• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korea Land Use Information System

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Development of Soil Analysis System for Land Readjustment Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 경지정리 토양처리 분석시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Ju-Seung;Goh, Hong-Seok;Lee, So-Yeal
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2004
  • It has been a common practice to use manually processed soil maps in planning of land readjustment. This study is intended to develop a geographic information system for computerized processing of soil maps. The pilot region of land readjustment for this study was set at a mountain area with diverse formation of soil. Cadastral maps were employed for the basis map, and the main map was prepared using the information obtained from in-situ soil survey and laboratory tests. The detailed soil maps were drawn using the geographic information system, and analyzed and compared with manually processed maps. The soil maps, in conjunction with a computer program of land readjustment design, can be applied in estimation of soil works appropriate for the given soil condition, and also in selecting the efficient construction equipments.

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A Study on Statistical Modeling of Spatial Land-use Change Prediction (토지이용 공간변화 예측의 통계학적 모형에 관한 연구)

  • 김의홍
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 1997
  • S1he concept of a class in the land-use classification system can be equally applied to a class in the land-use-change classification. The maximum likelihood method using linear discriminant function and Markov transition matrix method were integrated to a synthetic modeling effort in order to project spatial allocation of land-use-change and quantitative assignment of that prediction as a whole. The algorithm of both the multivariate discriminant function and the Markov chain matrix were discussed and the test of synthetic model on the study area was resulted in the projection of '90 year as well as '95 year land -use classification. The accuracy and the issue of modeling improvement were discussed eventually.

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Development of Deep Learning-based Land Monitoring Web Service (딥러닝 기반의 국토모니터링 웹 서비스 개발)

  • In-Hak Kong;Dong-Hoon Jeong;Gu-Ha Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2023
  • Land monitoring involves systematically understanding changes in land use, leveraging spatial information such as satellite imagery and aerial photographs. Recently, the integration of deep learning technologies, notably object detection and semantic segmentation, into land monitoring has spurred active research. This study developed a web service to facilitate such integrations, allowing users to analyze aerial and drone images using CNN models. The web service architecture comprises AI, WEB/WAS, and DB servers and employs three primary deep learning models: DeepLab V3, YOLO, and Rotated Mask R-CNN. Specifically, YOLO offers rapid detection capabilities, Rotated Mask R-CNN excels in detecting rotated objects, while DeepLab V3 provides pixel-wise image classification. The performance of these models fluctuates depending on the quantity and quality of the training data. Anticipated to be integrated into the LX Corporation's operational network and the Land-XI system, this service is expected to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of land monitoring.

Comparison of Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Using Landsat-8 Data for South Korea

  • Choi, Sungwon;Lee, Kyeong-Sang;Seo, Minji;Seong, Noh-Hun;Jin, Donghyun;Jung, Daeseong;Sim, Suyoung;Jung, Im Gook;Han, Kyung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2021
  • Land Surface Temperature (LST) is the radiological surface temperature which observed by satellite. It is very important factor to estimate condition of the Earth such as Global warming and Heat island. For these reasons, many countries operate their own satellite to observe the Earth condition. South Korea has many landcovers such as forest, crop land, urban. Therefore, if we want to retrieve accurate LST, we would use high-resolution satellite data. In this study, we made LSTs with 4 LST retrieval algorithms which are used widely with Landsat-8 data which has 30 m spatial resolution. We retrieved LST using equations of Price, Becker et al. Prata, Coll et al. and they showed very similar spatial distribution. We validated 4 LSTs with Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LST data to find the most suitable algorithm. As a result, every LST shows 2.160 ~ 3.387 K of RMSE. And LST by Prata algorithm show the lowest RMSE than others. With this validation result, we choose LST by Prata algorithm as the most suitable LST to South Korea.

A Study on the Improvement of Accuracy in Mapping the Distribution of the Emission Volume of Air Pollution Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 대기오염 배출량 분포도의 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • 최진무
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 1998
  • Air contaminant density must be inferred exactly to manage air pollution. Each land use of air pollution source is duplicated in the existing air contaminant distribution because the resolution of the land use map is low. The purpose of this study is to understand how the land use map is used to determine effectively in the distribution calculation of the emission volume and the inference of air contaminant density, as it is made in a high resolution. The major findings are as follows : In this study, as to making a high resolution($28.5m{\times}28.5m$) map of land use with GIS, each air pollution source is not duplicated spatially and land use can be reflected effectively. In Seoul, each air contaminant density was inferred (using a TCM-2 model) with the existing distribution map of emission volume, whose resolution is $1km{\times}1km$, and the new distribution map of emission volume, whose resolution is $28.5km{\times}28.5km$. According to the result, the inference value of the new distribution map was more similar to the actual value of an automatic survey network.

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L-THIA/NPS to Assess the Impacts of Urbanization on Estimated Runoff and NPS Pollution (도시화에 따른 유출과 비점원 오염 영향을 평가하기 위한 L-THIA/NPS)

  • Kyoung-Jae Lim;Bernard A. Engel;Young-Sug Kim;Joong-Dae Choi;Ki-Sung Kim
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2003
  • The land use changes from non-urban areas to urban areas lead to the increased impervious areas, consequently increased direct runoff and higher peak runoff. Urban areas have also been recognized as significant sources of Nonpoint Source (NPS) pollution, while agricultural activities have been known as the primary sources of NPS pollution. Many features of the L-THIA/NPS GIS, L-THIA/NPS WWW system have been enhanced to provide easy-to-use system. The L-THIA model was applied to the Little Eagle Creek (LEC) watershed in Indiana to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The L-THIA/NPS GIS estimated yearly direct runoff values match the direct runoff separated from U.S. Geological Survey stream flow data reasonably. The $R^2$ and Nash-Sutcliffe values are 0.67 and 0.60, respectively. The L-THIA estimated runoff volume and total nitrogen loading for each land use classification in the LEC watershed were computed. The estimated runoff volume and total nitrogen loading in the LEC watershed increased by 180% and 270% for the 20 years. Urbanized areas -"Commercial", "High Density Residential", and "Low Density Residential"- of the LEC watershed made up around 68% of the 1991 total land areas, however contributed more than 92% of average annual runoff and 86% of total nitrogen loading. Therefore, it is essential to consider the impacts of land use change on hydrology and water quality in land use planning of urbanizing watershed.nning of urbanizing watershed.

A Study on the Development of Land Suitability Analysis System using GSIS in the Landuse Planning (토지이용계획에 있어 GSIS를 이용한 적지분석시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Hyeon;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.43-61
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    • 1995
  • The national land use plan that targets the whole national land and all kinds of urban plans that targets a city or a part of city must be performed continuously now and after that. Therefore, the importance of land use plan, that is included in those plans, is very big and crucial. This study scrutinizes the detail zoning land suitability analysis which bases on urban basis plan and the GSIS application plan about allocation, applied various basic theory which is arranged in that course to study area, and try to develop the land use suitability analysis system, a application system The programing language used in system development is the AML of ARC/INFO. On this study, the results divide into four parts. First, we develop the land use suitability analysis system and can simplify and automatize a complicated analysis course and this system will be more useful to the land use suitability analysis. Second, the analysis range is expanded, considering the circumstance environmental factor of planning area outside. So we can implement more comprehensive analysis. Third, we apply a precedency conception and a legal restrictive element that base on urban characteristics and urban space structure theory to this study, develop a computerized method about distributive method, and can allocate the detail zone in the various ways. Finally, the next studies that can clear the detail zone suitability criteria and the correlation of the relationship of materials are essential to improve the accuracy and confidence in this analysis.

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A Study on the Strategies for Spatial Information Service based on the Concept of Atlas - A Case Study of Land Cover Map - (아틀라스 개념을 적용한 공간정보서비스 방안 - 토지피복지도를 사례로 -)

  • Hong, Sang Ki
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2012
  • Recently, tthe general users' demand on utilizing spatial information and the establishment of national spatial data such as land cover map are increasingly growing. But the lack of spatial information service for the general public is making it difficult for them to use spatial information and services. In this study, spatial information service strategies based on the concept of atlas, which is familiar to us through the student atlas, were proposed to promote the public users' utilization of land cover map. For this purpose, I reviewed current domestic status and overseas cases of land cover map service and proposed the future direction of spatial information service for land cover map in terms of contents, users, and system. Finally, I defined the basic concept, characteristics and functions of the Atlas Information System and recommended strategies for environmental spatial information service. The results of this study can be applied to various national spatial information as well as land cover map and contribute to the increase of general public users' utilization of national spatial data.

Consequences of land use change on bird distribution at Sakaerat Environmental Research Station

  • Trisurat, Yongyut;Duengkae, Prateep
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2011
  • The objectives of this research were to predict land-use/land-cover change at the Sakaerat Environmental Research Station (SERS) and to analyze its consequences on the distribution for Black-crested Bulbul (Pycnonotus melanicterus), which is a popular species for bird-watching activity. The Dyna-CLUE model was used to determine land-use allocation between 2008 and 2020 under two scenarios. Trend scenario was a continuation of recent land-use change (2002-2008), while the integrated land-use management scenario aimed to protect 45% of study area under intact forest, rehabilitated forest and reforestation for renewable energy. The maximum entropy model (Maxent), Geographic Information System (GIS) and FRAGSTATS package were used to predict bird occurrence and assess landscape fragmentation indices, respectively. The results revealed that parts of secondary growth, agriculture areas and dry dipterocarp forest close to road networks would be converted to other land use classes, especially eucalyptus plantation. Distance to dry evergreen forest, distance to secondary growth and distance to road were important factors for Black-crested Bulbul distribution because this species prefers to inhabit ecotones between dense forest and open woodland. The predicted for occurrence of Black-crested Bulbul in 2008 covers an area of 3,802 ha and relatively reduces to 3,342 ha in 2020 for trend scenario and to 3,627 ha for integrated-land use management scenario. However, intact habitats would be severely fragmented, which can be noticed by total habitat area, largest patch index and total core area indices, especially under the trend scenario. These consequences are likely to diminish the recreation and education values of the SERS to the public.

Development of Expert System for Land Use Suitability Analysis Using Quadtree Data Structures (Quadtree 자료구조를 이용한 적지분석 전문가시스템 개발)

  • Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Kim, Eui-Myoung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 1995
  • The assessment/evaluation of land use suitability is an important part of land use planning. In this paper, we developed. The Expert System for a suitability analysis including the function of data storage, analysis, assessment and display by using Borland C++ Language and could suggest the following results in the suitability analysis to select a site for an industrial complex using this system. 1. With the increase in volume and variety of geo-spatial data now available, it has become necessary to find more efficient ways of storing this data. This report presents the Quadtree structure, as a method of gaining significant savings over conventional raster processing in data storage. 2. In order to get the criteria of suitability analysis, the opinions of specialists, administrative officers and citizens were collected by a questionnaire, and used to calculate the weight of geo-spatial data. Also, The Expert System, which we developed, was designed to do overlay and spatial analysis, as well as reflect the various opinions we collected in the questionnaire. The Expert System is expected to be used in other land use planning.

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