• Title/Summary/Keyword: Instrumental education

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Trends in the Use of Assessment Tools by Korean Occupational Therapists: Focus on Adult and Older Adult Populations (한국 작업치료사의 평가도구 사용 동향: 성인 및 노인 분야를 중심으로)

  • Ha, Yae-Na;Jeong, Ji-In;Kang, Byoung-Ho;Yoo, Eun-Young
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2024
  • Objective : This study investigated trends in the use of assessment tools by occupational therapists working with adults and older adults. Methods : Occupational therapists were surveyed to gather data on general characteristics, assessment tool usage, assessment time and frequency, usage trends by area, and education. The tools were categorized by the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF) into Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), and play and leisure for occupations, and cognitive functions, motor functions, and psychosocial aspects for client factors. Data from 98 respondents were analyzed using frequency analysis and one-way ANOVA with SAS. Results : Most surveyed occupational therapists worked in university or general hospitals (40.82%). The assessment time per patient was under 30 min (62.25%), and re-assessment frequency was one~three months (68.38%). The most frequently used assessment tools by the OTPF were as follows: ADL: Modified Barthel Index (94.90%), IADL: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (31.63%), cognitive functions: Mini-Mental Status Examination (89.80%), visual perception: Motor-free Visual Perception Test (56.12%), dementia: Global Deterioration Scale (63.27%), motor functions: Jamar Dynamometer & Pinch Gauge (59.18%), dysphagia: Video Fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (28.57%), physical examination: Range of Motion (59.18%), and psychosocial: Geriatric Depression Scale (33.67%). Conclusion : This study identified the use and rationale of assessment tools for occupational therapy in adults and older adults. These findings aim to enhance the curriculum and continuing education of occupational therapists.

Exploration of Features of Korean Eighth Grade Students' Attitudes Toward Science (우리나라 중학교 2학년 학생들의 과학에 대한 정의적 태도 특성 탐색)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2017
  • The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) announced the TIMSS 2015 results at the end of 2016. In this research, we analyzed the relationship between Korean eighth grade students' attitude toward science and science achievement, trends in students' attitude toward science based on common items used in three to four cycles of TIMSS, and trends across grades in students' attitude toward science. According to the results, Korean eighth grade students showed the lowest level of confidence with science, interest in learning science, and valuing science among the 15 top performing countries as well as all the participant countries. In addition, according to the analysis result of common items, Korean students' confidence with science and interest in learning science have decreased, whereas students' valuing science with instrumental values has increased between TIMSS 2011 and TIMSS 2015. According to trends across grades, the cohort of students, assessed at the fourth grade in TIMSS 2011 and moved to the eighth grade four years later in 2015, decreased in their confidence with science and interest in learning science. Discussed in the conclusion are further studies and ways to improve science teaching and learning to improve students' attitude toward science.

An Analysis on Cognitive Obstacles While Doing Addition and Subtraction with Fractions (분수 덧셈, 뺄셈에서 나타나는 인지적 장애 현상 분석)

  • Kim, Mi-Young;Paik, Suck-Yoon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.241-262
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to identify the cognitive obstacles while using addition and subtraction with fractions, and to analyze the sources of cognitive obstacles. For this purpose, the following research questions were established : 1. What errors do elementary students make while performing the operations with fractions, and what cognitive obstacles do they have? 2. What sources cause the cognitive obstacles to occur? The results obtained in this study were as follows : First, the student's cognitive obstacles were classified as those operating with same denominators, different denominators, and both. Some common cognitive obstacles that occurred when operating with same denominators and with different denominators were: the students would use division instead of addition and subtraction to solve their problems, when adding fractions, the students would make a natural number as their answer, the students incorporated different solving methods when working with improper fractions, as well as, making errors when reducing fractions. Cognitive obstacles in operating with same denominators were: adding the natural number to the numerator, subtracting the small number from the big number without carrying over, and making errors when doing so. Cognitive obstacles while operating with different denominators were their understanding of how to work with the denominators and numerators, and they made errors when reducing fractions to common denominators. Second, the factors that affected these cognitive obstacles were classified as epistemological factors, psychological factors, and didactical factors. The epistemological factors that affected the cognitive obstacles when using addition and subtraction with fractions were focused on hasty generalizations, intuition, linguistic representation, portions. The psychological factors that affected the cognitive obstacles were focused on instrumental understanding, notion image, obsession with operation of natural numbers, and constraint satisfaction.

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The Health and Dietary management of Impaired elderly by ADL in Gyeonggi, Korea (ADL에 의한 도움필요 노인의 건강과 식생활관리 -경기지역 농촌노인을 중심으로-)

  • Rhie Seung-Gyo;Choi Mi-Yong;Won Hyang-Rye
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.159-174
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to provide information searching for health promotion, nutrition improvement, and health care of the impaired elderly by ADL(Activity of Daily Living) and IADL(Instrumental Activity of Daily Living). The subjects were divided into the Assistant Needed Group and No Assistant Needed Group for living in line with the responses of ADL(10 items like dressing, washing, move etc.) and IADL(10 items like housekeeping, using transportation, shopping, Phone call etc.). Survey was made for health behavior, health risk habit, dietary management status and diet intake by 24 hr-recall and questionnaire method. 242 subjects were collected in 12 cities or Gun districts in Gyeonggi Province, S. Korea. Survey was carried out by regional home extension workers using interview method. Statistical analyses were made using SAS (Version 8.1). Chi-Square Tests and General Linear Models. The subjects of impaired ADL elderly was 26.5% and it composed 30% of the total male and 22.2% of the total female. The demographic status of the impaired ADL elderly showed no difference from that of the normal elders, elementary school educated (73.4%), with spouse (43.8%) or with adult children(37.5%), using monthly living cost of 500-1,000 thousand won(35.9%). Mean age was 74.05 years compared to 72.25 years of normal elders. However, there was no significant difference from the normal and impaired ADL group, regular exercise(60.0%), with walking (90.0%), no-smoke(54.7%) and no-drink(48.4%). Kind of disease was not different from the one in impaired and normal group, with cardiovascular disease(32.3%), with diabetes mellitus(8.1%), joint lumbago neuralgia(32.3%) and osteoporosis(9.7%). Gastrointestinal complaints of the impaired ADL group were nausea(57.8%), chronic indigestion (23.4%), constipation (14,0%) and vomiting(3.7%). Sleeping time required for the impaired was longer than that for the normal group by 10hours(4.7%) or 8-10hours(20.3%), which consisted 1.7% and 16.6% respectively. Nutrient intake of the impaired ADL group was low compared to normal range elders: Energy(1260kca1), Protein(52.75g). There was gender difference in nutrient intake; the male impaired group showed no significant difference from the normal group but it was significantly lower in female impaired group. These results suggest that low quality of life and low economic status of the impaired ADL elderly require congregate meal in village hall to cover the lack of side dishe variety. And nutrition education program including community assistance would be required for the impaired ADL elderly together with the sufficient food and exercise practice. By operating nutrition education program, the impaired ADL elderly would maintain more enhanced quality of life and ameliorate the ADL capability.

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A Study on Preference to Korean Spicy Fish Soups by Questionnaire Methods in Busan and Development of a Standardized Recipe (부산지역 생선횟집을 중심으로 생선 매운탕 소비실태 및 최적 조리법 확립)

  • Kim, Jung-Sun;Cho, Young-Je;Lee, Nahm-Gull
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.150-163
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    • 2006
  • A study on sliced raw fish consumption was conducted on 300 citizens of Busan (89 men and 192 women), attending high school and university, housekeepers and employees. A self-administered questionnaire was used to record the results. The results were as follows: 93 percent of the respondents appeared to like or not be reluctant to eating Maeun-Tang. Most of the panelists had eaten at a seafood restaurant. The taste of Maeun-Tang varied differently by the spicy fish soup recipe. 56 percent of the respondents appeared to want this dish to have a fiery taste. Therefore, 89 percent of the respondents appeared to desire Maun-Tang to have a standardized recipe. The qualities of four kinds of stock made of water (A recipe), anchovy added with sea tangle (B recipe), fish bone (C recipe) and vegetable (D recipe) were investigated by using sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis for amino acids and nucleotides. The C recipe score was 80.9${\pm}$15.9 and D, B recipe was $75.7{\pm}17.1$, $75.4{\pm}17.2$, respectively. The A recipe score was $61.8{\pm}22.8$. The Degree of smooth taste were D recipe >A recipe >B recipe>C recipe. The Degree of spicy taste were C recipe >B recipe >D recipe>A recipe. In sensory evaluation, the C recipe obtained the highest score for overall preference. However, no difference of extractive nitrogen content, nucleotide and amino acid contest were observed in the C recipe after cook of Maeun-Tang.

The Elderly Health and Dietary Management in Gyeonggi Province II - Comparison with Younger Old and Older Old - (경기지역 노인의 건강과 식생활관리 II - 75세 미만의 젊은 노인과 75세 이상 고령 노인 비교 -)

  • Rhie Seung-Gyo;Choi Mi-Yong;Won Hyang-Rye
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the information of the aged olds for which basic data are almost no available. The subjects were divided on the base of age 75. The elderly under 75 were named 'the young olds' and over 75 were 'the aged olds'. The aim of this research is to promote health and to improve nutrition, and the survey was made for health promotion behaviors, habits against health risk, dietary management status and diet intake. And it was conducted by 24 hr-recall method and analyzed by nutrients intake. 242 subjects were collected in 12 cities or counties in Gyeonggi Province and 20 elderly people (10 male and 10 female) were selected out of 1 village in each district. Questionnaire about health behavior and dietary management was carried out by interview method through regional home extension workers. Statistical analyses were made by SAS (version 8.1) and Chi-square tests and General Linear Models were used. Out of the subjects the aged olds over 75 was 31.9%, elementary school educated (93.5%), with spouse (40.3%), with adult children(28.6%), monthly living cost of 500-1,000 thousand won(40.3%). Mean age was 78.82 years compared with 69.75 years of the young olds. 46.8% of the aged olds used monthly pocket money over 1000 won and it was lower than 63.3% of the young olds. Only half of the aged olds had regular exercise of walking (77.8%) or with athletic equipment (17.8%). However, the young olds did more frequent walking (82.1 %) and less exercise with athletic equipment (4.8 %), which was significantly different. Kinds of disease were different with the young or the aged olds, as more proportion of cardiovascular disease(37.9%) for the young olds and joint lumbago neuralgia(41.6%) for the aged olds. Dietary management was good (3 meals per day: 93.4%, fixed mealtime: 72.4%, and regular amount: 79.9%). But there was significant difference in side dish varieties and kinds of snacks; for the aged olds only 8% had over 5 sorts (compared with 18.8% of the young olds) and the kinds of snacks were cookie, candy, juice, carbonated beverage for the aged olds (compared with noodle, milk, soybean-milk for young olds). The ratio of nutrients intake (energy, riboflavin and niacin) with RDA was significantly higher for the aged olds than that of the young olds. The surveyed subjects had no difficulties in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), but some of the aged olds had difficulties in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) like housekeeping, using transportation, going shopping and making phone calls. These results suggest that low quality of life is linked with low economic status of the rural elderly and congregate meal at village hall would be required because of the lack of side dishes variety for the aged olds. And nutrition education program about good snacks and exercise practice would be needed for the aged olds. By operating nutrition education program the aged olds would enjoy better quality life maintaining or ameliorating IADL abilities.

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Pastor's Expectations from Parish Nurses (목회자의 목회간호에 대한 역할기대)

  • Kim, Chung-Nam;Kwon, Young-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.154-169
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    • 1996
  • Parish nursing is a community health nursing role developed in 1983 by Lutheran chaplain Granger Westberg. An increasing emphasis on holistic care, personal reseponsibility for a healthy lifestyle, and changes in healthcare delivery systems have undoubtedly facilitated the establishment and nurturance of an innovative nursing role in the community. Parish nurses are functioning in a variety of church congregations of various denominations. The parish nurse is a educator, a personal health counselor, a coordinator of volunteers. The parish nurses helps people relate to the complexed medical care system and assists people to integrate faith and health. The autors conducted a study on pastor's expectations from parish nurses. Results of this study will be useful to those instrumental in planning, initiating, supporting, and evaluating a parish nurses program The research was done on 130 pastors in Taegue and Kyong Sang Buck Do, of various ages ranging from their 20's to 60's: and pastoring churches of various sizes, ranging from under 100 to over 300 members. 94.6% agreed that they needed a parish nurse on their staff; and 86.2% said they wanted to start a parish nurse program in their churches if certain basic conditions were met. The pastors responded that some would hire the nurses on a full-time basis(22.3%), a part -time basis (37.7%) or use volunteer nurses (40%). The pastors said they would expect the following from a parish nurse: health counselling (80.0%) regular health check-ups (78.5%) health care for the elderly (78.5%) health information and education (72.3%) hospice care (72.3%) visiting sick church members at home (69.2%) arranging and training volunteers to help the seek (59.2%) health care for expectant mothers (50.0%) introducing and taking people to health care facilities (46.2%) The pastors were surveyed about specific areas of health education they would want the parish nurse to teach(for example, high blood pressure and heart disease prevention and management(76.2%) ; stress management(74.6%); and diabetes prevention and management(73.8%). The pastors were surveyed about specific areas of health counselling they would expect the parish nurse to do (for example, drug abuse, (73.1), alcohol abuse(64.6%), marriage conflict(60.0%), recovery after the loss of a loved one(56.9%), and women's conflict with parents-in-law(53.8%). The pastors were surveyed about types of things they would want included in regular health check-ups, what they would want a parish nurse to do on home visits, and what they would want included in home care for the elderly. They were also surveyed on what kind of spiritual care they would like parish nurses to give. Most (90.7%) wanted their parish, parishioners to be involved in the parish nurses program as volunteers, and in a variety of ways(such as visiting sick in their homes(68.5%) and helping with housework(63.1%) and taking sick people to health facilities(60%). Parish nurses role, activities, and boundaries of practice should be continuously monitored and refined and a 'case manager' should be conceptualized as an additional or all-encompassing role. An initial parish / community needs and readiness assessment should be done prior to establishing a program to detemine if the congregation is ready, willing, and able to support such a position for at least a 2 to 3 year period.

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Analysis of Nursing Studies of Coping Conducted in Korea from 1978 to 1995 (대처 개념의 국내 간호연구 분석)

  • 소향숙;조복희;홍미순
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.709-729
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to analyze the trends of research on coping in Korea, to suggest future direction, for research on coping, and ultimately to contribute to an increase in explanation of adaptation. This article reviewed 79 nursing research papers on coping done since 1978 by examining them according to the period of publication or presentation, research design, type of subjects, measurement instruments, research for a degree or not, range of reliability, and association of coping and related variables. The results are as follows : The number of studies on coping increased rapidly from the mid-1980's and decreased slowly from the mid-1990's. The maority of the studies were surveys, comparative studies, or correlational studies. The subects of the 46 studies were healthy people, while those in the remaining studies were patients with a variety of illnesses. Thirth-eight studies on coping were done for master's thesis, three for dissertion, and 38 were not degrees. The Bell and Jalowiec coping scales have not been used since the early 1990's. In contrast, Lazarus and Folkman's W.C.C.L. has been used increasingly since that time. The reliabilities of the coping scale were reported in 37 cases and the Cronbach's alpha coefficients were .71 to .86. All subjects reported using more problem-oriented coping than emotion-oriented coping in short-term or emotion-oriented coping and healthy groups did more long-term coping. It was difficult to describe consistently the relationship between stress and coping according to the type of coping scale or research subjects, but generally moderate relationships were found. This was due to instrumental problems and no consideration of situational context. The subject group who used more short-term coping and less long-term coping reported poorer mental status, and higher scores in burnout and state anxiey than others. That is, the relationship between stress and adaptation increased the power of explanation with intervening the mediating effect of coping. The association of locus of control, mastery, social support, and self-concept with coping showed positive relationships : those of uncertainty and severity in illness with coping showed negativerelationships ; those of state anxiety and depression with short-term coping were positive, and those of self-esteem with long-term coping or problem-oriented coping were negative. There were significant differences in the scores of types of coping according to religion, level of education, and socio-economic status. That is, Presbyterians and Catholics, those with higher education levels and higher socio-economic status used more long-term or problem-oriented coping. On the basis of the above findings the following recommendations are made : 1. There is a need to test the mediating effect of coping variable in order to clarify the concept. 2. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the patterns of change in coping strategies when stressful events are encountered. 3. It's necessary to develop a reliable and variable measurement tool for coping. 4. There is a need to identify subscales of coping to increase explanation of variance 5. It's necessary to consider personal, situational, and antecedent variables : the characteristics of subject populations, the natures of illness and treatment situations. 6. The power of explanation of studies designed to identify the stress-adaptation process should be increased using the combination model of process-oriented coping and cognitive-structural model.

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A Study on Typology and the Casual factors of Elderly-abuse (노인학대 유형화 및 유형결정요인 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Kyung;Kim, Mee-Hye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1165-1178
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    • 2008
  • The objectives of this study are developing the new types of elderly abuse and finding the variables affecting the new elderly abuse type. And This is at suggesting the intervention strategies preventing the elderly abuse. The 350 cases of elderly abuse reported in Elder Protection Agency was analysed. Data is analyzed by using statistical techniques including cluster analysis and logit-regression. New type of elderly abuse is "violent elderly abuse" and "avoiding elderly abuse". Violent elderly abuse is very connected with directly violence speech and behavior and avoiding elderly abuse is connected with neglect and abandonment, self-neglect. The elderly's instrumental activity of daily living and education, the offender's sex and education and living together type of the elderly - the offender, and the offender's care burden are the casual factors of the new type of elderly abuse. Based on the results, the various service programmes for the abused elderly is developed and implemented.

Factors Affecting the View of marriage and Intention to marriage of Female University Students (여대생의 결혼관 및 결혼의향에 영향을 미치는 요인: 경기지역 일부 여대생을 중심으로)

  • So, Mi-Hyun;Kang, Hyun-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The objective of this study is to understand the factors having effects on the view of marriage of female university students, and also to present the reference data for establishing the measures for having the positive view of marriage of female university students. Methods: An online survey was conducted targeting total 254 female university students of two universities in Gyeonggi region, from October 1 st to November 13th 2020. The results of this study are as follows. Results: First, to the question related to the intent to marry, total 70% of them responded that they had intent to marry. In the time of marriage, they said they would marry when getting financially stable. The 30% of subjects said that they would choose non-marriage because they wanted to continuously enjoy free life and they did not want to bear burden related to childbirth and child-rearing. Second, in the results of analyzing differences in the view of marriage according to the general characteristics, the students with intent to marry showed the higher romantic view of marriage, instrumental view of marriage, and exclusive view of marriage than the students without intent to marry, which showed significant differences. Third, the view of marriage were the factors having the greatest effects on the intent to marry of female university students. Conclusion: Based on such results of this study, it would be necessary to focus on the policies that could positively change the view of marriage of female university students. It would be needed to establish the social·institutional support measures for work-life balance by reducing women's burden of childbirth and child-rearing. To the question about the time of marriage, the most subjects responded that they would do so when the economic ability and stable job were equipped. Thus, there should be the systematic youth employment support system that could help the students to quickly and stably enter society and to become financially independent after graduation. Also, for the formation of positive family relation, it would be necessary to develop·operate the educational programs for forming positive family relation and desirable communication methods for each subject(spouse, parents, children, siblings, and etc.).