• Title/Summary/Keyword: Kompsat-3A

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Configuration and Design of the Large Multi-Electromagnetic Shaking System (대형 멀티 전자기 가진 시스템의 구성 및 설계)

  • 우성현;김홍배;문상무;김영기;임종민
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.618-622
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    • 2004
  • The vibration test system of SITC(Satellite Integration and Test Center) at KARI(Korea Aerospace Research Institute) has been used successfully for the environmental tests of a majority of korean space programs, such as KOMPSAT, Koreasat KITSAT, STSAT and KSR program since 1996. To meet the recent needs of large size test facility available for the vibrational tests of the huge launch vehicles and tole-communication satellites which will be developed in the near future, KARI undertook to construct the large size multi-electromagnetic shaking system with 3 $\times$ 3m head expander system. The new system will consist of three electromagnetic shakers which has 160 kN thrust force individually, and be able te sustain up to 8 tons test load and 300 kNm overturing moment. And to avoid the tremendous cost and effort to furnish the seismic block with large size and weight, it will adopt a Lin-E-Air type configuration with which the seismic block is less severe than a Solid-Truninon type. In addition, to fulfill the strong requirement of high overturning moment the additional guidance system including a central bearing system on a central support and several pad bearings around the head expander body is now considered. This paper describes the configuration and the design parameters of the multi-shaking system which is under development by KARI's engineers.

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Characteristics of the Electro-Optical Camera(EOC)

  • Lee, Seung-Hoon;Shim, Hyung-Sik;Paik, Hong-Yul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 1998
  • Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) is the main payload of Korea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT) with the mission of cartography to build up a digital map of Korean territory including Digital Terrain Elevation Map(DTEM). This instrument which comprises EOC Sensor Assembly and EOC Electronics Assembly produces the panchromatic images of 6.6 m GSD with a swath wider than 17 km by push-broom scanning and spacecraft body pointing in a visible range of wavelength, 510 ~ 730 nm. The high resolution panchromatic image is to be collected for 2 minutes during 98 minutes of orbit cycle covering about 800 km along ground track, over the mission lifetime of 3 years with the functions of programmable rain/offset and on-board image data storage. The image of 8 bit digitization, which is collected by a full reflective type F8.3 triplet without obscuration, is to be transmitted to Ground Station at a rate less than 25 Mbps. EOC was elaborated to have the performance which meets or surpasses its requirements of design phase. The spectral response the modulation transfer function, and the uniformity of all the 2592 pixel of CCD of EOC are illustrated as they were measured for the convenience of end-user. The spectral response was measured with respect to each gain setup of EOC and this is expected to give the capability of generating more accurate panchromatic image to the EOC data users. The modulation transfer function of EOC was measured as greater than 16% at Nyquist frequency over the entire field of view which exceeds its requirement of larger than 10%, The uniformity that shows the relative response of each pixel of CCD was measured at every pixel of the Focal Plane Array of EOC and is illustrated for the data processing.

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Analysis of Satellite Imagery Information Needs in Korea (국내 위성영상정보 수요 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Eun;Kim, Yoon-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • Satellite imagery information have not been fully utilized due to the low R&D investment in remote sensing application though Korea had succeeded in developing series of earth observing satellites during the last decades. However, another series of earth observing satellites such as KOMPSAT 3, 3-A, 5 are going to be launched in the near future. And recent global warming issues stimulate both private and public sectors to make the most of satellite imagery information. Therefore, it is inevitable to promote the utilization of Korean satellite imagery information. In this study, we analyzed the demand and restrictions in exploitation of satellite imagery information in Korea through the online survey and interview. The results showed that the standardization of pre-processing, service of detailed technical information, fast and reliable image data delivery system are mostly required.

Estimating Fatigue Life of APD Electronic Equipment for Activation of a Spaceborne X-band 2-axis Antenna (2축 짐벌식 X-band 안테나 구동용 전장품 APD 제어보드의 피로수명 평가)

  • Jeon, Young-Hyeon;Oh, Hyun-Ung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • While a satellite is carried into orbit by a launch vehicle, it is exposed to the severe launch environment with random vibrations and shock. Accordingly, these vibration sources affect electronic equipment, particularly the printed circuit board (PCB) in the satellite. When the launch load impacts the PCB, it causes negative behavior. This causes perpendicular bending around the boundary of fixation points that finally leads to the failure of solder joints, lead wires, and PCB cracks. To overcome these issues, the electronic equipment design must meet reliability requirements. In this paper, Steinberg's method is used to derive allowable and maximum deflection to verify design from a life perspective concerning the control board of the Antenna Pointing Driver (APD) mounted on KOMPSAT-3.

The Analysis of Spectral characteristics of Water Quality Factors Uisng Airborne MSS Data (Airborne MSS 자료를 이용한 수질인자의 분광특성 분석)

  • Dong-Ho Jang;Gi-Ho Jo;Kwang-Hoon Chi
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.296-306
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    • 1998
  • Airborne MSS data is regarded as a potentially effective data source for the measurement of water quality and for the environmental change of water bodies. In this study, we measured the radiance reflectance by using multi-spectral image of low resolution camera(LRC) which will be reached in the multi-purpose satellite(KOMPSAT) to use the data in analyzing water pollution. We also investigated the possibility of extraction of water quality factors in water bodies by using high resolution remote sensing data such as Airborne MSS. Especially, we tried to extract environmental factors related with eutrophication such as chlorophyll-a, suspended sediments and turbidity, and also tried to develop the process technique and the radiance feature of reflectance related with eutrophication. Although it was difficult to explicitly correlate Airborne MSS data with water quality factors due to the insufficient number of ground truth data. The results were summarized as follows: First, the spectrum of sun's rays which reaches the surface of the earth was consistent with visible bands of 0.4${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$~0.7${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ and about 50% of total quantity of radiation could be found. The spectrum was reached highest at around 0.5${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ of green spectral band in visible bands. Second, as a result of the radiance reflectance Chlorophyll-a represented high mainly around 0.52${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ of green spectral band, and suspended sediments and turbidity represented high at 0.8${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ and at 0.57${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$, respectively. Finally, as a result of the water quality analysis by using Airborne MSS, Chlorophyll-a could have a distribution image after carrying out ratio of B3 and B5 to B7. Band 7 was useful for making the distribution image of suspended sediments. When we carried out PCA, suspended sediments and turbidity had distributions at PC 1 and PC 4 which are similar to the ground data. Above results can be changed according to the change of season and time. Therefore, in order to analyze the environmental factors of water quality by using LRC data more exactly, we need to investigate the ground data and the radiance feature of reflectance of water bodies constantly. For further studies, we will constantly analyze the radiance feature of the surface of water in wafter bodies by measuring the on-the-spot radiance reflectance and using low resolution satellite image(SeaWiFS). We will also gather the data of water quality analysis in water bodies and analyze the pattern of water pollution.

Space Weather Research using GPS Radio Occultation Soundings (GPS 전파엄폐 탐측자료의 우주기상 활용방안)

  • Shin, Dae-Yun;Manandhar, Dinesh;Lee, Jeong-Deok;Yi, Jong-Hyuk;Kim, Hae-Yeon;Lee, Yang-Won
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.14-22
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    • 2013
  • GPS radio occultation is a remote sensing technique probing atmospheric properties based on the fact that GPS signal is refracted and delayed by atmosphere. The FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission jointly developed by the USA and Taiwan is providing about 2500 occultation soundings a day on the near real-time basis. The Korean KOMPSAT-5/AOPOD system is preparing to launch for monitoring troposphere and ionosphere using a dual frequency GPS receiver and the antenna for occultation data acquisition. In this paper, we examine the methods for signal processing and the geometry analysis for GPS radio occultation, and look into the retrieval techniques for the temperature and humidity of troposphere and the electron density and scintillation of ionosphere. Using these atmospheric properties, we aim to derive the strategies for applying GPS radio occultation to space weather, for example, ionospheric TEC(total electron content) analysis for earthquake monitoring and the Open API(application programming interface) development for more effective data service.

Multi-Image RPCs Sensor Modeling of High-Resolution Satellite Images Without GCPs (고해상도 위성영상 무기준점 기반 다중영상 센서 모델링)

  • Oh, Jae Hong;Lee, Chang No
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 2021
  • High-resolution satellite images have high potential to acquire geospatial information over inaccessible areas such as Antarctica. Reference data are often required to increase the positional accuracy of the satellite data but the data are not available in many inland areas in Antarctica. Therefore this paper presents a multi-image RPCs (Rational Polynomial Coefficients) sensor modeling without any ground controls or reference data. Conjugate points between multi-images are extracted and used for the multi-image sensor modeling. The experiment was carried out for Kompsat-3A and showed that the significant accuracy increase was not observed but the approach has potential to suppress the maximum errors, especially the vertical errors.

Analysis of Vegetation Cover Fraction on Landsat OLI using NDVI (Landsat 8 OLI영상의 NDVI를 이용한 식생피복지수 분석)

  • Choi, Seokkeun;Lee, Soungki;Wang, Baio
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2014
  • The Vegetation cover is a significant factor to comprehend characteristics of the ground surface for meterological and hydrological models, which measure energy in the atmosphere or predict the runoff of ground surface. Deardorff introduced vegetation cover fraction to quantitatively comprehend the vegetation cover in 1978. After Deardorff, most of previous researches were conducted on low-resolution or high-resolution images, but only few researches on Landsat that are in medium-resolution images. Therefore, this study aims to investigate a way of calculating the vegetation cover fraction by using NDVI of Landsat images, which were hardly handled previously. For accurate vegetation cover fraction, we compared the evaluated parameters from this study with past vegetation cover fraction parameters that have been calculated for using NDVI of Landsat OLI images. The result of research was shown that NDVI is quite correlated with the vegetation fraction cover in the previous researches. In fact, RMSE of vegetation cover fraction values that obtained through the suggested parameters on this study showed the highest accuracy of 7.3% among all the cases.

Ground Contact Analysis for Korea's Fictitious Lunar Orbiter Mission

  • Song, Young-Joo;Ahn, Sang-Il;Choi, Su-Jin;Sim, Eun-Sup
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2013
  • In this research, the ground contact opportunity for the fictitious low lunar orbiter is analyzed to prepare for a future Korean lunar orbiter mission. The ground contact opportunity is basically derived from geometrical relations between the typical ground stations at the Earth, the relative positions of the Earth and Moon, and finally, the lunar orbiter itself. Both the cut-off angle and the orbiter's Line of Sight (LOS) conditions (weather orbiter is located at near or far side of the Moon seen from the Earth) are considered to determine the ground contact opportunities. Four KOMPSAT Ground Stations (KGSs) are assumed to be Korea's future Near Earth Networks (NENs) to support lunar missions, and world-wide separated Deep Space Networks (DSNs) are also included during the contact availability analysis. As a result, it is concluded that about 138 times of contact will be made between the orbiter and the Daejeon station during 27.3 days of prediction time span. If these contact times are converted into contact duration, the duration is found to be about 8.55 days, about 31.31% of 27.3 days. It is discovered that selected four KGSs cannot provide continuous tracking of the lunar orbiter, meaning that international collaboration is necessary to track Korea's future lunar orbiter effectively. Possible combinations of world-wide separated DSNs are also suggested to compensate for the lack of contact availability with only four KGSs, as with primary and backup station concepts. The provided algorithm can be easily modified to support any type of orbit around the Moon, and therefore, the presented results could aid further progress in the design field of Korea's lunar orbiter missions.

The Relationship Analysis between the Epicenter and Lineaments in the Odaesan Area using Satellite Images and Shaded Relief Maps (위성영상과 음영기복도를 이용한 오대산 지역 진앙의 위치와 선구조선의 관계 분석)

  • CHA, Sung-Eun;CHI, Kwang-Hoon;JO, Hyun-Woo;KIM, Eun-Ji;LEE, Woo-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the location of the epicenter of a medium-sized earthquake(magnitude 4.8) that occurred on January 20, 2007 in the Odaesan area with lineament features using a shaded relief map(1/25,000 scale) and satellite images from LANDSAT-8 and KOMPSAT-2. Previous studies have analyzed lineament features in tectonic settings primarily by examining two-dimensional satellite images and shaded relief maps. These methods, however, limit the application of the visual interpretation of relief features long considered as the major component of lineament extraction. To overcome some existing limitations of two-dimensional images, this study examined three-dimensional images, produced from a Digital Elevation Model and drainage network map, for lineament extraction. This approach reduces mapping errors introduced by visual interpretation. In addition, spline interpolation was conducted to produce density maps of lineament frequency, intersection, and length required to estimate the density of lineament at the epicenter of the earthquake. An algorithm was developed to compute the Value of the Relative Density(VRD) representing the relative density of lineament from the map. The VRD is the lineament density of each map grid divided by the maximum density value from the map. As such, it is a quantified value that indicates the concentration level of the lineament density across the area impacted by the earthquake. Using this algorithm, the VRD calculated at the earthquake epicenter using the lineament's frequency, intersection, and length density maps ranged from approximately 0.60(min) to 0.90(max). However, because there were differences in mapped images such as those for solar altitude and azimuth, the mean of VRD was used rather than those categorized by the images. The results show that the average frequency of VRD was approximately 0.85, which was 21% higher than the intersection and length of VRD, demonstrating the close relationship that exists between lineament and the epicenter. Therefore, it is concluded that the density map analysis described in this study, based on lineament extraction, is valid and can be used as a primary data analysis tool for earthquake research in the future.