• 제목/요약/키워드: Jacques Derrida

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히로미 후지이 건축에 나타난 중층(重層)공간에 관한 연구 (A Study on Multi-layered Space in the Architecture of Hiromi Fujii)

  • 배윤천;이강업
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the multi-layered space utilized as strategy for deconstruction in the architecture of Hiromi Fujii. Although the design of Eisenman and Fujii was based on the philosophical theory of Jacques Derrida, there are many different aspects of architecture. At the same time, Hiromi Fujii could construct his concept of multi-layered space to colligate the academic knowledge of Jacques Derrida, Roman Jakobson and Colin Rowe. This kind of concept for multi-layered space is a critical element to be distinct from the characters between two architects, and it is implied such as an significant concept to analyze the architecture for Hiromi Fujii. This multi-layered space contains interesting and researchable value to understand and to analyze the western architecture theory from the viewpoint of Asian architect. Accordingly, the purpose of the thesis is to find the meaning to establish an theoretical foundation for being under discussion to the architecture of Fujii through the concept of multi-layered space.

데리다(Jacques Derrida)의 동물 타자 시선에서 본 현대 형상 예술 표현 연구 -본인의 작품을 중심으로- (A Study on Modern Shape Art Expression with an Animal Third Perspective of Jacques Derrida)

  • 이희영
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권50호
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    • pp.299-325
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    • 2018
  • 인류는 오랜 역사에 걸쳐 타자를 만들어내고 그들을 차별, 배제해왔다. '우리'와 '타자'를 구분하는 현대사회의 대립 구조에 대해 데리다(Jacques Derrida)는 그만의 시적 사유를 통해 동물 타자를 향한 인간 존재의 깊은 성찰을 질문한다. 본 논문은 데리다의 "동물, 그러니까 나인 동물(The Animal That Therefore I Am)"을 중심으로 동물 타자의 확장을 살펴보고자 한다. 연구자는 오늘날 동물을 바라보는 현대인의 시선을 통해 '인간-외-동물'의 지위에 관한 메시지를 던지고자 한다. 이를 위해 연구자의 작품에 등장하는 반려동물 이미지를 분석함으로써 '인간-외-동물'의 지위에 관한 고찰을 통해 앞으로 우리 사회가 추구해 나가야 할 공생, 공진화의 길에 대한 방식을 제안하고자한다. 데리다는 샤워 후 밖으로 나온 고양이의 집요한 응시 앞에 느꼈던 '수치심'이라는 정념을 통해 동물 타자를 우리에게 불러내고 그리하여 타자의 영역에서 배제되어왔던 기존 담론의 관행에 의문을 제기한다. 이 수치심이라는 정념은 인간만이 느낄 수 있는데, 여기서 데리다는 이 수치심을 통해 비로소 '인간'이 되는 경험을 한다고 이야기한다. 이에 연구자는 '인간이 되는 경험'에 초점을 맞추어 문화 속의 인간과 자연 속의 동물의 역설을 '발가벗음'의 양가성으로 살펴본다. 이러한 모색은 '우리' 공동체의 바깥에 있는 자는 고통 받아도 괜찮은 집단으로 여기는 종차별주의(Speciesism)를 비판하며 인간 중심주의에서 벗어나 동물 그 자체로 보려는 시도이다. 오늘날 동물 타자의 위치를 도나 해러웨이(Donna Haraway)의 이론 및 제인구달(Jane Goodall), 수잔 손택(Susan Sontag)의 철학을 통해 바람직한 인간과 동물의 관계, 동물에서 인간으로 인간에서 동물로 향하는 길을 모색하고자 한다. 국내에 잘 알려져 있지 않은 데리다의 동물에 대한 철학적 성찰을 통해 연구자의 작품을 분석함으로써, 본 연구 논문이 새로운 텍스트로 거듭나 인간중심적 사고의 경직을 완화하고 기존의 이분법적 사유를 탈피하여 인간과 동물 사이의 수평적, 횡단적 관계 시도로 확대되기를 기대한다.

한국영화 검열과 등급분류 제도 변천사에 담긴 비윤리성 탐구 (A Study on Immorality in the Transition of Film Censorship and Rating System in Korea)

  • 정수진
    • 트랜스-
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    • 제2권
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    • pp.39-58
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    • 2017
  • 본 소논문은 자크 데리다의 법과 윤리에 대한 철학들을 바탕으로 정부 검열 시스템에 담긴 한국 영화 정책을 연구하는 데에 목적이 있다. 군사독재 시대 이후 우리나라의 영화 정책은 독재 정권의 프로파간디를 널리 알리고, 사회 통합과 안정을 내세우며 국가적 목표에 부합한 작품을 보호하는 데에 중점을 맞춰왔다. 그리하여 모든 영화 관련 정책은 정부의 엄격한 통제와 감시 안에 존재했다. 그러한 정책은 단순히 영화 선택의 자유만을 제한하는 것이 아니라 창작의 영역까지 침범한다. 자크 데리다는 정의와 폭력과 법에 대한 여러 가지 문제제기를 해왔다. 데리다의 주장들은 윤리적 고찰과 연결되어 있다. 이 소노문은 데리다의 관점에서 한국 정부의 영화 검열 정책에 담긴 폭력성을 짚어보고 윤리적 검열정책의 가능성에 대해 고찰해보고자 한다.

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『오리엔탈리즘』 계보학의 해체론적 재해석 "Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions") (진리란 그것이 환상임을 망각하고 있는 착각이다) (Deconstructing the Genealogy of Orientalism in Term of a Supplement)

  • 최수
    • 영미문화
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.29-61
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    • 2017
  • Said's Orientalism criticized the European representations on the Middle-East by theorizing orientalism as a discourse. In this text, he explored and criticized the colonial forms of knowledge and language that distorted the image of the colonized. The justification of the discourse of orientalism is derived from the binary system that is originated from Plato which Derrida rejects on the ground that it always privileges one term over the other, that is, colonizer over colonized. Derrida names for this traditional heritage of Western binary system logocentrism which regards logos(the Greek term for speech or reason) as the central principle of language and philosophy, whereas mythos derives its meaning from the logos on the basis of binary oppositions. Thus according to logocentrism, the colonized is merely the defined who can have its meaning from the definers, colonizers. In this paper, utilizing Derrida's a (non)concept called supplement which means both to add on as a surplus and to make up something missing as a mere extra, I propose another alternative interpretation towards the critique of colonial representation by raising internal contradictions in the Platonic dichotomy between logos and mythos embedded in western colonialism discourse, orientalism. I attempt to show that logos(colonizer) and mythos(colonized) is inseparable in itself due to the fact that they exist as supplementary. For this purpose, I demonstrate how colonial binary system constituted and was constituted in terms of language. Through this paper I reinterpret the colonial rationality of privileging 'logos' over 'mythos' by substituting the colonial binary system with the supplement.

인종의 역사와 우정의 윤리 -후기 데리다를 통해 다시 본 카리브해의 인종정치학과 자메이카 킨케이드의 작품세계 (History of Race and Ethics of Friendship: The Caribbean Racial Politics and Jamaica Kincaid's Fiction Revisited through the Later Derrida's Political Philosophy)

  • 김준년
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.103-133
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to make a critique of racial aspects of Caribbean literature more ethical through a constant concern with history and political philosophy. The first step I take for this purpose is a comparative reading of C. L. R. James's view of Toussaint L'Ouverture's position and Frantz Fanon's view of race and class in the historical context of the Caribbean power-relations. In so doing, I examine how Toussaint's and Fanon's wills to negotiation were thwarted in the New World history. To elaborate upon this ethico-political approach, I have recourse to the so-called later Derrida, focusing on his books, such as The Politics of Friendship, Of Hospitality, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, etc. Taking an up-close look at Derrida's thought, I argue that his political contemplation of ethics is as effective as his deconstruction of "otherness" in dealing with the nature of ethnic clashes in both the real world and minority literature. In the second half of my paper, I reexamine the issues of race, gender, and class in the three novels of Jamaica Kincaid - Annie John, Lucy, and The Autobiography of My Mother. It is conceivable that from the feminist perspective Kincaid's fiction has been read as a postcolonial Bildungsroman. In my supplementary attempts to this criticism, I reveal that the teenage narrator's precocious awareness is still under the colonial influence in the Annie John section. My analysis of Lucy contends that the reasons why the white woman fails to make friends with the young black woman should be sought in the long history of the U.S. racial politics. In the section of The Autobiography of My Mother, I discuss how difficult it is for a minority woman to liberate from the spell of history insofar as she is engaged in the issue of identity. In closing, I pose a need of consolation that literature may grant us by becoming able to produce a different interpretation on all the bleaker reality.

사건과 건축공간의 관계성 비교 연구 (Comparative Study of Interrelationship between Events and Architectural Space)

  • 이미경
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2013
  • An event as philosophical thought is expanded throughout our society and affected largely an architectural field as well as aesthetics. Paying attention to this fact, this study is to relate the event to an architectural space and to find an interrelationship between them. Since Martin Heidegger who started to be regarded the event as a subject of thought, many philosophers revealed different thoughts about it. Architecture works of Louis I. Kahn, Peter Zumthor, Steven Holl, Bernard Tschumi, Rem Koolhaas who had the influences from the thoughts of Martin Heidegger, M. Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, are analyzed and compared their features. The reason why this relationship has become the subject of research is because the event can be confirmed to be connected with an architectural thoughts by correlating with aesthetic texts. Throughout this study, each architect, who is affected from philosophers, has different characters as they have different thoughts about events. This study is expected to be used as an literature data of intertextuality of philosophy and architecture.

The Concept of Postmodernism

  • Le Huy Bac, A.
    • 수완나부미
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2012
  • This study explores the concept of postmodernism in literature. There are many ideas which have conflicted with each other, but now postmodernism is real concept. We cannot deny. By researching papers of Jean-François Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes, Ihab Hassan etc. we find out many characteristics of postmodernism. From that, we propose a conceptual understanding of postmodern literature as follows: Starting from the late 1910s with the poetry of Dadaism (1916), Franz Kafka's prose (Metamorphosis 1915) and drama by Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot 1953), postmodern literature coexists with modern literature and is a thriving form from 1960 on. Postmodernism is opposed to modernism in nature in that it accepts nothingness, chaos, games and intertextuality. It tries to solve some difficult problems of modernism making use of science to free people from a life of darkness and dogma. Postmodernism is associated with the information technology revolution, an economic, scientific and technological boom and rapid urbanization.

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장자(莊子)의 해체주의적 윤리설 (The deconstructive moral theory of Zhuangzi)

  • 김상래
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제32호
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    • pp.277-308
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    • 2011
  • 이 논문은 데리다의 해체주의적 철학방법론에 입각하여 장자철학의 윤리적 함의를 해명한 것이다. 장자(莊子)와 데리다는 기존의 이분법적 사고의 폐해를 직시하고 어떤 중심과 기준을 설정하는 인식론과 가치론을 배격한다는 점에서 시대를 뛰어 넘어 유사한 철학하기를 시도한 철학자들이라고 할 수 있다. 장자는 존재에 대한 인식방법에 대한 문제를 "제물론(齊物論)"을 통해 설명하고 있는데, 그는 이곳에서 주로 존재의 자기 동일성을 해체하고 타자와의 공존의 가능성의 문제들을 언급하고 있다. 특히, 도(道)<=>도(盜)의 말바꾸기 전략은 존재원리로서 도(道)의 성격을 이해하는 관점을 해체하는 동시에 인간중심의 윤리도덕에 대한 회의를 제시하고 있다. 그리고 "소요유(逍遙遊)"를 통해 장자(莊子)는 우리들에게 만물은 언제나 변화의 과정에 있으며, 이 우주는 자유와 놀이의 공간임을 알려주고 있다. 따라서 그는 다른 존재(만물, 타자)와의 공존의 세계인 우주 속에서 인간중심주의의 윤리도덕만을 추구하는 것은 시(是)/비(非), 선(善)/약(惡)의 한쪽만을 선택하게 만들 수 도 있음을 직시할 것을 주장하고 있다. 장자(莊子)의 이러한 사유는 우리들에게 인간중심주의 윤리학에 대한 비판의 기회를 마련하고, 인류의 문명 발달에 대한 반성적 고찰을 위한 철학적 계기를 제공해준다.

동물-타자에 대한 실코의 스토리텔링에 나타나는 포스트휴머니스트적 윤리-정치성 (The Posthumanist Ethico-politicality in Silko's Storytelling of the Animal-Other)

  • 정진만
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제35권
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    • pp.7-34
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    • 2014
  • This essay explores how Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony and Storyteller encourage human's sympathetic relationship with the nonhuman animal-Other, paying attention to her posthumanist voices against anthropocentric mistreatment of animals which is inseparable from white Americans' environmental and racio-ethnic subjugation of nature and Natives in the colonialist history of the United States. As a way of dissolving the problematic anthropocentrism and embracing the animal-Other as a fellow creature, Silko employs and transforms Native American oral tradition in her own idiosyncratic posthumanist storytelling. In order to highlight the ethico-political examination of the animal issue in her storytelling, this essay refers to contemporary posthumanist thinkers such as Jacques Derrida, Giorgio Agamben, and Gilles Deleuze who are all in their own ways critically engaged with Western metaphysical anthropocentrism. Arguably, in a similar vein with the posthumanist critics, Silko disrupts the mischievous hierarchical opposition of humans/animals that have directly or obliquely warranted violence against the animal-Other. In order to demonstrate Silko's ethico-politicality concerning the animal issue, this essay inquires her critical perception of humans' misunderstanding (or misbehavior) toward animals in terms of the suffering and death of animals. Besides, Silko's posthumanist storytelling of the animal's gaze (as Derrida notes as an event of revealing human aporia and vulnerability) and "in-between" (as a reification of crossing the boundary of humans/animals) is discussed with the exemplification of Tayo's encounter with a mountain lion and a bear-man Shush. The posthumanist approach to thinking about the animal-Other in Ceremony and Storyteller would shed light on the ethico-political significances of Silko's storytelling in our time in peril of losing the tie between humans and nonhuman animals.