• Title/Summary/Keyword: Innovation efforts

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Japanese Financing Policies for Innovation Since the 1990s

  • Intarakumnerd, Patarapong;Charumilin, Pattarawan
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 2013
  • Since the 1990s, the Japanese government has made considerable attempts at stimulating innovation with an aim to pull the country out of a possibly permanent economic decline. Several laws and policy initiatives were introduced to encourage better interaction between universities (and research institutions) and industry. The results of these efforts have been mixed. While the number of university-industry joint and commissioned research has increased, revenues from the licensing of university-owned patents have fluctuated year by year. Although the number of startups and spin-offs from universities rose, their long-term survival and contribution to the economy remain uncertain. The Japanese experience features both strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include the long-term commitment of policy makers, the ability to set specific targets, and the active engagement of several key economic ministries. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these policy initiatives was hampered by limitations within the policies concerning the roles of universities and their mode of interaction with industry based on intellectual property rights, the inadequacy of demand-side innovation policies, the fragmentation of bureaucracy, and a lack of a credible evaluation system.

BPM as a tool supporting continuous business process innovation;A case of L Electronics (끊임없는 업무 프로세스 개선의 도구로서 BPM;L전자의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Chae, Myoung-Sin;Park, Song-Mee;Chon, Kent
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 2006
  • BPMS implementation in L Electronics, which started in 2003, was spotlighted in the IS Project and research area. L Electronics has conducted process innovation with the goal of being one of the Global Top 3 brands. Continuous business environment changes because of globalization and speedy development of information technology have caused changes in business process and functions. This case examines its efforts for optimizing business process continuously and systematically with BPMS and discusses the implication and potential of business process innovation with BPMS.

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Ambidextrous Innovation in Mediating Entrepreneurial Creativity on Firm Performance and Competitive Advantage

  • SIJABAT, Eduard Alfian Syamsya;NIMRAN, Umar;UTAMI, Hamidah Nayati;PRASETYA, Arik
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.737-746
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    • 2020
  • A new business venture faces intense competition in a dynamic environment. To survive, new business ventures and established companies both need to generate creativity and significant new ventures to be highly competitive and have high levels of performance. In this study, we examined new business ventures that determined their competitiveness and performance generated from entrepreneurial creativity and mediated by ambidextrous innovation. This research used survey data collected from 143 Indonesian's new business shipping agencies, which was collected using an online survey and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results showed that entrepreneurial creativity in new business ventures is positively associated with competitive advantage but not significant to create a competitive advantage. In contrast, entrepreneurial creativity is positively associated with firm performance. This result indicates that efforts to generate entrepreneurial creativity are not sufficient to create a competitive advantage despite having a significant influence on firm performance. However, entrepreneurial creativity is significantly and positively associated with firm performance and competitive advantage when mediated by ambidextrous innovation. The findings of this study suggest that the competitive advantage of a new business venture in facing intense competition in a dynamic environment condition can be overcome by generating strategic action in the form of entrepreneurial creativity and ambidextrous innovation.

How does Product Innovation Enhance Firm Performance?: The Moderating Role of Process Innovation, Organizational Innovation and Marketing Innovation (기업의 재무적 성과 향상을 위한 제품혁신 메커니즘 분석: 공정혁신, 조직혁신, 마케팅혁신의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Oh, Shin-Ho;Han, Sang-Yun;Bae, Sung Joo
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1006-1031
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    • 2013
  • This study investigates the extent to which product innovation is associated with firm performance, and how this effect is moderated by other type of innovation efforts. Empirical analysis is conducted (1) to determine the effect of product innovation on firm performance; (2) to explore the moderating effect that process innovation, organizational innovation and marketing innovation activities each has on the relationship between product innovation and firm performance. The analytical sample comprises a total of 816 Korean manufacturing firms from the 2010 KIS (Korean Innovation Survey) data and merged with financial data from KIS Info for acquiring the objectivity. The results show that product innovation is positively associated with a firm performance. Product innovation when combined with higher levels of process, organizational and marketing innovation activities resulted in higher firm performance. The results suggest that product innovation is a decisive factor of firm performance. More importantly, process, organizational and marketing innovation activities support product innovation and thus impact firm performance indirectly. In addition, this study examines the effect of innovation activities on firm performance by different firm size and R&D intensity, thereby further improving the details of this study.

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Analysis of the Open Source Software Sector in China

  • Wu Qiong;Klincewicz Krzysztof;Miyazaki Kmiko
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.117-141
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    • 2006
  • The paper describes the status and context of the Chinese Open Source Software (OSS) industry and ecosystem based on the analysis of the components of the China OSS Promotion Union. The analysis involves comparisons of several main Chinese developers of Linux operating system and makers of open source counterpart of the popular Microsoft Office package as well as several main Chinese OSS communities. Comparisons concern the technological and business aspect. The findings reveal peculiarities of the divergence of innovative activities of Chinese companies, as well as indicate that the strong government support may at the same time limit the technology selection under rigid competition, especially as foreign open source companies are found to be more focused on hobbyist developers and are able to maintain larger independent communities. Implications of the paper include the need to coordinate global development efforts and adjust science & technology policies in order to stimulate both the development and the diffusion of open source among Chinese companies and individual hobbyists.

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An Empirical Examination on the Strategic Use of System Integration Technology in Japanese Manufacture (일본 제조업에 있어서 정보시스템 통합기술의 전략적 활용목적에 관한 실증분석)

  • 이덕주;일본명
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.80-100
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    • 1998
  • The application of computers and information technologies progressed with remarkable pace has paved the way for technological innovation toward the efficient integration of various functions in a manufacturing system. Actually it is observed that the greater part of manufacturing companies already initiated significant efforts to integrate information systems and attained the level of integration to some extent. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the strategic direction that manufacturing firms are pursuing through integrating information systems. Using the extensive data gathered from Japanese manufacturers, it is attempted to find the differences in competitive priorities and action programmes between the companies with high and low-level system integration. Our empirical data reveals that the manufacturers with highly integrated system are focusing their competitive capabilities on the rapid design change and new product introduction, and accordingly they place a greater emphasis on the action programmes related to design, process and quality improvement. As a conclusion, highly integrated firms tend to pursue new product development strategy more intensively, thereby they want to be a preemptor in the new market through exploiting technological advantages of integrated manufacturing system.

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Current Issues of Healthcare Research and Development in Korea (한국 보건의료 연구개발의 현황과 과제)

  • Kim, Kwangjum
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.280-287
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    • 2018
  • There has been much efforts to facilitate healthcare innovation and many desirable outcomes were produced in Korea. However, some structural deficiencies were found. They are misalignment of research and development (R&D) subjects with healthcare system, lack of flexibility of current healthcare system to accommodate the radically innovative products, and lack of cooperation among innovation agent. Some suggestions to correct these deficiencies are discussed. The suggestions are as follows: relating Korean healthcare R&D to healthcare system, enhancement of institutional flexibility to allow innovative application of new technology, improvement of the R&D process, and reexamination of the role of academic medical centers.

A Framework for the Acquisition of Task Knowledge and a Case (업무지식의 획득 프레임워크 및 적용사례)

  • Suh, Woo-Jong;Jung, Jae-Woo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2003
  • Today, corporate knowledge plays a critical role in obtaining competitive advantage. It is often pointed out that corporate knowledge is expected to be able to support various efforts for process innovation. Accordingly, it is important to establish a systematic infrastructure for the acquisition of knowledge which can support business-critical tasks effectively. From this motivation, this paper proposes a framework to guide a series of acquisition procedures for task knowledge and shows how to intemperate with activities for an innovation purpose. Moreover, the useful components of task knowledge are proposed; the schema of the components is ultimately implemented as a repository in a system for the management of task knowledge. To demonstrate the practical usefulness of the framework and the schema components, a real-life case is illustrated.

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A Survey on Role of Block Chain in Smart Cities

  • Chokkanathan, K;Shanmugaraja, P;Ramasamy, Siva Shankar;Ouncharoen, Rujira;Chakpitak, Nopasit
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2021
  • An amazing growth in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain based smart cities from both industry and academia has been witnessed in the recent years. There are many smart applications such as intelligent transportation, smart banking, improving the life style of citizen, energy consumption and managing the waste in the city, handling home needs are supporting the Smart city concept. These applications are profoundly supported by the advanced technologies like Blockchain as well as IoT in the recent past. Smart cities can be supported by the Blockchain core concepts such as secure, transparent, decentralized and immutable nature. Still, Blockchain and IoT technologies implementation in smart cities are in their early stages and significant research efforts are desirable to integrate them. This review article explores the roles and responsibilities of Blockchain and IoT in building smart cities.

Transformative Technology Adoption and Firm Productivity: Illusionary Revolution or Guaranteed Innovation?

  • Sungho Rho;Sehwan Oh
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the impact of strategic technological innovations (e.g., adoption of fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies) on firms' productivity. To estimate the heterogeneous effects of innovation efforts on firms' labor productivity, this paper employs a quantile regression model and calculates higher moments of the empirical distributions. This study uses data from 11,654 Korean firms that responded to surveys in 2017 and 2018, comprising 23,308 observations. Our empirical results find that 4IR technology adoption has a significant impact on labor productivity for firms across all quantiles, while the estimates of 4IR technology adoption coefficient on labor productivity are much larger in upper quantiles. This estimated impact of adopting 4IR technology on labor productivity at the upper quantile differs compared to the estimated impact of another innovation strategy, or internal R&D. Notably, adopting 4IR technology increases the median labor productivity of firms and the kurtosis of its distribution. Thus, firms that adopted 4IR technology show labor productivity gains more consistently than those that did not, with few outliers.