• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Seeking and Use

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A Critical Analysis of the Studies on Children's and Adolescents' Information Seeking and Use Part I: Focusing on Information Seeking and Use for Learning (어린이와 청소년의 정보이용에 관한 연구의 비판적 분석 I - 학습을 위한 정보이용을 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2009
  • This paper identifies some natural habits and patterns of children's and adolescents' information seeking and use by drawing a wide range of studies conducted with children and adolescents as study participants. The patterns reported here indicate that children's and adolescents' information seeking and use are affected by the nature of information tasks, the qualities of access tools, their cognitive ability to seek and use information, and their prior knowledge and experience about the tasks and topics given. The findings should provide insights for identifying future research issues as well as for programming the information environments particularly conducive to learning.

Patterns of Information Seeking Behaviour of Law Students in Digital Environment: A Study

  • Das, Rajesh Kumar;Jadab, Anwesha
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2017
  • Nowadays the enormous growth of modern information communication technologies and its massive use have influenced information users all over the world. Such a digital environment has drastically changed the information seeking patterns of information users of every community. These also tend law students to use various legal information sources and services in digital environments while seeking information. But there have been few empirical user studies on the aspect of digital information seeking behaviours of law students in either law or library and information science literatures. This paper aims to draw out patterns of information seeking behavior of students of law in digital environments at the University of Dhaka. A stratified random sample survey was conducted for this study. The results show that students prefer the electronic format of information rather than printed format. Major e-resources used by them and the influential factors of use were also identified in this study. This study also identified some crucial problems for seeking information and provides suggestions for the development of electronic legal information systems.

How Do Low Achieving Students in an Urban High School Learn with Information?: An Exploratory Study

  • Chung, Jin Soo;Kim, Jinmook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates how high school students with low academic achievement seek and use information. Participants were seven US students in an American Literature and Composition course of the $11^{th}$ grade Remedial Education Program who completed a class project that required comprehensive information seeking and use. Data were collected through comprehensive observation and individual interviews with each student, the teacher, and two library media specialists. Additionally, we gathered and analyzed the instructions the teacher and the two library media specialists provided and all documents each student produced to complete the class project. The process of data analysis was supported by QSR NVivo. The findings of the study implied that students experienced cognitive and affective challenges for their information seeking and use required for the tasks and suggested that technological and individual conferencing would motivate the students to continue their information seeking and use. We then conclude the study with some important implications that can be used as a basis for designing information literacy instructions for students with low academic achievement.

Country-Specific Digital Inequalities in Older People's Online Health Information Seeking in Europe: Impact of Socio-Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors

  • Shutsko, Aliaksandra
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 2022
  • Since older people are traditionally considered disadvantaged when it comes to Internet use, it is useful to examine whether older individuals use the Internet for health information seeking (HIS). This study aims to investigate digital inequalities in terms of Internet use by older population for HIS in the European region. As methods, we applied secondary data analysis (of Eurostat data) to investigate the influence of age, educational level, sex, and countries' wealth. Cluster analysis combined with multidimensional scaling was used to find out those countries exhibiting similarities in older people's online HIS. The main results are: Older individuals do not equally use the Internet in general and for HIS in particular. Older Internet users with higher level of education and of the female sex are more likely to use the Internet for health information.

The Relationship among Narcissism, Usage Motives, and Information Diffusion of Social Media (나르시시즘 성향, 패션소셜미디어 이용동기, 정보확산 행동 간 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Nae-Eun;Song, Gwang-Suk;Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among narcissism, usage motives, usage behaviors, satisfaction with and continuance intention to use fashion social media. Research design, data, methodology - A questionnaire survey was used to collect data after conducting a pilot test. Based on the reliability test of the preliminary questionnaire used for the pilot test, the questionnaire was revised. The final questionnaires were administered to 238 fashion social media users and 216 were used for the data analysis. To assess the validity of these measures, exploratory factor analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis were performed. Structural equation modeling analysis were employed for data analysis. Results - Five factors of the usage motivation of fashion social media were extracted: information-seeking, relationship-seeking, practicality-seeking, enjoyment-seeking and self-expression motives. The statistical analysis confirmed the influence of the narcissism tendency on all of the usage motives of fashion social media, three of the fashion social media usage motives influencing information diffusion behavior, and the influence of the information diffusion behavior on users' satisfaction and continuance intention to use fashion social media. Narcissism exerted the highest influences on self-expression motive followed by information-seeking, enjoyment-seeking, relationship-seeking and practicality-seeking motives in order. Factors affecting fashion information diffusion behaviors are practicality-seeking motive, self-expression motive, and relationship-seeking motive. The greater the diffusion of information, the higher the satisfaction with using fashion social media. The consumers with higher satisfaction intended to use fashion social media and share information more frequently. Conclusions - The results indicate that narcissism is an important factor in fashion social media usage motivation. The main motives for narcissistic people to spread information is for the practical purpose at the most, and then to express their personality and style, and to build relationship with others. The satisfaction through active information sharing behaviors seems to play a key role to lead high continuance intention of fashion social media. These implies that marketing strategies to satisfy consumers' narcissism and motives to use social media, and to stimulate the information diffusion behaviors can be used to meet their needs for higher satisfaction with fashion social media.

Exploring Medical Doctors' Medical Information Seeking Behaviors (의사들의 의료정보추구행태에 관한 탐구)

  • Kim, Na-Won;Park, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.435-449
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    • 2009
  • Rapid change in information use environments that corresponds with the development of new technologies requires a new perspective in examining information source uses and information services. As understanding information seeking behaviors is an essential element for improving information services, the changing information seeking behaviors should be examined in a timely manner. While several prior studies focus on this topic, few studies deal with medical doctors' information seeking behaviors especially focusing on information seeking in both medical practices and research. Thus, this study aims to explore the information seeking behaviors of medical doctors who are both medical practitioners and researchers. Data were obtained by open-ended and semi-structured in-depth interviews during one month from April to May, 2009. The interview-question topics ranged from research contexts, medical-practice-related information seeking behaviors, favorable information sources, and information search process and satisfaction. Findings include that, for research purpose, digital journal articles accessed through the PubMed were more favorable sources while, for practice purpose, printed textbooks were preferred. Overall, the most-frequently-used sources were PubMed and articles because medical doctors regard the reliability and authority very highly.

The Information Seeking Behavior of Koreans in the United States (미국 로스앤젤레스 지역 한인의 정보 추구 행태)

  • Yoon Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.25
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    • pp.389-413
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    • 1993
  • This study was inspired by the growing importance of information as a resource for improving the quality of life, the lack of systematic research about the information environment of Koreans in the United States and the lack of understanding of the relationships between individual characteristics and information seeking behavior. During 1990 and 1991, 204 Koreans, 18 years old and more, residing in the City of Los Angeles, were interviewed. Generally the information seeking behavior of Koreans appeared to be similar to that of the socioeconomically advantaged segment of the general public. They are relatively well aware of their information needs. capable of articulating them, and willing to pursue information to meet their needs. Major findings include: (1) the dominance of educational information needs: (2) positive feelings of hope, curiosity. and interest associated with information needs: (3) the tendency to pursue information with the expectation of potential rather than immediate rewards: (4) the expertise of information sources and their ability to provide information directly relevant to a need as criteria for selecting an information source: (5) the generally heavy reliance on informal interpersonal information sources and the high ranking of professionals as the starting point for information seeking and in judgements of usefulness: and (6) the dominant use of Korean ethnic information sources. Statistically significant correlations found at the 0.05 level relate (1) level of education, age, and gender with type of information need, the feelings associated with an information need, motivations to seek information, and the use of information sources, (2) proficiency in English and length of residence in the United States with the extent to which ethnic information sources are used, and (3) pattern of daily use of media with the use of media in seeking information.

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Information Seeking Behaviour of Pharmacy Faculty: Implications for Enhancing the Quality of Pharmacy Libraries in Tamil Nadu (India)

  • Babu, B. Ramesh;Selvamani, J.
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.30-48
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    • 2016
  • Information seeking behaviour is an activity of an individual in the process of identifying information that suits his/her knowledge pursuit. It is observed from the review of literature that there is no single study on the information seeking behaviour of faculties of pharmacy either at state level or national levels in India. Therefore this research has been conducted to bridge the gap on information seeking behaviour of pharmacy faculty in Tamil Nadu in view of the recent developments in information seeking behaviour, with objectives such as: to identify the information needs and seeking behaviour of faculty of the pharmacy educational institutions in Tamil Nadu (India); to examine the motivating factors for information seeking behaviour of the pharmacy faculty; to examine faculty opinions about the comprehensiveness or otherwise of respective institutions' library collections; and to analyse the extent of use and dependence on various sources of information for teaching and research. A total of 729 questionnaires have been distributed among 41 pharmacy educational institutions in Tamil Nadu, out of which 601 have responded, and the response rate is 82.44%. Based on the findings of the study certain implications have been derived as measures to enhance the quality of the pharmacy libraries in Tamil Nadu.

Effects of Risk Information Seeking and Processing on MERS Preventive Behaviors and Moderating Roles of SNS Use during 2015 MERS Outbreak in Korea (메르스 관련 위험정보 탐색과 처리가 메르스 예방행동에 미치는 영향 위험정보 탐색처리 모형의 확장과 SNS 이용 정도에 따른 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Mihye
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.78
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    • pp.116-140
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    • 2016
  • The present study examined the factors influencing individuals' risk information seeking and processing using the case of 2015 MERS outbreak in Korea. Analyses of two-wave online panel data demonstrated that perceived risk, negative affect, subjective norm, and information insufficiency predicted the risk information seeking/avoiding as well as information processing mode, which validates the Risk Information Seeking and Processing(RISP) model. More importantly, this study found new evidence that information seeking and systematic processing promoted MERS preventive behaviors. In addition, active SNS use moderated the link between perceived risk and negative affects about MERS crisis as well as the relationship between social normative pressure and to seek the risk related information.

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Exploring Cognitive, Affective, and Physical Aspects of Early Adolescents' Health Information Seeking Behaviors

  • Na, Kyoungsik;Jeong, Yongsun;Yang, Changwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.289-324
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    • 2021
  • This study reports on early adolescents' health information seeking behaviors that investigated cognitive, affective, and physical aspects of behaviors as they experienced to find information on their needs of health information seeking. In spite of the current widespread internet health information use by adolescents, little research exists to illuminate how they are engaged in cognitive, affective, and physical information behaviors in information search process. Qualitative data were collected through individual interviews informed by Kuhlthau's information search process. Forty adolescents from S city in South Korea participated in the project. Findings report thoughts, feelings, and actions aspects of information search process. This study expects to extend our knowledge of the adolescents' health information seeking behaviors of Kuhlthau's information search process.