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Removal of Ca2+ and Fe3+ in Acid Mine Drainage by Tripolyphosphates (트리폴리인산염을 이용한 산성광산배수 내 칼슘 및 철이온 제거)

  • Hyun, Jaehyuk;Jeon, Hyungjoong;Kim, Jihoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2009
  • This study evaluates tripolyphosphate's ability to treat AMD (Acid Mine Drainage). Based on the batch test results for reaction between tripolyphosphate and AMD obtained from Munkyung coal mine, 4.7×103 mole is the optimum dosage of tripolyphosphate for AMD treatment. Ca2+ concentration is decreased from 16.4mg/ to 5.6mg/, in other words, the removal rate of Ca2+ is 65.9%. Fe3+ concentration is decreased from 3.7mg/ to 0.02mg/, that is, the removal rate of Fe3+ is 99.5%. SO42 concentration ranges from 526.8mg/ to 566.5mg/, which shows no obvious decrease. After dosing up tripolyphosphate, Na+ concentration in AMD ranges from 549.8mg/ to 599.3mg/ and orthophosphate concentration in AMD ranges from 6.82mg/ to 7.60mg/. It was found that the precipitate in the order of amount is Apatiteβ-tricalcium phosphate > Fe(OH)3 from SEM, XRF, XRD analyses. Consequently, the treatment by tripolyphosphate is effective in pH buffering and in the removal of Ca2+ and Fe3+.

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A Study on the Ingredients in the Sap of Acer mono MAX. and Betula costata T. in Mt. Jiri Area -On the Components of Mineral and Sugar- (지리산지역 고로쇠나무 및 거제수(거자수) 나무의 수액성분에 관하여 -Mineral과 Sugar성분에 관하여-)

  • 서화중;김충모;정두례
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.479-482
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    • 1991
  • The medical use of Acer mono MAX. and Betula costata T. sap has had the long history in Korea. So the mineral and sugar contents of these sap gathered in Mt. Jiri area at spring were analyzed to investigate the scientific base of folk remedies by using ion liquid chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. The values of chlorine and sulfate in Acer mono MAX. were 11.5 mg/l and 176.7 mg/l, and in Betula costata T. 26.5 mg/l and 162.4 mg/l, respectively. The values of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in Acer mono MAX. were 67.9 mg/l, 5.6 mg/l, 73.8 mg/l and 4.5 mg/l, and in Betula costata T. were 152.1 mg/l, 9.7 mg/l, 39.2 mg/l and 5.7 mg/l, respectively. The values of copper, zinc and manganese in Acer mono MAX. were 0.057 mg/l, 0.483 mg/l and 5.071 mg/l, and copper, zinc, mangances and iron in Betula costata T. were 0.038 mg/l, 1.584 mg/l, 4.354 mg/l and 2.511 mg/l, respectively. The values of sucrose in Acer mono MAX. were 27.29 mg/l, glucose and fructose in Betula costata T. were 0.97 g/l and 3.05 g/l, respectively.

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Epigallocatechin-3-gallate suppresses hemin-aggravated colon carcinogenesis through Nrf2-inhibited mitochondrial reactive oxygen species accumulation

  • Seok, Ju Hyung;Kim, Dae Hyun;Kim, Hye Jih;Jo, Hang Hyo;Kim, Eun Young;Jeong, Jae-Hwang;Park, Young Seok;Lee, Sang Hun;Kim, Dae Joong;Nam, Sang Yoon;Lee, Beom Jun;Lee, Hyun Jik
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.74.1-74.16
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    • 2022
  • Background: Previous studies have presented evidence to support the significant association between red meat intake and colon cancer, suggesting that heme iron plays a key role in colon carcinogenesis. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major constituent of green tea, exhibits anti-oxidative and anti-cancer effects. However, the effect of EGCG on red meat-associated colon carcinogenesis is not well understood. Objectives: We aimed to investigate the regulatory effects of hemin and EGCG on colon carcinogenesis and the underlying mechanism of action. Methods: Hemin and EGCG were treated in Caco2 cells to perform the water-soluble tetrazolium salt-1 assay, lactate dehydrogenase release assay, reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection assay, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blot. We investigated the regulatory effects of hemin and EGCG on an azoxymethane (AOM) and dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colon carcinogenesis mouse model. Results: In Caco2 cells, hemin increased cell proliferation and the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins, and ROS levels. EGCG suppressed hemin-induced cell proliferation and cell cycle regulatory protein expression as well as mitochondrial ROS accumulation. Hemin increased nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) expression, but decreased Keap1 expression. EGCG enhanced hemin-induced Nrf2 and antioxidant gene expression. Nrf2 inhibitor reversed EGCG reduced cell proliferation and cell cycle regulatory protein expression. In AOM/DSS mice, hemin treatment induced hyperplastic changes in colon tissues, inhibited by EGCG supplementation. EGCG reduced the hemin-induced numbers of total aberrant crypts and malondialdehyde concentration in the AOM/DSS model. Conclusions: We demonstrated that EGCG reduced hemin-induced proliferation and colon carcinogenesis through Nrf2-inhibited mitochondrial ROS accumulation.

Stabilization Mechanisms of Powdered and Bead Type Stabilizer Made of Mg-Fe Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) for the Arsenic Contaminated Soil (Mg-Fe 이중층수산화물로 제조한 분말상과 입상 안정화제의 비소 오염토양 안정화 기작)

  • Kim, Seonhee;Kim, Kyeongtae;Oh, Yuna;Han, Yikyeong;Lee, Minhee
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2022
  • The magnesium and iron-based layered double hydroxide (Mg-Fe LDH) was synthesized by the co-precipitation process and the bead type LDH (BLDH, 5~6 mm in diameter) was manufactured by using the Mg-Fe LDH and the starch as a binder. To evaluate the feasibility of the BLDH as the As stabilizer in the soil, various experiments were performed and the As stabilization efficiency of the BLDH was compared to that of powdered type LDH (PLDH, <149 ㎛ in diameter). For the As sorption batch experiment, the As sorption efficiency of both of the PLDH and the BLDH showed higher than 99%. For the stabilization experiment with soil, the As extraction reducing efficiency of the PLDH was higher than 87%, and for the BLDH, it was higher than 80%, suggesting that the BLDH has similar the feasibility of As stabilization for the contaminated soil, compared to the PLDH. From the continuous column experiments, when more than 7% BLDH was added into the soil, the As stabilization efficiency of the column maintained at over 91% for 7 pore volume flushing (simulating about 21 months of rainfall) and slowly decreased down to 64% after that time (to 36 months) under the non-equilibrium conditions. Results suggested that more than 7% of BLDH added in As-contaminated soil could be enough to stabilize As in soil for a long time. The main As fixation mechanisms on the LDH were also identified through the X-ray fluorescence (XRF), the X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analyses. Results showed that the LDH has enough of an external surface adsorption capacity and an anion exchange capability at the interlayer spaces. Results of SEM/EDS and BET analyses also supported that the Mg-Fe LDH used in this study has sufficient porous structures and outer surfaces to fix the As. The reduction of carbonate (CO32-) and sulfate (SO42-) anions in the LDH after the reaction between As and the LDH was observed through the FT-IR, the XRF, and the XRD analyses, suggesting that the exchange of some of these anions with the arsenate (H2AsO4- or HAsO42-) occurs at the LDH interlayers during the stabilization process in soil.

Evaluation of Field Applicability of Calcium Polysulfide for Cadmium and Zinc Immobilization in Groundwater and Its Impact on Microbial Ecology (환원제를 이용한 지하수 내 고농도 카드뮴 및 아연 고정화 기술 현장 적용성 평가 및 미생물 생태 변화 모니터링)

  • Sang Hun An;Dong-Hun Kim;Sung Pil Hyun;Soo Min Song;Hee Sun Moon;Byung Yong Yoon;Yong Hoon Cha;Kyoungphile Nam
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.14-26
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the effectiveness of calcium polysulfide (CPS; CaSx) injection for the in-situ immobilization of cadmium and zinc-contaminated groundwater. The research focused on the impact of CPS injection on groundwater quality parameters, such as dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and pH, as well as heavy metal precipitate formation and aquifer's microbial community dynamics on a field scale. The results demonstrated that the injected CPS formed a reactive zone, effectively reducing cadmium and zinc concentrations for a limited period. However, contaminant rebound occurred over time, necessitating repeated CPS injections. A single injection of CPS achieved a removal efficiency of 70~99%, lasting approximately 20 days. In contrast, repeated injections sustained the removal effects up to 37 days. Chemical analyses confirmed the precipitation of cadmium and zinc sulfide (CdS and ZnS), which remained stable in the aquifer even 86 days post-injection. Elemental sulfur (S) was detected in a significant quantity, contributing to the observed low DO levels. Microbial community exhibited a shift from an initial prevalence of sulfur-oxidizing and iron-oxidizing bacteria to a later dominance of sulfate-reducing bacteria following the cessation of high DO recycled water inflow, potentially enhancing the formation of CdS and ZnS.

The Effect of Lime and Wollastonite on an Acid Sulfate Soil (특이산성토에 대한 석회 및 규회석의 효과)

  • Park, Nae Joung;Park, Young Sun;Lee, Kyu Ha;Kim, Yung Sup
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 1972
  • The effects of limestone and wollastonite on an acid sulfate soil were studied. In addition, the effect of wollastonite was analyzed in terms of those due to calcium and to silica in the paddy field and in the laboratory with equivalent amounts of lime and wollastonite on a calcium basis. 1. Lime and wollastonite as liming materials were equally effective in neutralizing the soil acidity. 2. Lime, however was more reactive, raising the pH up to neutralization point in three days under waterlogged conditions at 25C, in the lab study, and introduced alkali damage to transplanted rice seedlings showing marked restrictions of tillering in the field even though lime was applied two weeks before transplanting. On the other hand, wollastonite reacted very slowly, taking one week to two weeks to reach neutralization even when thoroughly mixed, and did not restrict the tillering. 3. Both lime and wollastonite effectively reduced the toxic aluminium in soil as well as in the soil solution but not always in the case of ferrous iron. However the reduction effect of the toxic substances in the experimental field was not so great as expected, because typical toxic symptoms were mild only. 4. Lime considerably increased the availability of silica in soil resulting in an increase of silica content in straw. Wollastonite released extra available silica itself resulting in a greater uptake of silica. 5. Increase of silica uptake by these materials was effective in reducing rate of infection of neck blast and resulted in higher rate of ripening, and in turn increased the paddy yield. 6. Application of either one significantly diminished the effect of the other. 7. Wollastonite markedly increased tillering in the early growing stage, but decreased the rate of effective tillers finally, resulting in about the same number of ears per hill at harvesting. 8. These liming materials appear to increase the number of grains per panicle slightly.

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The Chemical Properties and Fertilizer Effect of a Residual By-product of Glutamic Acid Fermentation -I. Chemical properties and effect on the growth of corn (구르타민 산발효잔사가공물(酸醱酵殘渣加工物)의 성질(性質)과 비효 -I. 그 성질(性質)과 옥수수에 대(對)한 비효)

  • Hong, Chong Woon;Jung, Yee Geun;Park, Chon Suh;Kim, Yung Sup
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 1973
  • A by-product from glutamic acid fermentation prepared by treating the fermentation residue with sulfuric acid and ammonium hydroxide was studied in the light of its chemical properties by chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction technique. Its effectiveness as fertilizer was also investigated with corn as test plant. The results are summarized as following. 1. The chemical analyses and study with X-ray diffraction technique revealed that the by-product contains an appreciable quantity of water soluble ammonium as ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride, water soluble amino acid and in-soluble organic carbon. Particularly, the X-diffraction pattern of the material indicated the presence of unidentified water soluble double salt of ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride. 2. The water soluble ammonium in this material was found to be as effective as urea on the growth of corn plant. 3. The organic portion of the material was found to be equally effective on the growth of corn plant as the other sources of organic matter such as compost and rice bran. It was, however found that the organic matter in the fermentation residue is more persisting in the soil than the compost and rice bran. 4. It was noticed that the application of the fermentation by-product, lowers the soil pH significantly. Inspite of the pH lowering effect, the absorption of iron by corn plant was surpressed by the application of this material.

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A Study on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Acid Sulfate Soil in Kimhae Plain (김해평야(金海平野)에 분포(分布)된 특이산성토(特異酸性土)(답)(沓)의 이화학적성질(理化學的性質)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Park, N.J.;Park, Y.S.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 1969
  • The study on physico-chemical characteristics of the acid sulfate soil present in Kimhae plain was carried out with 28 surface and subsoils from lower and higher produtive area and two representative profile samples from the areas reclaimed a few decades ago and around 10 years ago respectively. 1. There are no differences in soil texture between lower and higher productive soils being mostly silty clay loam and silty clay. 2. Very significant differences in pH, degree of base saturation and extractable aluminium content are observed; lower pH, lower degree of base saturation and higher aluminium in the lower productive soils and subsoils. The pH and degree of base saturation of these soils are extremely low whereas aluminium content is very high compared to ordinary paddy soil. 3. Cation exchange capacity of these soils are slightly higher than ordinary paddy soils. In higher productive soils, exchangeable calcium and magnesium are of same order, whereas in lower productive soils magnesium content is appreciably higher than calcium. 4. Though the soil is derived from marine and estuarine sediment, the soluble salt content is not high. There are only few lower productive surface soils and subsoils having Ec values of the saturation extracts higher than 4 mmhos but lower than 9 mmhos/cm. 5. Organic matter content of these soils is a bit higher compared to ordinary paddy soils, but, nitrogen content is comparatively low. C/N ratio of these soils is around 12. 6. Sulfur content is considerably higher but oxidizable sulfur is found to be very low. Total sulfur is generally high in subsoils and lower productive soils. 7. Active iron and available silica are slightly higher than ordinary paddy soils but easily reducible manganese is very low. Almost no differences are also observed between lower and higher productive soils. 8. Available phosphorus content is extremely low in particular, regardless of higher or lower productive soils. 9. The two representative profiles from the area of earlier reclamation and recent one show that samples from earlier reclaimed area contain less amount of free acids, sulfur compounds, toxic aluminium and soluble salts etc. than the other. This indicate greater leaching and possible addition of lime for a longer period of time. 10. From the results obtained, it can be concluded the higher productivity of group I soils is due to the greater leaching and neutralisation of acidity by liming materials, It can also be concluded that the productivity of both types can be increased by addition of liming materials and improvement of drainage facilities.

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Changes of the blood chemistry, lipid and protein components in blood and liver tissue of the rat after oral combined administration of caffeine, iron and vitamin E (Caffeine, 철분 및 vitamin E 혼합투여시 rat의 혈액과 간조직내에서 혈액화학성분과 지질 및 단백질 구성성분의 변화)

  • Do, Jae-cheul;Huh, Rhin-sou
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.577-598
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to identify the effects of caffeine or combinations of caffeine and iron or vitamin E on the lipid and protein components or blood chemistry levels of the serum as well as the total homogenate, mitochondrial and microsomal fraction of the rat(Sprague-Dawley, female) liver. Chronic test were conducted to determine those effects. The chronic test was conducted by dividing rats into 5 groups according to the type of drugs and dosages administrated as follows; the control(group A), and group B was given 25mg/kg caffeine orally once daily for 30 days, group C was given 50mg/kg caffeine orally once daily for 30 days, group D was given 25mg/kg caffeine and orally ferric chloride once daily for 30 days and group E was given 25mg/kg caffeine and 25mg/kg vitamin E once daily for 30 days. The concentrations of glucose, urea nitrogen, uric acid, creatinine, total protein, albumin, A/G ratio, triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, free fatty acid, phospholipid as well as the activities of alanine aminotransferase(ALT), aspartate aminotransferase(AST) and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) were measured in the serum of each experimental groups. The concentrations of the carbonyl group and malondiaidehyde(MDA) and the patterns of the SDS-PAGE(Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate - Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis) and fatty acid compositions in free fatty acids and phospholipids were analyzed to determine the oxidative damages and metabolic changes on the lipid and protein components in the serum, and total homogenate, mitochondrial and microsomal fractions of the rat liver. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; 1. Body weights of groups B, C, D and E were significantly decreased(p < 0.01) in comparison with that of the control in the chronic test. 2. The concentrations of serum glucose in groups B(124.5mg/dl), C(130.1mg/dl), D(122.1mg/dl), E(119.3mg/dl) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to that of the control(101.5mg/dl). But, there were no significant differences in the concentrations of urea nitrogen, uric acid, creatinine, total protein, albumin and A/G ratio in comparison to that of the control. 3. The concentrations of total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol in serum of groups B(69.6, 53.4mg/dl), C(73.0, 56.3mg/dl), D(68.9, 51.1mg/dl) and E(68.2, 51.3mg/dl) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to that of the control(52.6, 38.8mg/dl). On the other hand, the concentrations of triglyceride in serum of groups B(45.0mg/dl), C(40.4mg/dl), D(33.8mg/dl) and E(47.2mg/dl) were significantly lower(p < 0.01) in comparison to that of the control(66.2mg/dl). There were no significant differences in the activities of ALT, AST and ALP in comparison to that of the control. 4. The concentrations of free fatty acid and phospholipid in serum of groups B(45.7, 154.4mg/dl), C(50.0, 167.2mg/dl), D(52.5, 148.4mg/dl) and E(41.1, 159.2mg/dl) were higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to that of the control(35.2, 125.3mg/dl). And the concentrations of the carbonyl group and malondialdehyde in serum of group D(1.82, 0.52nM/mg protein) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(1.53nM/mg protein). 5. The concentrations of carbonyl group in total homogenate, mitochondrial and microsomal fraction of group D(1.45, 0.94, 1.67nM/mg protein) were significantly higher (p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(1.16, 0.66, 1.27nM/mg protein). And the concentrations of malondialdehyde in the total homogenate, mitochondrial and microsomal fraction of group D(6.70, 6.10, 1.36nM/mg protein) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(5.17, 3.64, 0.68nM/mg protein). 6. As the analytical results of the fatty acid compositions of free fatty acid in serum, the proportions of stearic acid and arachidonic acid of groups B(16.52, 12.62%), C(17.52, 15.18%), D(19.73, 13.47%) and E(17.62, 13.28%) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(14.75, 7.88%), but the proportions of oleic acid and linoleic acid of groups B(12.97, 32.59%), C(10.88, 31.23%), D(12.37, 30.66%) and E(11.95, 32.41%) were significantly lower(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(16.44, 35.12%). Otherwise, as the results of the fatty acid compositions of phospholipid in serum, the proportions of stearic acid and arachidonic acid of groups B(39.37, 16.39%), C(40.63, 17.83%), D(42.73, 15.39%) and E(39.16, 15.70%) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(37.74, 14.24%), but the proportions of oleic acid and linoleic acid of groups B(4.03, 14.38%), C(3.54, 12.38%), D(4.52, 11.68%) and E(4.29, 13.64%) were significantly lower(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(5.53, 16.14%). 7. As the analytical results of the fatty acid compositions of free fatty acid in total homogenate, mitochondrial and microsomal fraction of liver, the proportions of oleic acid of groups B(7.8**, 8.73**, 6.88%) and C(6.89**, 7.75**, 6.58%) were lower(**:p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(8.67, 10.08, 7.81%), but the proportions of arachidonic acid of group C(22.62, 19.79, 23.71%) were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(20.93, 18.47, 22.24%). And the proportions of palmitic acid of group D(25.95**, 26.16, 26.34**%) were significantly higher(**:p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(24.43, 25.42, 23.34%). In addition, the proportions of linoleic acid of group D(23.43, 25.02, 23.95%) were also significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(22.17, 23.75, 21.26%). The proportions of stearic acid of group D(19.87, 19.76**%) in mitochondrial and microsomal fraction were lower(**:p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(21.01, 24.18%), and the proportions of stearic acid of group E(16.71*, 19.65**%) in mitochondrial and microsomal fraction were significantly lower(**:p < 0.01, *:p < 0.05) in comparison to the control(21.01, 24.18%), and the proportions of linoleic acid of group E(25.04, 29.20, 26.48%) in total homogenate, mitochondria and microsome were significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(22.17, 23.75, 21.26%). 8. As the results of the fatty acid compositions of phospholipid in total homogenate, mitochondrial and microsomal fraction of liver, the proportions of palmitic acid of group D(17.58**, 18.78*, 18.23%**) were significantly higher(**:p < 0.01, *:p < 0.05) in comparison to the control(16.28, 17.22, 16.38%), and the proportions of stearic acid of group D(36.41, 37.23, 39.53%) were also significantly higher(p < 0.01) in comparison to the control(34.18, 34.16, 36.04%). But the proportions of oleic acid(3.41*, 3.11**, 3.12**%) and linoleic acid (18.03**, 15.79**, 14.74**%) of group D were significantly lower(**:p < 0.01, *:p < 0.05) in comparison to the control(oleic : 3.63, 3.72, 3.79%, linoleic : 20.03, 18.71, 18.48%). 9. In order to determine the oxidative damages to the protein in serum, mitochondrial and microsomal fraction of the rat liver, the patterns of the SDS-PAGE were identified, but the results of SDS-PAGE were not significantly different between the control and experimental groups.

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Comparative Assessment of Specific Genes of Bacteria and Enzyme over Water Quality Parameters by Quantitative PCR in Uncontrolled Landfill (정량 PCR을 이용한 비위생 매립지의 특정 세균 및 효소 유전자와 수질인자와의 상관관계 평가)

  • Han, Ji-Sun;Sung, Eun-Hae;Park, Hun-Ju;Kim, Chang-Gyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.895-903
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    • 2007
  • As for the increasing demanding on the development of direct-ecological landfill monitoring methods, it is needed for critically defining the condition of landfills and their influence on the environment, quantifying the amount of enzymes and bacteria mainly concerned with biochemical reaction in the landfills. This study was thus conducted to understand the fates of contaminants in association with groundwater quality parameters. For the study, groundwater was seasonally sampled from four closed unsanitary landfills(i.e. Cheonan(C), Wonju(W), Nonsan(N), Pyeongtaek(P) sites) in which microbial diversity was simultaneously obtained by 16S rDNA methods. Subsequently, a number of primer sets were prepared for quantifying the specific gene of representative bacteria and the gene of encoding enzymes dominantly found in the landfills. The relationship between water quality parameters and gene quantification were compared based on correlation factors. Correlation between DSR(Sulfate reduction bacteria) gene and BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand) was greater than 0.8 while NSR(Nitrification bacteria-Nitrospira sp.) gene and nitrate were related more than 0.9. A stabilization indicator(BOD/COD) and MTOT(Methane Oxidation bacteria), MCR(Methyl coenzyme M reductase), Dde(Dechloromonas denitrificans) genes were correlated over 0.8, but ferric iron and Fli(Ferribacterium limineticm) gene were at the lowest of 0.7. For MTOT, it was at the highest related at 100% over BOD/COD. In addition, anaerobic genes(i.e., nirS-Nitrite reductase, MCR. Dde, DSR) and DO were also related more than 0.8, which showing anaerobic reactions generally dependant upon DO. As demonstrated in the study, molecular biological investigation and water quality parameters are highly co-linked, so that quantitative real-time PCR could be cooperatively used for assessing landfill stabilization in association with the conventional monitoring parameters.