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Correlation between Calving Interval and Lactation Curve Parameters in Korean Holstein Cows (우리나라 Holstein 경산우의 분만간격과 비유곡선모수와의 상관관계)

  • Won, Jeong Il;Dang, Chang Gwon;Im, Seok Ki;Lim, Hyun Joo;Yoon, Ho Baek
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2016
  • This study was aimed to identify the phenotypic relationships between calving interval and lactation curve parameters in Korean Holstein cow. The data of 36,505 lactation records was obtained from the Dairy Herd Improvement program run by Dairy Cattle Improvemnet Center of National Agricultural Federation of Korea. All lactation records were collectied from the multiparous cows calving between 2011 to 2013. The estimated lactation curves were drawn using Wood model based on actual milk yield records, and NLIN Procedure of SAS program (ver. 9.2). General linear multivariate models for calving interval, 305-d milk yield, lactation parameters(A, b, c), persistency, peak day, and peak yield included fixed effects of calving year-season (spring, summer, fall and winter) and parity(2, 3 and 4). For calving interval, 305-d milk yield, lactation parameters(A, b, c), persistency, peak day and peak yield, all two fixed effect(calving year-season, parity) were significant(p<0.05). The estimated lactation functions using Wood model for 2, 3, and 4 parity were yt=24.66t0.175e-0.00302t, yt=24.69t0.192e-0.00334t, and yt=24.22t0.200e-0.00341t, respectively. Phenotypic correlation (partial residual correlation) between calving interval and 305-d milk yield, A, b, c, persistency, peak day, and peak yield were 0.093, -0.014, 0.028, -0.046, 0.099, 0.085, and 0.052, respectively. To conclude, if calving interval increase then ascent to peak, persistency, peak day and peak yield are increase, and descent after peak is decrease. So, total 305-d milk yield is increase.

Study on the Trend of Aggregate Industry (국내외 골재산업 동향 연구)

  • Kwang-Seok Chea;Namin Koo;Young Geun Lee;Hee Moon Yang;Ki Hyung Park
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2023
  • Aggregate is used to produce stable materials like concrete and asphalt and is fundamental to meet the social needs of housing, industry, road, energy and health. A total of 42.35 billion tons of aggregate were produced in 2021 worldwide, an increase of 0.91% compared to the previous year. Among them, 2 billion tons were produced in China, India, European Union and United States, making up to 71.75% of the share. South Korea has witnessed a constant increase in aggregate production, overtaking Mexico and Japan for seventh place with 390 million tons and 0.85% of the share. The industrial sand and gravel produced globally amounted to 352.66 million tons. The top seven countries with the highest production were China, United States, Netherlands, Italy, India, Turkey and France, and their production exceeded 10 million tons and held a share of 74.69%. Exports of natural rock recorded $21.68 billion in 2021, increased by $2.3 billion compared to the previous year, while exports of artificial rock increased by $2.66 billion to $13.59 billion. Exports of sand reached $1.71 billion with United States, Netherlands, Germany and Belgium being the four countries with the highest exports of sand. The four countries exported more than $100 million in sand and took up 57.70% of the total amount. Exports of gravel totaled $2.75 billion, with China, Norway, Germany, Belgium, France and Austria in the lead, making up to 48.30% of the total share. The aggregate quarry started to surge in the 1950s due to the change in people's lifestyle such as population growth, urbanization and infrastructure delvelopment. Demand for aggregate is also skyrocketing to prevent land reclamation and flood caused by sea-level rise. Demand for aggregate, which was around 24 gigatons in 2011, is expected to double to 55 gigatons in 2060. However, it is likely that aggregate extraction will heavily damage the ecosystem and the world will eventually face a shortage of aggregate followed by tense social conflict.

A Study on Changes of Symptoms and Signs Diagnosised by Differentiation of the Pattern Identification in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients with Collaborative Treatment (한·양방 병행치료를 시행한급성기 뇌경색 환자에게 변증(辨證)별 평가항목 호전도에 대한 연구)

  • Lu, Hsu-yuan;Kim, Soo-kyung;Shim, So-ra;Kim, Hye-mi;Park, Joo-young;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Seong-uk;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Park, Jung-mi;Ko, Chang-nam;Cho, Ki-ho;Kim, Young-suk;Bae, Hyung-sup
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2011
  • Object : The purpose of this study is to observe the changes of symptoms and signs diagnosised by differentiation of the pattern identification in stroke patients. Methods : Seventy subjects were recruited from patients with stroke within ten days of onset. We chose twenty-nine subjects diagnosised as same differentiation of the pattern identification, and who had at least on follow up session. We had investigated change of symptoms and signs diagnosised by differentiation of the pattern identification. Results : There were five symptoms and signs (thick fur, dry fur, difficult defecation, heat vexation and aversion to heat, normal pulse) and ten (heavy-headedness, frequency of defecation, hard defecation, feel heavy, slippery pulsem, dry mouth, bitter taste in the mouth, feel lazy, look lazy) symptoms and signs that were statistically significant improved in fire-heat patterns and dampness-phlegm pattern, respectively. Conclusions : This study provides evidence that collaborative treatment is effective in improving some symptoms and signs in acute ischemic stroke patients diagnosised by fire-heat pattern and dampness-phlegm pattern. Further studies with larger scale, longer observation period would be required.

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Clinical Study of The Motricity Index and Symptoms and signs in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients on East-West Collaborative Treatment : A Pilot Study (한·양방 병행치료를 시행한 급성기 뇌경색 환자의 운동 기능과 임상 증상 및 증후의 호전도에 관한 연구 : 예비연구)

  • Kim, Min-kyung;Shim, So-ra;Kim, Soo-kyung;Kim, Na-hee;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Joo-young;Park, Seong-uk;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Park, Jung-mi;Cho, Ki-ho;Kim, Young-suk;Bae, Hyung-sup;Ko, Chang-nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2011
  • Objective : Stroke is the most common disabling neurological disease of adult life. And some part of the clinical symptoms and signs are correlated to the post stroke complication. This study was to analyze the therapeutic effect of the East-West collaborative treatment, especially on the motor power and the clinical symptoms and signs improvement of ischemic stroke patients. Method : For 2 weeks as possible, we observed the patients with acute ischemic stroke receiving East-West collaborative treatment. We assessed the patients using Motricity Index (MI) and the changes of clinical symptoms and signs three times at seven-day intervals. At the end of the study, we compared the results. Result : Motricity Index of patients changed from 71.55 to 76.03 (upper limb) and 73.05 to 79.42 (lower limb), respectively. Some items of clinical symptoms and signs showed the statistically significant result. Especially, the urination and defecation symptoms improved obviously. Conclusion : The East-West collaborative treatment has an effect on motor power and clinical symptoms and signs improvement of acute ischemic stroke patients.

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The Diagnostic Accordance between Transcranial Doppler and MR Angiography in the Intracranial Artery Stenosis (두개강내 혈관 협착에 대한 경두개도플러와 자기공명 혈관조영술의 일치도 평가)

  • Moon, Sang-kwan;Jung, Woo-sang;Park, Sung-uk;Park, Jung-mee;Ko, Chang-nam;Cho, Ki-ho;Bae, Hyung-sup;Kim, Young-suk;Cho, Seong-il
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : Transcranial Doppler (TCD) has been reported to be established as useful in detecting spasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage and to be probably useful in diagnosing stenosis or occlusion in intracranial arteries. In the detection of intracranial stenosis using TCD there have been reported some kinds of diagnostic criteria. This study was aimed to evaluate the accordance between TCD and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in detection of intracranial stenosis and to find out more accurate criteria for intracranial stenosis using TCD. Methods : Seventy-six stroke patients were evaluated by TCD and MRA. TCD criteria for middle cerebral artery (MCA) stenosis were used by 3 methods; ≥ 80cm/sec of mean velocity(Vm), ≥ 140 cm/sec of systolic velocity(Vs), and both. For stenosis of vertebral(VA) and basilar arteries(BA), the TCD criteria followed by 2 methods; ≥ 70 cm/sec of Vm and ≥ 100 cm/sec of Vs. The stenosis of intracranial artery in MRA followed by the interpretation of specialist in the department of radiology. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, diagnostic accuracy and kappa agreement were calculated in each criteria of TCD compared with the result of MRA. Results : The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, diagnostic accuracy and kappa agreement using ≥ 80cm/sec of Vm for MCA stenosis were 55.6%, 81%, 34.5%, 91.0%, 77.1%, and 0.293, respectively. Using 140 cm/sec of Vs, those were 44.4%, 92.0%, 50.5%, 90.2%, 84.7%, 0.380, and using both criteria those were 44.4%, 95.0%, 61.5%, 90.5%, 87.3%, 0.445, respectively. Those using ≥ 70 cm/sec of Vm for VA and BA stenosis were 71.4%, 93.7%, 26.3%, 99.0%, 93.0%, 0.186 and using ≥ 100 cm/sec of Vs those were 71.4%, 97.3%, 45.5%, 99.1%, 96.5%, 0.539, respectively. Conclusion : These results suggested that for the diagnosis of MCA stenosis using TCD we should use the criteria of both ≥ 80cm/sec of Vm and 140 cm/sec of Vs, and for the VA and BA stenosis we adapt the criteria of ≥ 70 cm/sec of Vm.

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The Comparison on the General Characteristics of Acute Stroke Patient between Heat pattern group and Cold pattern group (한열변증에 따른 중풍 환자의 제반특성 비교)

  • Kim, Min-kyung;Lee, ln-whan;Shin, Ae-sook;Kim, Na-hee;Kim, Hye-mi;Shim, So-ra;Na, Byung-Jo;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Seong-uk;Jung, Woo Sang;Moon, Sang Kwan;Park, Jung-mi;Ko, Chang-nam;Cho, Ki Ho;Kim, Young Suk;Bae, Hyung-sup
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2010
  • Object : This study was conducted as part of the national project to standardize stroke diagnosis in Korean medicine. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the characteristics of acute stroke between heat pattern group and cold pattern group. Methods : We recruited stroke patients from 5 universities(Kyung-Hee University oriental medical center, Kyung-Hee University East-West Neo medical center, Kyungwon university lncheon oriental medical center, Kyungwon university Songpa oriental medical center and DongGuk university llsan oriental medical center) from April, 2007 until February, 2010. We diagnosed them and selected 463 heat pattern patients and 182 cold pattern patients. Results : We find that the risk factor of smoking, alcohol, diet(prefer to meat) are more associated with the heat pattern group. On the other hand, inflammation history in recent 3 months and diet(prefer to sea food) are more associated with the cold pattern group. RBC, Hg, Hct, TG, CK and Cl are more related to the heat pattern group. CPT, total cholesterol and HDL are more related to the cold pattern group. Tae-eum type takes high distribution of the heat pattern group, and So-eum type takes high distribution of the cold pattern group. Conclusions : This study provides evidence that the heat pattern group have more risk factor than the cold pattern group.

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The Study about the Changes of the Fire and Heat Related Symptoms and Signs On the Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients. (급성기 뇌경색 환자에서 화열 관련 증상과 증후의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-hyuk;Park, Su-kyung;Woo, Su-kyung;Lee, Eun-chan;Park, Joo-young;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Cho, Ki-ho;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Sung-wook;Ko, Chang-nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2011
  • Objective : Fire and heat related symptoms and signs are considered common in acute stage of diseases. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the occurrences and changes of fire and heat related symptoms and signs in acute cerebral infarction patients. Method & subjects : 40 acute cerebral infarction patients hospitalized in Oriental medicine hospital, Kyung-Hee University, who had examined and diagnosed 2 or 3 times based on oriental medical diagnosis were selected. We chose 23 as fire and heat related symptoms and signs from 94 diagnostic articles, and we added all those scores together of each patient. We analysed the scores of fire and heat related symptoms and signs as the time passed, and depending on oriental medical diagnosis. Result : In acute cerebral infarction patients of this study, 4 of fire and heat related symptoms and signs were took 1st, 2nd, 4th and 8th places in most changeable 10 articles of total 94 articles. The mean score of fire and heat related symptoms and signs of all patients were decreased significantly over the 3 times of measurements. The 8 patients diagnosed as fire and heat diagnosis at visit1 were samely diagnosed as fire and heat diagnosis at visit2, and at visit3 5 patients of them except for 3 patients excluded between visit2 and visit3, were still diagnosed as fire and heat diagnosis. At all of 3 measuring times, the scores of fire and heat related symptoms and signs of fire and heat diagnosis group were higher than non-fire and heat diagnosis group. Conclusion : This study indicated that fire and heat related symptoms and signs were very changeable phenomenon in acute cerebral infarction patients. And they decreased as time goes on.

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Distributional Characteristics of the Population and Assessment of the Conservation Status of Michelia Compressa on Korea (국내 초령목 개체군의 분포특성과 보전지위평가)

  • Jong-Gab Kim;Dae-Shin Kim;Su-Kyoung Kim;Hyun-Mi Jeong;Young-Ki Song;Sung-Won Son;Jung-Goon Koh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.182-191
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    • 2023
  • This study was carried out to identify the distribution and growth characteristics and evaluate the conservation status of the Michelia compressa Maxim., a rare and endangered wild plant II, in the habitats in Korea. A total of 314 individuals were found in the natural habitats of Heuksan Island and Jeju Island and were divided into four populations. About 45.9% (144 individuals) were distributed in the range of 401m~500m above sea level. The average height of trees was 2.7(±4.8)m, the diameter at breast height was 12.6(±13.9)cm, and the number of branches was 1.0(±0.5) on average. 54.3% of the sapling individuals of M. compressa were distributed within a radius of 30 m from the mother tree, 25.8% were distributed between 31 m through 40 m, and most (90.1%) were distributed within a radius of 60 m. The fact that sapling individuals of M. compressa are not identified even around some mature individuals and appear only in extremely limited areas is estimated to be closely related to the growth conditions as well as the environment of the natural habitats. The dispersal of M. compressa is presumed to be related to the birds and natural seedlings because water puddles, a resting place for birds beyond the range of natural seedlings, characterize its habitats. The IUCN Red List evaluation criteria at the regional and national level of M. compressa corresponds to the Critically Endangered category, and the domestic population under the category of "CR B2ab(v); C2a(i); D."

A study on performance evaluation of fiber reinforced concrete using PET fiber reinforcement (PET 섬유 보강재를 사용한 섬유 보강 콘크리트의 성능 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Ri-On Oh;Yong-Sun Ryu;Chan-Gi Park;Sung-Ki Park
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.261-283
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to review the performance stability of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) fiber reinforcing materials among the synthetic fiber types for which the application of performance reinforcing materials to fiber-reinforced concrete is being reviewed by examining short-term and long-term performance changes. To this end, the residual performance was analyzed after exposing the PET fiber to an acid/alkali environment, and the flexural strength and equivalent flexural strength of the PET fiber-reinforced concrete mixture by age were analyzed, and the surface of the PET fiber collected from the concrete specimen was examined using a scanning microscope (SEM). The changes in were analyzed. As a result of the acid/alkali environment exposure test of PET fiber, the strength retention rate was 83.4~96.4% in acidic environment and 42.4~97.9% in alkaline environment. It was confirmed that the strength retention rate of the fiber itself significantly decreased when exposed to high-temperature strong alkali conditions, and the strength retention rate increased in the finished yarn coated with epoxy. In the test results of the flexural strength and equivalent flexural strength of the PET fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, no reduction in flexural strength was found, and the equivalent flexural strength result also did not show any degradation in performance as a fiber reinforcement. Even in the SEM analysis results, no surface damage or cross-sectional change of the PET reinforcing fibers was observed. These results mean that no damage or cross-section reduction of PET reinforcing fibers occurs in cement concrete environments even when fiber-reinforced concrete is exposed to high temperatures in the early stage or depending on age, and the strength of PET fibers decreases in cement concrete environments. The impact is judged to be of no concern. As the flexural strength and equivalent flexural strength according to age were also stably expressed, it could be seen that performance degradation due to hydrolysis, which is a concern due to the use of PET fiber reinforcing materials, did not occur, and it was confirmed that stable residual strength retention characteristics were exhibited.

Dynamic response of segment lining due to train-induced vibration (세그먼트 라이닝의 열차 진동하중에 대한 동적 응답특성)

  • Gyeong-Ju Yi;Ki-Il Song
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.305-330
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    • 2023
  • Unlike NATM tunnels, Shield TBM tunnels have split linings. Therefore, the stress distribution of the lining is different even if the lining is under the same load. Representative methods for analyzing the stress generated in lining in Shield TBM tunnels include Non-joint Mode that does not consider connections and a 2-ring beam-spring model that considers ring-to-ring joints and segment connections. This study is an analysis method by Break-joint Mode. However, we do not consider the structural role of segment lining connections. The effectiveness of the modeling is verified by analyzing behavioral characteristics against vibration loads by modeling with segment connection interfaces to which vertical stiffness and shear stiffness, which are friction components, are applied. Unlike the Non-joint mode, where the greatest stress occurs on the crown for static loads such as earth pressure, the stress distribution caused by contact between segment lining and friction stiffness produced the smallest stress in the crown key segment where segment connections were concentrated. The stress distribution was clearly distinguished based on segment connections. The results of static analysis by earth pressure, etc., produced up to seven times the stress generated in Non-joint mode compared to the stress generated by Break-joint Mode. This result is consistent with the stress distribution pattern of the 2-ring beam-spring model. However, as for the stress value for the train vibration load, the stress of Break-joint Mode was greater than that of Non-joint mode. This is a different result from the static mechanics concept that a segment ring consisting of a combination of short members is integrated in the circumferential direction, resulting in a smaller stress than Non-joint mode with a relatively longer member length.