• 제목/요약/키워드: Korea Marine Species Inventory

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.019초

해양 생물다양성 정보시스템 개발 -한국 해양생물 종 목록 수립을 중심으로- (Development of the Korea Marine Biodiversity Information System -Focus on the Establishment of the Korea Maine Species Inventory-)

  • 박수영;김성대;이윤호;배세진;박흥식;김충곤
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2007
  • For an efficient management and utilization of marine biodiversity information, we made an attempt to develop the Korea Marine Biodiversity Information System (KoMBIS), building a species name inventory of Korea marine organisms. The inventory includes 17 organism groups: phytoplankton, zooplankton, algae and halophyte, sponges, cnidarians, rotifers, nematodes, bryozoans, brachiopods, molluscs, echiurans, annelids, arthropods, echinoderms, urochordates and fish. The species names were collected from 37 different references and reviewed for validity by taxonomists, which resulted in 9,798 valid names in addition to 1,845 synonyms. The Korea marine species inventory is the first one of this kind, for previous Korean species name inventories were mostly composed of terrestrial and freshwater organisms. KoMBIS, the information system developed, contains not only the species name but also information on morphological and ecological characteristics such as distribution, DNA barcode, and references. This system is convenient for the inputting of new data and servicing users through the internet, so that management and utilization of the biodiversity information is more efficient. Linking the DNA barcode data with species information provides an objective measure for identification of a species, which accommodates the recommendation of Consortium for the Barcode of Life, and makes the Korea marine biodiversity information compatible with international databases. Considering the frequent exchange of marine organisms internationally via ballast water and such issues as climate change, this information system will be useful in many areas of marine biodiversity.

Investigation of the Fungal Diversity of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Construction of an Updated Fungal Inventory

  • Park, Myung Soo;Yoo, Shinnam;Cho, Yoonhee;Park, Ki Hyeong;Kim, Nam Kyu;Lee, Hyi-Seung;Lim, Young Woon
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.551-558
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    • 2021
  • The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is an island country in the western Pacific and is a known biodiversity hotspot. However, a relatively small number of fungi (236 species) have been reported till July 2021. Since fungi play major ecological roles in ecosystems, we investigated the fungal diversity of FSM from various sources over 2016 and 2017 and constructed a local fungal inventory, which also included the previously reported species. Fruiting bodies were collected from various host trees and fungal strains were isolated from marine and terrestrial environments. A total of 99 species, of which 78 were newly reported in the FSM, were identified at the species level using a combination of molecular and morphological approaches. Many fungal species were specific to the environment, host, or source. Upon construction of the fungal inventory, 314 species were confirmed to reside in the FSM. This inventory will serve as an important basis for monitoring fungal diversity and identifying novel biological resources in FSM.

Comprehensive and synthetic inventory of Dokdo Island, Republic of Korea

  • Ui Wook Hwang;Hyun Soo Rho;Bia Park;Eun Hwa Choi;Cho Rong Shin;Sa Heung Kim;Jongrak Lee;Hack Cheul Kim;Mann Kyoon Shin;Taeseo Park;Jumin Jun;Heegab Lee;Jong Eun Lee;Yoon Sik Oh;Jung-Goo Myoung;Chang Geun Choi;Jin Hee Park;Seon-joo Park;Jimin Lee;Jaeho Lee;Hyeok Yeong Kwon;Kyu Tae Park;Chun Woo Lim;Seung Wook Jung;Mi Jin Lee;Yucheol Lee;Yeongheon Shin;Hee-Jung Choi;Young Wook Lee;Hyun Jong Kil;Jin-Han Kim;Myung-Suk Kang;Eun-Young Lee;Sang-Hwa Lee;Young Hyo Kim;Jongwoo Jung;Kuem Hee Jang;Young Jin Lim;Shi Hyun Ryu;Won-Gi Min;Joo Myun Park;Hyojin Lee;Minsu Woo;Yun-Bae Kim;Sehun Myoung
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • 제12권spc호
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    • pp.1-69
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to establish a comprehensive, synthetic inventory system for the fauna and flora of Dokdo Island, Republic of Korea, which has been conducted by a specialized research group consisting of more than 50 experts. The research was conducted over five years(2015-2019) and supported by the National Institute of Biological Resources, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea. All possible publications on the fauna and flora of Dokdo Island over the last 68 years from 1952 to 2020 were reviewed. As a result, 1,302 species were found on Dokdo Island during the study period. An updated list of 1,963 species was created. This is expected to be of great help for the conservation and national publicity of important indigenous biological resources of Dokdo Island.

한국 해역의 상어류와 분류체계 (Taxonomic System of Sharks (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) in Korean Waters)

  • 김재구;최윤
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2024
  • 우리나라 해역에 서식하는 상어류는 지금까지 9목 21과 32속 47종으로 알려져 있다. 따라서 최근 연구와 우리나라 연근해 상어 출현 기록들을 검토하여 정리하였다. 그 결과, 불범상어과의 상안와골의 마루가 없는 점을 기준으로 불범상어를 기존의 두툽상어과에서 불범상어과로 분리하였다. 이에 따라 불범상어과, 기름상어속, 기름상어와 큰눈환도상어 2종이 추가되어 우리나라 해역의 상어를 총 9목 22과 33속 49종으로 정리하였다. 이들의 종목록과 검색표, 학명변천사를 기록하였으며, Pentanchidae의 국명 신칭은 '불범상어과'로 제안한다.

Characteristics of Ozone Precursor Emissions and POCP in the Biggest Port City in Korea

  • Song, Sang-Keun;Shon, Zang-Ho;Son, Hyun Keun
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2015
  • Emissions of ozone precursors ($NO_x$ and VOCs) and photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCPs) of VOC emission sources were investigated in the largest port city (i.e., Busan), Korea during the year 2011. This analysis was performed using the Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS) national emission inventory provided by the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), Korea. For $NO_x$, the emissions from off-road mobile sources in Busan were the most dominant (e.g., $31,202ton\;yr^{-1}$), accounting for about 60% of the total $NO_x$ emissions. The emission from shipping of off-road mobile sources (e.g., $24,922ton\;yr^{-1}$) was a major contributor to their total emissions, amounting to 47% of the total $NO_x$ emissions due to the port-related activities in Busan. For VOCs, the emission source category of solvent usage was predominant (e.g., $36,062ton\;yr^{-1}$), accounting for approximately 82% of the total VOC emissions. Out of solvent usages, the emission from painting was the most dominant ($22,733ton\;yr^{-1}$), comprising 52% of the total emissions from solvent usages. The most dominant VOC species emitted from their sources in Busan was toluene, followed by xylene, butane, ethylbenzene, n-butanol, isopropyl alcohol, and propane. The major emission sources of toluene and xylene were found to be painting of coil coating and ship building, respectively. The value of POCP for the off-road mobile source (61) was the highest in ten major activity sectors of VOC emissions. Since the POCP value of ship transport of off-road mobile source (72) was also high enough to affect ozone concentration, the ship emission can play a significant role in ozone production of the port city like Busan.

인천항 및 부산항의 여름철 대형저서동물군집의 구조 (The Community Structures of Macrozoobenthos during Summer in the Incheon and Busan Harbors, Korea)

  • 서진영;박소현;임현식;장만;최진우
    • 환경생물
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.6-19
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    • 2009
  • 여름철 인천항과 부산항에 서식하는 대형저서동물군집의 구조를 파악하고자 하였다. 인천항의 9개 조사정점에서 출현한 대형저서동물 군집의 출현종수는 총 88종이었고, 서식밀도는 3,212개체 m$^{-2}$, 생물량은 239 g m$^{-2}$였다. 인천항내에서는 다모류의 Tharyx sp., C. setosa 등이 우점하였고, 외해에 위치한 정점에서는 이매패류인 M. senhousia, 다모류인 S. scutat 등이 우점하였다. 인천항에서 출현한 대형저서동물의 종다양성지수(H')는 0.9$\sim$2.4의 범위를 보였고, 종균등도지수는 0.3$\sim$0.9, 종풍부도지수는 1.8$\sim$3.9의 범위를 보였다. 저서오염지수는 16$\sim$74의 범위를 보였다. 집괴분석 및 MDS배열법을 수행한 결과 내항의 정점들과 항 외부에 위치한 정점들로 종조성이 달랐다. 부산항에서 출현한 대형저서동물 군집의 총 출헌종수는 89종, 서식밀도는 1,845개체 m$^{-2}$, 생물량은133.6 g m$^{-2}$였다. 부산 항내 5개 정점에서 출현한 대형저서동물 중 가장 우점한 종은 다모류의 Tharyx sp., M. japonica, C. cirratus 등이었고, 외해 정점들에서 가장 우점한 종은 다모류의 M. japonica였다. 부산항의 종다양성지수는 0.7$\sim$2.2의 범위를 보였고, 종균등도지수는 0.3$\sim$1.0의 범위를, 종풍부도지수는 1.1$\sim$4.1의 범위를 보였다. 저서오염지수는 31$\sim$90의 범위를 보였다. 부산항의 대형저서동물군집 역시 집괴분석 및 MDS배별법 수행결과 항내와 항외 해역에서 조성에 차이를 보였다.