• Title/Summary/Keyword: Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA)

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Behavior factor of vertically irregular RCMRFs based on incremental dynamic analysis

  • Habibi, Alireza;Gholami, Reza;Izadpanah, Mehdi
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 2019
  • Behavior factor of a structure plays a crucial role in designing and predicting the inelastic responses of it. Recently, irregular buildings have been interested in many designers. To design irregular structures, recognizing the inelastic behavior of them is necessary. The main objective of this study is to determine the behavior factor of irregular Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frames (RCMRFs) via nonlinear Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA). To do so, first, several frames are designed according to the regulations of the Iranian national building code. Then the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis is performed on these structures and the behavior factors are achieved. The acquired results are compared with those obtained using pushover analysis and it is shown that the behavior factors acquired from the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis are somewhat larger than those obtained from pushover analysis. Eventually, two practical relations are proposed to predict the behavior factor of irregular RCMRFs. Since these relations are based on the simple characteristics of frames such as: irregularity indices, the height and fundamental period, the behavior factor of irregular RCMRFs can be achieved efficiently using these relations. The proposed relations are applied to design of four new irregular RCMRFs and the outcomes confirm the accuracy of the aforementioned relations.

Response modification factor of the frames braced with reduced yielding segment BRB

  • Fanaie, Nader;Dizaj, Ebrahim Afsar
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, overstrength, ductility and response modification factors are calculated for frames braced with a different type of buckling restrained braces, called reduced yielding segment BRB (Buckling Restrained Brace) in which the length of its yielding part is reduced and placed in one end of the brace element in comparison with conventional BRBs. Forthermore, these factors are calculated for ordinary BRBF and the results are compared. In this regard incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method is used for studying 17 records of the most known earthquakes happened in the world. To do that, the considered buildings have different stories and two bracing configurations: diagonal and inverted V chevron, the most ordinary configurations of BRBFs. Static pushover analysis, nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis and linear dynamic analysis have been performed using OpenSees software. Considering the results, it can be seen that, overstrength, ductility and response modification factors of this type of BRBF(Buckling Restrained Braced Frame) is greater than those of conventional types and it shows better seismic performance and also eliminates some of conventional BRBF's disadvantages such as low post-yield stiffness.

Comparison of monotonic and cyclic pushover analyses for the near-collapse point on a mid-rise reinforced concrete framed building

  • GUNES, Necmettin
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2020
  • The near-collapse performance limit is defined as the deformation at the 20% drop of maximum base shear in the decreasing region of the pushover curve for ductile framed buildings. Although monotonic pushover analysis is preferred due to the simple application procedure, this analysis gives rise to overestimated results by neglecting the cumulative damage effects. In the present study, the acceptabilities of monotonic and cyclic pushover analysis results for the near-collapse performance limit state are determined by comparing with Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) results for a 5-story Reinforced Concrete framed building. IDA is performed to obtain the collapse point, and the near-collapse drift ratios for monotonic and cyclic pushover analysis methods are obtained separately. These two alternative drift ratios are compared with the collapse drift ratio. The correlations of the maximum tensile and compression strain at the base columns and beam plastic rotations with interstory drift ratios are acquired using the nonlinear time history analysis results by the simple linear regression analyses. It is seen that these parameters are highly correlated with the interstory drift ratios, and the results reveal that the near-collapse point acquired by monotonic pushover analysis causes unacceptably high tensile and compression strains at the base columns, as well as large plastic rotations at the beams. However, it is shown that the results of cyclic pushover analysis are acceptable for the near-collapse performance limit state.

Comparison of Approximate Nonlinear Methods for Incremental Dynamic Analysis of Seismic Performance (내진성능의 증분동적해석을 위한 비선형 약산법의 비교 검토)

  • Bae, Kyeong-Geun;Yu, Myeong-Hwa;Kang, Pyeong-Doo;Kim, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2008
  • Seismic performance evaluation of structure requires an estimation of the structural performance in terms of displacement demand imposed by earthquakes on the structure. Incremental Dynamic Analysis(IDA) is a analysis method that has recently emerged to estimate structural performance under earthquakes. This method can obtained the entire range of structural performance from the linear elastic stage to yielding and finally collapse by subjecting the structure to increasing levels of ground acceleration. Most structures are expected to deform beyond the limit of linearly elastic behavior when subjected to strong ground motion. The nonlinear response history analysis(NRHA) among various nonlinear analysis methods is the most accurate to compute seismic performance of structures, but it is time-consuming and necessitate more efforts. The nonlinear approximate methods, which is more practical and reliable tools for predicting seismic behavior of structures, are extensively studied. The uncoupled modal response history analysis(UMRHA) is a method which can find the nonlinear reponse of the structures for ESDF from the pushover curve using NRHA or response spectrum. The direct spectrum analysis(DSA) is approximate nonlinear method to evaluate nonlinear response of structures, without iterative computations, given by the structural linear vibration period and yield strength from the pushover analysis. In this study, the practicality and the reliability of seismic performance of approximate nonlinear methods for incremental dynamic analysis of mixed building structures are to be compared.

Seismic fragility analysis of base isolation reinforced concrete structure building considering performance - a case study for Indonesia

  • Faiz Sulthan;Matsutaro Seki
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.243-260
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    • 2023
  • Indonesia has had seismic codes for earthquake-resistant structures designs since 1970 and has been updated five times to the latest in 2019. In updating the Indonesian seismic codes, seismic hazard maps for design also update, and there are changes to the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA). Indonesian seismic design uses the concept of building performance levels consisting of Immediate occupancy (IO), Life Safety (LS), and Collapse Prevention (CP). Related to this performance level, cases still found that buildings were damaged more than their performance targets after the earthquake. Based on the above issues, this study aims to analyze the performance of base isolation design on existing target buildings and analyze the seismic fragility for a case study in Indonesia. The target building is a prototype design 8-story medium-rise residential building using the reinforced concrete moment frame structure. Seismic fragility analysis uses Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) with Nonlinear Time History Analysis (NLTHA) and eleven selected ground motions based on soil classification, magnitude, fault distance, and earthquake source mechanism. The comparison result of IDA shows a trend of significant performance improvement, with the same performance level target and risk category, the base isolation structure can be used at 1.46-3.20 times higher PGA than the fixed base structure. Then the fragility analysis results show that the fixed base structure has a safety margin of 30% and a base isolation structure of 62.5% from the PGA design. This result is useful for assessing existing buildings or considering a new building's performance.

Assessment of collapse safety margin for DDBD and FBD-designed RC frame buildings

  • Alimohammadi, Dariush;Abadi, Esmaeel Izadi Zaman
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.229-244
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    • 2022
  • This paper investigates the seismic performance of buildings designed using DDBD (Direct Displacement based Design) and FBD (Force based Design) approaches from the probabilistic viewpoint. It aims to estimate the collapse capacity of structures and assess the adequacy of seismic design codes. In this regard, (i) IDA (Incremental Dynamic Analysis) curves, (ii) interstory drift demand distribution curves, (iii) fragility curves, and (iv) the methodology provided by FEMA P-695 are applied to examine two groups of RC moment resistant frame buildings: 8-story structures with different plans, to study the effect of different span arrangements; and 3-, 7- and 12-story structures with a fixed plan, to study the dynamic behavior of the buildings. Structural modeling is performed in OpenSees software and validated using the results of an experimental model. It is concluded that increasing the building height would not significantly affect the response estimation of IDA and fragility curves of DDBD-designed structures, while the change in span arrangements is effective in estimating responses. In the investigation of the code adequacy, unlike the FBD approach, the DDBD can satisfy the performance criteria presented in FEMA P-695 and hence provide excellent performance.

Seismic fragility assessment of steel moment-resisting frames equipped with superelastic viscous dampers

  • Abbas Ghasemi;Fatemeh Arkavazi;Hamzeh Shakib
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.343-358
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    • 2023
  • The superelastic viscous damper (SVD) is a hybrid passive control device comprising a viscoelastic damper and shape memory alloy (SMA) cables connected in series. The SVD is an innovative damper through which a large amount of seismic energy can dissipate. The current study assessed the seismic collapse induced by steel moment-resisting frames (SMRFs) equipped with SVDs and compared them with the performance of special MRFs and buckling restrained brace frames (BRBFs). For this purpose, nonlinear dynamic and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) were conducted in OpenSees software. Both 5- and 9-story special MRFs, BRBFs, and MRFs equipped with the SVDs were examined. The results indicated that the annual exceedance rate for maximum residual drifts of 0.2% and 0.5% for the BRBFs and MRFs with SVDs, respectively, were considerably less than for SMRFs with reduced-beam section (RBS) connections and that the seismic performances of these structures were enhanced with the use of the BRB and SVD. The probability of collapse due to residual drift in the SVD, BRB, and RBS frames in the 9-story structure was 1.45, 1.75, and 1.05 times greater than for the 5-story frame.

A novel proficient and sufficient intensity measure for probabilistic analysis of skewed highway bridges

  • Bayat, M.;Daneshjoo, F.;Nistico, N.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.1177-1202
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a new intensity measure of earthquakes for probabilistic seismic analysis is presented for skewed highway bridges. Three different cases of skewed bridges with different skew angles ($0^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$ and $45^{\circ}$) are considered. Well-known intensity measures (e.g., PGA, $S_a$) are evaluated and critically discussed based on sensitivity analysis: efficiency, practically, proficiency and sufficiency of intensity measures are considered in detail. The analyses demonstrated that the intensity measures have to take into account structural acceleration on a wide range of periods so that a new seismic intensity measure is proposed showing that it has less dispersion compared to others. Since the proposed intensity represents the average value of the $S_a$ (between a lower and upper structural period) it has been called Averaged Spectral Acceleration (ASA). Based on performed incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), the seismic analytical fragility curves of typical skewed highway bridges have been evaluated for different states of damage controlling the low dispersion of the ASA index as well as its proficiency and sufficiency.

Soil-structure interaction effects on collapse probability of the RC buildings subjected to far and near-field ground motions

  • Iman Hakamian;Kianoosh Taghikhani;Navid Manouchehri;Mohammad Mahdi Memarpour
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2023
  • This paper investigates the influences of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) on the seismic behavior of two-dimensional reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames subjected to Far-Field Ground Motion (FFGM) and Near-Field Ground Motion (NFGM). For this purpose, the nonlinear modeling of 7, 10, and 15-story reinforced concrete moment resisting frames were developed in Open Systems for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) software. Effects of SSI were studied by simulating Beam on Nonlinear Winkler Foundation (BNWF) and the soil type as homogenous medium-dense. Generally, the building resistance to seismic loads can be explained in terms of Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA); therefore, IDA curves are presented in this study. For comparison, the fragility evaluation is subjected to NFGM and FFGM as proposed by Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors (FEMA P-695). The seismic performance of Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings with fixed and flexible foundations was evaluated to assess the probability of collapse. The results of this paper demonstrate that SSI and NFGM have significantly influenced the probability of failure of the RC frames. In particular, the flexible-base RC buildings experience higher Spectral acceleration (Sa) compared to the fixed-base ones subjected to FFGM and NFGM.

The effect of finite element modeling assumptions on collapse capacity of an RC frame building

  • Ghaemian, Saeed;Muderrisoglu, Ziya;Yazgan, Ufuk
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.555-565
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    • 2020
  • The main objective of seismic codes is to prevent structural collapse and ensure life safety. Collapse probability of a structure is usually assessed by making a series of analytical model assumptions. This paper investigates the effect of finite element modeling (FEM) assumptions on the estimated collapse capacity of a reinforced concrete (RC) frame building and points out the modeling limitations. Widely used element formulations and hysteresis models are considered in the analysis. A full-scale, three-story RC frame building was utilized as the experimental model. Alternative finite element models are established by adopting a range of different modeling strategies. Using each model, the collapse capacity of the structure is evaluated via Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA). Results indicate that the analytically estimated collapse capacities are significantly sensitive to the utilized modeling approaches. Furthermore, results also show that models that represent stiffness degradation lead to a better correlation between the actual and analytical responses. Results of this study are expected to be useful for in developing proper models for assessing the collapse probability of RC frame structures.