• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hydrological model

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A Study on the Generalization of Multiple Linear Regression Model for Monthly-runoff Estimation (선형회귀모형(線型回歸模型)에 의한 하천(河川) 월(月) 유출량(流出量) 추정(推定)의 일반화(一般化)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Tai Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 1980
  • The Linear Regression Model to extend the monthly runoff data in the short-recorded river was proposed by the author in 1979. Here in this study generalization precedure is made to apply that model to any given river basin and to any given station. Lengthier monthly runoff data generated by this generalized model would be useful for water resources assessment and waterworks planning. The results are as follows. 1. This Linear Regression Model which is a transformed water-balance equation attempts to represent the physical properties of the parameters and the time and space varient system in catchment response lumpedly, qualitatively and deductively through the regression coefficients as component grey box, whereas deterministic model deals the foregoings distributedly, quantitatively and inductively through all the integrated processes in the catchment response. This Linear Regression Model would be termed "Statistically deterministic model". 2. Linear regression equations are obtained at four hydrostation in Geum-river basin. Significance test of equations is carried out according to the statistical criterion and shows "Highly" It is recognized th at the regression coefficients of each parameter vary regularly with catchment area increase. Those are: The larger the catchment area, the bigger the loss of precipitation due to interception and detention storage in crease. The larger the catchment area, the bigger the release of baseflow due to catchment slope decrease and storage capacity increase. The larger the catchment area, the bigger the loss of evapotranspiration due to more naked coverage and soil properties. These facts coincide well with hydrological commonsenses. 3. Generalized diagram of regression coefficients is made to follow those commonsenses. By this diagram, Linear Regression Model would be set up for a given river basin and for a given station (Fig.10).

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Enhancing the simulation accuracy of long-term runoff models using digital filter methods (디지털 필터 기법을 활용한 장기유출모형 모의 정확도 향상)

  • Lim, Ye-Jin;Bae, Deg-Hyo;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Shin, Hong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.10
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    • pp.657-671
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    • 2024
  • The objectives of this study propose a parameter estimation method that can consider both the total runoff and the runoff component by integrating the digital filter method and the long-term runoff models (SWAT, TANK), and evaluate the appropriateness of the applied methods. The study area is the Soyang River Dam basin, and parameter calibration and validation are performed by dividing it into a parameter estimation method considering the total runoff and a parameter estimation method considering the runoff component. In both methods, the fit between the observation and simulation runoff was excellent, and the model performance was found to be good with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.73~0.87, and NSE of 0.67~0.85. As a result of comparison with each method, it was confirmed that the simulation accuracy was improved when applying the method considering the runoff component in both the SWAT model and the TANK model. When comparing between the models, the SWAT model showed better statistics in both methods, but the effect of applying to the method was found to be insignificant. However, even though the TANK model did not specifically consider the physical characteristics of the methodology, the statistical value of NSE increased by 17% when integrating a method such as a digital filter. In other words, the applicability to the digital filter method was found to be better in the TANK model, and when a hydrograph separation method such as a digital filter is applied to a conceptual model such as this model, it is judged that more improved simulation results can be obtained than the physical model. Accordingly, it is judged that estimating the parameters by considering the runoff component will be more accurate than estimating the parameters by considering only the total runoff when simulating the hydrological model.

Analysis of the Impact of Satellite Remote Sensing Information on the Prediction Performance of Ungauged Basin Stream Flow Using Data-driven Models (인공위성 원격 탐사 정보가 자료 기반 모형의 미계측 유역 하천유출 예측성능에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Seo, Jiyu;Jung, Haeun;Won, Jeongeun;Choi, Sijung;Kim, Sangdan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 2024
  • Lack of streamflow observations makes model calibration difficult and limits model performance improvement. Satellite-based remote sensing products offer a new alternative as they can be actively utilized to obtain hydrological data. Recently, several studies have shown that artificial intelligence-based solutions are more appropriate than traditional conceptual and physical models. In this study, a data-driven approach combining various recurrent neural networks and decision tree-based algorithms is proposed, and the utilization of satellite remote sensing information for AI training is investigated. The satellite imagery used in this study is from MODIS and SMAP. The proposed approach is validated using publicly available data from 25 watersheds. Inspired by the traditional regionalization approach, a strategy is adopted to learn one data-driven model by integrating data from all basins, and the potential of the proposed approach is evaluated by using a leave-one-out cross-validation regionalization setting to predict streamflow from different basins with one model. The GRU + Light GBM model was found to be a suitable model combination for target basins and showed good streamflow prediction performance in ungauged basins (The average model efficiency coefficient for predicting daily streamflow in 25 ungauged basins is 0.7187) except for the period when streamflow is very small. The influence of satellite remote sensing information was found to be up to 10%, with the additional application of satellite information having a greater impact on streamflow prediction during low or dry seasons than during wet or normal seasons.

The Characteristics of Runoff for Hwacheon dam watershed (화천댐 상류유역의 유출거동 특성)

  • Kim, Nam-Won;Lee, Jeong-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.12
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    • pp.1069-1077
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    • 2009
  • Lately, it is an important concern in water resources research to maintain a stable water supply according to a future climate change and an increase in water use. In Han-River basin, approximately 10 % of water resources that is provided the capital region (Gyeonggi, Seoul etc.) has been reduced as a consequence of the construction of Imnam Dam (storage volume: 27 billion $m^3$) located in the upper Hwacheon Dam upstream area. Therefore, streamflows have decreased in Bukhangang basin, but it could not be evaluated quantitatively. In this study, SWAT-K which is the physically based long-term runoff simulation model, was used in order to evaluate the effect of Imnam Dam on the reduced inflow to Hwacheon Dam according to the change of hydrological condition in the upstream area of Hwacheon Dam. For the model input data of North Korea area, meteorological data of GTS (Global Telecommunication System) were used, and soil maps by FAO/UNESCO (2003) were applied. Temporal variations of water resources is investigated with comparison of observed and simulated inflows at Hawcheon Dam site. Also, annual, monthly, seasonal decreases in water resources were evaluated using the flow duration analysis of simulated streamflows with or without Imnam dam.

Preliminary Hydrological Design for Sand Dam Installation at the Valley of Seosang-ri, Chuncheon (춘천 서상리 계곡부 샌드댐 설치를 위한 수문학적 예비 설계)

  • Chung, Il-Moon;Lee, Jeongwoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.725-733
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    • 2019
  • Sand dams are structures that can be used as auxiliary water resources in case of drought as sand accumulates due to barriers crossing valley rivers and valley water is stored in the voids, increasing the water level. This structure, which is mainly used in arid regions such as Africa, has not been installed in Korea. In Korea, there are only a few cases where water is taken from debris barriers that prevent debris flow. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of water supply when the sand dam is installed downstream of the existing intake barrier in Seosang-ri valley, Chuncheon. For this purpose, modeling was performed by linking the basin hydrologic model and reservoir routing model. Changes in the water level, storage and discharge in the sand dam reservoir according to the size and intake of the sand dam are presented on a case-by-case basis. As a result of application, it was found that the water supply capacity due to the sand dam installation was improved at 95% reliability. Especially, when the size is L × B × Ho = 25 m × 15 m × 1 m and the pumping rates from intake barrier and sand dam are (Q1, Q2) = (30, 20), (35, 15) ㎥/day, the efficiency was the best for water supply of 50 ㎥/day.

Impacts assessment of Climate change on hydrologic cycle changes in North Korea based on RCP climate change scenarios I. Development of Long-Term Runoff Model Parameter Estimation for Ungauged Basins (RCP 기후변화시나리오를 이용한 미래 북한지역의 수문순환 변화 영향 평가 I. 미계측유역의 장기유출모형 매개변수 추정식 개발)

  • Jeung, Se Jin;Kang, Dong Ho;Kim, Byung Sik
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.spc
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2019
  • Climate change on the Korean peninsula is progressing faster than the global average. For example, typhoons, extreme rainfall, heavy snow, cold, and heatwave that are occurring frequently. North Korea is particularly vulnerable to climate change-related natural disasters such as flooding and flooding due to long-term food shortages, energy shortages, and reckless deforestation and development. In addition, North Korea is classified as an unmeasured area due to political and social influences, making it difficult to obtain sufficient hydrologic data for hydrological analysis. Also, as interest in climate change has increased, studies on climate change have been actively conducted on the Korean Peninsula in various repair facilities and disaster countermeasures, but there are no cases of research on North Korea. Therefore, this study selects watershed characteristic variables that are easy to acquire in order to apply localization model to North Korea where it is difficult to obtain observed hydrologic data and estimates parameters based on meteorological and topographical characteristics of 16 dam basins in South Korea. Was calculated. In addition, as a result of reviewing the applicability of the parameter estimation equations calculated for the fifty thousand, Gangneungnamdaecheon, Namgang dam, and Yeonggang basins, the applicability of the parameter estimation equations to North Korea was very high.

Development and Assessment of Flow Nomograph for the Real-time Flood Forecasting in Cheonggye Stream (청계천 실시간 홍수예보를 위한 Flow Nomograph 개발 및 평가)

  • Bae, Deg-Hyo;Shim, Jae Bum;Yoon, Seong-Sim
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.11
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    • pp.1107-1119
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of this study are to develop the flow nomograph for real-time flood forecasting and to assess its applicability in restored Cheonggye stream. The Cheonggye stream basin has the high impermeability and short concentration time and complicated hydrological characteristics. Therefore, the flood prediction method using runoff model is ineffective due to the limit of forecast. Flow nomograph which is able to forecast flood only with rainfall information. To set the forecast criteria of flow nomograph at selected flood forecast points and calculated criterion flood water level for each point, and in order to reflect various flood events set up simulated rainfall scenario and calculated rainfall intensity and rainfall duration time for each condition of rainfall. Besides, using a rating curve, determined scope of flood discharge following criterion flood water level and using SWMM model calculated flood discharge for each forecasting point. Using rainfall information following rainfall scenario calculated above and flood discharge following criterion flood water level developed flow nomograph and evaluated it by applying it to real flood event. As a result of performing this study, the applicability of flow nomograph to the basin of Cheonggye stream appeared to be high. In the future, it is reckoned to have high applicability as a method of prediction of flood of urban stream basin like Cheonggye stream.

Application of two-term storage function method converted from kinematic wave method (운동파법의 변환에 의한 2항 저류함수법의 적용)

  • Kim, Chang Wan;Chegal, Sun Dong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.1057-1066
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    • 2019
  • The storage function method is used as a flood prediction model for four flood control offices in Korea as a method to analyze the actual rainfall-runoff relationship with non-linearity. It is essential to accurately estimate the parameters of the storage function method for accurate runoff analysis. However, the parameters of the storage function method currently in use are estimated by the empirical formula developed by the limited hydrological analysis in 2012; therefore, they are somewhat inaccurate. The kinematic wave method is a method based on physical variables of watershed and channel and is widely used for rainfall-runoff analysis. By adopting the two-term storage function method by the conversion of the kinematic wave method, parameters can be estimated based on physical variables, which can increase the accuracy of runoff calculation. In this research, the reproducibility of the kinematic wave method by the two-term storage function method was investigated. It is very easy to estimate the parameters because equivalent roughness, which is an important physical variable in watershed runoff, can be easily obtained by using land use and land cover, and the physical variable of channel runoff can be easily obtained from the basic river planning report or topographic map. In addition, this research examined the applicability of the two-term storage function method to runoff simulation of Naechon Stream, a tributary of the Hongcheon River in the Han River basin. As a result, it is considered that more accurate runoff calculation results could be obtained than the existing one-term storage function method. It is expected that the utilization of the storage function method can be increased because the parameters can be easily estimated using physical variables even in unmeasured watersheds and channels.

A Geomorphological Classification System to Chatacterize Ecological Processes over the Landscape (생태환경 특성 파악을 위한 지형분류기법의 개발)

  • Park Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.495-513
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    • 2004
  • The shape of land surface work as a cradle for various environmental processes and human activities. As spatially distributed process modelings become increasing important in current research communities, a classification system that delineates land surface into characteristic geomorphological units is a pre-requisite for sustainable land use planning and management. Existing classification systems are either morphometric or generic, which have limitations to characterize continuous ecological processes over the landscape. A new classification system was developed to delineate the land surface into different geomorphological units from Digital Elevation Models(DEMs). This model assumes that there are pedo-geomorphological units in which distinct sets of hydrological, pedological, and consequent ecological processes occur. The classification system first divides the whole landsurface into eight soil-landscape units. Possible energy and material nows over the land surface were interpreted using a continuity equation of mass flow along the hillslope, and subsequently implemented in terrain analysis procedures. The developed models were tested at a 12$\textrm{km}^2$ area in Yangpyeong-gun, Kyeongi-do, Korea. The method proposed effectively delineates land surface into distinct pedo-geomorphological units, which identify the geomorphological characteristics over a large area at a low cost. The delineated landscape units mal provide a basic information for natural resource survey and environmental modeling practices.

Characteristics of Greenup and Senescence for Evapotranspiration in Gyeongan Watershed Using Landsat Imagery (Landsat 인공위성 이미지를 이용한 경안천 유역 증발산의 생장기와 휴면기 분포 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Minha;Hwang, Kyotaek;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.1B
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2011
  • Evapotranspiration (ET) from the various surfaces needs to be understood because it is a crucial hydrological factor to grasp interaction between the land surface and the atmosphere. A traditional way of estimating it, which is calculating it empirically using lysimeter and pan evaporation observations, has a limitation that the measurements represent only point values. However, these measurements cannot describe ET because it is easily affected by outer circumstances. Thus, remote sensing technology was applied to estimate spatial distribution of ET. In this study, we estimated major components of energy balance method (i.e. net radiation flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux) and ET as a map using Mapping Evapo-Transpiration with Internalized Calibration (METRIC) satellite-based image processing model. This model was run using Landsat imagery of Gyeongan watershed in Korea on Feb 1, 2003 and Sep 13, 2006. Basic statistical analyses were also conducted. The estimated mean daily ETs had respectively 22% and 11% of errors with pan evaporation data acquired from the Suwon Weather Station. This result represented similar distribution compared with previous studies and confirmed that the METRIC algorithm had high reliability in the watershed. In addition, ET distribution of each land use type was separately examined. As a result, it was identified that vegetation density had dominant impacts on distribution of ET. Seasonally, ET in a growing season represented significantly higher than in a dormant season due to more active transpiration. The ET maps will be useful to analyze how ET behaves along with the circumstantial conditions; land cover classification, vegetation density, elevation, topography.