• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT Cost IT ROI

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Raising Visual Experience of Soccer Video for Mobile Viewers (이동형 단말기 사용자를 위한 축구경기 비디오의 시청경험 향상 방법)

  • Ahn, Il-Koo;Ko, Jae-Seung;Kim, Won-Jun;Kim, Chang-Ick
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.165-178
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    • 2007
  • The recent progress in multimedia signal processing and transmission technologies has contributed to the extensive use of multimedia devices to watch sports games with small LCD panel. However, the most of video sequences are captured for normal viewing on standard TV or HDTV, for cost reasons, merely resized and delivered without additional editing. This may give the small-display-viewers uncomfortable experiences in understanding what is happening in a scene. For instance, in a soccer video sequence taken by a long-shot camera techniques, the tiny objects (e.g., soccer ball and players) may not be clearly viewed on the small LCD panel. Moreover, it is also difficult to recognize the contents of the scorebox which contains the elapsed time and scores. This renuires intelligent display technique to provide small-display-viewers with better experience. To this end, one of the key technologies is to determine region of interest (ROI) and display the magnified ROI on the screen, where ROI is a part of the scene that viewers pay more attention to than other regions. Examples include a region surrounding a ball in long-shot and a scorebox located in the comer of each frame. In this paper, we propose a scheme for raising viewing experiences of multimedia mobile device users. Instead of taking generic approaches utilizing visually salient features for extraction of ROI in a scene, we take domain-specific approach to exploit unique attributes of the soccer video. The proposed scheme consists of two modules: ROI determination and scorebox extraction. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme offers useful tools for intelligent video display on multimedia mobile devices.

Dirt Roads vs. High Speed Train: Opinion Towards ROI Value of Thailand's Transportation Infrastructure Development

  • Boonwattanopas, Nattawadee
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.22-39
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    • 2015
  • This research is a qualitative based study by using data gleaned from documentary analysis and in-depth interviews of 10 potential stakeholders were involved in the proposed high-speed train project in Thailand. Many perspectives from key informants revealed that this project would bring Thailand sustainable development in the future due to the fact that it is supposed to be an environmentally friendly mode of transportation and timesaving for passengers. Key informants who tend to have negative opinions towards the project feel apprehension due to the huge monetary investment during a time of monetary crisis. However, there was one complaint that the high-speed train is harmful to the environment surrounding the proposed area of this project. Several key informants agreed that ticket fares must be in between the cost of a bus ticket and airfare.

A Study on Organization of Information Network for Efficient Construction of U-City - Focused on Economic Analysis of Municipal Network and Leased Network - (효율적 U-City 구축을 위한 정보통신망 선정방안에 관한 연구 - 자가망과 임대망 경제성 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sang-Soo;Park, Seung-Hee;Kim, Seong-Ah;Chin, Sang-Yoon;Joo, Hyeong-Woo
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2015
  • The Cities that recently developed have been applied to private network for establishing information communication network system. The local governments planning or pursuing U-City construction should also choose the private network in consideration of operation and maintenance. In viewpoint of agency operating u-City, it is necessary to integrate traditional and new network. However, there has been lack of guides to choose U-City network considering the economic analysis between private and leased network. This study analyzed the characteristics of private and leased network, and the cost-benefit by estimating the network cost and communication demand focused on U-services that are recently applied. This study purpose a guide for efficient U-City information network selected by estimating ROI(Return On Investment) and BEP(Break Even Point) for establishing private and leased network.

Distance Estimation System by using Mono Camera for Warehouse Mobile Robot

  • Tan Nguyen Duy;Roi Ho Van;Hwan-Seong Kim;Yun-Su Ha
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.400-408
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    • 2024
  • Achieving high-accuracy distance estimation is critical for mobile robots navigating complex environments, particularly in warehouse settings. This paper introduces an innovative system for distance estimation in warehouse mobile robots, employing a cost-effective approach - a single (mono) camera. The system utilizes chessboard-based calibration to determine the camera's intrinsic parameters, which are then used to accurately estimate distances to objects based on their apparent size in the image. It can calculate the distance from the camera to known objects in real time through perspective geometry. The article also presents experimental results that validate the system's ability to provide precise distance estimations under controlled conditions with minimal error. Advantages of the system include seamless integration with existing robotic platforms, cost-effectiveness, and simplicity. However, the success of the technique depends on the accuracy of the calibration process and the presence of objects with defined dimensions. The potential applications of this system in mobile robotics include obstacle avoidance, object tracking, and indoor navigation.

Study on the Application of Cleaner Production using Life Cycle Assessment in the Can Industry (캔 산업의 전과정평가를 통한 청정생산 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, H.J.;Chung, C.K.
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2002
  • Can industry has grown up with growth of packing industry and its recycling activation in recent years. But profit has became low by oversupply. Therefore, can industry needs a reduction of environmental load and official loss by an optimization of process in order to maintain its competitiveness. In this study, the main issues of aluminium can production was investigated by life cycle assessment. As a result of LCA, it examined closely by main issues that reduce defective cans and remove tramp oil. In the present work, it was recommended that setup of R/O system, sterillizing tramp oil separation, and heating system of DI water. The ROI investigated 6.4 months. The operating cost with the advanced processes could be reduced annually by 300 million won.

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An Analysis of the Management of a Tertiary General Hospital (2011 to 2013)

  • Park, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.276-289
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    • 2015
  • Purpose. To efficiently manage hospitals, this study aims to analyze the general characteristics, common-type balance sheet, common-type profit and loss statement and financial ratio of a tertiary general hospital and use the results as basic data for future hospital development by comprehending causes for problems and analyzing hospital management. Methods. By using information about a tertiary general hospital, located in A Metropolitan City, provided through Alio (www.alio.go.kr), a public organization information provider, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, and Ministry of Health and Welfare, this study used data during 3 years(2011 to 2013) by analyzing the general characteristics, common-type balance sheet, common-type profit and loss statement, industrial mean ratio and financial ratio of hospitals. Results. This study came to the following conclusions through the general characteristics, common-type balance sheet, common-type profit and loss statement, industrial mean ratio, financial ratio, circular chart and ROI by analyzing the data from 2011 to 2013. Conclusions. Overall, A Tertiary General Hospital showed an increase in fixed cost due to the construction of J Hospital and even in the size of capital and assets. It also showed an increase in medical profit, but the increase of its medical cost was higher, resulting in a financial loss. Especially, this hospital showed a slight decrease in net profit, featuring a reduction in inventory turnover. When the management of A Tertiary General Hospital was predicted based on such features, this hospital is expected to improve its profit structure through the opening of J Hospital, and it is necessary for this hospital to increase and sustain the turnover rate of inventories accumulated by managing them better.

Component-Based Systematic Reengineering Process (컴포넌트 기반의 체계적인 재공학 프로세스)

  • Cha Jung-Jun;Kim Chul Hong;Yang Young-Jong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.7 s.103
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    • pp.947-956
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    • 2005
  • Software(S/W) reengineering is one of the effective technologies to produce a business worth and en and the S/W ROI continuously. In spite of, S/W reengineering has been recognized a cost-consumptive works with inefficient productivity. In fact we have used to transform to confusion system with destructive system architecture by extending and updating legacy system in a temporary expedients. Moreover it is impossible to provide the time-market products for coping with rapid changeable system environment and meeting to complicated customer's requirements. Therefore, we need a systematic reengineering methodology to fulfill the changeable environment, as appearance of new IT techniques, various alteration of business information model, and increment of business logic. Legacy systems can be utilized as the core property in business organization through reengineering methodology. In this paper, we target to establish the reengineering process, proposed MaRMI-RE consisting of initial Planning phase, reverse engineering and component transformation phase. To describe the MaRMI-RE, we presented the concrete tasks and techniques and artifacts per individual phase in process, and the case study is showed briefly.

A Return-on-Investment Analysis for evaluating Effectiveness of Corporate e-Learning Programs (기업 전자교육프로그램의 교육투자수익률 일(-) 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Myung-Geun;Kim, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2011
  • The study explored a way to analyze return-on-investment for evaluating corporate e-learning programs. It is said to be not easy to measure return-on-investment due to complexity of determining exact amount of cost and benefit of any e-learning program. In this vein, it has been rare to see researches regarding return-on-investment for corporate e-learning programs. Nevertheless, it is needed to try to document return-on-investment evidence for verifying effectiveness of the programs. More concretely, the purpose of the study is to draw up guidelines in making decisions about whether companies should invest in e-learning programs any more at particular point of time.

Cultural Tunneling Effect: Conceptual adoption & Application in movie industry

  • Roh, Seungkook
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2014
  • Many researchers have analyzed the relationship between the financial success patterns of a motion picture and many other factors, such as the production cost, marketing, stars, awards, reviews, genre, and rating. Through these studies, many researchers and investors concluded that big budgets to make a blockbuster movie can serve as an insurance policy to meet their ROI; thus the box office is dominated by blockbuster movies. High-budget blockbuster movies are more likely to receive attention because these movies are more recognizable given their high expenses for production and casting. Therefore, audiences choose blockbusters in an effort to reduce the searching cost and to mitigate the possibility of a regrettable choice. This behavior of consumers, in turn, causes distributors to allocate screens for blockbusters, resulting in "concentration of blockbuster consumption." As such, low-budget films cannot easily become popular due to the lack of distribution. Indeed, low-budget films released on a small number of screens often end up becoming dismal failures. However, there are exceptional examples which are contrary to the general idea in the movie industry that a big budget and showings on a large number of screens can guarantee the success of a movie. Although researchers have attempted to analyze the performances of movies with small budgets, such movies are likely to be regarded as outliers and then be entirely discarded, as they are far from the 'three-sigma' range, especially given that previous research methodologies could not explain the financial success of such unique examples. This study attempts to explain the financial success at the box office of low-budget movies by applying the concept of the tunnel effect in quantum mechanics, as the phenomenon found in the movie industry is similar to a particle's movement in quantum physics. The tunneling effect is a phenomenon by which a particle without enough energy to pass over a potential barrier tunnels through it. Adopting the analogy, this study draws a tunneling probability function and cultural constant to forecast other outliers using the Schrödinger equation. Moreover, the study finds that word-of-mouth creates in the movie industry this phenomenon of finding outliers.

Usefulness of Brain Phantom Made by Fused Filament Fabrication Type 3D Printer (적층 제조형 방식의 3D 프린터로 제작한 뇌 팬텀의 유용성)

  • Lee, Yong-Ki;Ahn, Sung-Min
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.453-460
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    • 2020
  • The price of the Brain phantom (Hoffman 3D brain phantom) used in nuclear medicine is quite expensive, it is difficult to be purchased by a medical institution or an educational institution. Therefore, the purpose of present research is to produce a low-price 3D brain phantom and evaluate its usefulness by using a 3D printer capable of producing 3D structures. The New 3D brain phantom consisted of 36 slices 0.7 mm thick and 58 slices 1.5 mm thick. A 0.7 mm thick slice was placed between 1. 5 mm thick slices to produce a composite slice. ROI was set at the gray matter and white matter scanned with CT to measure and compare the HU, in order to verify the similarity between PLA which was used as the material for the New 3D brain phantom and acrylic which was used as the material for Hoffman 3D brain phantom. As a result of measuring the volume of each Phantom, the error rate was 3.2% and there was no difference in the signal intensity in five areas. However, there was a significant difference in the average values of HU which was measured at the gray and white matter to verify the similarity between PLA and acrylic. By reproducing the previous Hoffman 3D brain phantom with a 100 times less cost, I hope this research could contribute to be used as the fundamental data in the areas of 3D printer, nuclear medicine and molecular imaging and to increasing the distribution rate of 3D brain phantom.