• Title/Summary/Keyword: Jeonja

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A Study on the Housing Type and Space Extension of the Traditional Houses in Samcheok Region (삼척지역 농촌재래주택의 주거유형과 공간확장에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jang-Soon;Kim, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the residential space composition and extension of Jeonja-jip and Dureong-jip in Samcheok region. The results of this study are as follows. It appears three residential plan types - Jeonja-jip with Anmaru(a room made of wooden floor), Jeonja-jip without Anmaru and Dureong-jip with Anmaru- in survey region. It was needed the extension of residential space at Jeonja-jip(a house type with two-row rooms which be composed of 田type under one roof) and Dureong-jip(a house type with inner floor which be surrounded by rooms under one roof) because of shortage of sleeping space, working space and keeping space owing to growing large family. The solutions of these shortages will be the extension of space in houses. Jeonja-jip's basic type which is the Kyup-Jip(a house type with two-row rooms under one roof) of 一 type with 6 Kans(Kan, a unit to count room to divided with four posts) is transformed and extended to 田shaped house with 11 Kans toward X-axis orientation. Dureong-Jip's basic type which is ㄱ type with 7 Kans is transformed and extended to the Sekyup-Jip with 9 Kans and the Nekyup-Jip(a house type with four-row rooms under one roof) with 12 Kans toward Y-axis orientation by insertion and addition. Jeonja-jip was developed into Kyup-Jip with front 4 or 5 Kans and side 2 Kans instead of being done into Sekyup-jip or Nekyup-Jip with insufficient day lighting and ventilation problems. Jeonja-jip and Dureong-jip were stronger than any other traditional houses in tendency to reserve Magu(cowshed) and Chikkan(toilet) in a house.

Benefit-Cost Analysis for Developing Jeongja Port in Ulsan (울산지역 어항개발의 경제성 평가 - 정자항을중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-Yong
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.63-85
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study is to review the methodology of economic analysis of fishing ports by examining the economical feasibilities of a national fishing port (Jeongja Port) in Ulsan. This study utilized market value evaluation method to measure the benefits and costs related to the development of ports. The benefit variables are income effects resulting from the developments while the cost variables are sum of construction costs and maintenance costs. The income effects are measured in two ways: (1) income from individual project resulting from the developments, (2) the income effects by utilizing investment multipliers. The results shows that the BC ratio (Benefits/Costs) of Jeongja port by using (1) income from individual project resulting from the developments was 1.07 while the BC ratio by using (2) the income effects by utilizing investment multipliers was 1.10 due to a relative short period of useful life for investment multipliers. However, the income variable utilizing investment multipliers is more sensitive to the period of duration than the income variable from individual project.

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A Study on Common Spaces and Building Landscape with Sharing according to Village Lane Pattern (마을길에 따른 공유공간과 경관형성에 관한 연구)

  • Chong, Geon-Chai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to know how to make common space, find a type of it, and build a village landscape with it in countryside. There are five types of village including suburban according to typological locality in rural area. Each of them have remarkable common spaces that are combined with community identity and usage. They usually are located along with the street and lane of the village. Most of the villages I surveyed have common places for residents to rest, share, and meet together. Representatively, pavilion with symbolic tree we call Jeonja is very popular place to them, and village people also require public parking or pocket park in their modern life. I researched common places in ten communities in rural area so that I can suggest a way of community design through them. According to this research, there are three results. First, the common space of the village is placed to motivate emotional and attractive community design in the village. Second, the common space has an identity and landscape architectural relationship to build sustainable community. Third, countries' streets that I surveyed have four types, which are liner, tree, loop, and radiate patterns of lane. In line with those types, each one makes different and historical community landscape.

A Study on Headdresses for Ceremony in the Latter Period of Chosun -Focusing on Chok-Du-Ri(족두리).Hwa-Gwan(화관)- (조선후기 예장용 쓰개류에 관한 고찰 - 족두리ㆍ화관을 중심으로 -)

  • 전혜숙;박수옥
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2002
  • This study focuses on the ideas that Chok-Du-Ri(족두리)ㆍHwa-Gwan(화관) are mentioned a substitute preventing abuses of luxury mood by Gache(가채) as the sharpest social problem at that time. First, the origin of Chok-Du-Ri(족두리) was introduced from Ko-Ko-Gwan(고고관) of Mongo(몽고) in Korea dynasty, then was linked to Chosun. That is, Ko-Ko(고고) started from headgear reflecting spiritual view of the northen people, its size was getting smaller passing through Ming(명) dynasty, its essential decoration changed and it carried out Jeon-Ja(전자) remaining decoration nature by real accessories, then it might be descended to Chosun. Second, Hwa-Gwan(화관) is very different from Nanaec(난액) of Chosun Dynasty Records, rather Jeonia, the original form of Chok-Du-Ri, is more similar to it. Third, its decoration like color, jewel, pattern etc influenced wishes of this life like sex, prosperity, glory, longevity, blessing, wealth and fame. Fourth, Chok-Du-Ri(족두리) was restored a substitute for Gache(가채), it was accessory for preventing luxury life, besides it was modeled from headgear in China, Chosun people had it. It is worthwhile as it was based on Chosun Sinocentrism(조선중화주의) in the latter period of Chosun and made it the fruit of that age. Moreover, in those days Qing(청) society accepted the advanced culture and institutional profit of Qing(청) actually, social mood is that home and overseas policy was corrected in many parts, Chok-Du-RiㆍHwa-Gwan were mentioned a substitute of Gache, symbol of luxury. It shows one part of Practical Thougth that abolishes vanity and affectation and makes useful profits in the latter period of Chosun.

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