• Title/Summary/Keyword: Individual Values

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The Introduction of the Concept of "Original Form" to the Heritage Conservation and Management and the Establishment and Development of the Principle of "Maintaining the Original Form" (한국의 문화재 보존·관리에 있어서 원형개념의 유입과 원형유지원칙의 성립, 그리고 발달과정)

  • Lee, Su Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.100-119
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    • 2016
  • The concept of "original form" and the principle of "maintaining the original form" take center stage in conservation, management, and promotion of the domestic heritage. Introduced in the 20th century, there were little discussion or deliberation about the concept of "original form" therefore it remains a vague and somewhat abstract notion subject to individual interpretation. Without a specified practical meaning, "maintaining the original form" became the fundamental principle for heritage conservation and management in the 1999 version of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, engendering difficulties in applying the principle in practice. Conceived as an important first step toward resolving the issues stemming from the indistinct concept of "original form," this paper explores the process through which the concept was introduced to Korea and then established and developed as a legal principle for heritage conservation, management, and promotion. While the examination of the related documents and various cases shows that the development of the concept of "original form" has centered on specific periods and architectural styles, this essay explicates that the notion "original form" is commonly used as a term referring to the form at the earliest possible temporality. It also explains that this view emanates from perceiving heritages not as multivalent objects, but as a material object that exclusively carries aesthetic and, more importantly, historical value, and that comes from the history awareness of the times. This essay suggests that the concept "original form" should be reestablished with full consideration of the diverse values of heritage and diverse forms through which heritage can be expressed. After reviewing the feasibility and practicality of the concept a set of concrete guidelines should be presented for application in practice.

A Folktale education that promotes communication between generations considering difference in cultural background (문화적 맥락의 차이에 따른 설화 향유의 한 양상과 세대 간 소통을 위한 설화 교육 시론)

Mediating Effect of Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction Between Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: Focusing on the Beauty Service Industry (기업가정신과 재무적 성과 간의 고객지향성, 고객만족의 매개효과: 미용 서비스산업 중심으로)

  • Kwak, jinman;Lee, sehee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2021
  • In the service industry the types are diversifying and the scale of service companies is greatly improving. Such a phenomenon is caused by economic growth and technological development diversifying consumer needs creating demand for new services maturing the service industry and intensifying competition among companies in the form of global competition. It can be said that this is because it is necessary to improve competitiveness by utilizing the economy of scale. Research is needed on the impact of entrepreneurship on various outcome variables in order for service organization managers to respond quickly to diverse and rapidly changing environments and achieve organizational outcomes and corporate goals of management outcomes. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relationship in which the entrepreneurial spirit of a manager influences the relationship between customer orientation, which is an organizational result, customer satisfaction, and financial result, which is a management result. In order to verify such research, the questionnaire was composed of one business owner questionnaire, two employee questionnaires, and two customer questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 400 companies, and the questionnaires of 340 companies were collected. Of these, 303 companies, excluding the questionnaires of 37 companies with many dishonest or missing values, were used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, entrepreneurship had a positive (+) effect on customer orientation, supporting the hypothesis. Second, customer orientation showed a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, supporting the hypothesis. Third, customer satisfaction showed a positive (+) effect on financial outcomes, supporting the hypothesis. Fourth, it was found that entrepreneurship influences customer satisfaction through customer orientation, and customer satisfaction affects financial outcomes. It turns out that customer orientation between entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction is completely mediated, and customer satisfaction is completely mediated by customer orientation and financial outcomes. The relationship between entrepreneurship and management improved employee behavior and attitudes, which is an individual outcome, and this change was found to improve customer satisfaction, which is an organizational outcome. It makes frequent contact with customers in the process of servicing them. Employee roles are important at service contacts and influence service purchases. Employees facing customers through service contacts act as a decisive factor in maintaining a continuous relationship with customers. Within a beauty service company, it is necessary to create a customer-oriented environment among workers. It suggests that customer-oriented companies and employees can anticipate their desires and provide products or services of superior value to achieve greater customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage. In addition, it was clarified that customer satisfaction has an aspect relationship with financial management, which is a management result. Therefore, it is suggested that the entrepreneurial spirit is an important factor for the management of a beauty service company to secure competitiveness and improve results.

A Study on the Concept of 'Loyalty and Filial Piety' in the Taoist Scriptures (도교 경전에 나타난 충효관 연구 - 『문창효경(文昌孝經)』과 『정명충효전서(淨明忠孝全書)』를 중심으로 -)

  • Jo Min-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.45
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    • pp.37-67
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    • 2023
  • This paper aims to examine the loyalty and filial piety pursued by Taoists, focusing on the concept of loyalty and loyalty shown in Wenchang Filial Piety Classic and General Collection of Jingming on Loyalty and Filial Piety. After the Han Dynasty, the concept of loyalty and filial piety became the representative virtues that led the country and society to follow the ideology of Confucius as the dominant ideology. This applied to everyone from emperor to each individual. Taoism had different reasons for promoting the concept of loyalty and filial piety and these even varied from sect to sect, but generally, Taoism could also be said to emphasize loyalty and filial piety. Depending on the sect of Taoism, filial piety might be valued on its own or filial piety might be valued in conjunction with loyalty. In particular, defining Taoism was criticized for "forgetting the desirable behavior required in the human network of the world and severing relationships with various objects encountered in life." In this respect, the concept of loyalty and filial piety in General Collection of Jingming on Loyalty and Filial Piety, could be observed to emphasize 'filial piety' in conjunction with 'loyalty', and this shows the influence of Confucius' concept of loyalty and filial piety. At the same time, this shows the concept of loyalty and filial piety as reimagined by Taoism. The most fundamental aim of Taoism is to pursue immortality. However, as a prerequisite for becoming such a god, loyalty and filial piety, were practiced alongside 'gentleness' and 'humanity and trustworthiness.' Here, the Taoist emphasis on 'loyalty and filial piety', 'gentleness', and 'humanity and trustworthiness' is essentially the same as in Neo-Confucianism. However, seeking to become an immortal through these values represents a motivation that is different from Neo-Confucians who denied the pursuit of immortality. In this paper, loyalty and filial piety as understood and practiced by Neo-Confucian scholars will be compared with the same concepts in the Taoist context and the findings will be summarized via three categories. First, in the Taoist model longevity and the pursuit of immortality are seen as being closely related to filial piety. The reason why achieving longevity and pursuing immortality was considered closely related to filial piety is because this is a modified and enhanced reimagining of the Neo-Confucianist concept of loyalty and filial piety. The other is that Taoism's concept of loyalty and filial piety is richly supplemented with content about 'interactions between heaven and humankind.' When filial piety is practiced in this context, the principle of responding to the gods of heaven and earth is emphasized. At the same time, Taoism presents consequences for insufficient filial piety to parents or insufficient loyal to the king; disasters will be brought down by heaven. Finally, it is argued that the practice filial piety is necessary and should extend not only to parents to all phenomena in the world without distinguishing based on one's degree of intimacy to those phenomena.

A Study on the Narratives of Lee Ae-rim's Comic Books -Focusing on the Characteristics of Repetition, Coincidence, and Fantasy (이애림 만화 서사 연구 -반복, 우연, 환상의 특성을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Cheong
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.281-313
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    • 2019
  • This paper was written to investigate the narrative traits of Lee Ae-rim's Comic Books. Lee Ae-rim arrived on the scene with the boom of comic book magazines in the 1990s. Although she started her career as a Comic Book writer, she expanded her own area gradually and has been working actively as an animation director as well. The superficial characteristics of Lee Ae-rim's works can be summed up as sexuality, grotesqueness, and fantasy. In other words, Lee Ae-rim's comic books are mainly characterized by the visualization of sexual, grotesque, and fantastic shapes. Lee Ae-rim has faced challenges with her own overwhelming and compelling images like no one else. For that reason, it is true that people haven't paid careful attention to the hidden stories behind her pictures. This paper considers that looking back on the narratives that Lee Ae-rim has been interested in, from early days to recent days, that is to say, the contexts of stories, is a shortcut to reveal a point of contact between her past, present, and future. Especially, this paper focused on the properties of the circulated and repeated stories, the stories ruled by fate and coincidence, and the stories in which elements of fantasy encounter an attempt of violation. As a result, it was found that the narratives of Lee Ae-rim's comic books demand us to face suppressed desires in a new way, by wrapping up the most fundamental aspects of human being in universality and constancy with specificity and grotesqueness. The reason why Lee Ae-rim has continued the avant-garde and omnidirectional works thus far explains what our society suppresses, inversely. Moreover, the narratives of Lee Ae-rim are significant, by being devoted to the right function of art not only to disclose suppressed desires but to satisfy them. Making an in-depth investigation of the narratives of Lee Ae-rim's comic books in various contexts, this research is intended to establish a diversity of Korean comic books, by adding meaning to the creative values of individual writers.

The Accuracy Evaluation of Digital Elevation Models for Forest Areas Produced Under Different Filtering Conditions of Airborne LiDAR Raw Data (항공 LiDAR 원자료 필터링 조건에 따른 산림지역 수치표고모형 정확도 평가)

  • Cho, Seungwan;Choi, Hyung Tae;Park, Joowon
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • With increasing interest, there have been studies on LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)-based DEM(Digital Elevation Model) to acquire three dimensional topographic information. For producing LiDAR DEM with better accuracy, Filtering process is crucial, where only surface reflected LiDAR points are left to construct DEM while non-surface reflected LiDAR points need to be removed from the raw LiDAR data. In particular, the changes of input values for filtering algorithm-constructing parameters are supposed to produce different products. Therefore, this study is aimed to contribute to better understanding the effects of the changes of the levels of GroundFilter Algrothm's Mean parameter(GFmn) embedded in FUSION software on the accuracy of the LiDAR DEM products, using LiDAR data collected for Hwacheon, Yangju, Gyeongsan and Jangheung watershed experimental area. The effect of GFmn level changes on the products' accuracy is estimated by measuring and comparing the residuals between the elevations at the same locations of a field and different GFmn level-produced LiDAR DEM sample points. In order to test whether there are any differences among the five GFmn levels; 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, One-way ANOVA is conducted. In result of One-way ANOVA test, it is found that the change in GFmn level significantly affects the accuracy (F-value: 4.915, p<0.01). After finding significance of the GFmn level effect, Tukey HSD test is also conducted as a Post hoc test for grouping levels by the significant differences. In result, GFmn levels are divided into two subsets ('7, 5, 9, 3' vs. '1'). From the observation of the residuals of each individual level, it is possible to say that LiDAR DEM is generated most accurately when GFmn is given as 7. Through this study, the most desirable parameter value can be suggested to produce filtered LiDAR DEM data which can provide the most accurate elevation information.

Comparison of NDVI in Rice Paddy according to the Resolution of Optical Satellite Images (광학위성영상의 해상도에 따른 논지역의 정규식생지수 비교)

  • Jeong Eun;Sun-Hwa Kim;Jee-Eun Min
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1321-1330
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    • 2023
  • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is the most widely used remote sensing data in the agricultural field and is currently provided by most optical satellites. In particular, as high-resolution optical satellite images become available, the selection of optimal optical satellite images according to agricultural applications has become a very important issue. In this study, we aim to define the most optimal optical satellite image when monitoring NDVI in rice fields in Korea and derive the resolution-related requirements necessary for this. For this purpose, we compared and analyzed the spatial distribution and time series patterns of the Dangjin rice paddy in Korea from 2019 to 2022 using NDVI images from MOD13, Landsat-8, Sentinel-2A/B, and PlanetScope satellites, which are widely used around the world. Each data is provided with a spatial resolution of 3 m to 250 m and various periods, and the area of the spectral band used to calculate NDVI also has slight differences. As a result of the analysis, Landsat-8 showed the lowest NDVI value and had very low spatial variation. In comparison, the MOD13 NDVI image showed similar spatial distribution and time series patterns as the PlanetScope data but was affected by the area surrounding the rice field due to low spatial resolution. Sentinel-2A/B showed relatively low NDVI values due to the wide near-infrared band area, and this feature was especially noticeable in the early stages of growth. PlanetScope's NDVI provides detailed spatial variation and stable time series patterns, but considering its high purchase price, it is considered to be more useful in small field areas than in spatially uniform rice paddy. Accordingly, for rice field areas, 250 m MOD13 NDVI or 10 m Sentinel-2A/B are considered to be the most efficient, but high-resolution satellite images can be used to estimate detailed physical quantities of individual crops.

Constructing a Conceptual Framework of Smart Ageing Bridging Sustainability and Demographic Transformation (인구감소 시대와 초고령 사회의 지속가능한 삶으로서 스마트 에이징의 개념과 모형에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Hyunjeong Lee;JungHo Park
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2023
  • As population ageing and shrinking accompanied by dramatically expanded individual life expectancy and declining fertility rate is a global phenomenon, ageing becomes its broader perspective of ageing well embedded into sustained health and well-being, and also the fourth industrial revolution speeds up a more robust and inclusive view of smart ageing. While the latest paradigm of SA has gained considerable attention in the midst of sharply surging demand for health and social services and rapidly declining labor force, the definition has been widely and constantly discussed. This research is to constitute a conceptual framework of smart ageing (SA) from systematic literature review and the use of a series of secondary data and Geographical Information Systems(GIS), and to explore its components. The findings indicate that SA is considered to be an innovative approach to ensuring quality of life and protecting dignity, and identifies its constituents. Indeed, the construct of SA elaborates the multidimensional nature of independent living, encompassing three spheres - Aging in Place (AP), Well Aging (WA), and Active Ageing (AA). AP aims at maintaining independence and autonomy, entails safety, comfort, familiarity and emotional attachment, and it values social supports and services. WA assures physical, psycho-social and economic domains of well-being, and it concerns subjective happiness. AA focuses on both social engagement and economic participation. Moreover, the three constructs of SA are underpinned by specific elements (right to housing, income adequacy, health security, social care, and civic engagement) which are interrelated and interconnected.

Building Change Detection Methodology in Urban Area from Single Satellite Image (단일위성영상 기반 도심지 건물변화탐지 방안)

  • Seunghee Kim;Taejung Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_4
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    • pp.1097-1109
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    • 2023
  • Urban is an area where small-scale changes to individual buildings occur frequently. An existing urban building database requires periodic updating to increase its usability. However, there are limitations in data collection for building changes over a wide urban. In this study, we check the possibility of detecting building changes and updating a building database by using satellite images that can capture a wide urban region by a single image. For this purpose, building areas in a satellite image are first extracted by projecting 3D coordinates of building corners available in a building database onto the image. Building areas are then divided into roof and facade areas. By comparing textures of the roof areas projected, building changes such as height change or building removal can be detected. New height values are estimated by adjusting building heights until projected roofs align to actual roofs observed in the image. If the projected image appeared in the image while no building is observed, it corresponds to a demolished building. By checking buildings in the original image whose roofs and facades areas are not projected, new buildings are identified. Based on these results, the building database is updated by the three categories of height update, building deletion, or new building creation. This method was tested with a KOMPSAT-3A image over Incheon Metropolitan City and Incheon building database available in public. Building change detection and building database update was carried out. Updated building corners were then projected to another KOMPSAT-3 image. It was confirmed that building areas projected by updated building information agreed with actual buildings in the image very well. Through this study, the possibility of semi-automatic building change detection and building database update based on single satellite image was confirmed. In the future, follow-up research is needed on technology to enhance computational automation of the proposed method.

A Study of Su Shi(蘇軾)'s Philosophy and Garden Management - A Basic Study Focused on Baiheju(白鶴居) - (소식의 사상과 원림 경영 연구 - 백학거를 중심으로 한 기초 연구 -)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2023
  • The Northern Song Dynasty, the heyday of cultural and artistic achievements, brought significant changes to the history of gardens in China. The developments and contemplations that had evolved during the previous Tang Dynasty became intertwined with literature, painting, and art, leading to garden being perceived as works of art. In particular, the emergence of Su Shi(蘇軾) that permeated literature and art during the Northern Song Dynasty, had an impact beyond individual garden creation, influencing the development of public gardens and the diversification of garden. His long exile periods served as an opportunity to understand and reflect the local culture and characteristics, influencing the development of the garden. This study focuses on the ideology of Su Shi(蘇軾) that managed various gardens, examining the relationship between his exlie life and ideology. To do so, the study examines the form of the literati's gardens managed by Su Shi(蘇軾), with a particular emphasis on the Baiheju(白鶴居) garden in Huizhou, revealing the following characteristics and values. First, Su Shi(蘇軾), who was proficient in the Three Houses: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, combined his philosophy and unique perspective techniques with the location and composition elements of Baiheju(白鶴居) to enjoy the landscape. Although the ancient residence has a simple form, it possesses expansiveness through the combination of internal and external views. The interior is designed to be perceived as a single space, but it allows overlapping experiences of space and simultaneous appreciation of different sceneries. On the other hand, the spatial layout incorporates a hierarchical order to establish a sense of order. Second, the garden reflects the local characteristics, featuring numerous tropical plants and presenting vibrant and contrasting colors with structures. The planting forms embrace the concept of "huosei seikou" (活色生香) to enhance the color harmoniously. Additionally, the garden incorporates the poet's spiritual world, projecting it onto the garden as a contemplative place for spiritual nourishment and exploration of the ideal realm. For the pursuit of serenity and profound contemplation, the selected plantings are simple yet distinctive, providing rhythm and depth to the garden space. Third, Baiheju(白鶴居) has undergone changes over the years, but fundamentally, the form and elements of the garden shaped by Su Shi(蘇軾)'s descendants persist, confirming its heritage value.