• 제목/요약/키워드: Introduction to Engineering Design

검색결과 468건 처리시간 0.028초

Design of an integrated network management system for telecom subsystem in offshore plants

  • Kang, Nam-seon;Kim, Nam-hun;Lee, Seon-ho;Kim, Young-goon;Yoon, Hyeon-kyu
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제39권8호
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    • pp.863-869
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the offshore plant industry and related regulations such as ISO, IEC, and Norsok Standards to develop an integrated network management system (INMS) capable of both on-site and remote management and configuration of IP-based network equipment in offshore plants. The INMS was designed based on actual specifications and POS plans, and a plan of management was verified through an offshore plant engineering company. Various modules such as PAGA interface modules, CCTV, IP-PBX, and HF-radio communication modules were developed for system implementation. Protocol and data design and screen design were followed by framework development and introduction of the automatic satellite communication function.

선택적 전기화학 3D 프린터 기술 소개 및 PCB 양산공정 적용방식 고찰 (Introduction of Selective Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing Technology and Consideration of Integration Method for PCB Mass Production Process)

  • 김성빈;유봉영
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.158-163
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    • 2021
  • Some studies on electrochemical additive manufacturing of metals were summarized in this technical report, and development status of selective electrochemical 3D printing technology was introduced. In order to apply it to the PCB mass production process, essential considerations how to overcome the fundamental problems, such as the sizing, process sequence and PCB process design have been described.

교통부문 CO2 저감을 위한 지구단위설계 방법에 관한 연구 (A sutdy on the District Unit Design for CO2 Reduction of Transportation)

  • 진장원;박민관
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.1370-1376
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 지구단위 내 교통부문에서 다양한 도시설계 및 교통정책의 적용에 따른 $CO_2$의 배출량 효과를 분석해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 가상네트워크(Toy Network)를 설정하고 토지이용패턴과 교통정책을 접목한 19개의 시나리오를 가정한 후 교통수요 예측 프로그램인 EMME3를 이용하여 $CO_2$ 발생량을 산정하고 비교하였다. 그 결과 총 $CO_2$ 배출량이 가장 많이 감소한 정책은 지구의 중간부를 개발하면서 동시에 내부의 2차로 도로는 차량 통행을 금지시키고 보행자 천국을 만드는 것이었다. 총 $CO_2$량이 가장 많이 발생된 그룹은 교통공학에서 일반적으로 인식되어 왔던 적절한 도로위계에 따른 도로망 구성 및 접근통제 조절 정책이었다. 따라서 지구설계시 도로망 구성 및 접근통제는 세밀한 연구를 통해 실행되어야 할 것임을 알게 되었다.

FPSO DPM 시스템 소개 및 초기 설계 시 고려사항 (Introduction of FPSO DPM System and Design Consideration Factor at the Early Design Phase)

  • 이충열;전광헌;이희성;권용락
    • 대한조선학회 특별논문집
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    • 대한조선학회 2013년도 특별논문집
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2013
  • As the offshore oil and gas upstream industry moves into deeper water, the FPSOs are the cost-effective solution. In the harsh environment such as in North Sea, station keeping and heading control capability obtained through the DP and Position Mooring (DPM) system of FPSOs play important roles to keep the safety. This paper introduces the concept, function and sub-system of the DPM systems which has been applied for the North Sea FPSOs since the late 1980s. The requirements and guidelines of some internationally recognized standards are also described, which are important to build the design basis at the early phases of the project.

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On condition based maintenance policy

  • Shin, Jong-Ho;Jun, Hong-Bae
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2015
  • In the case of a high-valuable asset, the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) phase requires heavy charges and more efforts than the installation (construction) phase, because it has long usage life and any accident of an asset during this period causes catastrophic damage to an industry. Recently, with the advent of emerging Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), we can get the visibility of asset status information during its usage period. It gives us new challenging issues for improving the efficiency of asset operations. One issue is to implement the Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) approach that makes a diagnosis of the asset status based on wire or wireless monitored data, predicts the assets abnormality, and executes suitable maintenance actions such as repair and replacement before serious problems happen. In this study, we have addressed several aspects of CBM approach: definition, related international standards, procedure, and techniques with the introduction of some relevant case studies that we have carried out.

엔진정지 중 전기적인 원인에 의해 발생한 자동차화재의 분석 연구 (A Study on Analysis on an Automotive Fire Case that Broke Out due to an Electrical Cause during Engine Stopping)

  • 이의평
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2013
  • Although it is widely accepted that a fire can occur due to electrical causes even when an engine stops, there is little introduction of detailed case analysis. This study analyzed a fire case caused by an electrical cause during engine stopping at parking lot in detail. Moreover, it was revealed that the fire was mainly caused by design defect.

설계공정 (Design Process)의 소개 및 적용 (Introduction and application design process)

  • 문형석;정종덕;최성규;김원경;이관섭;박준서
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 1999년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.242-255
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    • 1999
  • In order to manufacture high quality goods, the engineers who will design them has to have board technical experience as well as profound engineering knowledge. The engineers also be able to design and manufacture well development goods base on new advanced technology. Design process can be defined as transforming activity raw material into finished producted for human needs. The wealth of nation depend on its ability to retrieve natural resources and manufacture goods. Its ability, creation of goods, is most fundamental component of economic wealth of rich country. The rich countries have combine their own design knowledge with computer technology and create new effective design process. In this paper, one of the useful and practice design process created for railway industry is introduced. Base on the concept of this design process, the automatic wheelchair lifter design for railway vehicle is performed.

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비대면 수업에서 온라인 실습활동의 사례- '기초전기회로 및 실습' 교과목을 중심으로 (A Case Study of Online Practice Activities in Non-face-to-face Class - 'Introduction to Electric Circuits and Lab' Course)

  • 한안나;이호철
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to design and operate non-face-to-face online practice class in engineering education, and to explore students' perceptions and effectiveness of them. To this end, after developing and implementing a strategy for non-face-to-face online practice activities in the 'Introduction to Electric Circuits and Lab' course, the questionnaire responses of 47 learners were analyzed, and the group differences were investigated using Kruskal-Wallis test. As a result, it was found that students' perceptions of non-face-to-face online practice class were positive in terms of learning effect, learning convenience, interaction, and satisfaction. The group difference according to the face-to-face/non-face-to-face preference method was found to be higher in the group that preferred non-face-to-face class in terms of learning convenience, interaction and satisfaction. As for the group difference according to the number of questions and answers of the learners, the group who answered the question showed a higher awareness of the learning convenience and interaction than the group that did not. In addition, implications for designing a learning environment for non-face-to-face online practice classes were presented.

Application of Matrix Thinking Method to Introduction Program in Engineering Education

  • Satoh, Yasuta;Kubota, Shusuke;Takahashi, Koji;Takahata, Yasuyuki;Kim, Yun-Hae
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2010
  • From a lot of survey, it is obvious that most students in universities lose their desire for learning just after entering their universities. In order to solve this problem, we developed a novel educational tool for the students, named "The thinking method based on matrix diagram". If they try hard with the help of this tool, they will be able to learn how to design and manage their splendid university lives in addition to get the basic knowledge and to improve their basic abilities. It is also found that they can earn the shared knowledge mutually after learning a common method, which supports to make them to improve their communication abilities drastically.

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건축설계에서 BIM ROI 측정방법 연구: 중소규모 설계사무소 실무중심으로 (A Study on Measurement Method of BIM ROI in Architectural Design Firm)

  • 손준익;옥종호
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.267-280
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    • 2016
  • In the construction industry, adoption of BIM is a global tendency whereas it doesn't seem to be fully activated in domestic market. Thus, the need of BIM ROI measurement is emerging. There has been a few researches which is only focused on evaluating achievement of BIM in constructional stage. However, it's hard to find any studies on the case of measurement of BIM ROI at the design phase. Therefore, this paper analyzes the domestic and external 12 advanced researches in the measurement of BIM ROI and suggests common investment and return facts. Based on this, this paper proposes a measuring method which is applicable in domestic architectural firms. To determine the appropriateness of the measure, there has been an expert survey and interview. According to the expert survey, the measure itself is practical. But in other survey targeting industry employee, actual profit and efficiency appear to be significantly different from previous expectations. In short, in the domestic conditions in the design stage, the introduction of BIM doesn't have a practical effect and this is one of the main reason why BIM can't be fully functional.