• Title/Summary/Keyword: Income ratio

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Expenditure Adequacy of Elderly Households (노인가계의 지출적정에 관한 연구)

  • 양정선;김영순
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants of expenditure adequacy of eldery households. Data for this study were collected from 2002 House Income and Expenditure Survey of Korea National Statistical Office, which is consisting of a sample of 918 eldery households. Expenditure adequacy was investigated by the Spending to Income ratio and Expenditure to Minimum standard of living ratio. The results showed that 48% of households spent more than 100% of their taken-home income or less than the minimum standard of living. Multiple logistic regression was used to investigate the determinants of expenditure adequacy. Gender, age, education, job status, family size, and level of income were significant determinants of spending to income ratio and Expenditure to Minimum standard of living ratio. Family size had negative effect on expenditure adequacy, householder's job status and the level of income had positive relationship with it.

Analysis on the Income Distribution Effects of Husband-Wife Labor Income and Employment Ratio (부부의 노동소득과 취업상태가 소득불평등 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Paul
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.97-128
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    • 2013
  • This paper analyzes the changing factors of income inequality by approaches to income sources focusing on the effect of husband-wife labor income relation and employment ratio change on income inequality. The level of contribution of income source to income inequality showed that the inequality of labor income between husband and wife(especially the husband's income) takes great importance. Also, the covariance of labor income of husband and wife showed growing trend and changed toward the same direction. As a result of the decomposition of the labor income covariance, it was found that the change in husband-wife employment ratio explained the covariance change better than the change in labor income inequality.

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An Analysis of Financial Statement Among Urban Households Based On a System Approach (체계론에 기초한 도시가계의 재정상태 분석)

  • 양정선
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.237-255
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate relations of resources and demands, family financial management and financial statement of urban households by applying a system approach. The results of this study were as follows; Saving rate had significant differences according to resources variables such as age, family life cycle, occupation of househead and housewife, ratio of employed to family member, and to demands variabels such as subjective prospect of business cycle, and value orientation, whereas total saving amount had significant differences according to resources vaiables such as age, family life cycle, educational level, percapita income, occupation of househead, type of income and to demand variable, perception of relative income. Also average monthly saving amount had significant differences according to resources vaiables such as educational level, per capita income, occupation of housewife, housing ownership, ratio of employed to family member, ratio of dependent to employed, and to demands variable, perception of relative income. The stocks had significant differences according to resources variables such as age, family life cycle, educational level, per capita income, occupation of househead, type of income, and housing ownership. Finally, real estate had significant differences according to resources variables such as age, family life cycle, educational level, percapita income, occupation of househead, type of income, housing ownership, and to demands variable, perception of relative income. Financial Statement among urban households according to family financial management had significant differences. And among all variables affecting financial statement among urban households, per capita income had the highest effect and perception of relative income was the second.

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Households' Financial Status Estimation with Financial Ratios (재무비율을 이용한 소득계층별 가계재무구조분석)

  • Huh, Kyung-Ok;Han, Su-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.613-629
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    • 2005
  • This research analyzes household financial structures and ratios to understand factors of household utility. Its main themes are as following: First, what kinds financial structures are found at each level of income? Second, how are they different by the level of income? Third, what factors contribute to appropriate financial ratios? The themes are supported by the texts on financial ratios from both inside and outside of Korea and proved by the Korean Labor and Income Panel Survey, the fifth annual edition. The households are exempted that do not support the household principle record in the principle and household economy record. Accordingly, this survey is from a financial structure analysis of 3,762 households. The analysis utilizes SPSS Window (Version 10.0) program. The following are the results: First, the income level 4 and above, in which the increasing number indicates a higher level of income, are highly ranked on the income-expense level and the asset-debt rate. Also, level 4 has a strong financial structure, whereas level 1 does not. Apparently, the management of the household is complicated by debt redemption and a lower level of assets. Second, Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, and Ratio 5 are different by the level of income. Third, the level of income contributes to the appropriate financial ratio. The financial safety and prospective financial structure at each income level is an important variable. Households with a high income, in particular, have to balance their finances and capital, reducing liabilities and increasing the total assets. In other words, the family must hold assets to enhance efficiency according to the character and income level of the household. This research is a useful resource for such a decision-making as to improve household financial structure stability. Also, it can be adopted to evaluate financial products for specific households and be used for economic and social welfare planning to predict how households influence the nationwide economy.

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An actuarial structure of income replacement ratio in pensions and individual annuity (국민·퇴직·개인연금의 소득대체율 산출을 위한 연금수리모형)

  • Han, Jeonglim;Lee, Hangsuck
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1385-1400
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    • 2013
  • This paper discusses income replacement ratios of national pension, retirement pension and individual annuities in Korea. These ratios are useful indicators for the assessment of retirement income security of workers. This paper projects income replacement ratios, using the pension entry rate, decrement rates, and life tables of the National Statistical Office. The result of the actuarial projection is that the income replacement ratio of national pension is approximately 21.0 to 22.7%, that the income replacement ratio of retirement pension is about 5.8 to 9.7%, and that the income replacement ratio of an individual annuity is about 13.5 to 21.0%, respectively. The income replacement ratio by income varies due to the effects of income redistribution in national pension and retirement pension, but the income replacement ratio of an individual annuity is constant, regardless of income.

Comparison of Financial Status of Employed Elderly Households versus Unemployed Elderly Households Focused on income adequacy, expenditure adequacy and wealth adequacy (소득, 지출 및 자산 충분성 분석을 통한 취업노인가계와 비취업노인가계의 재정상태 비교)

  • 정순희;김현정
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2002
  • This study compared the financial status between the employed-elderly households and the unemployed-elderly households, focused on income adequacy, expenditure adequacy and net wealth adequacy. Using data from 1997 KHPS, the lower financial status of the unemployed elderly households were found. Nine measures of financial status were used : income, per capita income, income-to-needs ratio, expenditure, per capita expenditure, expenditure-to-needs ratio, net wealth, net wealth-to-income ratio and net wealth- to-expenditure ratio. The results of this study showed that unemployed elderly households had 68%~77% of income adequacy and 72%~83% of expenditure adequacy for employed elderly households. Holding for gender, age, education, earners in the household, living area and home ownership constant, although the gap was getting smaller, significant differences between the unemployed-elderly households and the employed-elderly households were persisted. The result of this study indicated that the unemployed-elderly households and the employed-elderly households can not be regarded ac homogeneous group when public policies are developed.

An Exploratory Study on the Causal-effect Relationship between Valuation and Performance in Ventures (벤처기술평가와 경영성과의 인과관계에 관한 탐색연구)

  • Yang, Dong-Woo
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.61-85
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    • 2006
  • The Purpose of this study is to prove empirically the relationship between ventures' technology valuation and performance, while considering the uniqueness of Korean firms. We use technology valuation index, marketability valuation index, business valuation index as ex-ante independent variables, use firm's performance(sales, asset, operating income ratio, net income ratio etc) as ex-post dependent variables. Parametric analysis such as Paired T-test, ANOVA are applied in this paper. The results of Empirical analysis is summarized as follows. Firstly, operating income ratio and net income ratio are different in portfolios classified by technology valuation index. Secondly, the growth rate of operating income is different in portfolios classified by technology valuation index. Finally, this study has shown that technology valuation index has possibility which it use the predictive variables of ventures' performances.

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An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Technology Valuation and Performance in Ventures (벤처의 기술평가와 경영성과의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Dong-Woo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2003
  • The Purpose of this study is to prove empirically the relationship between technology valuation and performance in Ventures, while considering the uniqueness of Korean firms. We use technology score, marketability score, business attractiveness score as ex-ante independent variables, use firm's performance(sales, asset, operating income ratio, net income ratio etc) as ex-post dependent variables. Parametric analysis such as Paired T-test, ANOVA are applied in this paper. The results of Empirical analysis is summarized as follows. Firstly, operating income ratio and net income ratio are different in portfolios classified by technology score. Secondly, the growth rate of operating income is different in portfolios classified by technology score. Finally, this study has shown that technology score has possibility which it use the predictive variables of firm performances.

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An analysis on determinants of farm household income in Gyeongbuk province: focus on the Saemaeul project

  • Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this paper was to analyze the determinants of farm household income in the Gyeongbuk province. Data from 5,254 villages in the Gyeongbuk province were used. The main results are as follows. First, the percentage of self-supporting villages for fishing villages was 10.8%, which was higher than the average of 6.4%; however, the percentage of self-supporting villages for mountain villages was only 2.7 percent. Second, the level of income was estimated to positively correlate with the ratio of the roof improvement rate, a sisterhood relationship, farming households, and the number of people under the age of 14. Finally, the results show that variables such as age, farming percentage, roof improvement ratio, and a sisterhood relationship were significant. When the percentage for the roof improvement ratio was higher, the ratio for a sisterhood relationship with another city was higher, and when the proportion of farmers was higher, the average income of the village was higher. Based on the results from the above analysis, the following policy implications are suggested. First, the income levels of rural villages in the 1970s are related to the Saemaul project in Korea. In other words, the Saemaul project contributed to improving the farming household income by direct and indirect methods. Second, it can be seen that it is important to develop policies that take into account different village types within rural areas.

Analysis of Financial Status for the Self-Employed - Effect of Economy Change and Comparison of the Self-employed and Earners -

  • Bae, Mi-Kyeong
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in financial structure of the self-employed brought on the economic crisis in Korea.. We use financial ratio analysis, such as income to expenditure ratio, liquidity ratio, debt ratio, and capital accumulation ratio to analyze financial well-being of self-employed households. This study used a 1997 and 1998 Korean Household Panel Study collected by Daewoo Economic Research Institute. The average amount of holding of each type of asset showed that the investment of self-employed households decreased in the banking industry and the stock market in 1998 compared to 1997. On the other hand, asset allocation in bond and real estate increased, which implied preference for a stable type of asset with the increase in uncertainty of the future and economic instability. Devaluation of real estate allowed households to easily obtain real estate and increase preference for asset allocation in real estate after the crisis. The changes in financial ratio for the year 1998 shows that such ratios as income to expenditure, liquidity, and capital accumulation, decreased compared to the year 1997. Among those ratios, the income to expenditure ratio showed the biggest decline because of reduced income of self employed households. The results implied that the income structure of the self-employed is unstable, thus the self-employed were likely to be greatly affected during the economic downturn. Earners have more average income and net assets than the self-employed. However, using financial ratios, it was found that self-employed households were more stable than employees. The results shows that the financial ratio analysis is better tool to estimate households financial status. Implications for financial educators, counselors, and planners are offered. The results will provide implications for policy makers to establish appropriate policies for the self-employed and help them financially survive.