• Title/Summary/Keyword: Industry classification

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Subjectivity Study on Spanish Restaurant Perception of Restaurant Industry Consumer (외식 소비자의 스페인 레스토랑 인식에 대한 주관성 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Yong;Kim, Ho-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2020
  • The effect of conducted using Q research method, which is one of qualitative analysis methods that can approach in-depth and essential meaning of Spanish restaurant's perception of dining out consumers. The purpose of this study is to classify Spanish restaurant's perceptions of catering consumers by type, to find out the characteristics among them, and to suggest future improvement directions. An exploratory study was conducted using Q-methodology to analyze the subjective perceptions of restaurant customers in Spanish restaurants. To this end, the Q-sort, which consists of a statement card, a P-sample, and a classification process, was analyzed through Q factor analysis using the PC QUANL program. The results were classified into two types. Type 1 (N=10): Spanish restaurant preference, Type 2 (N=7): The name of the factor was set as the type of professionalism in Spanish restaurants. Each type was found to have different characteristics. Each subjective perception detected through this analysis can be used as basic data for various studies.

Trend Analysis Regarding the Institutional Foodservice-Related Research in Korea from 2005 to 2009 (2005년부터 2009년까지 한국의 단체급식에 관한 연구 동향분석)

  • Ju, Se-Young;Kwon, Yong-Suk;Chung, Hea-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the trend of academic journals of institutional foodservice published from 2005 to 2009. This study was conducted by content analysis. We collected 322 articles including the subject of institutional foodservice Industry published from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009. Classification based on content analysis was conducted based on research method, statistical analysis, survey area, institution and location, sample type and research subject. First, in case of the research method, primary field survey/monitoring showed the highest rate. In addition, statistical analysis was as follows. Frequency/descriptive analysis were used as the highest rate. Survey area was a high percentage in case of Seoul/Incheon/Gyeong-gi province. In case of the institution and location, school/university showed the highest rate. In the sample type, foodservice employee/dietitian/nutrition teacher showed the highest rate. In this study, the most important research subjects were classified study subjects into seven by taking advantage of the previous studies. The greatest numerical study in seven study subjects was 'service quality and customers'(28.9%), and the following subjects were 'foodservice operation'(26.4%), 'hygiene, security and microbiology' (15.8%), 'organization and human resource' (15.5%). But it is noteworthy that 'marketing and strategic management'(9.6%) and 'education and training'(3.1%) of lower research results in this study are also important fields in institutional foodservice industry. Moreover, the study of such subjects is considered more necessary in the future.

Analysis of IoT Usage in Korean Key Manufacturing Industries (주요 제조업의 사물인터넷 활용성 분석)

  • Hwang, Gyusun;Park, Juhyung;Lee, Jeongcheol;Park, Jinwoo;Chang, Tai-Woo;Won, Joongyeon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2016
  • Internet of Things (IoT) has been established in various industries and IoT technology is highlighted as a new value creation technology. Especially, Korean government has launched Manufacturing Innovation 3.0 Strategy for developing Smart Factory concept to improve national and corporate's competitiveness. This study tries to present new industry classification scheme considering 10 national key manufacturing industries. Based on the new scheme, 10 national main forces industries are categorized into 6 segments. We have conducted SWOT analysis to comprehend Korean IoT environment. Based on the analysis, we have positioned 6 segments at the strategic decision-making grid to analyze industries' IoT practical usage.

A Study on Procurement Information Management Model through the Analysis of Industrial Engineering Process (산업설비분야의 업무분석을 통한 구매관리 정보모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Woo;Hwang, Doo-Won;Song, Young-Woong;Choi, Yoon-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.567-570
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    • 2006
  • Recently because of rising of international oil prices, plant industry market has been active and purchase orders of big project are tending upwards. For strengthening of overseas plant competitive power and successful project operating, it is essential the project management technology and method. but procurement management of plant industry has evaluated uncompetitive. In this study, we analyzed the process of procurement founded and main contents and information. we study flowing of procurement information. user and creation time though detailing procurement information, then, we suggest the Contents Classification System and Management Model of Procurement Information.

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Characteristics and Classification of Armscye Circumference using 3D Scan Data (3차원 인체형상자료를 이용한 겨드랑둘레선의 형태특성 및 유형)

  • Choi, Kueng-Mi;Park, Sun-Mi;Nam, Yun-Ja;Jun, Jung-Ill;Ryu, Young-Sil
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of armscye circumference which will be used to develop total contents for the apparel industry. The subjects of this study were 16- to 49-year-old women whose 3D body shape data were analyzed. 72 length and length-ratio measurements were taken to each subject' armscye circumference. The used analysis methods are descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis. The results are follows; 1. Considering the Length of armscye circumference, the result of principal component analysis were extracted 3 factors and those factors comprised 95% of total variance. As the result of the cluster analysis of factor scores, subjects were classified into 4 cluster by their size characteristic. 2. Considering the length-ratio of armscye circumference, the result of principal component analysis were extracted 5 factors and those factors comprised 96.45% of total variance. As the result of the cluster analysis of factor scores, subjects were classified into 5 cluster by their shape characteristic. So that, this research could be useful to manufacture garment which reflected 3D body figure and improved fitting.

Energy Expenditure of Male Blue Collar Workers (생산직 남성근로자의 작업 중 에너지 소모량)

  • Woo, Ji Hoon;Kang, Dongmug;Shin, Yong Chul;Kim, Myeong Ock;Son, Min Jung;Kim, Boo Wook;Cho, Byung Mann;Lee, Su Ill
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2006
  • Predicting energy expenditure (EE) is important to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The problem to predict EE is that the standard of EE is based on western data. The authors checked average EE by job categories to provide basic data for suggesting proper work intensity for Korean workers. This study was conducted from 2003 to 2005. Study subjects were recruited from 4 car parts assembly plant, 2 car assembly plant, 2 Heavy machine manufacturing plant and 2 shipyards. Total study subjects were 515 male workers. To estimate VO2max, sub-maximal test was conducted to measure VO275%max by bicycle ergometer (Combi Co, Aerobike 75XL II). Heartbeats were recorded with heartbeat recorder (Polar Electro Co, Finland, S810) during work. EE of work was calculated by recorded heartbeat and individual regression equation which was derived from sub-maximal test. Subjects were classified into 4 industry and 8 work posture, 23 job task categories. Mean EEs (S.D.) according to industry classification (kcal/min) were 4.9 (0.7), 4.8 (0.7), 4.9 (0.7), 5.0 (0.9), and 4.0 (0.5) for Car Part manufacture, Car Assembly, Ship Building, Heavy Machinery Manufacture, and Hospital Office, respectively. The results suggest that Korean male workers of exceeding to the NIOSH criteria will be needed to plan for job rescheduling to maintain $worker^{\circ}$Øs health. Further study to establish Korean work intensity standard would be needed.

A Preliminary Research on Optical In-Situ Monitoring of RF Plasma Induced Ion Current Using Optical Plasma Monitoring System (OPMS)

  • Kim, Hye-Jeong;Lee, Jun-Yong;Chun, Sang-Hyun;Hong, Sang-Jeen
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.523-523
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    • 2012
  • As the wafer geometric requirements continuously complicated and minutes in tens of nanometers, the expectation of real-time add-on sensors for in-situ plasma process monitoring is rapidly increasing. Various industry applications, utilizing plasma impedance monitor (PIM) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES), on etch end point detection, etch chemistry investigation, health monitoring, fault detection and classification, and advanced process control are good examples. However, process monitoring in semiconductor manufacturing industry requires non-invasiveness. The hypothesis behind the optical monitoring of plasma induced ion current is for the monitoring of plasma induced charging damage in non-invasive optical way. In plasma dielectric via etching, the bombardment of reactive ions on exposed conductor patterns may induce electrical current. Induced electrical charge can further flow down to device level, and accumulated charges in the consecutive plasma processes during back-end metallization can create plasma induced charging damage to shift the threshold voltage of device. As a preliminary research for the hypothesis, we performed two phases experiment to measure the plasma induced current in etch environmental condition. We fabricated electrical test circuits to convert induced current to flickering frequency of LED output, and the flickering frequency was measured by high speed optical plasma monitoring system (OPMS) in 10 kHz. Current-frequency calibration was done in offline by applying stepwise current increase while LED flickering was measured. Once the performance of the test circuits was evaluated, a metal pad for collecting ion bombardment during plasma etch condition was placed inside etch chamber, and the LED output frequency was measured in real-time. It was successful to acquire high speed optical emission data acquisition in 10 kHz. Offline measurement with the test circuitry was satisfactory, and we are continuously investigating the potential of real-time in-situ plasma induce current measurement via OPMS.

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A study in Mobile Functionality of beauty products according to the Digital changes (디지털 변화에 따른 뷰티제품의 휴대기능성 연구)

  • Barng, Kee-Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2012
  • The instant trend of mobile functionality in the digital age is performing a mediating role of promoting the hybrid tendency in fashion and cosmetics industry. Consumers' needs, which are getting complex and diversified along with development in scientific technology, are requiring product of technology equipped with multi-tasking function in the whole industry. The social and cultural factors, which are shown in cosmetics due to the instant trend of mobile functionality, came to be known on the basis of a ground for classification caused by a change in nomadic lifestyle and by the advance in scientific technology. The irst, The mobile functionality, which is being developed in fashion in the digital age, was indicated to be types such as mobility, one-off, and unity. Second, Even the types of mobile functionality, which are also being developed in make-up and cosmetics in digital age, were indicated to be mobility, one-off, and unity. Third, The trend caused by mobile functionality in fashion was consistent with a type in mobile functionality, which is being developed in cosmetics, thereby having been indicated to be the same type. This implies that there is the same type through independent trend in each sphere even while fashion and cosmetics organically function in the middle of the whole frame, which expresses a human being's external beauty, and implies that even the cosmetics are influenced by fashion. Swift-type beauty product, which is thrown away within one week lengthily and after being used once, are being launched diversely. This quick product can be said to be product that best reflected the characteristic of digital age. However, at this point of time that fast fashion and instant cosmetics, which are thrown away in the wake of being worn easily, are overflowing, the clothing and product with perfection, which has philosophy and thinking of being put more devotion, exert more value and are felt to be necessary.

Examination of Development State of Smart Fiber in Korean Textile Industry - Focused on Companies in Daegu/North Gyeongsang Province - (한국 섬유기업의 스마트섬유 개발 동향 - 대구경북지역 업체를 대상으로 -)

  • Yoo, Hwa-Sook;Park, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.1262-1272
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the development trend of smart fiber by textile companies in Daegu/North Gyeongsang Province. This examination includes the development fields of smart fiber, investment size, information sources and the use degree of those, research-related infrastructure, relationship between companies' characteristics and their interests in smart fiber. Research data were collected by a survey. The definition and classification(4 areas and 12 development products) of smart fiber followed ones of Smart Fiber Technology Roadmap by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.0 program for frequency, means, t-test, and $X^2$-test. Among respondents, the numbers of dying and finish companies and export traders were the highest. It revealed that 19.6% of companies were developing smart fibers. Within 12 development products, vapor permeable/waterproof fiber showed to be most being developed, while medical fiber for human has not been developed and wasn't made an investment plan for developing. It was discovered that the biggest problem of smart fiber development was the lack of experts and the best outcome of smart fiber development was preoccupation of future market. It showed that companies got information from textile fairs but didn't often use information sources. The companies appeared to have a weak intention about research of smart fiber. The more important a company considered functionality of textile products and the more innovative and stabler the company was, the higher interest in smart fiber companies had. It was concluded that textile companies in Daegu/North Gyeongsang Province were aware of the importance of smart fiber development but they were not strongly interested in it and not enthusiastic in taking action on it.

Application of SUPAC-MR in Processing Postapproval Changes to Modified Release Sold Oral Dosage Forms (경구용 서방성/지연성 성형제품의 허가 후 변경사항 관리를 위한 SUPAC-MR 응용)

  • Sah, Hong-Kee;Cho, Mi-Hyun;Park, Sang-Ae;Yun, Mi-Ok;Kang, Shin-Jung
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.229-254
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to scrutinize the rationale of SUPAC-MR and its application in processing postapproval changes to modified release solid oral dosage forms. The types of postapproval changes that were primarily covered with SUPAC-MR included variations in the components and composition, the site of manufacturing, batch size, manufacturing equipment, and manufacturing process. SUPAC-MR defined levels of postapproval changes that the industry might make. Classification of such categories was based on the likelihood of risk occurrence and potential impact of changes upon the safety and efficacy of approved drug products. In most cases, the changes could be classified into 3 levels. It described what chemistry, manufacturing, and control tests should be conducted for each change level. The important tests specified in SUPAC-MR were batch release, stability, in vitro dissolution, and in vivo bioequivalence tests. It then suggested what type of a filing report should be submitted to the FDA for each change level. In general, level 1 changes could be reported in an annual report, whereas level 2 and/or 3 changes could be submitted in changes-being-effected or prior approval supplements. It could be understood that the purpose of SUPAC-MR was to maintain the safety and quality of approved modified release solid oral dosage forms undergoing certain changes. At the same time, it contributed to providing a less burdensome regulatory process with the manufacturers when they wanted to make postapproval changes. European regulatory agencies also implemented SUPAC-like regulations in handling such changes to drug products. Therefore, in this study a recommendation was made for KFDA and the Korean industry to evaluate thoroughly the usefulness of these guidances and regulations in dealing with postapproval changes to modified release solid oral dosage forms.