}C$ during 1993-1995 and 1997-1999. Stable fishing grounds appeared near the Korea/Tsushima Strait from January to March. The center of fishing grounds in spring (April-Jun) have moved to the northward than that in winter, and variations appeared largely in winter. In summer (July-September), center of fishing grounds have formed near the Uleung Island in the south east coast of Korea, and in autumn maximum fishing ground appeared in October, the fishing ground southward from November.

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