• Title/Summary/Keyword: Income ratio

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Expenditure on Medical Care and Ratio of Medical Care Spending to Consumption Expenditure in Elderly Households (노인가계의 의료비 지출과 부담에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jung-Sun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.25 no.1 s.85
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2007
  • The determinansts of expenditure spent on medical care and the ratio of medical care spending to consumption expenditure were investigated using the 2002 House Income and Expenditure Survey by the Korea National Statistical Office, which consisted of a sample of 918 elderly households. There were significant differences in expenditure on medical care and the ratio of medical care spending to consumption expenditure between elderly and nonelderly households. Age, education, overspending were significant factors that determine the expenditure on medical care and the ratio of medical care spending to consumption expenditure. Overspending is the most important factor related to expenditure on medical care and the ratio of medical care spending to consumption expenditure.

The Study on the Estimation of Optimal Debt Ratio in Korean Agricultural Corporations (한국 농업법인의 적정부채비율 추정을 위한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Woo-Seok;Seo, Beom;Im, In-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2017
  • This study employs an analytical mathematical model to estimate the optimal debt ratio of Korean agricultural corporations, more sensitive to the government debt ratio policy compared to other industries, and the estimation of the optimal debt ratio based on objective data. The analytical model utilizes the equation for ROE, with the debt ratio as an independent variable, and related parameters include ROS, TAT, and NFCL. Regarding the NFCL, the optimal debt ratio standard is defined as the debt ratio that maximizes the ROE by analytical procedures such as adding an equation concerning the debt ratio and a linearity relationship to the analytical model, and from these equations, a quadratic equation with the debt ratio as an independent variable describes the ROE. This methodemploys fourteen years of corporate data. Results show that 138% of debt ratio is the optimal debt ratio to increase the ROE of the corporations, which implies that the existing debt ratio of Korean agricultural corporations is higher than optimal. Consequently, it is required for authorities to change future debt ratio policies in view that the purpose of debt ratio management is to maintain safety and increase profitability.Management should emphasize characteristics of the specific industry rather than standardized judgements based on numerical indexes.

Evaluation of Corporate Distress Prediction Power using the Discriminant Analysis: The Case of First-Class Hotels in Seoul (판별분석에 의한 기업부실예측력 평가: 서울지역 특1급 호텔 사례 분석)

  • Kim, Si-Joong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.520-526
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to develop a distress prediction model, in order to evaluate the distress prediction power for first-class hotels and to calculate the average financial ratio in the Seoul area by using the financial ratios of hotels in 2015. The sample data was collected from 19 first-class hotels in Seoul and the financial ratios extracted from 14 of these 19 hotels. The results show firstly that the seven financial ratios, viz. the current ratio, total borrowings and bonds payable to total assets, interest coverage ratio to operating income, operating income to sales, net income to stockholders' equity, ratio of cash flows from operating activities to sales and total assets turnover, enable the top-level corporations to be discriminated from the failed corporations and, secondly, by using these seven financial ratios, a discriminant function which classifies the corporations into top-level and failed ones is estimated by linear multiple discriminant analysis. The accuracy of prediction of this discriminant capability turned out to be 87.9%. The accuracy of the estimates obtained by discriminant analysis indicates that the distress prediction model's distress prediction power is 78.95%. According to the analysis results, hotel management groups which administrate low level corporations need to focus on the classification of these seven financial ratios. Furthermore, hotel corporations have very different financial structures and failure prediction indicators from other industries. In accordance with this finding, for the development of credit evaluation systems for such hotel corporations, there is a need for systems to be developed that reflect hotel corporations' financial features.

Logical Configuration of Livelihood Benefit Standard for the Institutionalized Recipients under the Standard Median Income Scheme and the Level of Benefit by the Adjusted Equivalence Scale of the Institution (기준중위소득 방식을 반영한 보장시설생계급여 지급기준 논리 구성과 시설균등화지수 합리화에 따른 급여수준)

  • Jo, Joon-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.660-670
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to elaborate the logical configuration of livelihood benefits for the institutionalized recipients under the renewed custom-tailored benefit system of National Basic Livelihood Security System(NBLSS) and to present appropriate level of benefits in terms of coherency of the system. In July 2015, the NBLSS was reformed to adopt a relative level of benefit standard for the general recipients according to certain amount of ratio of standard median income. However, the benefit for the institutionalized recipients was still based on the cost of necessities of absolute poverty level. It is at this juncture that this study suggests livelihood benefits for the institutionalized recipients reflect standard median income to comply with the reform of the NBLSS. To this end, this study firstly derives basic living items for the institutionalized recipients based on the literature review and FGI. Secondly, it calculates the reflection ratio of livelihood benefits utilizing Household Trend Survey's consumption data under 40%. Finally, it applies equivalence scale of households to adjust the under-represented scale for large size institutions. To continue the reflection ratio method, it is necessary to review the consumption trends and the stability of the reflection ratio periodically.

Assessment of Nutrient Intake for Middle Aged with and without Metabolic Syndrome Using 2005 and 2007 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey (2005년, 2007년 국민건강영양조사를 이용한 중년성인의 대사증후군 유무에 따른 영양섭취 평가-(1))

  • Moon, Hyun-Kyung;Kong, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2010
  • The prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome has increased rapidly among the middle-aged and seems to be affected by socioeconomic factors, lifestyles and dietary habits. This research tries to find out the difference in dietary intake between middle-aged with and without metabolic syndrome. Using Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey (KNHANES) in 2005 and 2007, this study investigated 2,382 people (normal: 1,575, disease: 807) in 2005 and 1152 people (normal: 747, disease: 405) in 2007 (between the age of 40 and 64). Analysis was performed to discover the difference in nutrient intakes between people with and without metabolic syndrome. Also differences among people with various socioeconomic factors (such as age, education level, and income level), which can affect nutrient intake, were analyzed. In the nutrient intake people with metabolic syndrome has lower intake in most of nutrients than those of normal group, except carbohydrate. In 2007, normal group had higher intake in most nutrients, except for carbohydrate, sodium, potassium and vitamin A. Carbohydrate: protein: fat (C: P: F) ratio for metabolic syndrome group showed higher rate for carbohydrate, than normal group, in 2005, and 2007. Overall, the higher age and income level, the more carbohydrate intake rate is increase in metabolic syndrome group. The Quality of each nutrient intake was assessed using NAR (Nutrient adequacy ratio) and MAR (Mean adequacy ratio). According to the MAR, there was significant difference in 2005, 0.83 for normal group and 0.81 for metabolic syndrome group but there wasn't any in 2007 (0.81 for normal group, 0.82 for metabolic syndrome group). By NAR, in 2005, all nutrient except phosphorus, iron, vitamin A for Normal group higher then those of metabolic syndrome group (p < 0.05). In 2007 intake of metabolic syndrome group were higher then those normal group in most of nutrient by NAR. For age, education and income, MAR for normal group is higher then that of metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, Quality of nutrient intake in normal group is better then in metabolic syndrome group. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor dietary of intake people with metabolic syndrome, and necessary measures should be taken.

Determinants of Employment by Company Size (중소기업과 대기업의 고용 결정요인)

  • 문영만;김종호
    • 산업혁신연구
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.55-89
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the determinants of employment of regular workers by firm size by merging statistical office survey(2006~2015), The results are as follows. First, as a result of the panel regression analysis, the labor income distribution, operating profit, sales, and R & D variables significantly increase employment, while the outsourcing cost, wage, capital intensity, and temporary employment decrease. However, wage variables of firms with minimum wage did not have a significant effect. Second, as a result of estimating the determinants of employment for regular workers by firm size, the variables of labor income distribution as a key variable had a significant positive impact only on SMEs, and the outsourcing cost ratio had a significant negative impact on both SMEs and large corporations. Third, as a result of estimating employment decision factors of SMEs and large enterprises by industry classification, both labor share(+) and outsourcing expense(-) are significant only in manufacturing industry, The higher the distribution ratio, the higher the employment rate, and the higher the cost of outsourcing, the lower the employment of regular workers. Employment impacts were greater for both SMEs. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen policies on labor income distribution, operating profit, sales, R & D investment, etc., which are analyzed as having a positive influence in order to constantly employ regular job positions at the enterprise level. As the impact on employment varies depending on the size of industry and type of industry, it is necessary to adopt a job policy for each characteristic.

The Study on the Estimation of Optimal Debt Ratio in Korean Automobile Industry (국내 자동차산업의 적정부채비율 추정을 위한 실증연구)

  • Seo, Beom;Kim, Il-Gon;Park, Ji-Hun;Im, In-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2018
  • This study explores an analytical mathematical model designed to estimate the optimal debt ratio of the Korean automobile industry, which has a more significant effect on the national economy than that of other industries, and attempts to estimate the optimal debt ratio based on objective data. The analytical model is based on ROA and ROE which uses the debt ratio as an independent variable and employs ROS, TAT, and NFCL as the related parameters. Regarding the NFCL, the optimal debt ratio is usually defined as the debt ratio that maximizes the ROA and ROE and is calculated using analytical procedures, such as by adding an equation that considers the debt ratio and the linearity relationship to the analytical model. This is because the optimal debt ratio can be calculated reliably by making use of an estimated value within a certain range, which is derived from more than two calculations rather than a single estimation starting from one calculation formula. In this study, for the estimation of the optimal debt ratio, the ROA and ROE are expressed as a quadratic equation with the debt ratio as the independent variable. Using this analysis procedure, the optimal debt ratio obtained using the data from the Korean automobile industry over a sixteen year period, which would optimize the profitability of the Korean automobile industry, was found to be 188% of the debt ratio in the ROA and 213% of the debt ratio in the ROE. This result was obtained by overcoming the problem of the reliability of the estimation value in spite of the limitations of the logical theory of this study, and can be interpreted as meaning that maintaining a debt ratio of 188% to 213% can enhance the profitability and reduce the risks in the Korean automobile industry. Furthermore, this indicates that the existing debt ratio of the Korean automobile industry is lower than the optimal value within the estimated range. Consequently, it is necessary for corporations to change their future debt ratio policies, given that the purpose of debt ratio management is to maintain safety and increase profitability, and to take into account the characteristics of the specific industry.

An Analysis of Coffee Demand System in Korea using AIDS (준이상 수요체계(AIDS)를 이용한 한국의 커피수요분석)

  • Li, Ming-Huan;Jung, Kun-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2014
  • This study is to estimate a demand of coffee in Korea. And based on assumed data, this study is to investigate price elasticity, income elasticity and cross-price elasticity of coffee demand. The data used in this study is the household income and expenditure survey micro data (2003~2012) provided by the National Statistical Office. And LA/AIDS model and SUR method were utilized in order to forecast coffee demand. As a result, price elasticity and income elasticity are found to be correspond with economic theory as they were assumed to -0.259, 0.455 respectively. Meanwhile, it indicated characteristic of essential good by showing negative (-) income odds ratio estimate. When it comes to cross-price elasticity of coffee and cigarette, it was found to be a complementary relation as its cross-price elasticity was assumed to -0.121. Besides, it was found that male consume more coffee than female, while people in their age of 50s consumes mostly. In conclusion, this study suggests necessity of reconsidering coffee as important goods when Consumer Price Stabilization Policy is determined, as coffee shows characteristic of essential goods which is inelastic.

An Analysis of Consumer Expenditure Patterns according to Household Characteristics (가구특성에 따른 소비지출행태 분석)

  • Park, Moonsoo;Chong, Hogun;Koh, Daeyoung;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.5564-5577
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    • 2014
  • This study examined how the differences in household characteristics influence consumer expenditure patterns. The Price-Scaling AIDS model with household income and expenditure survey data were used for the analysis. The results showed that the income elasticity of the service items is greater than non-service items, indicating an increase in higher demand of service items with the same increase in household income. The household expenditure patterns vary according to the commodities, holding age and income level. The so-called traditional pattern, which emphasizes spending for non-service items, changed to the one with a higher expenditure ratio for service items. Such a change in household expenditure patterns naturally derives the expansion of the relevant service market; hence, the growth of the related service industry. This highlights the need to formulate an appropriate response from the supply side that deals with the changes in the service market.

A Study on Factors Causing the Burden of Medical Expenses to The Elderly with Chronic Disease (만성질환 노인의 의료비부담 관련요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mee-Hye;Kim, So-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.48
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    • pp.150-178
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    • 2002
  • The elderly have higher potential for contracting chronic diseases and suffering from development of a complication. Also, the extended old age period leads the elderly to demand more medical services. All those facts indicate that the elderly need more medical services than any other age groups. Consequently, medical care for the elderly with chronic diseases causes high costs burden. However, there is few studies researching the financial burden of chronic illness of the elderly. This study aimed to 1) understand how much the elderly with chronic diseases pay for medical expenses; 2) find out some specific factors related to health care financial burden; 3) suggest the alternative policies to decrease excessive financial burden of caring for the elderly with chronic illness. National Health and Nutrition Survey, which was surveyed by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs in 1998, was used in this study. 4,707 persons with chronic diseases out of 5385 persons over age 60 were selectively sampled. Using SPSSWIN, correlation analysis, T-test, ANOVA and Regression were used as statistical methods in this study. Stepwise multiple regression was employed to analyze the data with a ratio of health care expenditure to income(financial burden) as a dependent variable. Out of Korean old people, 87% had the chronic diseases and their health care financial burden rate showed the average of 17.9%, which meaned they expended almost 20% income to buy medical services. The variables having a great influence on financial burden were monthly income, activity, limitation and single household of an old person. The excessive financial burden was experienced by people who had more than 4 activity limitations(37.1%) and were in the lowest Income level(32.6%), and single household of an old person(31.4%). The new policies should be considered to 1) reduce the financial burden in these groups and to develop the sliced medical cost system considering the characteristics of chronic illness and income level; and 2) develop the medical management system to care for the elderly with chronic illness.

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