• Title/Summary/Keyword: Job environment

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The Effect of Dietitian종s Leadership on the Job Satisfaction of Employees in Foodservice Organizations (영양사의 리더십과 조리종사원의 직무만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Chun, Soon-Sil;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.1646-1652
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    • 2004
  • This study is to help management of foodservices with the means of preparing a favorable food service environment which will likely improve employees' job satisfaction and present the plans for Quality leadership which are capable of effectively improving the aims of food service. Transformational leadership (4.08) that includes charisma (4.12), intellectual stimulation (4.12) and individual consideration (4.01) was more strongly observed by employees than transactional leadership (3.35) that includes contingent reward (3.99) and management by exception (2.70). According to employees' age, it was shown that individuals over 40 observed transformational leadership significantly more frequently than those below 30. When considering academic background, both transformational leadership and transactional leadership were more strongly observed in the group of lower education. When the type of employment was considered, contract workers showed higher individual consideration and contingent reward than regular workers. Also, when the consideration of working places was taken into account, employees who were employed by schools presented a stronger observance of transactional leadership than employees in industrial cooperation or hospitals. Employees, especially in schools, were more receptive to dietitians' contingent reward than hospital employees. Regarding age, dietitians below the age of 40 had stronger transformational leadership skills, but there was no significant difference in the case of transactional leadership. According to these items of leadership, dietitians over 40 felt stronger in management without exception. Relationship with co-workers was the highest among job satisfaction (3.84), coworkers (4.00), stability (3.60), autonomy (3.76). In the collective food service organization, there was a positive correlation between management expectations and the expectations of the dietitians' management styles and employees' job satisfaction.

Predictive Factors of Health promotion behaviors of Industrial Shift Workers (산업장 교대근무 근로자의 건강증진행위 예측요인)

  • Kim, Young-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2002
  • Industrial shift workers feels suffer mental stresses which are caused by unfamiliar day sleep, noisy environment, sleeping disorder by bright light, unusual contacts with family, difficulty in meeting with friends or having formal social meetings and other social limitations such as the use of transportation. Such stresses influence health of the workers negatively. Thus the health promotion policy for shift workers should be made considering the workers' ways of living and shift work specially. This study attempted to provide basic information for development of the health promotion program for industrial shift workers by examining predictive factors influencing health promotion behaviors of those workers. In designing the study, three power generation plants located in Pusan and south Kyungsang province were randomly selected and therefrom 280 workers at central control, boiler and turbine rooms and environmental chemistry parts whose processes require shift works were sampled as subjects of the study. Data were collected two times from September 17 to October 8, 1999 using questionnaires with helps of safety and health managers of the plants. The questionnaires were distributed through mails or direct visits. Means for the study included the measurement tool of health promotion behavior provided by Park(1995), the tool of self-efficacy measurement by Suh(1995), the tool of internal locus of control measurement by Oh(1987), the measurement tool of perceived health state by Park(1995) and the tool of social support measurement by Paek(1995). The collected data were analyzed using SPSS program. Controlling factors of the subjects were evaluated in terms of frequency and percentage ratio Perceived factors and health promotion behaviors of the subjects were done so in terms of mean and standard deviation, and average mark and standard deviation, respectively. Relations between controlling and perceived factors were analyzed using t-test and ANOVA and those between perceived factors and the performance of health promotion behaviors, using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The performance of health promotion behaviors was tested using t-test, ANOVA and post multi-comparison (Scheffe test). Predictive factors of health promotion behavior were examined through the Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. Results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. The performance of health promotion behaviors by the subjects was evaluated as having the value of mean, $161.27{\pm}26.73$ points(min.:60, max.:240) and average mark, $2.68{\pm}0.44$ points(min.:1, max.:4). When the performance was analyzed according to related aspects, it showed the highest level in harmonious relation with average mark, $3.15{\pm}.56$ points, followed by hygienic life($3.03{\pm}.55$), self-realization ($2.84{\pm}.55$), emotional support($2.73{\pm}.61$), regular meals($2.71{\pm}.76$), self-control($2.62{\pm}.63$), health diet($2.62{\pm}.56$), rest and sleep($2.60{\pm}.59$), exercise and activity($2.53{\pm}.57$), diet control($2.52{\pm}.56$) and special health management($2.06{\pm}.65$). 2. In relations between perceived factors of the subjects(self-efficacy, internal locus of control, perceived health state) and the performance of health promotion behaviors, the performance was found having significantly pure relations with self-efficacy (r=.524, P=.000), internal locus of control (r=.225, P=.000) and perceived health state(r=.244, P=.000). The higher each evaluated point of the three factors was, the higher the performance was in level. 3. When relations between the controlling factors(demography-based social, health-related, job-related and human relations characteristics) and the performance of health promotion behaviors were analyzed, the performance showed significant differences according to marital status (t=2.09, P= .03), religion(F=3.93, P= .00) and participation in religious activities (F=8.10, P= .00) out of demography-based characteristics, medical examination results (F=7.20, P= .00) and methods of the collection of health knowledge and information(F=3.41, P= .01) and methods of desired health education(F=3.41, P= .01) out of health-related characteristics, detrimental factors perception(F=4.49, P= .01) and job satisfaction(F=8.41, P= .00) out of job-related characteristics and social support(F=14.69, P= .00) out of human relations characteristics. 4. The factor which is a variable predicting best the performance of health promotion behaviors by the subjects was the self-efficacy accounting for 27.4% of the prediction, followed by participation in religious activities, social support, job satisfaction, received health state and internal locus of control in order all of which totally account for 41.0%. In conclusion, the predictive factor which most influence the performance of health promotion behaviors by shift workers was self-efficacy. To promote the sense, therefore, it is necessary to develop the nursing intervention program considering predictive factors as variables identified in this study. Further industrial nurses should play their roles actively to help shift workers increase their capability of self-management of health.

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Occupational Stress of Hospital Workers (병원종사자의 직업성 스트레스에 관한 연구 - 서울시내 500병상 이상 병원종사자를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Cheon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-33
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this thesis is to study theoretical access to the methods that have been used for the research of occupational stress, thereby providing management methods of occupational stress of hospital workers. With a stress model of hospital workers set up from the viewpoint of organization management, 929 sets of questionnaires were collected from intern doctors, resident doctors, nurses, nursing aides, pharmacists, medical technicians, workers in patient affairs(reception and medical insurance workers), administrators and clerks from the 8 hospitals in Seoul with more than 500 beds. Upon variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis of the collected questionnaires, this work examined how differences in stress caused by specific occupations and formulated a method of stress management for the hospital workers. The results are as follows. 1) If some duties of the nurses suffering from role-overloaded stress are transferred to the nursing aides dissatisfied with insufficient role, the two grunting groups can be satisfied at the same time. It is also necessary to transfer some jobs of the overloaded workers in patient affairs to the administrators, or the other way around. To reduce stress of conflict and ambiguity of role caused by the obscure division of roles between the workers, the role of each occupation should be delineated and the clear division of roles should be translated into action strictly according to that delineated. 2) Stress of inefficiency of organization from which the student doctors suffer can be relieved by management of participation. If they have access to the process of decision-making in general hospital affairs and consequently their understanding and the autonomy of job performance are promoted, such stress will be reduced. 3) To cope with stress of career development from which nurses, medical technicians, administrators, workers in patient affairs suffer, it is necessary to establish whether they have a chance to revive their careers, whether there are any ways of remotivation for less contributive workers, and whether they encourage each other to develope their careers. If they are given a chance to develope their careers, such stress will be relieved. 4) Pharmacists, suffering from stresses of living and personal relations, have strong cohesive power among themselves and organize a well-integrated team; thereby reducing the stress of personal relations and increasing productivity. 5) For administrators and student doctors confined to lesser social supports and for nurses and workers in patient affairs whose recognition of stress and job satisfaction are affected by social supports, emotional and informational supports for job performance help alleviate an individual's mental, and physical stress. 6) In addition to the above-mentioned stress-management methods, if an organizational coping strategy is provided according to the types of stress from the general viewpoint of the whole group of hospital workers, it would be of great help to managing stress. For example, the redesign of jobs, the management of objective, the improvement of working environment, the formation of an autonomous working group and various working plans can be set up for those who suffer from stress related to inappropriate role, while career counseling and development of career process can be provided for those dissatisfied with career development. Participation in the process of decision-making and the restructuring of the organization are needed for those who suffer from stress of malfunctioning organization, whereas creation of a supportive organizational atmosphere is desired for those who feel stressed due to personal relations. As well, such organizational coping strategies. as the increase of welfare facilities, seminars and educational programs and provision of health-promotion facilities can be provided.

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Effects of Entrepreneurial Competencies on Entrepreneurial Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: Moderator Effect of Person-Job Fit (창업가역량이 창업만족도와 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 직무적합도의 조절효과 검증)

  • Lee, Sung Ho;Nam, Jung Min
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2021
  • Due to the continuous unemployment problem, the number of jobs is gradually decreasing, and entrepreneurship is emerging as an alternative. This is because, despite the government operating various start-up support programs to build a start-up-friendly culture, young entrepreneurs cannot endure the valley of death and disappear. Therefore, through this study, we intend to provide implications by analyzing the impact on Entrepreneurial satisfaction, which is essential for continuously running a business, and life satisfaction, which can act as a social awareness. This study was conducted with 573 non-wage workers who belonged to the founders among the participants of the 'College Graduation Occupational Migration Path Survey(GOMS)' survey provided by the Korea Employment Information Service. In order to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial competency and job fit, Entrepreneurial satisfaction, and life satisfaction, the analysis was conducted using the SPSS 23.0 program. The main research results are summarized as follows. First, entrepreneurial competency has a positive effect on Entrepreneurial satisfaction and life satisfaction. Second, job fit indicates a moderating role in the relationship between entrepreneurial competency and Entrepreneurial satisfaction. Third, start-up satisfaction appears to have a partial mediating role in the relationship between entrepreneurial competency and life satisfaction. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the difference between groups according to the type of start-up(single/partnership), the group that worked together showed higher Entrepreneurial satisfaction and life satisfaction. The main implications of this study are: First, in order to increase the Entrepreneurial satisfaction and life satisfaction of university graduates who are the subject of the study, it will be necessary to design a program that can diagnose and enhance the entrepreneurial competency of students at the university level. Second, entrepreneurial competency is a basic intrinsic factor that founders must have, and it should act as an important evaluation factor when selecting founders for support programs from start-up support organizations as well as founders. Third, it is necessary to maintain mutual trust by documenting problems (positions, wages, management rights, distribution of profits, etc.) that may occur in joint ventures with objective data. Fourth, it is necessary to establish an environment in which the MZ generation, armed with the challenging spirit and creativity, can continue to take on challenges even if they fail.

The Direction of Job Policy Development for Korean Golf Professionals (한국 골프전문인력의 일자리 정책 발전방안)

  • Cho, Jung-Soon;Suh, Ah-Ram
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to provide adequate datas on number of people who are in golf related field and also further expend that number for golf industry. The main stream of this study is to map out present golf related jobs and how this study can help golf industry in general. To make a greater improvements on golf industry with more job opportunity following ideas were presented. First, improving education on "hand on experiences on the field of golf industry" Better educating potential employees for golf industry for the right positions can enhance overall work environment. To do so, the society and the schools must come to agreement to provide adequate curriculum for people. Second, implementing "a golf club division program." The support from Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism Department, which are govern by Republic of Korea, are aggressively working to expend the golf business and also recruit elite personnel like former tour players to work on the field to better operate the whole system. Third, performing a thorough research on current golf related jobs and numbers and diversity on the field. Fourth, developing a specific and a differentiated golf job fields for better future for people and students who majored in golf industry. So that they cam feel secured and have a sense of dignity. Finally, strengthening the golf industry's competitiveness. The golf related companies have to step up to higher gear. With working in harmony between golf industry and government can assure of brighter future for our next generation.

A Study on Health-related PSR Model using Korean Working Conditions Survey Data (PSR 모델을 적용한 근로환경조사 지표 개발)

  • Kim, Youngsun;Jo, Jinnam
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.1243-1255
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    • 2014
  • This study is aimed at developing an index and indicator in the light of social factors by analyzing the basic materials on Korean working conditions survey to make it possible to grasp various working environment factors consequent on business type and to judge the industrial safety & health policy of the related area. For the purpose of developing an index, this study was conducted by benchmarking the OECD-suggested index development guidelines and overseas cases of index development. This study suggested indexes related to health by benchmarking OECD's press-state-response model. The press-state health-related indexes specified in Korean working condtions survey were found to consist of physical risk environment, working hours, business environment, and social environment, and its consequent 'state' items were comprised of mental health, physical health, absence from work due to health problems and work satisfaction as health-related items. As a result, it was found that the 'press-state index' for wage worker, regular employee, manager, clerks, expert & related personnel involved, and workers aged under 50 was relatively good; in contrast, the 'press-state index' for people aged over 50, owner-operator, daily job, skilled position in agriculture & fisheries, simple labor service, and apparatus & machines assembly worker was found to be relatively vulnerable.

Community Health Promotion Program for Vulnerable Women (취약계층 여성의 건강증진 방안)

  • Jeon, Gyeong-Suk;Lee, Seon-Ja;Lee, Hyo-Young;Hong, Bo-Kyung;Kim, Bo-Ram;Jang, Soong-Nang
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2007
  • There are little program and services that have been developed to address the health and health care needs of vulnerable women. The access for their timely and appropriate health care and health promotion services have been a increasing concern. The purpose of this study was to suggest health promotion program for vulnerable women with collaboration of women's NGOs. At the first part of this study, we reviewed a conceptual framework for identifying vulnerable population, and issues regarding health problems, unmet needs, policies and programs that have been developed to address their need. In second part, we focused on investigating the role, subjects and activities of women's NGOs and their capacity for health promotion program. The last part of this study proposed health promotion programme with integrating above two parts of study. In describing what type of health promotion program available in women's NCOs, eight major programs and services were summarized. 1. Direct health promotion program and collaborating program with other services. 2. Education and training for empowerment of vulnerable women 3. Organizing mutual support system such as self-help group 4. Community supports. Vulnerable women living at home may benefit from linkage to community services as much as women living in facility 5. Organizing collaboration system with program for economic support and job training, social rehabilitation 6. Trainer's training for practitioners in NGOs 7. Technical, informational support from professional groups 8. A national coordinating policies for vulnerable population should be established at the central level. National support for NGOs' health promotion program are needed hi solving unmet needs of vulnerable women.

Exposure Assessment for Toxic Hepatitis Caused by HCFC-123

  • Kim, Ki-Woong;Park, Hae Dong;Jang, Konghwa;Ro, Jiwon
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.356-359
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    • 2018
  • This case report attempts to present a case of acute toxic hepatitis in fire extinguisher manufacturing workers exposed to 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-ethane (HCFC-123) in August 2017 in Korea. Twenty-two-year-old male workers were exposed to HCFC-123 for 1.5 hours one day and for 2.5 hours the other day, after which one worker died, and the other recovered after treatment. The workers were diagnosed with acute toxicity of hepatitis. However, exposure levels of HCFC-123 were not known with no work environment measurement done. Therefore, this study was conducted to estimate the exposure concentration of HCFC-123 via a job simulation experiment. In the simulation, the HCFC-123 exposure concentration was measured with the same working practice and working time as with the workers aforementioned. As a result, the workers who infused HCFC-123 into storage tanks were estimated to be exposed to HCFC-123 at a concentration of $20.65{\pm}10.81ppm$, and a mean concentration of area samples within a working radius were estimated as $70.30{\pm}18.10ppm$. Valve assembly workers working on valves of a fire extinguisher filled with HCFC-123 were exposed to HCFC-123 at concentrations of $91.65{\pm}4.03ppm$ and $115.55{\pm}7.28ppm$, respectively, in the simulation, and area samples simulated within the working radius were also found to be high with concentrations of $122.75{\pm}91.15ppm$ and $126.80{\pm}60.25ppm$, respectively. Nitrogen gas packing workers, who did not handle HCFC-123 directly, were exposed to the agent at a concentration of $71.80{\pm}8.49ppm$. These results suggest that exposure to HCFC-123 at high concentrations for 1.5-2.5 hours caused acute toxic hepatitis in two workers.

Developing a Scale for Measuring the Constraints in Physical Activity of People with Physical Disabilities - Verification of Factor Structure and Related Criterion Validity - (지체장애인의 운동참여제약 측정척도 개발 -요인구조 탐색과 준거관련타당도 검증-)

  • Seo, Eunchul;Baek, Jae keun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.253-277
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the Constraints in Physical Activity Scale for people with physical Disabilities(CPASD) which measures the constraints in physical activity of people with physical disabilities. For this study, the 5 step analytic framework of unified validity developed by Messick (1995), the framework for conducting a strong program of construct validation by Benson (1998) method were applied. Furthermore, the validity of CPASD was systematically presented by applying common factor model and measurement model to 264 persons with physical disabilities. The conclusion based on the results and discussions of this study is as follows. First, CPASD presented evidence of job validity. Four factors (17 items) were developed, consisting of leader constraints, economic constraints, prejudice, and exercise environment constraints through the analysis of the factor structure and the fit of factor coefficients. Second, the factor structure of the developed CPASD (leader constraint, economic constraint, prejudice, exercise environment constraint) was statistically distinguished and stably reflected the existing exercise participation constraints theory. Third, the developed CPASD presented evidence of the validity of the criteria. Leader constraints and prejudice were negatively correlated with positive motor emotions, leader constraints, prejudice, and exercise environment constraints were positively correlated with negative motor emotions. Therefore, in future research, it is necessary to reevaluate the current system and actual condition related to leader constraints, economic constraints, prejudices, and exercise environment constraints derived as factors of CPASD. To do this, it is necessary to judge the degree of reality based on the causal relationship verification and IRT theory using CPASD.

Effects of a supportive workplace environment on the success rate for smoking cessation camp

  • Woojin Kim;A Ram Kim;Minsu Ock;Young-Jee Jeon;Heun Lee;Daehwan Kim;Minjun Kim;Cheolin Yoo
    • Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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    • v.35
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    • pp.48.1-48.13
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study was conducted to identify the success rate for smoking cessation over time after participation in a therapeutic smoking cessation camp, and to identify how participant characteristics, including a supportive workplace environment for smoking cessation (SWESC), affect the success rate for smoking cessation. Methods: In all, 296 participants at smoking cessation camps in Ulsan between 2015 and 2020 were investigated. The success rates of smoking cessation after weeks 4, 6, 12, and 24 at camp were investigated. The participants were grouped as workers with an SWESC, and workers without an SWESC, and variables (age, education, household income, marital status, drinking, exercise, body mass index, morbidity, job, number of counseling sessions, cigarettes smoked per day and smoking initiation age) were investigated. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted at each time point. In addition, Cox regression analysis was performed to evaluate the variables affecting the success rate for smoking cessation over time. Results: The smoking cessation success rate of workers with an SWESC at week 24 (90.7%) was higher than that for workers without an SWESC (60.5%). Multiple logistic regression was performed to determine the relationship between each variable and the success rates for smoking cessation at week 6, 12, and 24. SWESC was confirmed as significant (p < 0.05) variables for increased success rate for smoking cessation at all 3 time points. After adjusting for all variables, the Cox proportional hazards survival analysis showed a hazard ratio of 6.17 for SWESC (p < 0.001,; 95% confidence interval: 3.08-12.38). Conclusions: At a professional treatment smoking cessation camp, participants with an SWESC showed a significantly higher success rate for smoking cessation. Supportive workplace environment for workers' health is expected to be an important factor for smoking cessation projects as well as other health promotion projects at workplace.