• Title/Summary/Keyword: Income

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A Preliminary Study on Nutrition Education for Preschool Children in Day-Care Center - Dietary Habit and Nutrition Knowledge - (어린이집 아동의 영양교육을 위한 사전조사 연구 - 식습관과 영양지식을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.866-873
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current dietary habits, health related behaviors, nutrition knowledge and body indices, and to investigate the changes in nutrition knowledge for designing and monitoring nutrition education program among preschool children. The subjects were 1,200 preschool children, aged $4{\sim}6$ years. A measurement of the height and weight was conducted. The general home environment, the dietary habit of children and nutrition knowledge were collected using a questionnaire that included information about family income, parent's education and occupations. Using the PIBW, 14.6% of the preschool children were under weight, 54.4% were normal, and 31.0% were overweight or obese. We regarded to food habit score, the highest score was in the regularity of breakfast, while the lowest score was in consumption of yellow-green vegetables such as spinach and carrots. Result in food behavior showed that 69.1% of preschool children had a unbalanced diet, and their favorite snack was fast food like pizza and hamburger then followed soft drink and fried foods (chicken of potato). After nutrition education, there was somewhat improvement in the nutrition knowledge score of preschool children from $7.7{\pm}1.7$ point to $8.9{\pm}1.5$ point. These results suggest that nutrition education help preschool children change their nutrition knowledge. Therefore, it would be needed that new appropriate nutrition education to improve dietary habits and health status.

A Study on Radiation Management Status and Exposure Anxiety Awareness of Dental Hygienist (치과위생사의 방사선 안전 관리 실태 및 피폭 불안감 인식)

  • Kang, Eun-Ju;Hyeong, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2015
  • This study intends to improve the radiation safety management and the recognition for handling radiation using structured questionnaires to dental hygienists working at Jeollabuk-do from September 1 to October 31 in 2014. As a result, 63% of respondents have not received education for radiation safety management. Moreover, the practical degree for radiation safety management was $2.58{\pm}1.11$, while the degree of knowledge was $3.74{\pm}0.83$ of total 5.0. The results of insecurity for radiation danger were high as $3.88{\pm}0.92$, and insecurity for fetus during pregnancy shows the highest value as $4.43{\pm}0.71$. From the results of statistical significance level, the knowledge degree of radiation safety management is affected by total numbers of radiograpy for a day (p<0.05), and the practical degree of radiation safety management is affected by age group, academic background, monthly income, continuous service year, practice area, present position, and status of radiography in present (p<0.05). In addition, the knowledge degree of radiation safety management have a negative correlation (r=-0.232) with the practical degree, but have a positive correlation (r=0.262) with the insecurity for radiation danger. The high knowledge degree of radiation safety management (${\beta}=0.252$, p<0.001) and the short radiography work period (${\beta}=-0.341$, p<0.05) were the influential factors to the insecurity for radiation danger. Consequently, countermeasures are necessary to encourage dental hygienists to put their radiation safety management knowledge into the practice and to reduce the insecurity degree for radiation danger. Furthermore, it is important to prevent psychological and physical risks by radiation exposure through the improvement of radiation safety management level and recognition for handling radiation to improve medical environment.

An Epidemiologic Survey of Strabismus and Nystagmus in South Korea: KNHANES V (인구역학적 요인에 따른 한국인의 사시 및 눈떨림 유병률 조사: 제5기 국민건강영양조사 자료)

  • Lee, Ji Eun;Kim, Chang Zoo;Nam, Ki Yup;Lee, Seung Uk;Lee, Sang Joon
    • Journal of The Korean Ophthalmological Society
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    • v.58 no.11
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    • pp.1260-1268
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Strabismus affects any age and represents various functional or non-functional eye problems. This population-based study was conducted to determine the prevalence of strabismus and nystagmus in South Korea according to various sociodemographic factors. Methods: We acquired data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a nation-wide cross-sectional survey and examinations of the non-institutionalized civilian population in South Korea (n = 30,538), conducted from July 2008 to December 2011. The prevalence of strabismus and nystagmus were verified, and associated sociodemographic factors was evaluated. Results: The overall prevalence of strabismic disorder in participants over 3 years of age was $1.4{\pm}0.1%$ (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3-1.6%; $1.5{\pm}0.1%$ in males, $1.3{\pm}0.1%$ in females). The prevalence of exodeviation (15 or more prism diopters), esodeviation (10 or more prism diopters), vertical deviation, and other complicated strabismus and nystagmus was 1.0%, 0.2%, 0.2%, 0.1% and 0.1% respectively. The prevalence was highest in the 6 to 15-year age group ($1.9{\pm}0.3%$), and lowest in the 40 to 49 years age group ($0.8{\pm}0.1%$) (p = 0.005). There were no statistically significant differences for gender, region, residential area, household income, educational level and occupation. Conclusions: This nation-wide epidemiologic study demonstrated that the prevalence of strabismus and nystagmus according to various sociodemographic factors in South Korea was not statistically significant except for age group. Further investigations are required based on more surveys to better recognize the etiologic or risk factors that may be related to strabismus and nystagmus.

The Estimation of Environmental Effect and Genetic Parameters on Carcass Traits in Hanwoo (한우 도체형질의 환경효과 및 유전모수 추정)

  • Sun, Du-Won;Kim, Byeong-Woo;Moon, Won-Gon;Park, Jae-Chan;Park, Cheol-Hyeon;Koo, Yang-Mo;Jeoung, Yeoung-Ho;Lee, Jae-Youn;Jang, Hyun-Gi;Jeon, Jin-Tae;Lee, Jung-Gyu
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the environmental and genetic factors on the carcass traits of Korean cattle. We have used the data of 22,954 Korean cattle slaughtered from 2005 to 2009 in Gyeongnam region and estimated the genetic parameters of 36,868 cattle including the pedigree individuals by means of EM-REML analytical method. In summary, the heritability of the carcass weight, eye muscle area, backfat thickness and marbling score was 0.39, 0.30, 0.33 and 0.62, respectively. The carcass weight and the eye muscle area showed high correlation between them with the genetic correlation of 0.86 and the phenotypic correlation of 0.72. The high heritability of marbling score is assumed to be the result of focusing the breed improvement on the quality of the meat. Through this study, it is considered that the Korean cattle in Gyeongnam region are improving, which will thus contribute to the increase of the farmer's income. Additional study on the economic trait must be carried out to obtain clearer results that will lead to further improvement of Korean cattle.

Agricultural and Marine By-Products Fermented Diet and Its Economic Value in Pigs (농수부산물 발효사료가 양돈에 미치는 경제적 효과 분석)

  • Chu, Gyo-Moon;Kim, Hoi-Yun;Ha, Ji-Hee;Yang, Jeong-Mo;Yang, Bo-Seock;Park, Cheol-Jin;Song, Young-Min
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the economic analysis of fermented diet made of agricultural and marine by-products such as, dropped apples, persimmon shells, mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) by-products, king oyster mushroom by-products and brewer's grain in Berkshire or crossed pigs. The daily diet cost were decreased by 2.16~3.44%, 3.83~13.35% and 7.47~41.61% when fermented dropped apples diet, fermented persimmon shells diet and fermented mushroom (F. velutipes) by-products diet were fed to Berkshire pigs. The daily feed cost was also decreased by 1.59~4.05% and 59.09~66.90% when fermented king oyster mushroom by-products diet and fermented brewer's grain diet were fed to crossed pigs. Carcass prices were increased by 3.09%, 1.20~3.40% and 1.13% when 2% fermented dropped apples diet, fermented persimmon shells diet and 0.5~1.0% fermented mushroom (F. velutipes) by-products diet were fed to Berkshire pigs. Carcass prices were increased by 2.87~4.19% and 41.31~49.14% when fermented king oyster mushroom by-products diet and fermented brewer's grain were fed to crossed pigs. Therefore, fermented agro by-products diet of dropped apples, persimmon shells, king oyster mushroom, mushroom (F. velutipes) and brewer's grain was expected to improve swine farms income due to decreased diet cost and increased carcass prices in Berkshire pigs or crossed pigs.

The Effect of Economic Status of Single-Parent famillies on Children's School Adjustment Mediating effects of neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health, Multi-Group Analysis on two-parent famillies (한부모가족의 경제적 수준이 자녀의 학교적응에 미치는 영향: 방임적 양육태도와 정신건강의 매개효과 및 양부모가족과의 다집단 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeon Suk
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.54
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    • pp.297-331
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating roles of neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health in the relationship between economic status of single-parent famillies and school adjustment, and the differences between single-parent and two-parent families, using structural equation modeling. Data were obtained from the Middle School 1 Panel(third-wave) of the Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey 2010. This study selected 2,195 middle school 3th-grade students (249 from single-parent families and 1,946 from two-parent families). Data were examined with structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis using AMOS 21.0, and mediating effects were tested using the Sobel test. The results were as follows; First, the single-parent children reported lower levels of economic status and school adjustment, and higher levels of neglectful rearing attitudes than the two-parent children. Second, multi-group analysis showed a statistically significant difference between single-parent and two-parent in structural equation modeling. Economic status of two-parent famillies affected school adjustment of children, but economic status of single-parent famillies did not affect school adjustment of children. Third, as a result of examining for total effect, the variable that most influenced school adjustment of children was neglectful rearing attitudes. Fourth, neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health did play a mediating role in the relationship between economic status and school adjustment in case of two-parent famillies, but neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health did not play a mediating role in case of single-parent famillies. Based on the result, this study stressed the following; First, the study suggested that problem of the single-parent famillies supporting standard which is concentrated on the low income single-parent famillies. Second, the study proposed multifaceted support measures which reflects characteristics of single-parent famillies to increase school adjustment of the single-parent children.

The effects of housing poverty on adolescents' subjective well-being (주거빈곤기간이 청소년의 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Se Hee;Kim, SunSuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.56
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    • pp.133-164
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the effect of housing poverty in childhood on adolescents' subjective well-being. Specifically, this study examined whether the major factors that have been known to affect adolescents' well-being (i.e., family relationships, peer relationships, school adjustment etc.) mediated the relationship between housing poverty and adolescents' well-being. And then this study aimed to present an empirical evidence for establishing policies against housing poverty in order to enhance adolescent's subjective happiness. Data were derived from the $1^{st}$, $4^{th}$, and $7^{th}$ surveys of the Korea Welfare Panel Study(KOWEPS), and the sample included. 512 high school children in the $7^{th}$ survey. This study utilized structural equation modeling. Housing poverty was measured by the sub-minimum standard housing condition and the household's burden of housing expenditure. Family relationship, as a mediator, was measured by parental involvement in education, parental monitoring, and family conflicts. Another mediator, school adjustment was measured by school environment and school bonding, and the last mediator, peer relationship was measured by friend attachment and peer attachment. The results showed that housing poverty had significant negative effects on the adolescents' subjective well-being. The sub-minimum standard housing condition with inadequate size and facilities negatively affected adolescents' relationships with family directly and subjective well-being indirectly. In addition, the negative family relationships due to the sub-minimum standard housing condition negatively affected adolescents' subjective well-being through school adjustment and peer relationships. The greater the proportion of income a household spends on housing expenditure, the less likely for adolescents to report positive well-being. The sub-minimum standard housing condition had indirect effects through family relationships, whereas the household's housing expenditure directly affected adolescents' subjective well-being. This study suggested the necessity of interventions to alleviate housing poverty for adolescents' families and lays the groundwork for housing poverty policies in Korea.

Welfare States and Welfare Attitude: A Comparison of Sweden, France, US, and Korea (복지인식 구조의 국가간 비교 - 사민주의, 자유주의, 보수주의 복지국가와 한국 -)

  • Baek, Jeong-mi;Joo, Eun-sun;Kim, Eun-gi
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • no.37
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    • pp.319-344
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    • 2008
  • The Purpose of this study is to observe the existence of welfare attitude split between welfare regimes clique and to explore the effect of institutional(regime) characteristics on welfare attitude. And Second purpose is to find the characteristics of structure of welfare attitude and then to clarify the characteristics of welfare attitude in Korea. This work contribute to find the point of solidarity and split and to work out the strategical clues for constructing pro-welfare politics. To compare the attitude on the state responsibility about the welfare, Sweden, France, US, and Korea is selected. And the effect of sex, age, education level, income class, and labor status which are abstracted from existing welfare state comparative study are analyzed. The result show the difference in welfare attitude score between countries. The welfare attitude score is Sweden, France and US in order. the Score in Korea is lowest. In the case of the effect structure of welfare attitude between countries, there are no differences between Sweden and France. But the specific characteristics in US and Korea, are observed. And the effect structure of sex, class, labor status is equal in Sweden, France, and US. That is, women, people in low class, and people in low labor status more emphasize the state responsibility on the welfare. But the effect structure of age of US is different comparing other countries. In US, the old age is tend to less support the state responsibility. The education level operate as the effect factor in only US. And Korea show the different effect structure on the welfare attitude. This understanding about structure of welfare consciousness become the basis to construct the strategy for welfare state by proposing the point of consensus and conflict to conversion of welfare paradigm.

Modeling the Effect of a Climate Extreme on Maize Production in the USA and Its Related Effects on Food Security in the Developing World (미국 Corn Belt 폭염이 개발도상국의 식량안보에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Chung, Uran
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2014
  • This study uses geo-spatial crop modeling to quantify the biophysical impact of weather extremes. More specifically, the study analyzes the weather extreme which affected maize production in the USA in 2012; it also estimates the effect of a similar weather extreme in 2050, using future climate scenarios. The secondary impact of the weather extreme on food security in the developing world is also assessed using trend analysis. Many studies have reported on the significant reduction in maize production in the USA due to the extreme weather event (combined heat wave and drought) that occurred in 2012. However, most of these studies focused on yield and did not assess the potential effect of weather extremes on food prices and security. The overall goal of this study was to use geo-spatial crop modeling and trend analysis to quantify the impact of weather extremes on both yield and, followed food security in the developing world. We used historical weather data for severe extreme events that have occurred in the USA. The data were obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition we used five climate scenarios: the baseline climate which is typical of the late 20th century (2000s) and four future climate scenarios which involve a combination of two emission scenarios (A1B and B1) and two global circulation models (CSIRO-Mk3.0 and MIROC 3.2). DSSAT 4.5 was combined with GRASS GIS for geo-spatial crop modeling. Simulated maize grain yield across all affected regions in the USA indicates that average grain yield across the USA Corn Belt would decrease by 29% when the weather extremes occur using the baseline climate. If the weather extreme were to occur under the A1B emission scenario in the 2050s, average grain yields would decrease by 38% and 57%, under the CSIRO-Mk3.0 and MIROC 3.2 global climate models, respectively. The weather extremes that occurred in the USA in 2012 resulted in a sharp increase in the world maize price. In addition, it likely played a role in the reduction in world maize consumption and trade in 2012/13, compared to 2011/12. The most vulnerable countries to the weather extremes are poor countries with high maize import dependency ratios including those countries in the Caribbean, northern Africa and western Asia. Other vulnerable countries include low-income countries with low import dependency ratios but which cannot afford highly-priced maize. The study also highlighted the pathways through which a weather extreme would affect food security, were it to occur in 2050 under climate change. Some of the policies which could help vulnerable countries counter the negative effects of weather extremes consist of social protection and safety net programs. Medium- to long-term adaptation strategies include increasing world food reserves to a level where they can be used to cover the production losses brought by weather extremes.

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Effect of Cooling in a Semi-closed Greenhouse at High Temperature on the Growth and Photosynthesis Characteristics in Paprika (고온기 반밀폐형온실 냉방이 파프리카 생육과 광합성 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun Ji;Park, Kyoung Sub;Goo, Hei Woong;Park, Ga Eun;Myung, Dong Ju;Jeon, Yong Hwan;Na, Haeyeong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2021
  • In this study, experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of high- temperature stress on paprika in a semi-closed greenhouse where cooling is available and a normal plastic greenhouse. Paprika grown in a semi-closed greenhouse in which geothermal cooling is provided showed a significantly higher speed of photosynthesis than paprika grown in a 3-layer plastic greenhouse in which there is no cooling system. It suggests that the photosynthesis speed of paprika in a plastic house decreases owing to high temperature stress. Plant height increased by 13cm more in the semi-closed greenhouse, and the size of leaf showed similar growth speed until the 2nd week after transplanting, however, after 3 weeks, the semi-closed greenhouse showed a big difference by 47% compared with the plastic greenhouse. In terms of the fruit count, the semi-closed greenhouse had 10.6 fruits/plant and the plastic greenhouse had 4.6 fruits/plant, indicating that the semi-closed greenhouse had a higher number of fruits by 130% than the plastic greenhouse. The fruit weight also presented a difference between the semi-closed greenhouse and the plastic greenhouse by 46%, which is 566.7g/plant and 387g/plant, respectively. According to the above mentioned results, it was validated that when paprika is cultivated in a semi-closed greenhouse where a cooling system is applied, photosynthesis and growth were better than in the normal plastic greenhouse. Thus, if the hot summer season is overcome by applying the elemental technologies for the cooling system to the normal plastic greenhouse, farm income may increase through improvement in the yield and quality.