• Title/Summary/Keyword: Iteration

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An Efficient Iterative Decoding Stop Criterion Algorithm for Reducing Computation of Turbo Code (터보부호의 계산량 감소를 위한 효율적인 반복중단 알고리즘)

  • Jeong Dae-Ho;Lim Soon-Ja;Kim Hwan-Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.42 no.6 s.336
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2005
  • It is well blown about the fact that turbo code has better the BER performance as the number of decoding iterations increases in the AWGN channel environment. However, as the number of decoding iterations is increased under the several channel environments, any further iteration results in very little improvement, and it requires much delay and computation in proportion to the number of decoding iterations. In this paper, it proposes the efficient iterative decoding stop criterion algorithm which can largely reduce the computation and the average number of decoding iterations of turbo code. Through simulations, it is verifying that the proposed algorithm can efficiently stop the iterative decoding by using the variance value of LLR and can largely reduce the computation and the average number of decoding iterations without BER performance degradation. As a result of simulation, the computation for the proposed algerian is reduced by about $40\%$ compared to conventional CE algorithm. The average number of decoding iterations for the proposed algorithm is reduced by about $9.94\%$ and $8.32\%$ compared to conventional HDA and SCR algorithm respectively, and by about $2.16\%{\~}7.84\%$ compared to conventional CE algorithm.

New Frequency-domain GSC using the Modified-CFAR Algorithm (변형된 CFAR 알고리즘을 이용한 새로운 주파수영역 GSC)

  • Cho, Myeong-Je;Moon, Sung-Hoon;Han, Dong-Seog;Jung, Jin-Won;Kim, Soo-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.36S no.2
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 1999
  • The generalized sidelobe cancellers(GSC's) ar used for suppressing an interference in array radar. The frequency-domain GSC's have a faster convergence rate than the time-domain GSC's because they remove the correlation between the interferences using a frequency-domain least mean square(LMS) algorithm. However, we have not fully used the advantage of the frequency-domain GSC's since we have always updated the weights of all frequency bins, even the interferer free frequency bin. In this paper, we propose a new frequency-domain GSC based on constant false-alarm rate(CFAR) detector, of which GSC adaptively determine the bin whose weight is updated according to the power of each frequency bin. This canceller updates the weight of only updated according to the power of each frequency bin. This canceller updates the weight of only the bin of which the power is high because of the interference signal. The computer simulation shows that the new GSC reduces the iteration number for convergence over the conventional GSC's by more than 100 iterations. The signal-to-noise ration(SNR) improvement is more than 5 dB. Moreover, the number of renewal weights required for the adaptation is much fewer than that of the conventional one.

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Development of A-ABR System Using a Microprocessor (마이크로프로세서를 이용한 자동청력검사 시스템 개발)

  • Noh, Hyung-Wook;Lee, Tak-Hyung;Kim, Nam-Hyun;Kim, Soo-Chan;Cha, Eun-Jong;Kim, Deok-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2009
  • Hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects among infants. Most of hearing-impaired children are not diagnosed until 1 to 3 years of age - which is too late for the critical period (6 month) for normal speech and language development. If a hearing impairment is identified and treated in its early stage, child's speech and language skills could be comparable to his or her normal-hearing peers. For these reasons, hearing screening at birth and throughout childhood is extremely important. ABR (Auditory brain-stem response) is nowadays one of the most reliable diagnostic tools in the early detection of hearing impairment. In this study, we have developed the system that automatically detects if there is hearing impairment or not for infants or children. For future studies, it will be developed as a portable system to be able to take a measurement not only in sound proof room but also in nursery for neonates.

Nonlinear Three-dimensional Analysis of Piled Piers Considering Coupled Cap Rigidities (교량 말뚝기초의 캡강성을 고려한 비선형 3차원 해석)

  • Won Jin-Oh;Jeong Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2005
  • A coupled three-dimensional pile group analysis method was developed by considering complex behavior of sub-structures (pile-soil-cap) which included soil nonlinearity and the behavior of super-structure (pier). As an intermediate analysis method between FBPier 3.0 and Group 0.0, it took advantages of each method. Among the components of a pile group, individual piles were modeled with stiffness matrices of pile heads and soils with nonlinear load-transfer curves (t-z, q-z and p-y curves). A pile cap was modeled with modified four-node flat shell elements and a pier with three-dimensional beam element, so that a unified analysis could be possible. A nonlinear analysis method was proposed in this study with a mixed incremental and iteration techniques. The proposed method for a pile group subjected to axial and lateral loads was compared with othe. analytical methods (i.e., Group 6.0 and FBPier 3.0). It was found that the proposed method could predict the complex behavior of a pile group well, even though piles were modelled simply in this study by using pile head stiffness matrices which were different from the method introduced in FBPier 3.0.

Geometrically and Topographically Consistent Map Conflation for Federal and Local Governments (Geometry 및 Topology측면에서 일관성을 유지한 방법을 이용한 연방과 지방정부의 공간데이터 융합)

  • Kang, Ho-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.804-818
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    • 2004
  • As spatial data resources become more abundant, the potential for conflict among them increases. Those conflicts can exist between two or many spatial datasets covering the same area and categories. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to be able to effectively relate these spatial data sources with others then create new spatial datasets with matching geometry and topology. One extensive spatial dataset is US Census Bureau's TIGER file, which includes census tracts, block groups, and blocks. At present, however, census maps often carry information that conflicts with municipally-maintained detailed spatial information. Therefore, in order to fully utilize census maps and their valuable demographic and economic information, the locational information of the census maps must be reconciled with the more accurate municipally-maintained reference maps and imagery. This paper formulates a conceptual framework and two map models of map conflation to make geometrically and topologically consistent source maps according to the reference maps. The first model is based on the cell model of map in which a map is a cell complex consisting of 0-cells, 1-cells, and 2-cells. The second map model is based on a different set of primitive objects that remain homeomorphic even after map generalization. A new hierarchical based map conflation is also presented to be incorporated with physical, logical, and mathematical boundary and to reduce the complexity and computational load. Map conflation principles with iteration are formulated and census maps are used as a conflation example. They consist of attribute embedding, find meaning node, cartographic 0-cell match, cartographic 1-cell match, and map transformation.

Energy Requirements in Early Life Are Similar for Male and Female Goat Kids

  • Bompadre, T.F.V.;Neto, O. Boaventura;Mendonca, A.N.;Souza, S.F.;Oliveira, D.;Fernandes, M.H.M.R.;Harter, C.J.;Almeida, A.K.;Resende, K.T.;Teixeira, I.A.M.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1712-1720
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    • 2014
  • Little is known about the gender differences in energetic requirements of goats in early life. In this study, we determined the energy requirements for maintenance and gain in intact male, castrated male and female Saanen goat kids using the comparative slaughter technique and provide new data on their body composition and energy efficiency. To determine the energy requirements for maintenance, we studied 21 intact males, 15 castrated males and 18 females ($5.0{\pm}0.1kg$ initial body weight (BW) and $23{\pm}5d$ of age) using a split-plot design with the following main factors: three genders (intact males, castrated males, and females) and three dry matter intake levels (ad libitum, 75% and 50% of ad libitum intake). A slaughter group included three kids, one for each nutritional plane, of each gender, and all three animals within a group were slaughtered when the ad libitum kid reached 15 kg in BW. Net energy requirements for gain were obtained for 17 intact males, eight castrated males and 15 females ($5.1{\pm}0.4kg$ BW and $23{\pm}13d$ of age). Animals were fed ad libitum and slaughtered when they reached 5, 10, and 15 kg in BW. A digestion trial was performed with nine kids of each gender to determine digestible energy, metabolizable energy and energy metabolizability of the diet. Our results show no effect of gender on the energy requirements for maintenance and gain, and overall net energy for maintenance was $205.6kJ/kg^{0.75}$ empty body weight gain (EBW) ($170.3kJ/kg^{0.75}$ BW) from 5 to 15 kg BW. Metabolizable energy for maintenance was calculated by iteration, assuming heat production equal to metabolizable energy intake at maintenance, and the result was $294.34kJ/kg^{0.75}$ EBW and $k_m$ of 0.70. As BW increased from 5 to 15 kg for all genders, the net energy required for gain increased from 9.5 to 12.0 kJ/g EBW gain (EWG), and assuming $k_g=0.47$, metabolizable energy for gain ranged from 20.2 to 25.5 kJ/g EWG. Our results indicate that it is not necessary to formulate diets with different energetic content for intact male, castrated male and female Saanen goat kids weighing from 5 to 15 kg.

The Efficient Method of Parallel Genetic Algorithm using MapReduce of Big Data (빅 데이터의 MapReduce를 이용한 효율적인 병렬 유전자 알고리즘 기법)

  • Hong, Sung-Sam;Han, Myung-Mook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2013
  • Big Data is data of big size which is not processed, collected, stored, searched, analyzed by the existing database management system. The parallel genetic algorithm using the Hadoop for BigData technology is easily realized by implementing GA(Genetic Algorithm) using MapReduce in the Hadoop Distribution System. The previous study that the genetic algorithm using MapReduce is proposed suitable transforming for the GA by MapReduce. However, they did not show good performance because of frequently occurring data input and output. In this paper, we proposed the MRPGA(MapReduce Parallel Genetic Algorithm) using improvement Map and Reduce process and the parallel processing characteristic of MapReduce. The optimal solution can be found by using the topology, migration of parallel genetic algorithm and local search algorithm. The convergence speed of the proposal method is 1.5 times faster than that of the existing MapReduce SGA, and is the optimal solution can be found quickly by the number of sub-generation iteration. In addition, the MRPGA is able to improve the processing and analysis performance of Big Data technology.

Development of Grid Based Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model with Finite Volume Method (유한체적법을 이용한 격자기반의 분포형 강우-유출 모형 개발)

  • Choi, Yun-Seok;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.895-905
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    • 2008
  • To analyze hydrologic processes in a watershed requires both various geographical data and hydrological time series data. Recently, not only geographical data such as DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and hydrologic thematic map but also hydrological time series from numerical weather prediction and rainfall radar have been provided as grid data, and there are studies on hydrologic analysis using these grid data. In this study, GRM(Grid based Rainfall-runoff Model) which is physically-based distributed rainfall-runoff model has been developed to simulate short term rainfall-runoff process effectively using these grid data. Kinematic wave equation is used to simulate overland flow and channel flow, and Green-Ampt model is used to simulate infiltration process. Governing equation is discretized by finite volume method. TDMA(TriDiagonal Matrix Algorithm) is applied to solve systems of linear equations, and Newton-Raphson iteration method is applied to solve non-linear term. Developed model was applied to simplified hypothetical watersheds to examine model reasonability with the results from $Vflo^{TM}$. It was applied to Wicheon watershed for verification, and the applicability to real site was examined, and simulation results showed good agreement with measured hydrographs.

Sensitivity Analysis of Runoff-Quality Parameters in the Urban Basin (도시 배수유역의 유출-수질 특성인자의 민감도 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Tae;Gang, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to analyze the sensitivity of the parameters that affect the runoff and water quality in the studied drainage basins. SWMM model is applied to the four drainage basins located at Namgazwa and Sanbon in Seoul and Gray Haven and Kings Creek in the USA. first of all, the optimum values of the parameters which have least simulation error to the observed data, are detected by iteration procedure. These are used as the standard values which are compared against the procedure. These are used as the standard values which are compared against the varied parameter values. In order to catch the effectiveness of the parameters to the computing result, the parameters are changed step by setp, and the results are compared to the standard results in flowerate and quality of the sewer. The study indicates that the discharge is greatly affected by the types of runoff surface, i.e., impervious area remarkably affects the peak flow and runoff volume while the surface storage affects the runoff volume at mild sloped basins. In addition, the major parameters affecting the pollution concentrations and loadings are the contaminant accumulation coefficient per unit area per time and the continuous dry weather days. Furthermore, the factors that affect the water quality during the initial rainfall period are the rainfall intensity, transport capacity coefficient and its power coefficient. Consequently, in order to simulate the runoff-water quality, it is needed to evaluate previous data in the research performed for the studied basins. To accurately estimated from the tributary areas and the rational computation methods of the pollutants calculation should be introduced.

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A Study on the Flow and Dispersion in the Coastal Unconfined Aquifer (Development and Application of a Numerical Model) (해안지역 비피압 충적 대수층에서의 흐름 및 분산(수치모형의 개발 및 적용))

  • Kim, Sang Jun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, the aquifers at the coastal areas are mostly shallow alluvial unconfined aquifers. To simulate the flow and dispersion in unconfined aquifer, a FDM model has been developed to solve the nonlinear Boussinesq equation. Related analysis and verification have been executed. The iteration method is used to solve the nonlinearity, and the model shows 3-D shape because it is a 2-D y model that consider the undulation of water table and bottom. For the verification of the model, the output of flow module is compared to the 1-D analytic solution of Lee (1989) which have the drawdown or uplift boundary condition, and the two results show almost the same value. and the mass balance of dispersion module shows about 10% error. The developed model can be used for the analysis and design of the flow and dispersion in the unconfined aquifers. The model has been applied to the estuary area of Ssangcheon watershed, and the parameters have been deduced as a result : hydraulic conductivity is 90 m/day, and longitudinal dispersivity is 15 m. And the analysis with these parameters shows that the wells are situated in the influence circle of each others except for No. 7 well. Groundwater discharge to sea is $3700m^3/day$. And the chlorine ion ($cl^-$) concentration at the pumping wells increase at least 1000 mg/L if groundwater dam is not exist, so the groundwater dam plays an important role for the prevention of sea water intrusion.