• Title/Summary/Keyword: Importance map

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The Set Expansion System Using the Mutual Importance Measurement Method to Automatically Build up Named Entity Domain Dictionaries (영역별 개체명 사전 자동 구축을 위한 상호 중요도 계산 기법 기반의 집합 확장 시스템)

  • Bae, Sang-Joon;Ko, Young-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.443-458
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    • 2008
  • Since Web pages contain a lot of information today, the Web becomes an important resource to extract some information. In this paper, we proposes a set expansion system which can automatically extract named entities from the Web. Overall, the proposed method consists of three steps. First of all, Web pages, which may include many named entities of a domain, are collected by using several seed words of the domain. Then some pattern rules are extracted by using seed words and the collected Web pages, and the named entity candidates are selected through applying the extracted pattern rules into Web pages. To distinguish real named entities, we develop the new mutual importance measurement method which estimates the importance of named entity candidates. We conducted experiments for 3 domains for Korean and for 8 domains for English. As a result, the proposed method obtained 78.72% MAP in Korean and 96.48% MAP in English. In particular, the performances of English domains are better than the results of the Google set.

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The Selection Methodology of Road Network Data for Generalization of Digital Topographic Map (수치지형도 일반화를 위한 도로 네트워크 데이터의 선택 기법 연구)

  • Park, Woo Jin;Lee, Young Min;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2013
  • Development of methodologies to generate the small scale map from the large scale map using map generalization has huge importance in management of the digital topographic map, such as producing and updating maps. In this study, the selection methodology of map generalization for the road network data in digital topographic map is investigated and evaluated. The existing maps with 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 scales are compared and the criteria for selection of the road network data, which are the number of objects and the relative importance of road network, are analyzed by using the T$\ddot{o}$pfer's radical law and Logit model. The selection model derived from the analysis result is applied to the test data, and the road network data of 1:18,000 and 1:72,000 scales from the digital topographic map of 1:5,000 scale are generated. The generalized results showed that the road objects with relatively high importance are selected appropriately according to the target scale levels after the qualitative and quantitative evaluations.

Indoor Position Detection Algorithm Based on Multiple Magnetic Field Map Matching and Importance Weighting Method (다중 자기센서를 이용한 실내 자기 지도 기반 보행자 위치 검출 정확도 향상 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Yong Hun;Kim, Eung Ju;Choi, Min Jun;Song, Jin Woo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.471-479
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    • 2019
  • This research proposes a indoor magnetic map matching algorithm that improves the position accuracy by employing multiple magnetic sensors and probabilistic candidate weighting function. Since the magnetic field is easily distorted by the surrounding environment, the distorted magnetic field can be used for position mapping, and multiple sensor configuration is useful to improve mapping accuracy. Nevertheless, the position error is likely to increase because the external magnetic disturbances have repeated pattern in indoor environment and several points have similar magnetic field distortion characteristics. Those errors cause large position error, which reduces the accuracy of the position detection. In order to solve this problem, we propose a method to reduce the error using multiple sensors and likelihood boundaries that uses human walking characteristics. Also, to reduce the maximum position error, we propose an algorithm that weights according to their importance. We performed indoor walking tests to evaluate the performance of the algorithm and analyzed the position detection error rate and maximum distance error. From the results we can confirm that the accuracy of position detection is greatly improved.

Segmentation-Based Depth Map Adjustment for Improved Grasping Pose Detection (물체 파지점 검출 향상을 위한 분할 기반 깊이 지도 조정)

  • Hyunsoo Shin;Muhammad Raheel Afzal;Sungon Lee
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2024
  • Robotic grasping in unstructured environments poses a significant challenge, demanding precise estimation of gripping positions for diverse and unknown objects. Generative Grasping Convolution Neural Network (GG-CNN) can estimate the position and direction that can be gripped by a robot gripper for an unknown object based on a three-dimensional depth map. Since GG-CNN uses only a depth map as an input, the precision of the depth map is the most critical factor affecting the result. To address the challenge of depth map precision, we integrate the Segment Anything Model renowned for its robust zero-shot performance across various segmentation tasks. We adjust the components corresponding to the segmented areas in the depth map aligned through external calibration. The proposed method was validated on the Cornell dataset and SurgicalKit dataset. Quantitative analysis compared to existing methods showed a 49.8% improvement with the dataset including surgical instruments. The results highlight the practical importance of our approach, especially in scenarios involving thin and metallic objects.

A Study of the Measurement of Driver's Cognitive Map on Instrument Panel (운전자의 Instrument Panel에 대한 인지지도 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Seung-Dong;Park, Beom
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1999
  • Driver centered vehicle design is the important factor for driver's safety, product quality, and so on. Therefore, people has recently recognized the importance of driver centered vehicle design. Especially, in the focus of driver-vehicle interaction system, it is very important factor to ergonomic design of vehicle cockpit. In this study, Sketch Map method was used to measure of driver's cognitive map on IP(Instrument Panel) that is the basic factor to ergonomic design for vehicle cockpit. The compatibility of Sketch Map method was validated for the measurement of driver's cognitive map and then the accuracy between two groups was analyzed using Sketch Map method. Subjects were divided in two groups, the first group of subjects has their own vehicles and driver license, and the second group of subjects doesn't have own vehicle but has driver license. The result showed that for the case of the first group, the shape of IP in the cognitive map was influenced by IP of their each vehicle. However, for the case of the second group, it showed the difference between IP in the cognitive map and IP of experienced vehicle many times because they have been driving various type of vehicle. So, the shape of IP in the cognitive map was influenced by various type of IP.

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Design of Trajectory Data Indexing and Query Processing for Real-Time LBS in MapReduce Environments (MapReduce 환경에서의 실시간 LBS를 위한 이동궤적 데이터 색인 및 검색 시스템 설계)

  • Chung, Jaehwa
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2013
  • In recent, proliferation of mobile smart devices have led to big-data era, the importance of location-based services is increasing due to the exponential growth of trajectory related data. In order to process trajectory data, parallel processing platforms such as cloud computing and MapReduce are necessary. Currently, the researches based on MapReduce are on progress, but due to the MapReduce's properties in using batch processing and simple key-value structure, applying MapReduce framework for real time LBS is difficult. Therefore, in this research we propose a suitable system design on efficient indexing and search techniques for real time service based on detailed analysis on the properties of MapReduce.

A study on a research method measuring rural landscape resources by inhabitants participation - Focused on a case study using Landscape Evaluation Map (주민참여에 의한 농촌경관자원조사 방법 연구 - 경관맵 사례 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeung-Won;Yoon, Jin-Ok;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2010
  • Rural landscape is an outcome of residents' life activity based on natural environment. Unlike city, rural residents make their own landscape over a period of time interacting with nature through cultivating and building houses and huts based on the background. Therefore, residents' role in rural area is of greater importance than city's and their recognition of landscape is a key factor to evaluate and manage rural landscape. Landscape Evaluation Map which utilizing Feeling Map method is a evaluation tool to [md out residents' recognition of landscape. In this tool, responses evaluate landscape around their living space and mark color dots which mean landscape grade on a map. This research is to examine effectiveness and applicability of the tool, Landscape Evaluation Map, which is recommended to estimate residents' evaluation of landscape. Through analyzing 7 cases of field application, the effectiveness of Landscape Evaluation Map has been verified and also demerits have been drawn. After modifying detailed techniques and developing resident education, Landscape evaluation map could be applied to [md out landscape resources rather than to evaluate whole rural landscape.

Map Error Measuring Mechanism Design and Algorithm Robust to Lidar Sparsity (라이다 점군 밀도에 강인한 맵 오차 측정 기구 설계 및 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Sangwoo;Jung, Minwoo;Kim, Ayoung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we introduce the software/hardware system that can reliably calculate the distance from sensor to the model regardless of point cloud density. As the 3d point cloud map is widely adopted for SLAM and computer vision, the accuracy of point cloud map is of great importance. However, the 3D point cloud map obtained from Lidar may reveal different point cloud density depending on the choice of sensor, measurement distance and the object shape. Currently, when measuring map accuracy, high reflective bands are used to generate specific points in point cloud map where distances are measured manually. This manual process is time and labor consuming being highly affected by Lidar sparsity level. To overcome these problems, this paper presents a hardware design that leverage high intensity point from three planar surface. Furthermore, by calculating distance from sensor to the device, we verified that the automated method is much faster than the manual procedure and robust to sparsity by testing with RGB-D camera and Lidar. As will be shown, the system performance is not limited to indoor environment by progressing the experiment using Lidar sensor at outdoor environment.

A Study on the Classification of Apparel Stores in Seoul, Korea (점포 이미지에 의한 패션점포의 유형화)

  • Kim Hyun Sook;Rhee Eun Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 1992
  • The purposes of this study were: (1) to identify the image dimensions of apparel stores according to how the consumers rate the importance of store attributes; (2) to classify the apparel stores in Seoul, Korea according to consumers' perception of the image attributes of their preferred store; (3) to develop a positioning map of the apparel stores according to their salient image dimensions; and (4) to classify the female adults in Seoul according to the criteria of their preferred store and to describe the characteristics of target customers according to storetype. 'A questionnaire was developed to measure store patronage, perceived importance of the store image attributes, perception of the store image attributes for the respondent's most frequently patronized store, and demographic information. Data from 520 female adults living in Seoul were analyzed. The results were as follows; 1. The image dimensions of fashion stores were product quality, shopping convenience, location, promotion, atmosphere, product information, design characteristics and price. 2. The apparel stores in Seoul were classified into five groups by the perception of store image, which were labeled as national chain store, designer store, specialty store, wholesale store and independent store, according to their discriminant characteristics. 3. According to the positioning map, product quality and location convenience were identified as the most important apparel store type patronage criteria. 4. The female adult group divided by store preference indicated significant differences in the perceived importance of store attributes. Each group showed multi-store patronage.

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Chemical Genetics Approach Reveals Importance of cAMP and MAP Kinase Signaling to Lipid and Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Microalgae

  • Choi, Yoon-E;Rhee, Jin-Kyu;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Ahn, Joon-Woo;Hwang, Hyemin;Yang, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we attempted to understand signaling pathways behind lipid biosynthesis by employing a chemical genetics approach based on small molecule inhibitors. Specific signaling inhibitors of MAP kinase or modulators of cAMP signaling were selected to evaluate the functional roles of each of the key signaling pathways in three different microalgal species: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella vulgaris, and Haematococcus pluvialis. Our results clearly indicate that cAMP signaling pathways are indeed positively associated with microalgal lipid biosynthesis. In contrast, MAP kinase pathways in three microalgal species are all negatively implicated in both lipid and carotenoid biosynthesis.