• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ion-formation process

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  • Choe, Byong-Hee
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.2
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 1962
  • The purpose of this treatise is to prove the presence of cystine in silk fiber through wide sampling throughout all the sericultural processes of Bombyx mori.; also to show that disulfide cross linkages exist in the silk fiber. The conclusions reached were as follows: 1. Crystalline cystine was obtained from silk fibroin using Folin's Method. 2. Analytical data showing the cystine content of silk fiber and its related materials were obtained using Sullvan's Method as follows: Material Percent Cystine A. Mulberry leaf protein 0.175 B. Silkworm egg 0.33 C. Silkworm Body, matured, fat extracted, without silk gland 0.41 D. Silk gland, matured 1.23 E. Silkworm feces none F. Silkworm pupa, fat extracted 0.30 G. Silkworm moth, fat extracted 0.60 H. Raw Silk 0.22 I. Fibroin 0.175 J. Sericin 0.30 3. The presence of cystine in the silkworm was substantiated the existence of 0.175 % methionine in mulberry leaves and 0.12% methionine in the silk gland. 4. Part of the sulfhydryl compounds in the silk gland is believed to transfer to serine and methionine, with the former being secreted into the liquid silk finally as silk fiber and the latter used for nutritive purposes in the growing of silk gland tissue. 5. The cystine content is variable by mulberry species, silkworm species, sex, breeding process, and other culturing environments. 6. Hybrid silkworms require more nutritive amino acids for effective growth than the original parents, and secrete less of them as silk fiber. 7. From such an observation, the amino acid composition of silk fiber is believed to be fairly flexible. Cystine if included in the amorphous part of the fiber, especially in sericin. 8. The result from enriching the silkworm diet with pure cystine or wool cystine did not result in any advantage, therefore it is believed that the natural cystine and methionine contents in the mulberry leafaregoodenoughforsilkwormnutrition. 9. The disulfide cross linkage in silk fiber was verified by using the Harris Method. Contraction took place following the treatment of the fiber with various salts and acids. Comparisons were made with wool fiber. 10. During these experiments, the fibrious structure of silk fiber and the net-globular liquid form were photographed microscopically. It is believed that the globules of liquid silk are net-formed by the inter attraction of the OH ion of the globular peptide and the H ion of water as shown by the hair cracking behavior of the film. The net-globular protein precipitation from the mulberry protein solution showed that mulberry is a proper diet for the formation of fibrous protein in the silk fiber. 11. The significance of the presence of cystine in silk fiber as emphasized in this paper should result in modification of the general conception that cystine is absent from this fiber. NOTICE: A part of this treatise was presented at the annual Korea Sericultural Society meeting held in 1961.

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Fabrication of Hydrogel and Gas Permeable Membranes for FET Type Dissolved $CO_{2}$ Sensor by Photolithographic Method (사진식각법을 이용한 FET형 용존 $CO_{2}$ 센서의 수화젤막 및 가스 투과막 제작)

  • Park, Lee-Soon;Kim, Sang-Tae;Koh, Kwang-Nak
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 1997
  • A field effect transistor(FET) type dissolved carbon dioxide($pCO_{2}$) sensor with a double layer structure of hydrogel membrane and $CO_{2}$ gas permeable membrane was fabricated by utilizing a $H^{+}$ ion selective field effect transistor(pH-ISFET) with Ag/AgCl reference electrode as a base chip. Formation of hydrogel membrane with photo-crosslinkable PVA-SbQ or PVP-PVAc/photosensitizer system was not suitable with the photolithographic process. Furthermore, hydrogel membrane on pH-ISFET base chip could be fabricated by photolithographic method with the aid of N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl othylenediarnine(TED) as $O_{2}$ quencher without using polyester film as a $O_{2}$ blanket during UV irradiation process. Photosensitive urethane acrylate type oligomer was used as gas permeable membrane on top of hydrogel layer. The FET type $pCO_{2}$ sensor fabricated by photolithographic method showed good linearity (linear calibration curve) in the range of $10^{-3}{\sim}10^{0}\;mol/{\ell}$ of dissolved $CO_{2}$ in aqueous solution with high sensitivity.

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  • Kwun, Jung-Won;Kum, Kee-Yeon;Lee, Seung-Jong;Jung, Il-Young;Lee, Chan-Young
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 1999
  • In biological systems, the mineral that forms hard tissue is of an apatitic nature, and hydroxyapatite($Ca_5OH(PO_4)_3$: HA) is generally considered as the prototype for such a mineral. Thus, the precipitation of HA, having biological implications, has been the subject of several investigations. Crystal growth studies using HA seeds in supersaturated solutions have enhanced our understanding of the process and mechanism involved in seeded crystal growth. From these studies, it has become apparent that the precipitation rate of HA onto the seed crystals depends on the various conditions, especially on the additives. The relation between the supersaturated solution containing fluoride and the process of HA crystal growth enhances the understanding of mechanism of HA crystal growth. Until recently, the studies have been on the crystal growth of enamel minerals and synthetic HA seeds in the supersaturated solution containing 1~2 ppm fluoride. The purpose of the present investigation is to study the effect that fluoride of high concentration has on the crystal growth kinetics of HA. In order to produce the composition found in the secretory enamel fluid, experimental solutions of 1mM Ca, 3mM P, and 100mM Tris as background electrolyte were used. Then this experimental solutions were added to 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ppm fluoride. The effect of fluoride at high concentrations on the precipitation was examined in a bench-top crystal growth model adopting a miniaturized reaction column. Chemical analysis was employed for characterization of working solutions before and after the experimentation. Remarkable findings were : 1) the amount of crystal growth was gradually accelerated as the fluoride concentration increased until 6 ppm, but decreased in 8 and 10 ppm fluoride; 2) the amount of fluoride ion consumed in crystal formation was constant despite the increase in fluoride concentration.

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Inhibitory Effect of Ni2+ on the Tolaasin-induced Hemolysis (톨라신의 용혈활성에 대한 Ni2+의 저해효과)

  • Choi, Tae-Keun;Wang, Hee-Sung;Kim, Young-Kee
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2009
  • The bacterial toxin, tolaasin, causes brown blotch disease on the cultivated mushrooms by collapsing fungal and fruiting body structure of mushroom. Cytotoxicity of tolaasin was evaluated by measuring hemolytic activity because tolaasins form membrane pores on the red blood cells and destroy cell structure. While we investigated the inhibitions of hemolytic activity of tolaasin by $Zn^{2+}$ and $Cd^{2+}$, we found that $Ni^{2+}$ is another antagonist to block the toxicity of tolaasin. $Ni^{2+}$ inhibited the tolaasin-induced hemolysis in a dose-dependent manner and its Ki value was $\sim10$ mM, implying that the inhibitory effect of $Ni^{2+}$ is stronger than that of $Cd^{2+}$. The hemolytic activity was completely inhibited by $Ni^{2+}$ at the concentration higher than 50 mM. The effect of $Ni^{2+}$ was reversible since it was removed by the addition of EDTA. When the tolaasin-induced hemolysis was suppressed by the addition of 20 mM $Ni^{2+}$, the subsequent addition of EDIA immediately initiated the hemolysis. Although the mechanism of $Ni^{2+}$ -induced inhibition on tolaasin toxicity is not known, $Ni^{2+}$ could inhibit any of fallowing processes of tolaasin action, membrane binding, molecular multimerization, pore formation, and massive ion transport through the membrane pore. Our results indicate that $Ni^{2+}$ inhibits the pore activity of tolaasin, the last step of the toxic process.

Electrokinetic Studies on Nylon and Wool/Acid Dye System (나일론과 양모/산성염료계에 대한 계면동전위적 연구)

  • 박병기;김진우;김찬영
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 1989
  • In past, dye diffusion and dyeing rate in fibers have been emphasized in dyeing phenomena. However, in the light of the properties of colloids in the surface of disperse phase and dispersion, there exist specific characters such as adsorption or electric double layer, which seems to play important roles in determining the physiochemical properties in the dyeing system. Electrostatic bonding, hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals adsorption are common in dyeing as well as covalent bonding. Particularly, electrostatic bonding is premised on the existance of ionic radicals in fibers. The present study was aimed to clarify the electrokinetic phenomena of dyeing through the role of electric double layer by ion in amphoteric fibers with different ionic effects under different pH. Spectrophotometric analysis method was used to compare dyeing condition of surface, which can be detected by electrokinetic phenomena and the inner of fibers after deceleration of dyed fibers. Nylon and wool, the typical amphoteric fibers were dyed with monoazo acid dyes such as C.I. Acid Orange 20, and C.I. Acid Orange 10. Various combinations were prepared by combining pH, temperature and dye concentration, in order to generate streaming electric potential which were measured by microvolt meter and specific conductivity meter. The results were transformed to zeta potential by Helmholtz-Smoluchowski formular and to surface electric charge density by Suzawa formular, surface dye amount, and effective surface area of fibers. The amount of dyes of inner fibers were also measured by the Lambert-Beer’s law. The main results obtained are as follows. 1. By measuring zeta pontential, it was possible to detect the dyeing mechanism, surface charge density, surface dye amount and effective surface area concerning dye adsorption of the amphoteric fibers. 2. Zeta pontential increases in negative at low pH and high dye concentration in the process of dyeing. This implied that there existed ionic bond formation in the dyeing mechanism between acid dyes and amphoteric fibers. 3. Dibasic acid dye had little changing rate in zeta potential due to the difference in solubility of dye and in number of dissociated ions per dye molecule to bond with amino radicals of amphoteric fibers. The dye adsorption of mono basic acid dye was higher than that of dibasic acid dye. 4. The effective surface areas concerning dyeing were $6.3E+05\;cm^2/g$ in nylon, $1.6E+07\;cm^2/g$ in wool fiber being higher order of wool then nylon.

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Martian Bow Shock and Magnetic Pile-Up Barrier Formation Due to the Exosphere Ion Mass-Loading

  • Kim, Eo-Jin;Sohn, Jong-Dae;Yi, Yu;Ogino, Tatsuki;Lee, Joo-Hee;Park, Jae-Woo;Song, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2011
  • Bow shock, formed by the interaction between the solar wind and a planet, is generated in different patterns depending on the conditions of the planet. In the case of the earth, its own strong magnetic field plays a critical role in determining the position of the bow shock. However, in the case of Mars of which has very a small intrinsic magnetic field, the bow shock is formed by the direct interaction between the solar wind and the Martian ionosphere. It is known that the position of the Martian bow shock is affected by the mass loading-effect by which the supersonic solar wind velocity becomes subsonic as the heavy ions originating from the planet are loaded on the solar wind. We simulated the Martian magnetosphere depending on the changes of the density and velocity of the solar wind by using the three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model built by modifying the comet code that includes the mass loading effect. The Martian exosphere model of was employed as the Martian atmosphere model, and only the photoionization by the solar radiation was considered in the ionization process of the neutral atmosphere. In the simulation result under the normal solar wind conditions, the Martian bow shock position in the subsolar point direction was consistent with the result of the previous studies. The three-dimensional simulation results produced by varying the solar wind density and velocity were all included in the range of the Martian bow shock position observed by Mariner 4, Mars 2, 3, 5, and Phobos 2. Additionally, the simulation result also showed that the change of the solar wind density had a greater effect on the Martian bow shock position than the change of the solar wind velocity. Our result may be useful in analyzing the future observation data by Martian probes.

Site-selective Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Er-implanted Wurtzite GaN under Various Annealing Condition

  • Kim, Sangsig;Sung, Man Young;Hong, Jinki;Lee, Moon-Sook
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2000
  • The ~1540 nm $^4$ $I_{13}$ 2/ longrightarro $w^4$ $I_{15}$ 2/ emissions of E $r^{3+}$ in Er-implanted GaN annealed at temperatures in the 400 to 100$0^{\circ}C$ range were investigated to gain a better understanding of the formation and dissociation processes of the various E $r^{3+}$ sites and the recovery of damage caused by the implantation with increasing annealing temperature ( $T_{A}$).The monotonic increase in the intensity of the broad defect photoluminescence(PL) bands with incresing $T_{A}$ proves that these are stable radiative recombination centers introduced by the implantation and annealing process. Theser centers cannot be attributed to implantation-induced damage that is removed by post-implantation annealing. Selective wavelength pumpling of PL spectra at 6K reveals the existence of at least nine different E $r^{3+}$ sites in this Er-implanted semiconductor. Most pf these E $r^{3+}$ PL centers are attributed to complexed of Er atoms with defects and impurities which are thermally activated at different $T_{A}$. Only one of the nine observed E $r^{3+}$ PL centers can be pumped by direct 4f absorption and this indicates that it is highest concentration E $r^{3+}$ center and it represents most of the optically active E $r^{3+}$ in the implanted sample. The fact that this E $r^{3+}$ center cannot be strongly pumped by above-gap light or broad band below-gap absorption indicates that it is an isolated center, i.e not complexed with defects or impurities, The 4f-pumped P: spectrum appears at annealing temperatures as low as 40$0^{\circ}C$, and although its intensity increase monotonically with increasing $T_{A}$ the wavelengths and linewidths of its characteristic peaks asre unaltered. The observation of this high quality E $r_{3+}$PL spectrum at low annealing temperatures illustrates that the crystalline structure of GaN is not rendered amorphous by the ion implantation. The increase of the PL intensities of the various E $R_{3+}$sites with increasing $T_{A}$is due to the removal of competing nonradiative channels with annealing. with annealing.annealing.

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Antioxidative Effects of Sulfur Containing Compounds in Garlic on Oxidation of Human Low Density Lipoprotein Induced by Macrophages and Copper Ion (마크로파아지 및 구리 이온으로 유도한 사람 low density lipoprotein의 산화에 대한 마늘 유황 화합물의 항산화 효과)

  • Yang, Seung-Taek
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2008
  • Sulfur containing compounds in garlic have all be used as one of the traditional folk medicine as well as food source. The present study was performed to investigate the antioxidative compounds of 1-methyl-1-cysteine, dimethyl trisulfide and 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin. The antioxidative activity of sulfur containing compounds on human LDL was investigated by monitoring a thiobarbituric acid substances (TBARS). Sulfur containing compounds inhibited on oxidation of LDL mediated by $CuSO_4$ and macrophages in dose dependent manner with almost completely inhibition at $80{\mu}g/ml$. Antioxidant activities of sulfur containing compounds on LDL oxidation were 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin, 1-methyl-1-cysteine, and dimethyl trisulfide in order. Inhibitory effects of sulfur containing compounds on oxidation of LDL mediated by $CuSO_4$ and macrophages were degraded at much greater rate than native LDL, the LDL oxidation process was arrested as shown by the lower conjugated dienes formation at the concentration of $60{\mu}g/ml$. Sulfur containing compounds in garlic revealed at high antioxidative activity at low physiological concentration for human LDL oxidation in vitro specially, it was indicated that the antioxidative activity of 3-viny l-4H-1,2-dithiin was higher than that of the other sulfur containing compounds.

The Enhancement of Thermal Stability of Nickel Monosilicide by Ir and Co Insertion (Ir과 Co를 첨가한 니켈모노실리사이드의 고온 안정화 연구)

  • Yoon, Ki-Jeong;Song, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1056-1063
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    • 2006
  • Thermal evaporated 10 nm-Ni/l nm-Ir/(or polycrystalline)p-Si(100) and 10 nm-$Ni_{50}Co_{50}$/(or polycrystalline)p-Si(100) films were thermally annealed using rapid thermal annealing fur 40 sec at $300{\sim}1200^{\circ}C$. The annealed bilayer structure developed into Ni(Ir or Co)Si and resulting changes in sheet resistance, microstructure, phase and composition were investigated using a four-point probe, a scanning electron microscopy, a field ion beam, an X-ray diffractometer and an Auger electron spectroscope. The final thickness of Ir- and Co-inserted nickel silicides on single crystal silicon was approximately 20$\sim$40 nm and maintained its sheet resistance below 20 $\Omega$/sq. after the silicidation annealing at $1000^{\circ}C$. The ones on polysilicon had thickness of 20$\sim$55 nm and remained low resistance up to $850^{\circ}C$. A possible reason fur the improved thermal stability of the silicides formed on single crystal silicon substrate is the role of Ir and Co in preventing $NiSi_2$ transformation. Ir and Co also improved thermal stability of silicides formed on polysilicon substrate, but this enhancement was lessened due to the formation of high resistant phases and also a result of silicon mixing during high temperature diffusion. Ir-inserted nickel silicides showed surface roughness below 3 nm, which is appropriate for nano process. In conclusion, the proposed Ir- and Co- inserted nickel silicides may be superior over the conventional nickel monosilicides due to improved thermal stability.

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Corrosion Characteristics of Excavated Bronze Artifacts According to Corrosion Environment (부식 환경에 따른 출토 청동 유물의 부식 특성)

  • Jang, Junhyuk;Bae, Gowoon;Chung, Kwangyong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2020
  • In excavated bronze artifacts, corrosion products of various shapes and colors are observed due to multiple corrosion factors coexisting in the burial environment, and these corrosion products can constitute important data not only in terms of long-term corrosion-related information, but also in connection with preservation of artifacts. As such, scientific analysis is being carried out on the corrosion layer and corrosion products of bronze artifacts, and the corrosion mechanism and the characteristics of corrosion products elucidated, which is essential for interpreting the exposed burial environment and its association with corrosion factors inside the burial environment. In this study, after classifying excavated bronze artifacts according to alloy ratio and fabrication technique, comprehensive analysis of the surface of corrosion artifacts, corrosion layer, and corrosion products was carried out to investigate the corrosion mechanism, formation process of the corrosion layer, and characteristics of corrosion products. The study designated two groups according to alloy ratio and fabrication technique. In Group 1, which involved a Cu-Sn-Pb alloy and had no heat treatment, the surface was rough and external corrosion layers were formed on a part, or both sides, of the inside and the outside, and the surface was observed as being green or blue. α+δ phase selection corrosion was found in the metal and some were found to be concentrated in an empty space with a purity of 95 percent or more after α+δ phase corrosion. The Cu-Sn alloy and heat-treated Group 2 formed a smooth surface with no external corrosion layer, and a dark yellow surface was observed. In addition, no external corrosion layer was observed, unlike Group 1, and α corrosion was found inside the metal. In conclusion, it can be seen that the bronze artifacts excavated from the same site differ in various aspects, including the formation of the corrosion layer, the shape and color of the corrosion products, and the metal ion migration path, depending on the alloy ratio and fabrication technique. They also exhibited different corrosion characteristics in the same material, which means that different forms of corrosion can occur depending on the exposure environment in the burial setting. Therefore, even bronze artifacts excavated from the same site will have different corrosion characteristics depending on alloy ratio, fabrication technique, and exposure environment. The study shows one aspect of corrosion characteristics in specific areas and objects; further study of corrosion mechanisms in accordance with burial conditions will be required through analysis of the corrosive layer and corrosive product characteristics of bronze artifacts from various regions.