• 제목/요약/키워드: Hybrid railroad propulsion system

검색결과 7건 처리시간 0.026초

하이브리드 철도차량 시스템의 전기-열 모델 기반 리튬이온 배터리 온도 추정 방안 (Electro-Thermal Model Based-Temperature Estimation Method of Lithium-Ion Battery for Fuel-Cell and Battery Hybrid Railroad Propulsion System)

  • 박성윤;김재영;김종훈;류준형;조인호
    • 전력전자학회논문지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 2021
  • Eco-friendly hybrid railroad propulsion system with fuel-cell and battery was suggested to reduce carbon dioxide gas and replace retired diesel railroads. Lithium-ion battery with high energy/power density and long lifetime is selected as the energy source at the battery side due to its excellent performance. However, the performance of lithium-ion batteries was affected by temperature, current rate, and operating condition. Temperature is known to be the most influential factor in changing battery parameters. In addition, appropriate thermal management is required to ensure the safe and effective operation of lithium-ion battery. Electro-thermal coupled model with varying parameter depends on temperature, and state-of-charge (SOC) is suggested to estimate battery temperature. The electric-thermal coupled model contains diffusion current using parameter identification by adaptive control algorithm when considering thermal diffusion effect. An experiment under forced convection was conducted using cylindrical cell and 18 parallel-connected battery module to demonstrate the method.

직렬형 하이브리드 굴절차량용 대용량 LPB 팩의 적용 및 성능 평가 (Performance Evaluation for Application of Large Capacity LPB Pack Equipped to Series Hybrid Articulated Vehicle)

  • 이강원;목재균
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제25권11호
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    • pp.930-937
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    • 2012
  • Newly developed Series hybrid low-floor articulated vehicle which can meet both road and railway running conditions. It has the rated driving speed of 80 km/h and three driving modes with hybrid(engine+battery) driving mode, engine driving mode, battery driving mode. The battery driving mode requires the several 10 km running without additional charging operation. The vehicle has been equipped with LPB (lithium polymer battery) pack for the series hybrid propulsion system. LPB pack consists of 168 cells (3.7 V in a cell, 80 Ah) in series, DC Circuit breaker, mechanical rack, BMS (battery management system). This paper has shown the design process of LPB pack and application to the vehicle. Driving results in the road was successful to be satisfied with the requirement of the series hybrid vehicle.

휠-레일 방식 초고속열차용 초전도 선형동기전동기의 지상권선 방식별 특성 분석 (Characteristic Analysis of Superconducting LSM for the Wheel-rail-guided Very High Speed Train according to Winding Method of the Ground 3-phase Coils)

  • 박찬배;이병송;이창영
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제63권8호
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    • pp.1164-1169
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    • 2014
  • Recently, an interest in a hybrid system combining only the merits of the conventional wheel-rail system and Maglev propulsion system is growing as an alternative to high-speed maglev train. This hybrid-type system is based on wheel-rail method, but it enables to overcome the speed limitation by adhesion because it is operated by a non-contact method using a linear motor as a propulsion system and reduce the overall construction costs by its compatibility with the conventional railway systems. Therefore, the design and characteristic analysis of a coreless-type superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM) for 600km/h very high speed railway system are conducted in this paper. The designed coreless-type superconducting LSMs are the distributed winding model, the concentrated 1 layer winding model and the concentrated 2 layer winding model, respectively. In addition, the characteristic comparison studies on each LSM are conducted.

Korea Bimodal Tram의 운행시스템 (Driving System of Korea Bimodal Tram)

  • 변윤섭;윤희택;목재균;김영철
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2008년도 제39회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1695-1696
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    • 2008
  • KRRI (Korea Railroad Research Institute) is developing a bimodal tram since the 2003s. The vehicle will be used in the public transportation system. The bimodal tram has the advantages of both bus and train. Bus system has the advantages of flexibility of the routes delivering passengers to the destination and easy accessibility. Train is to meet the scheduled arrival and massive public transportations. The vehicle is the rubber tired tram and is all wheel steered single articulation. The propulsion system is configured by CNG hybrid system. The length of the vehicle is 18m. The vehicle lanes will be marked with permanent magnets that are buried in the road. The vehicle can be automatically operated by navigation control system (NCS). In this paper, we introduce the driving system of the bimodal tram which is developed by KRRI.

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바이모달 트램용 직렬형 하이브리드 추진시스템 개발 (Development of a Series Hybrid Propulsion System for Bimodal Tram)

  • 배창한;이강원;목재균;유두영;배종민
    • 전력전자학회논문지
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.494-502
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    • 2011
  • 바이모달 저상굴절 트램은 자동운전으로 일반도로와 전용구간을 주행할 수 있는 고무차륜방식의 저상굴절 차량으로서, 철도의 정시성과 버스의 접근성을 동시에 구현할 수 있는 신교통수단이다. 바이모달 트램은 전자기 궤도를 사용한 자동운전, 전차륜 조향과 함께 CNG 엔진과 리튬 폴리머 배터리 팩을 사용한 친환경 직렬형 하이브리드 추진시스템을 사용한다. 본 논문에서는 바이모달 트램의 직렬형 하이브리드 추진시스템 개발에 대해 기술하고 시험선및 일반도로에서 수행된 시험 결과를 분석한다. 또한 바이모달 트램 추진장치의 튜닝 및 시험데이터 취득을 위해 개발된 계측장비의 구성 및 동작방식에 대해 설명한다. 시작차량에 설치된 계측장비의 데이터를 기초로 전용 시험 선과 일반도로에서 주행시 직렬형 하이브리드 추진시스템의 동작을 확인하며, 차량의 연비 및 엔진 효율을 계산한다.

바이모달트램용 LPB Management System 개발 및 적용 (Development and Application of LPB Management System for Bimodal Tram)

  • 이강원;목재균
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제64권4호
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    • pp.231-235
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    • 2015
  • Bimodal Tram developed by KRRI is driven by a series Hybrid propulsion system which has both the CNG engine, generator and LPB(Lithium Polymer Battery) pack. It has three driving modes; Hybrid mode, Engine mode and Battery mode. Even in case of Battery mode, LPB pack to get enough power to drive the vehicle only by itself onsists of 168 LPB cells(80Ah per lcell), 650V. It is important thing to manage LPB pack in a right way, which will extend the lifetime of LPB cells and operate in the hybrid mode effectively. This paper has shown the development of battery management system(12 BMS, 1 BMS per 14cells) to manage LPB pack which is connected with CAN(Controller Area Network) each other and measure the voltage, current, temperature and also control the cooling fan inside of LPB pack. Using the measured data, BMS can show the SOC(State of Charge), SOH(State of Health) and other status of LPB pack including of the cell balancing.

원통형셀 기반 직렬배터리팩의 외형(정사/직사면체) 차이에 의한 내부 열분포 기초해석 (Inner Temperature Distribution by Two Appearances of Series-Cell Configured Battery Pack using Cylindrical Cells)

  • 한동호;이평연;박진형;김종훈;유기수;조인호
    • 전력전자학회논문지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.408-414
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    • 2018
  • Given that lithium-ion batteries are expected to be used as power sources for electric and hybrid vehicles, thermodynamics experimentation and prediction based on experimental data were performed. Thermal, electrochemical, and electrochemical/electrical-thermal models were used for accurate battery modeling. Various applications of different battery packs were demonstrated, and thermal analysis was performed using the same experimental conditions for square and rectangular battery packs. Accurate thermal analysis for a single cell should be prioritized to determine the thermal behavior of the battery pack. The energy balance equation, which contains heat generation and heat transfer factors, defines the thermal behavior of the battery pack. By comparing battery packs of different shapes tested under the same condition, this study revealed that the rectangular battery pack is superior to the square battery pack in terms of the maximum temperature of inner cells and temperature variation between cells.