• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean American Literature

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Raising Critical Awareness of Watching American TV Cartoons in an ESL Context

  • Suh, Young-Mee;Jung, Yoosun
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.223-242
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    • 2012
  • The study focused on exploring the ways that young ESL learners can cultivate media literacy by asking critical questions about the messages embedded in popular American TV cartoons. The participants in the study were five Korean children who came from three different families that had been living in a Midwestern college-town in the U. S. for less than two years. Research methods include analysis of interviews, video-taped sessions and photos of children's drawings. The children were asked about their American cartoon viewing habits as well as critical questions after watching two episodes of their favorite cartoons-Pok$\acute{e}$mon and SpongeBob. The analysis revealed that on one hand popular culture played an important role in helping children to adjust to a new culture and in motivating them to learn English. Further, the children believed that watching American cartoons was helping them improve their English skills. On the other hand, it appeared that they were not accustomed to being asked critical questions and thinking critically while watching American cartoons. Participation in the study increased the children's familiarity with critical questions and critical thinking to varying degrees. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for teachers are discussed.

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Syllable-timing Interferes with Korean Learners' Speech of Stress-timed English

  • Lee, Ok-Hwa;Kim, Jong-Mi
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2005
  • We investigate Korean learners' speech-timing of English before and after instruction in comparison with native speech, in an attempt to resolve disagreements in the literature as to whether speech-timing is measurable (Lehiste, 1977; Roach, 1982; Dauer, 1983 vs. Low et al., 2000; Yun 2002; Jian, 2004). We measured the pair-wise variability between the adjacent stressed and unstressed syllables within a foot as well as that among adjacent feet in approximately 555 English sentences, which were read by 29 native speakers and 41 Korean learners in the intermediate proficiency level. The results show that in comparison with native American English, Korean learner speech is before instruction significantly (p<.001) smaller for the pair-wise variability between the adjacent stressed and unstressed syllables within a foot; and significantly (p=.01) bigger for the variability among adjacent feet within the utterance. The learner speech after instruction showed significant (p=.01) improvement in the pair-wise variability of syllable sequence toward native speech values. The variability among adjacent feet was progressively smaller for learner speech before and after instruction and for native speech (p=.03). We thus conclude that the speech timing difference between Korean English and American English is measurable in terms of the duration. of stressed and unstressed syllables and that the latter is stress-timed and the former is syllable-timing interfered.

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The Impact of the United States Fashion on Korean Fashion in 20th Century

  • Oh, Keunyoung;Choi, Jeongwook
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.80-92
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    • 2017
  • Fashion trend is more than a social phenomenon that multitudes of people accept as popular styles of clothing. The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of fashion trend over time and distance. Geographically thousands of miles apart, the U.S. has strongly influenced fashion in Korea, revealed by references and historic depictions collected from literature and web sites. Results of the study are summarized as five issues: First, emergence of female missionaries from the U.S. American missionaries working in the late Great Korean Empire performed a significant role importing Western culture to Korea. Second, as opportunities of education increased, women studying abroad introduced Western fashion to Koreans when they returned to Korea. They were more open to Western culture than other Koreans and moderately harmonized their Korean sentiment and Western culture, mitigating cultural shock and enabled other Koreans to accept Western culture. Third, the effect of fashionistas on media. Singers working for U.S. armies stationed in Korea and movie stars appearing in Hollywood movies profoundly affected Korean pop culture and fashion trends in Korea. Fourth, following First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy of the U.S. She was an influential figure in those days and a fashion leader as well. Lastly, acceptance of working girl fashion depicted in American television shows. American working girls depicted on American TV shows were highly admired by young Korean women, so the fashion of American working girls became a major fad among young Korean women.

Suggestions for the Gasses Language and Literature of the 4th Edition of Korean Decimal Classification (KDC 제4판 언어 및 문학류 전개의 개선방안)

  • Oh, Dong-Geun;Bae, Yeong-Hwal;Yeo, Ji-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.141-157
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    • 2008
  • This study suggests some ideas for the improvements of the classes of Language(700) and Literature(800) of the 4th Edition of Korean Decimal Classification(KDC). They includes some recommendations for the followings: introducing some new entries of the time table for the Korean Literature and English and American Literatures; relocating some entries for the improvements including language policy and administration; using new terminologies: adding new and revised notes for the appropriate entries; changing some specific classifying methods including the classification of bilingual dictionaries; introducing some options including those for the subdivisions of modern novels and those for American Literature; and discontinuing some entries not used, especially those in other Languages.

A Study on The Diaspora-Consciousness of Author in the travel-siga of Korean-American Writer Hong-Eun$(1880{\sim}1951)$ (재미작가 홍언의 미국기행시가에 나타난 디아스포라적 작가의식)

  • Park, Mi-Young
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.25
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    • pp.175-209
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    • 2006
  • This study focuses on Korean-American writer Hong-Eun$(1880{\sim}1951)'s$ American travel gasaes and sis who played an active role under the rule of Japanese imperialism. This study also investigates Hong-Eun's experience and expression on American travel and culture and discusses his changes in stream of consciousness. According to American travel sigaes which were published in the New Koren Times in 1936. 1937, and 1949, his consciousness can be summarized as follows. First travel siga depicts his inner conflict as a refugee who lost one's home country. That is to say. by observing Indians' losing identity and their miserable labor conditions, he developed his own critical eyes on American society. Eventually he missed his country desperately and sought for the ways of his returning there. Second travel sijo reveals his own agony about not be able to return his home country where he could Possibly visit. In other words, after suffering from his agony, it is evident that he started to take positive attitude towards American society and establish his own identity. Based upon Hong-Eun's changes in consciousness as a writer, the researcher hypothesizes that there exists Diaspora-Consciousness in his work. His consciousness is strongly related with his attitude towards his home country whether it Is positive or vice versa. When his home country declared her independence. his attitude towards immigrant society was positively changed, which was quite contradictory from his previous one. In this transition period, not only he accepted American ideology and life, but he re-conceptualized them as a Korean mode. In sum, Hong-Eun's mental traces lie on the core of hybrid and diaspora which Post-Colonial literature values highly of.

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The Politics of Global English

  • Damrosch, David
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.193-209
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    • 2014
  • Writers in England's colonies and former colonies have long struggled with the advantages and disadvantages of employing the language of the colonizer for their creative work, an issue that today reaches beyond the older imperial trade routes in the era of "global English." Creative writers in widely disparate locations are now using global English to their advantage, with what can be described as post-postcolonial strategies. This essay explores the politics of global English, beginning with a satiric dictionary of "Strine" (Australian English) from 1965, and then looking back at the mid-1960s debate at Makerere University between Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Chinua Achebe, in which Achebe famously asserted the importance of remaking English for hi own purposes. The essay then discusses early linguistic experiments by Rudyard Kipling, who became the world's first truly global writer in the 1880s and 1890s and developed a range of strategies for conveying local experience to a global audience. The essay then turns to two contemporary examples: a comic pastiche of Kipling-and of Kiplingese-by the contemporary Tibetan writer Jamyang Norbu, who deploys "Babu English" and the legacy of British rule against Chinese encroachment in Tibet; and, finally, the Korean-American internet group Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries, who interweave African-American English with North Korean political rhetoric to hilariously subversive effect.

the Diaspora Aspects of Some Comments on Sijo Reflected in the Sijo-Anthologies of Korean-American Authors (미주 시조 선집에 나타난 디아스포라 시조론)

  • Park, Mi-Young
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.30
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    • pp.53-90
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    • 2009
  • This study discusses the aspects of Korean-American Sjjo writers' consciousness of sijo and its significance, focusing primarily on the Sijo-Anthologies of Korean-American authors, "The Moon of the Desert" (1989), "The Dandelion of the Desert" (1994), and The Stars of the Desert" (1996) published by the Sijo Society of America. For this purpose, I thoroughly examined "Notes of Writing Sijo' attached to the authors' works and some other sijos added at the end of the paper. They started writing sijos quite early. Sijo has been recognized as a typical traditional genre of literature, and even foreigners came to write them in English. The following is the summary of the view on sijo propounded by Korean-American authors. Firstly, they follow traditional view on the theory of sijo in terms of its nature and utility, and at the same time they emphasize the utility of katharsis through self expressions. Secondly, their recognition of the value of sijo boils down to its formal patterns. Lastly, they develop the idea of national literature through their significance of writing sijos. They think that they can contribute to the development of national literature as well as the expression of patriotism through writing sijos. Therefore, they recognize themselves as spreaders of Korean culture to the local residents, and as the main stream enhancing the status of Korean culture through the competition with other nations.

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A tendency of Korean contemporary fictions according to Latin American fictions - Focus on the novels of Seok-yeong HWANG, Cheol-woo IM, Yeon-soo KIM, Hyeong-seo PARK (21세기 한국 소설의 라틴아메리카 소설 경향 - 황석영, 임철우, 김연수, 박형서 소설을 중심으로)

  • HAM, Jeung-Im
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.313-336
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this thesis is to unfold Latin American trends overlapping with Korean contemporary novels as an interesting scene in the circle of Korea literature at the beginning of the 21st century. This study was conducted largely in two directions. One is examining how long novel A Guest of Seok-yeong HWANG, a representative realist writer in Korea, and another long novel One Hundred Years Motel (Baeknyeon Motel) of Cheol-woo IM, a writer who has expressed Korean shamanic flowering as his fictitious characteristic since the 1980s, meet and interact with the world of magic realism in long novel One Hundred Years of Solitude of G. G. Marquez born in Colombia, Latin America, and the other is discussing the fictional techniques of H. L. Borges overlapping with short stories in novel collections The Age of Twenty and Fictions of Midnight by, respectively, young writers Yeon-soo KIM and PARK Hyeong-seo who displayed a unique world of fictions in the 2000s. For these purposes, we developed the points of discussion from the viewpoint of 'the meeting of two essences' for Seok-yeong HWANG and Marquez, of 'the meeting of two 'hundred years'' for Cheol-woo IM and Marquez, of 'novel writing as the finding of the original' for Yeon-soo KIM and Borges, and of 'novel writing surrounding fictions' for Hyeong-seo PARK and Borges. Around 2000, the trend of Latin American novels emerged as a phenomenon in Korean novels. It was probably a natural consequence of contemporary writers' struggling with genres and post-genres, the overturn of the center and the periphery, and blurred boundaries. Seok-yeong HWANG, Cheol-woo IM, Yeon-soo KIM, and PARK Hyeong-seo borrowed the contents and techniques of Latin American novels, but further research is required on how continuously their works internalized the characteristic properties of Marquez-style, Borges-style or polyphonic Latin American novels and, by doing so, how much they expanded or determined their own line. This is why this study has been performed productively out of vital importance. In every age throughout history, there have been the phenomena of encountering and sympathizing, and overlapping and spreading with foreign novels. This study is meaningful in that it illuminated the aspects of Korean contemporary novels in the flow of world literature through tracing the origin and reality of the trend of Latin American novels emerging conspicuously through overlapping particularly with Korean novels published in the 2000s.

A Bibliographic Study on Korean Translations of American Literature (미국문학작품의 한국어 번역본 출판상황)

  • Park On-Za
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.18
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    • pp.157-212
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    • 1990
  • Translation has attained an important role in transmission and maintenance of human culture. As the world gets closer translation is regarded as one of the most useful means to carry knowledge and information through the language barrier. Translations of literary works in particular have been regarded as one of the most valuable means of helping people to understand and cooperate with one another in the interest of world peace. Korea has maintained a very close relationship with the United States of America since she first opened her door to the States in 1882. No one can deny that American has had a strong influence on Korean culture, politics, economics and education through the long close relationship between two countries. This study has been carried to find out how many and what American literary works have been introduced into Korea through translation from 1882 to 1982.

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