• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Preprocessing

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An Object Detection and Tracking System using Fuzzy C-means and CONDENSATION (Fuzzy C-means와 CONDENSATION을 이용한 객체 검출 및 추적 시스템)

  • Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Sang-Kyoon;Hang, Goo-Seun;Ahn, Sang-Ho;Kang, Byoung-Doo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2011
  • Detecting a moving object from videos and tracking it are basic and necessary preprocessing steps in many video systems like object recognition, context aware, and intelligent visual surveillance. In this paper, we propose a method that is able to detect a moving object quickly and accurately in a condition that background and light change in a real time. Furthermore, our system detects strongly an object in a condition that the target object is covered with other objects. For effective detection, effective Eigen-space and FCM are combined and employed, and a CONDENSATION algorithm is used to trace a detected object strongly. First, training data collected from a background image are linear-transformed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Second, an Eigen-background is organized from selected principal components having excellent discrimination ability on an object and a background. Next, an object is detected with FCM that uses a convolution result of the Eigen-vector of previous steps and the input image. Finally, an object is tracked by using coordinates of an detected object as an input value of condensation algorithm. Images including various moving objects in a same time are collected and used as training data to realize our system that is able to be adapted to change of light and background in a fixed camera. The result of test shows that the proposed method detects an object strongly in a condition having a change of light and a background, and partial movement of an object.

Vision-based Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping using fisheye Lens (어안렌즈를 이용한 비전 기반의 이동 로봇 위치 추정 및 매핑)

  • Lee Jong-Shill;Min Hong-Ki;Hong Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2004
  • A key component of an autonomous mobile robot is to localize itself and build a map of the environment simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a vision-based localization and mapping algorithm of mobile robot using fisheye lens. To acquire high-level features with scale invariance, a camera with fisheye lens facing toward to ceiling is attached to the robot. These features are used in mP building and localization. As a preprocessing, input image from fisheye lens is calibrated to remove radial distortion and then labeling and convex hull techniques are used to segment ceiling and wall region for the calibrated image. At the initial map building process, features we calculated for each segmented region and stored in map database. Features are continuously calculated for sequential input images and matched to the map. n some features are not matched, those features are added to the map. This map matching and updating process is continued until map building process is finished, Localization is used in map building process and searching the location of the robot on the map. The calculated features at the position of the robot are matched to the existing map to estimate the real position of the robot, and map building database is updated at the same time. By the proposed method, the elapsed time for map building is within 2 minutes for 50㎡ region, the positioning accuracy is ±13cm and the error about the positioning angle of the robot is ±3 degree for localization.

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Improved Fuzzy Binarization Method with Trapezoid type Membership Function and Adaptive α_cut (사다리꼴 형태의 소속 함수와 동적 α_cut 을이용한 개선된 퍼지 이진화)

  • Woo, Hyun-su;Kim, Kwang-baek
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1852-1859
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    • 2016
  • The effectiveness of a binarization algorithm in image processing depends on how to eliminate the uncertainty of determining threshold in a reasonable way and on minimizing information loss due to the binarization effect. Fuzzy binarization technique was proposed to handle that uncertainty with fuzzy logic. However, that method is known to be inefficient when the given image has low intensity contrast. In this paper, we propose an improved fuzzy binarization method to overcome such known drawbacks. Our method proposes a trapezoid type fuzzy membership function instead of most-frequently used triangle type one. We also propose an adaptive ${\alpha}$_cut determination policy. Our proposed method has less information loss than other algorithms since we do not use any stretching based preprocessing for enhancing the intensity contrast. In experiment, our proposed method is verified to be more effective in binarization with less information loss for many different types of images with low intensity contrast such as night scenery, lumber scoliosis, and lipoma images.

Parallel Processing of K-means Clustering Algorithm for Unsupervised Classification of Large Satellite Imagery (대용량 위성영상의 무감독 분류를 위한 K-means 군집화 알고리즘의 병렬처리)

  • Han, Soohee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2017
  • The present study introduces a method to parallelize k-means clustering algorithm for fast unsupervised classification of large satellite imagery. Known as a representative algorithm for unsupervised classification, k-means clustering is usually applied to a preprocessing step before supervised classification, but can show the evident advantages of parallel processing due to its high computational intensity and less human intervention. Parallel processing codes are developed by using multi-threading based on OpenMP. In experiments, a PC of 8 multi-core integrated CPU is involved. A 7 band and 30m resolution image from LANDSAT 8 OLI and a 8 band and 10m resolution image from Sentinel-2A are tested. Parallel processing has shown 6 time faster speed than sequential processing when using 10 classes. To check the consistency of parallel and sequential processing, centers, numbers of classified pixels of classes, classified images are mutually compared, resulting in the same results. The present study is meaningful because it has proved that performance of large satellite processing can be significantly improved by using parallel processing. And it is also revealed that it easy to implement parallel processing by using multi-threading based on OpenMP but it should be carefully designed to control the occurrence of false sharing.

Design and Implementation of OpenCV-based Inventory Management System to build Small and Medium Enterprise Smart Factory (중소기업 스마트공장 구축을 위한 OpenCV 기반 재고관리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jang, Su-Hwan;Jeong, Jopil
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2019
  • Multi-product mass production small and medium enterprise factories have a wide variety of products and a large number of products, wasting manpower and expenses for inventory management. In addition, there is no way to check the status of inventory in real time, and it is suffering economic damage due to excess inventory and shortage of stock. There are many ways to build a real-time data collection environment, but most of them are difficult to afford for small and medium-sized companies. Therefore, smart factories of small and medium enterprises are faced with difficult reality and it is hard to find appropriate countermeasures. In this paper, we implemented the contents of extension of existing inventory management method through character extraction on label with barcode and QR code, which are widely adopted as current product management technology, and evaluated the effect. Technically, through preprocessing using OpenCV for automatic recognition and classification of stock labels and barcodes, which is a method for managing input and output of existing products through computer image processing, and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) function of Google vision API. And it is designed to recognize the barcode through Zbar. We propose a method to manage inventory by real-time image recognition through Raspberry Pi without using expensive equipment.

Improvement of Underground Cavity and Structure Detection Performance Through Machine Learning-based Diffraction Separation of GPR Data (기계학습 기반 회절파 분리 적용을 통한 GPR 탐사 자료의 도로 하부 공동 및 구조물 탐지 성능 향상)

  • Sooyoon Kim;Joongmoo Byun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2023
  • Machine learning (ML)-based cavity detection using a large amount of survey data obtained from vehicle-mounted ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been actively studied to identify underground cavities. However, only simple image processing techniques have been used for preprocessing the ML input, and many conventional seismic and GPR data processing techniques, which have been used for decades, have not been fully exploited. In this study, based on the idea that a cavity can be identified using diffraction, we applied ML-based diffraction separation to GPR data to increase the accuracy of cavity detection using the YOLO v5 model. The original ML-based seismic diffraction separation technique was modified, and the separated diffraction image was used as the input to train the cavity detection model. The performance of the proposed method was verified using public GPR data released by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Underground cavities and objects were more accurately detected using separated diffraction images. In the future, the proposed method can be useful in various fields in which GPR surveys are used.

Estimation of Rice Heading Date of Paddy Rice from Slanted and Top-view Images Using Deep Learning Classification Model (딥 러닝 분류 모델을 이용한 직하방과 경사각 영상 기반의 벼 출수기 판별)

  • Hyeok-jin Bak;Wan-Gyu Sang;Sungyul Chang;Dongwon Kwon;Woo-jin Im;Ji-hyeon Lee;Nam-jin Chung;Jung-Il Cho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2023
  • Estimating the rice heading date is one of the most crucial agricultural tasks related to productivity. However, due to abnormal climates around the world, it is becoming increasingly challenging to estimate the rice heading date. Therefore, a more objective classification method for estimating the rice heading date is needed than the existing methods. This study, we aimed to classify the rice heading stage from various images using a CNN classification model. We collected top-view images taken from a drone and a phenotyping tower, as well as slanted-view images captured with a RGB camera. The collected images underwent preprocessing to prepare them as input data for the CNN model. The CNN architectures employed were ResNet50, InceptionV3, and VGG19, which are commonly used in image classification models. The accuracy of the models all showed an accuracy of 0.98 or higher regardless of each architecture and type of image. We also used Grad-CAM to visually check which features of the image the model looked at and classified. Then verified our model accurately measure the rice heading date in paddy fields. The rice heading date was estimated to be approximately one day apart on average in the four paddy fields. This method suggests that the water head can be estimated automatically and quantitatively when estimating the rice heading date from various paddy field monitoring images.

A Comparative Study on the Effective Deep Learning for Fingerprint Recognition with Scar and Wrinkle (상처와 주름이 있는 지문 판별에 효율적인 심층 학습 비교연구)

  • Kim, JunSeob;Rim, BeanBonyka;Sung, Nak-Jun;Hong, Min
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2020
  • Biometric information indicating measurement items related to human characteristics has attracted great attention as security technology with high reliability since there is no fear of theft or loss. Among these biometric information, fingerprints are mainly used in fields such as identity verification and identification. If there is a problem such as a wound, wrinkle, or moisture that is difficult to authenticate to the fingerprint image when identifying the identity, the fingerprint expert can identify the problem with the fingerprint directly through the preprocessing step, and apply the image processing algorithm appropriate to the problem. Solve the problem. In this case, by implementing artificial intelligence software that distinguishes fingerprint images with cuts and wrinkles on the fingerprint, it is easy to check whether there are cuts or wrinkles, and by selecting an appropriate algorithm, the fingerprint image can be easily improved. In this study, we developed a total of 17,080 fingerprint databases by acquiring all finger prints of 1,010 students from the Royal University of Cambodia, 600 Sokoto open data sets, and 98 Korean students. In order to determine if there are any injuries or wrinkles in the built database, criteria were established, and the data were validated by experts. The training and test datasets consisted of Cambodian data and Sokoto data, and the ratio was set to 8: 2. The data of 98 Korean students were set up as a validation data set. Using the constructed data set, five CNN-based architectures such as Classic CNN, AlexNet, VGG-16, Resnet50, and Yolo v3 were implemented. A study was conducted to find the model that performed best on the readings. Among the five architectures, ResNet50 showed the best performance with 81.51%.

Robust Eye Localization using Multi-Scale Gabor Feature Vectors (다중 해상도 가버 특징 벡터를 이용한 강인한 눈 검출)

  • Kim, Sang-Hoon;Jung, Sou-Hwan;Cho, Seong-Won;Chung, Sun-Tae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2008
  • Eye localization means localization of the center of the pupils, and is necessary for face recognition and related applications. Most of eye localization methods reported so far still need to be improved about robustness as well as precision for successful applications. In this paper, we propose a robust eye localization method using multi-scale Gabor feature vectors without big computational burden. The eye localization method using Gabor feature vectors is already employed in fuck as EBGM, but the method employed in EBGM is known not to be robust with respect to initial values, illumination, and pose, and may need extensive search range for achieving the required performance, which may cause big computational burden. The proposed method utilizes multi-scale approach. The proposed method first tries to localize eyes in the lower resolution face image by utilizing Gabor Jet similarity between Gabor feature vector at an estimated initial eye coordinates and the Gabor feature vectors in the eye model of the corresponding scale. Then the method localizes eyes in the next scale resolution face image in the same way but with initial eye points estimated from the eye coordinates localized in the lower resolution images. After repeating this process in the same way recursively, the proposed method funally localizes eyes in the original resolution face image. Also, the proposed method provides an effective illumination normalization to make the proposed multi-scale approach more robust to illumination, and additionally applies the illumination normalization technique in the preprocessing stage of the multi-scale approach so that the proposed method enhances the eye detection success rate. Experiment results verify that the proposed eye localization method improves the precision rate without causing big computational overhead compared to other eye localization methods reported in the previous researches and is robust to the variation of post: and illumination.

Multiresolution 4- 8 Tile Hierarchy Construction for Realtime Visualization of Planetary Scale Geological Information (행성 규모 지리 정보의 실시간 시각화를 위한 다계층 4-8 타일 구조의 구축)

  • Jin, Jong-Wook;Wohn, Kwang-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2006
  • Recently, Very large and high resolution geological data from aerial or satellite imagery are available. Many researches and applications require to do realtime visualization of interest geological area or entire planet. Important operation of wide-spreaded terrain realtime visualization technique is the appropriate model resolution selection from pre-processed multi-resolution model hierarchy depend upon participant's view. For embodying such realtime rendering system with large geometric data, Preprocessing multi-resolution hierarchy from large scale geological information of interest area is required. In this research, recent Cubic multiresolution 4-8 tile hierarchy is selected for global planetary applications. Based upon the tile hierarchy, It constructs the selective terminal level tile mesh for original geological information area and starts to sample individual generated tiles for terminal level tiles. It completes the hierarchy by constructing intermediate tiles with low pass filtering in bottom-up direction. This research embodies series of efficient cubic 4-8 tile hierarchy construction mechanism with out-of-core storage. The planetary scale Mars' geographical altitude data and image data were selected for the experiment.

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