• 제목/요약/키워드: Injection Mold Design Knowledge

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Expert Process Design System Interfaced with CAD for Injection Mold Manufacture (CAD인터페이스된 사출금형 공정설계 전문가시스템)

  • Cho, Kyu-Kap;Lim, Ju-Taek;Oh, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 1993
  • This paper deals with the development of an expert process design system interfaced with CAD for porismatic parts in injection mold manufacture. The developed CAD/CAPP system consists of two modules such as CAD interface module and process design module. Parts are represented using AutoCAD system on the IBM PC/AT. CAD interface module recognizes form features and manufacturing features of the part using form feature recognition algorithm and manufacturing feature recognition rule base. Process design module selects operations and determines machine tools, cutting tools and operation sequencing by using knowledge base which is acquired from expert process planners. A case study is implemented to evaluate feasibilities of the function of the proposed system. The CAD/CAPP system can improve the efficiency of process design activities and reduce the time required for process design.

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A Study on the Object Ontology for Design Knowledge Representation (설계 지식 표현을 위한 객체 온톨로지에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn J.C.;Kang M.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.798-803
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    • 2005
  • The increasing complexity of modem products requires the effective management of design knowledge, which partly resides in the product itself on the one hand. On the other hand, a lot of knowledge is gathered and/or generated during the design process, but disappears as the design project concludes. This paper describes a knowledge representation method to accommodate the implicit design knowledge. The method is based on the FBS(Function-Behavior-Structure) model and extends the object ontology with constraint entity. An example to represent the injection mold design knowledge is given to show its applicability.

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The Effects of the GAIM Process Variables on the Penetration-Length Variations in a Unary Branch Type Runner Mold (편측분기형 러너 금형에서 가스사출 성형변수가 성형품의 중공부 길이 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Han Seong Ryul;Park Tae Won;Jeong Yeong Deug
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2005
  • Gas-Assisted Injection Molding(GAIM) is an innovative technology for producing plastic parts and has been received extensive attention in the plastic manufacturing industries. But, due to gas-polymer interacting during the gas injection phase, the process has significantly different characteristics from conventional injection molding and, therefore, the control of the process requires much technical knowledge in processing and materials. The experiment was performed about variations of gas-penetration length that is affected by filling imbalance resulting from the structure of runner. The Taguchi method was used for the design of experiment. The most effective factors for the gas-penetration length were the shot size and mold temperature. The most effective factors for the difference of the gas-penetration length were the melt temperature and shot size. This study also discussed the filling imbalance phenomenon in a unary branch runner type mold that has geometrically balanced runner.

Rib Design in Injection Molding (사출성형에서의 리브 설계)

  • 강성남;허용정
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2001
  • In injection molded parts, the ribs require more complicated mold cavities and cores. But it is necessary for the parts to attach the ribs for assembly, moldability and other functional purposes. To design them appropriately considering structural strength and injection molding, the profound knowledge that includes moldability, causal effects on the properties of the part is needed. This paper describes the design methodology which enables easy, simple, time and cost-effective design for the features.

Flow Analysis and Evaluation of Injection-Molded Front Panel (백라이트 패널(back light panel)의 유동해석 및 평가)

  • 강성남;허용정
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.144-146
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    • 2001
  • The synthesis of injection-molded parts has been done empirically, since it requires profound knowledge about injection molding which is not available to designers through current CAD systems. Appropriate U3 programs for mold design analysis to an existing geometric modeler is used to provide designers, at the initial stage, with comprehensive process knowledge for synthesis, performance analysis and feature-based geometric modeling.

Casting Layout Design Using CAE Simulation : Automotive Part(Oil Pan_BR2E) (CAE을 이용한 주조방안설계 : 자동차용 부품(오일팬_BR2E))

  • Kwon, Hong-kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2017
  • A most important progress in civilization was the introduction of mass production. One of main methods for mass production is die-casting molds. Due to the high velocity of the liquid metal, aluminum die-casting is so complex where flow momentum is critical matter in the mold filling process. Actually in complex parts, it is almost impossible to calculate the exact mold filling performance with using experimental knowledge. To manufacture the lightweight automobile bodies, aluminum die-castings play a definitive role in the automotive part industry. Due to this condition in the design procedure, the simulation is becoming more important. Simulation can make a casting system optimal and also elevate the casting quality with less experiment. The most advantage of using simulation programs is the time and cost saving of the casting layout design. For a die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimize the casting layout design of an automotive Oil Pan_BR2E, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with three layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the filling process with three models, internal porosities caused by air entrapments were predicted and also compared with the modification of the gate system and overflows. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities occurring during the solidification process were predicted and also compared with the modified gate system.

A Heuristic Approach for an Layout and Sizing of an Ejector Pin (사출 금형의 밀핀 설계를 위한 경험적 설계 접근법)

  • 이희성;변철웅;이수홍
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.112-121
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    • 2004
  • As customers demands are rapidly changing, a product life cycle is getting shorter and a product model is forced to be changed frequently. An ejecting design system becomes more important for high productivity to eject a product in high temperature without any damage. For example, an ejector pin that is a key component of the system can cause high local stresses and strains in the molding at the time of ejection. The number, the size, and the location of pins are important to make a smooth ejection. Therefore we propose an analytical approach with the aid of designer’s experience to calculate a total release force and pressure distribution so that the number, the size, and the location of pins can be easily determined. As a part of the result, the design system is built by Intent! with AutoCAD 2000 and a video player deck example is presented to verify the approach.

Casting Layout Design Using Flow & Solidification Analysis-Automotive Part(Oil Pan_BJ3E) (유동 및 응고해석을 이용한 주조방안설계-자동차용 부품(오일팬_BJ3E))

  • Kwon, Hong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2019
  • In the modern industrial period, the introduction of mass production was most important progress in civilization. Die-casting process is one of main methods for mass production in the modern industry. The aluminum die-casting in the mold filling process is very complicated where flow momentum is the high velocity of the liquid metal. Actually, it is almost impossible in complex parts exactly to figure the mold filling performance out with the experimental knowledge. The aluminum die-castings are important processes in the automotive industry to produce the lightweight automobile bodies. Due to this condition, the simulation is going to be more critical role in the design procedure. Simulation can give the best solution of a casting system and also enhance the casting quality. The cost and time savings of the casting layout design are the most advantage of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). Generally, the relations of casting conditions such as injection system, gate system, and cooling system should be considered when designing the casting layout. Due to the various relative matters of the above conditions, product defects such as defect extent and location are significantly difference. In this research by using the simulation software (AnyCasting), CAE simulation was conducted with three layout designs to find out the best alternative for the casting layout design of an automotive Oil Pan_BJ3E. In order to apply the simulation results into the production die-casting mold, they were analyzed and compared carefully. Internal porosities which are caused by air entrapments during the filling process were predicted and also the results of three models were compared with the modifications of the gate system and overflows. Internal porosities which are occurred during the solidification process are predicted with the solidification analysis. And also the results of the modified gate system are compared.