• Title/Summary/Keyword: Institutional Network

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Formation of a Competitive Paradigm of Ensuring Economic Security of Industrial Enterprises in the Conditions of Formation of Circular Economy

  • Pohrebniak, Anna;Tkachenko, Tetiana;Arefieva, Olena;Oksana, Karpenko;Chub, Anton
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2021
  • The article examines the formation of a competitive paradigm of economic security of industrial enterprises in the formation of a circular economy. The basic laws of industrial enterprises are formed, which determined the characteristics of competitive positions and threats. The basic competitive concepts and their application at maintenance of economic safety of the industrial enterprises in the conditions of formation of circular economy are described. Thus, the technological approach to the formation of a competitive paradigm is based on production technologies, opportunities for technological modernization and development of infrastructure and intellectual competencies. The institutional concept reveals the regulatory mechanisms for ensuring competitiveness through the protectionism of national industrial enterprises, standardization and regulation of market imbalances. The innovation-investment approach within the competitive paradigm is also manifested in the creation of competitive advantages due to the presence of active innovative developments and their commercialization, knowledge and competencies of staff, capitalization of intelligence and communications, constant updating of infrastructure and technologies. Collectively, innovation and investment effects on the level of economic security allow industrial enterprises to ensure resilience to increasing competition, the emergence of new market challenges in the formation of a circular economy. A strategic approach to the application of a competitive paradigm to ensure the economic security of industrial enterprises allows you to justify the prospects for development and design behavioral models to predict and assess potential threats. The concept of system management is based on the complexity of threat analysis, the integrity of the economic security system, system-forming functions and patterns of implementation of industrial development tasks in the formation of a circular economy. The application of the described concepts is formalized by the authors through the definition of the basic patterns, directions and characteristics of their impact on the elements of the security system of industrial enterprises in the formation of a circular economy.

Research Trend Analysis of Digital Divide in South Korea (디지털 정보격차 관련 국내 연구 동향 분석)

  • Ko, Jeonghyeun;Kang, Woojin;Lee, Jongwook
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.179-203
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to grasp the key issues and the direction for digital divide research in South Korea. Based on the 488 KCI journal articles published between 2003 and 2020, the authors analyzed the changes in the number of articles per year and the subject areas of journals. Furthermore, the topic modelling and keyword network anlaysis were applied to identify the subjects of research. The main findings can be summarized as follows: first, there was a stable trend for a while after the number of articles had increased by the year of 2007, and then there has been a sharp increase since 2019. Second, digital divide research has been conducted from diverse fields including social science, multidiscipline, and engineering. Third, the six subject areas were identified which are 'digital divide among regions', 'digital divide among people with disabilities', 'technical environment of digital divide', 'divide from information use and its consequence', 'legal and institutional environments of digital divide', and 'digital divide of the elderly'. Finally, it was shown that the areas of 'divide from information use and its consequence' and 'technical environment of digital divide' have attracted attention recently.

Web-based Personal Dose Management System for Data Recording on Dosimeter Usage: A Case of Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission

  • Mseke, Angela;Ngatunga, John Ben;Sam, Anael;Nyambo, Devotha G.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2022
  • Modern technology drives the world, increasing performance while reducing labor and time expenses. Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) tracks employee's levels of exposure to radiation sources using dosimeters. According to legal compliance, workers wear dosimeters for three months and one month at the workplace. However, TAEC has problems in tracking, issuing and returning dosimeters because the existing tracking is done manually. The study intended to develop a Personal Dose Management System (PDMS) that processes and manages the data collected by dosimeters for easy and accurate records. During the requirements elicitation process, the study looked at the existing system. PDMS' requirement gathering included document reviews, user interviews, and focused group discussions. Development and testing of the system were implemented by applying the evolutionary prototyping technique. The system provides a login interface for system administrators, radiation officers, and Occupational Exposed Workers. The PDMS grants TAEC Staff access to monitor individual exposed workers, prints individual and institutional reports and manages workers' information. The system reminds the users when to return dosimeters to TAEC, generate reports, and facilitates dispatching and receiving dosimeters effectively. PDMS increases efficiency and effectiveness while minimizing workload, paperwork, and inaccurate records. Therefore, based on the results obtained from the system, it is recommended to use the system to improve dosimeter data management at the institution.

Functioning of Economic Systems in the Context of Their Potential Development in the Conditions of Circular Economy

  • Pohrebniak, Anna;Petrashko, Liudmyla;Dovgopol, Nina;Ovsiuchenko, Yurii;Berveno, Oksana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the article is to analyze the functioning of economic systems in the context of the development of their potential in a circular economy. It is determined that the functioning of economic systems to ensure their sustainability should meet modern challenges and provide for the formation of competitive institutional architecture, the introduction of structural and regulatory innovations, the transition to an innovative model of development. The specific principles of functioning of economic systems include openness, nonlinearity, multivectority, dynamism, emergence, uncertainty about the development of economic processes. It is substantiated that the linear nature of development and equilibrium are not dominant in the functioning of economic systems, and increasing the level of economic efficiency should go hand in hand with minimizing the activities of enterprises, which necessitates the use of circular economy. The main prerequisites for the transition to a circular economy are analyzed. It is determined that the basic concept of the circular economy involves the development of a system of production and consumption, which is based on processing, reuse, repair, product sharing, change of consumption patterns and new business models and systems. The main elements of the circular economy include: a closed cycle, the use of renewable energy sources, systems thinking. The correlation of the principles of sustainable development and the peculiarities of the application of the circular economy is analyzed. It is determined that the circular economy contrasts with the traditional linear economic model, which is based on the model of "take-do-consume-throw away". The advantages and disadvantages due to the use of the principles of circular economy are given. Based on the study, steps are identified to accelerate the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.

Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Attracting Investment Resources in the Innovative Development of Regions in Teams of Sustainable Development

  • Krasnonosova, Olena;Perepeliukova, Olena;Papp, Vasyl;Doronina, Maya;Romaniuk, Mykhailo
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.376-384
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    • 2022
  • The article considers the features of the organizational-economic mechanism of attracting investment resources in the innovative development of regions in terms of sustainable development. Factors influencing the investment activity of regions in terms of sustainable development, including: institutional structure, intellectual capital, level of innovation infrastructure, business development, financial and credit component, level of human resources development, information environment, production development, environmental component. Factors influencing the attraction of investment resources in the regions are identified. The dynamics of changes in the volume of capital investments and foreign direct investment in Ukraine is analyzed. The regional features of the distribution of capital investments in the conditions of sustainable development are revealed. The essence of the main principles on the basis of which the organizational - economic mechanism of attraction of investment resources in innovative development of regions in the conditions of sustainable development should be formed is analyzed. A set of measures to regulate the investment processes of the regions has been identified. The mechanism of attraction of investment resources in innovative development of regions in the conditions of sustainable development is outlined. The results of activity of separate Agencies of regional development for 2020 in the direction of investment and innovation activity and increase of level of investment attractiveness of regions are analyzed. Important prerequisites for the effective implementation of the organizational-economic mechanism for attracting investment resources in the innovative development of regions in terms of sustainable development are identified. The main directions of directing the efforts of the organizational-economic mechanism to ensure the attraction of investment resources in the innovative development of regions in the context of increasing the level of investment activity in the regional aspect are substantiated.

Classifying Midair Collision Risk in Airspace Using ADS-B and Mode-S Open-source Data (ADS-B와 Mode-S 오픈소스 데이터를 활용한 공중충돌 위험 양상 분류)

  • Jongboo Kim;Dooyoul Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.552-560
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    • 2023
  • Aircraft midair collisions are dangerous events that can cause massive casualties. To prevent this, civil aviation has mandated the installation of TCAS (ACAS), which is becoming more sophisticated with the help of new technologies. However, there are institutional problems in collecting data for TCAS research in Korea, limiting the ability to obtain data for personal research. ADS-B and Mode-S automatic broadcast various information about the flight status of the aircraft. This data also contains information about TCAS RA, which can be used by anyone to find examples of TCAS RA operation. We used the databases of ADS-B Exchange and Opensky-Network to acquire data and visually represent three TCAS RA cases through Python coding. We also identified domestic TCAS cases in the first half of 2023 and analyzed their characteristics to confirm the usefulness of the data.

Housewives Awareness and Preference on the Environment-Friendly Interior Finishing Material;Conduct a survey on housewives residing in Gwang-ju (친환경적 실내마감재에 대한 주부의 인식 및 선호;광주광역시 아파트에 거주하는 주부를 대상으로)

  • Oh, Ji-Young;Kim, Mi-Hee
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.357-361
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic information and to help producers develop more realistic, idealistic and better environment-friendly interior finishing material by identifying and reducing the awareness and preference about it between the producers and consumers. The following conclusions are based on the above results of analysis. There is a lack of awareness of the environment-friendly interior finishing material and it is urgent to develop the awareness. For the developing the awareness, the government and the authorities concerned have to educate the consumers in order that they choose objective information, have to build information network accessible to them and have to share the reliable information. And in order to get the confidence of consumers, it is necessary to make institutional devices. The scientific study which can be approved in many methods and many NGOs' participation are also needed. Especially in order to meet the consumers' demand, there should be proof of the influence of the interior finishing material on the body and diversity of the design and color of the material.

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Optimal Introductive Sequence of Hedge Fund Baskets in the Korean Market (한국 헤지펀드 시장의 최적의 투자전략 도입순서에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Do-Gyun;Park, Hee Hwan;Kang, Dong Hun;Kim, Min Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.254-257
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    • 2012
  • Hedge funds can be established in Korea after the deregulation about setting up private equity funds on September, 2011. Although the variety of asset allocation strategies is the strength of hedge funds, most of Korean hedge funds uses only the equity long/short strategy. Therefore, it is need to introduce other strategies into Korea hedge funds, however all strategies can not be adopted at once because of the infrastructure of Korea financial market. In this paper, we find the optimal introductive order of strategies for Korea hedge fund in view of individual or institutional investors. For this analysis, HFRI data are used for the historical return of each hedge fund strategy and three methods (network visualization, principle component analysis and efficient frontier optimization) are used for finding the optimal order.

A Study on the Identifying Emerging Defense Technology using S&T Text Mining (S&T Text Mining을 이용한 국방 유망기술 식별에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Bong;Lee, Choon-Joo
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2010
  • This paper tries to identify emerging defense technology using S&T Text Mining. As a national agenda, there has been much effort to build S&T information systems including NTIS and DTiMS that enable researchers, policy makers, or field users to analyze technological changes and promote the best policy practices for efficient workflow, knowledge sharing, strategy development, or institutional competitiveness. In this paper, the S&T Text Mining application to unmanned combat technology using INSPEC DB is empirically illustrated and shows that it is a feasible approach to identify emerging defense technology as well as the structure of knowledge network of the future technology candidates.

A Qualitative Study on the Teachers' Professional Learning Communities (교사의 전문성 개발을 위한 학습모임에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Joo, Hyun-Jun
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.460-475
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    • 2010
  • Professionalizing the teaching workforce has been recognized as one of the primary factors to reforming public education. In response to this challenge, it has been emphasized that an educational leader's role is to support professional learning communities more effectively. Although the academia of educational administration has increasingly drawn the significance of a teacher's professional development, understanding of an educational leader's role and contribution to this effort is quite limited and unclear. This article examines what factors and barriers affect teachers' participation in professional learning communities from the voices and experiences of teachers. The analysis found 1) identification, 2) autonomous will, 3) practical solution for factors to participation and 1) lack of theoretical foundation, 2) financial burden, 3) insufficient time for barriers to participation. In conclusion, the author suggests the strategies for an educational leader who has an important role in developing a teacher's professionalism: 1) create a strong network of university professors and other experts for career advice, 2) make an institutional effort to stimulate teachers' motivation to learn; 3) decrease the teachers' workload, 4) build a synthesized and consolidated system to establish communities.