• 제목/요약/키워드: Iron Sulfate

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철분 강화 식품첨가제용 리포좀의 제조 및 특성 (Preparation and Characterization of Liposome for Iron-Fortified Food Additive)

  • 이종우;전수진
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.864-868
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    • 2004
  • 철분은 생체 내에서 이루어지는 거의 모든 대사에 필수적인 성분이지만, 식음에 포함된 철분의 양은 극히 적어서 철분강화에 대한 연구가 꾸준히 진행되어 왔다. 이에 따라, 철분공여물질을 함유한 리포즘을 이용하여 철분 강화 식품첨가제를 개발하였다. 철분공여물질로 ferrous sulfate와 hemin을 사용하였으며, 이러한 철분 함유 리포좀을 제조하는데 가장 큰 문제점은 ferrous sulfate의 자체 산화와 ferrous sul fate와 hemin으로 인한 리포좀의 지질산화로 지적되었다 또한, ferrous sulfate에 의한 리포좀의 산화 정도는 hemin의 경우보다 낮은 것으로 관찰되었다. Ferrous sulfate의 자동 산화를 억제하기 위하여 수용성 항산화제인 ascorbic acid가 첨가되었으나, 첨가된 ascorbic acid는 ferrous sulfate와 hemin을 함유한 리포좀의 산화를 억제시키지 못했으며, 오히려 ferrous sulfate에 의한 리포좀의 산화를 촉진시키는 것으로 관찰되었다 여기에 지용성 항산화제인 $\alpha$-tocopherol을 추가적으로 첨가함으로써, ferrous sulfate의 자동산화를 억제하고 hemin과 ferrous sulfate에 의한 리포좀의 산화가 억제된 철분 함유 리포좀이 제조되었다.

철분강화 우유의 생이용성 평가 (Iron Bioavailability in Iron-fortified Market Milk)

  • 김윤지
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.705-709
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    • 1999
  • To evaluate iron bioavailability in iron fortified milk, in vitro and in vivo method were used. Low molecular weight components(ILC) from milk was isolated and iron was added, then soluble iron from ILC iron complex was determined. Each iron sources and extrinsically labelled with FeCl3 was used for measuring absorption rate of iron from ILC radiolabelled iron complexes as radioiron absorption into the blood one hour after injection into ligated duodenal loops of iron deficient rats. Iron absorption rate was in the order of ferrous lactate(25.56%)$\geq$ferric citrate(24.71%)$\geq$ferrous sulfate(19.67%) when 100ppm iron was used. In separate experiments, iron fortified milks with each iron sources were gavaged into iron deficient rats. When 25ppm iron was added to milk, the order of iron absorption was ferrous sulfate(12.52%)>ferrous lactate(8.07%)>ferric citrate(6.52%) (p<0.05). When 100ppm iron was added to milk, absorption rate was decreased compared to the treatments with added 25ppm of iron. Absorption rate of ferrous sulfate(5.34%) from milk added 100ppm iron was highly lowered, but ferric citrate(6.45%) was not significantly changed. The absorption rate of ferrous lactate(5.82%) was 70% of 25ppm iron added milk.

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Zerovalent Iron에 의한 유기염소계 살충제 Endosulfan의 탈염소화 (Dechlorination of Organochlorine Insecticide, Endosulfan by Zerovalent Iron)

  • 신현수;김택겸;김장억
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2009
  • 유기염소계 살충제 endosulfan과 이의 토양 중 주 분해산물인 endosulfan sulfate의 ZVI에 의한 분해정도와 분해산물을 조사하였다. ZVI처리에 의해서 수용액내에서 endosulfan과 endosulfan sulfate는 pH가 낮을수록 분해율이 높았으며 pH 3.0에서 ${\alpha}$-endosulfan은 28%, endosulfan sulfate는 90%정도 분해되었고 acetone/water(50/50, v/v) 용액에서는 ${\alpha}$-endosulfan은 65%, endosulfan sulfate는 92%정도 분해되었다. ZVI에 의해 ${\alpha}$-endosulfan 및 endosulfan sulfate는 분해되어 2개의 미확인 물질을 생성하였다. 반응시간에 따른 반응속도와 반감기를 비교해 보면 endosulfan sulfate가 ${\alpha}$-endosulfan에 비해 빠르게 분해되는 양상을 보였다. ZVI의 처리에 인해 ${\alpha}$-endosulfan과 endosulfan sulfate에서 생성된 2개의 미확인 물질은 GC-MS로 분석한 결과, 하나의 $Cl^-$$H^+$로 치환된 구조이성질체로 나타났다.

황산제일철과 암모니아수를 이용한 산화철 합성 (Synthesis of Iron Oxide Using Ferrous Sulfate and Ammonia Water)

  • 김삼중;엄태형;왕웨이;서동수
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 2008
  • A $Fe(OH)_2$ suspension was prepared by mixing iron sulfate and a weak alkali ammonia solution. Following this, iron oxides were synthesized by passing pure oxygen through the suspension (oxidation). The effects of different reaction temperatures ($30^{\circ}C$, $50^{\circ}C$, $70^{\circ}C$) and equivalent ratios ($0.1{\sim}10.0$) on the formation of iron oxides were investigated. An equilibrium phase diagram was established by quantitative phase analysis of the iron oxides using the Rietveld method. The equilibrium phase diagram showed a large difference from the equilibrium phase diagram of Kiyama when the equivalent ratio was above 1, and single $Fe_3O_4$ phase only formed above an equivalent ratio 2 at all reaction temperatures. Kiyama synthesized iron oxide using iron sulfate and a strong alkali NaOH solution.

Effects of Iron-Reducing Bacteria on Carbon Steel Corrosion Induced by Thermophilic Sulfate-Reducing Consortia

  • Valencia-Cantero, Eduardo;Pena-Cabriales, Juan Jose
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 2014
  • Four thermophilic bacterial species, including the iron-reducing bacterium Geobacillus sp. G2 and the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfotomaculum sp. SRB-M, were employed to integrate a bacterial consortium. A second consortium was integrated with the same bacteria, except for Geobacillus sp. G2. Carbon steel coupons were subjected to batch cultures of both consortia. The corrosion induced by the complete consortium was 10 times higher than that induced by the second consortium, and the ferrous ion concentration was consistently higher in iron-reducing consortia. Scanning electronic microscopy analysis of the carbon steel surface showed mineral films colonized by bacteria. The complete consortium caused profuse fracturing of the mineral film, whereas the non-iron-reducing consortium did not generate fractures. These data show that the iron-reducing activity of Geobacillus sp. G2 promotes fracturing of mineral films, thereby increasing steel corrosion.

미세피복된 철분을 첨가한 요구르트의 저장 중 품질 변화 (Quality Changes of Yoghurt Added with Microencapsulated Iron during Storage)

  • 김윤지;윤칠석
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.542-546
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    • 1999
  • Uncoated, ethyl cellulose(EC) coated or methacrylic acid copolymer(MAC) coated ferrous sulfate was added to the yoghurt made from whole milk powder and quality changes of those yoghurt were observed. Among treatments uncoated ferrous sulfate added yoghurt showed the lowest quality in the view of pH, total acidity, total counts of lactic acid bacteria, and sensory characteristics. Quality change of MAC comparing to control was lower than that of EC. MAC and EC showed higher TBA value than no iron added or uncoated iron added one during storage. From sensory evaluation, MAC was not signif icantly different from control in color and off flavor after one day storage(p>0.05), however significant difference was observed in off flavor after 7 day storage(p<0.05). From above results, MAC coated ferrous sulfate added yoghurt showed better quality than uncoated or EC coated ferrous sulfate added one during storage.

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Iron계 금속 촉매가 ABS의 열분해 거동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (Study on the Effect of Iron-based Metal Catalysts on the Thermal Decomposition Behavior of ABS)

  • 장준원;김진환;배진영
    • 공업화학
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.496-501
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    • 2005
  • Iron계 금속 촉매의 존재 하에서 ABS의 열분해 거동을 TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis)를 통해서 조사하였다. Iron계 금속 촉매(ferric nitrate nonahydrate, ammonium ferric sulfate dodecahydrate, iron sulfate hydrate, ammonium ferric oxalate, iron(II) acetate, iron(II) acetylacetonate 및 ferric chloride)는 ABS의 열분해 과정에서 화학반응을 야기하여, 질소분위기에서 촤(char)형성이 관찰되었으며, $600^{\circ}C$에서 3~23 wt%의 비휘발성 촤를 형성하였다. 이와 같은 질소분위기에서의 ABS의 촤 생성은 iron계 금속 촉매의 가교효과(crosslinking effect)로 추정된다. 한편, 공기분위기에서는 생성된 촤가 고온 산화반응에 의해서 열분해되었다.

살균방법이 철분강화 우유의 저장중 품질변화에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Sterilizing Method on the Quality Change of Iron Fortified Market Milk during Storage)

  • 김윤지;김기성
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.755-759
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    • 1999
  • To evaluate the effect of sterilizing method on the quality of iron fortified market milk, HTST(high temperature, short time) or LTLT(low temperture, long time) method was adopted after addition of 100ppm ferrous sulfate, ferric citrate, ferric ammonium citrate, or ferrous lactate in market milk. Sterilized iron fortified market milk was stored at 4oC and then pH, lipid oxidation, color change, and sensory quality were observed. The range of pH change in iron fortified market milk sterilized by HTST or LTLT was 6.51~6.74. The order of pH was control>ferric ammonium citrate>ferrous lactate>ferrous sulfate>ferric citrate. Oxygen consumption of ferric ammonium citrate and ferric citrate was lower than ferrous lactate and ferrous sulfate. This trend was same in HTST and LTLT method, but generally oxygen consumption was lower in iron fortified market milk sterilized by LTLT method than by HTST. In total color change, ferrous lactate treatment was closer to control than other treatments. Also sensory characteristics of ferrous lactate treatment was showed better quality than other treatment. From these results, LTLT method was more suitable than HTST method for iron fortified market milk and ferrous lactate was comparably suitable among iron salts used in this study.

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황산아연욕에서 도금층 경도에 미치는 욕조성 및 도금조건의 영향 (Effect of the electrolyte composition and the plating condition on the hardness of zinc deposit in the sulfate bath)

  • 김명수;김영근
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.356-364
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    • 2000
  • Factors that affect the hardness of the zinc electrodeposits in the sulfate electrolyte were investigated. The hardness of zinc deposit was enhanced by increasing the concentration of impurities such as iron and nickel in the bath that changed the crystallographic orientation of the zinc deposit from the strong basal plane to the random orientation. The increase of the concentration of sodium sulfate and current density in iron contained bath improved the hardness of zinc deposit because those were easily codeposited in zinc layer. However the increase of the concentration of sodium sulfate up to 80g/$\ell$ in the bath darkened the surface of zinc electrodeposits due to change of morphology by the codeposition of iron.

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Sources and Behaviors of Nitrate and Sulfate in Riverside Alluvial Aquifer

  • Choi Byoung-Young;Yun Seong-Taek;Kim Kyoung-Ho;Kim Kang-Joo
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • pp.271-273
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    • 2005
  • The ${\delta}^{15}N\;and\;{\delta}^{15}O$ data of nitrate indicates the sources of nitrate in oxic groundwater as a mixture of ammonia or urea-containing fertilizer and manure. The ${\delta}^{34}S_{sulfate}$ values indicate that sulfate Is mainly originated from fertilizers and soil S. In sub-oxic groundwater, the increased ${\delta}^{34}S_{sulfate}$ values evidently indicate that sulfate is gradually removed by microbial mediated sulfate reduction. However, iron reduction does not occur In this study area. Such a reversed redox sequence may occur In the presence of stable iron oxides such as hematite and goethite in alluvlal aquifer.

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