• 제목/요약/키워드: Humulus japonicas

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약용작물 범부채에 발생한 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus 국내 첫 보고 (First Report of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on Iris domestica in South Korea)

  • 정봉남;윤주연;조인숙
    • 식물병연구
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 2021
  • 2020년 전라북도 완주 소재 약용작물 전시포장에서 재배중인 범부채(Iris domestica) 140개체 가운데 3개체의 잎에서 괴사증상이 발견되었다. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction 검정결과 증상을 나타내는 3개체가 tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)에 감염된 것으로 확인되었다. 증상주로부터 분리한 TSWV 분리주 'Blackberry lily-kr1'의 전체 염기서열을 결정하였으며, 유전자 은행에 있는 다른 분리주들과 L, M, S 분절유전체 부위의 염기서열 상동성을 비교하였다. 'Blackberry lily-kr1' 분리주는 L 분절 유전체는 우리나라에서 보고한 'JJ' 분리주(MF159046) 또는 'HJ' (LC273305) 분리주와 상동성이 높았으며, M과 S 분절 유전체는 'JJ' 분리주(MF159058과 KY021439)와 가장 상동성이 높았다. MEGA X 프로그램의 maximum likelihood 방법을 이용하여 'Blackberry lily-kr1'의 다른 TSWV 분리주들과의 계통학적 연관성에 관한 분석을 한 결과 L, M, S 분절유전체 모두 고추에서 분리한 'JJ' 분리주 및 환삼덩굴(Humulus japonicas)에서 분리한 'HJ' 분리주와 높은 연관성을 보였다. 건전한 I. domestica 식물에 'Blackberry lily-kr1'을 감염시킨 Nicoatiana rustica 식물 즙액을 접종한 결과 50일 후에 잎에 괴사 또는 이중 고리형태의 괴사 증상이 형성되었다. 이는 노지에서 재배하는 범부채에서 관찰된 괴사증상이 TSWV 감염에 의한 것임을 시사하는 결과이다. 이 연구는 우리나라에서 범부채에서 TSWV 발생에 관한 최초의 보고이다.

Native plants (Phellodendron amurense and Humulus japonicus) extracts act as antioxidants to support developmental competence of bovine blastocysts

  • Do, Geon-Yeop;Kim, Jin-Woo;Park, Hyo-Jin;Yoon, Seung-Bin;Park, Jae-Young;Yang, Seul-Gi;Jung, Bae Dong;Kwon, Yong-Soo;Kang, Man-Jong;Song, Bong-Seok;Kim, Sun-Uk;Chang, Kyu-Tae;Koo, Deog-Bon
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제30권9호
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    • pp.1245-1252
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    • 2017
  • Objective: Phellodendron amurense (P. amurense) and Humulus japonicus (H. japonicus) are closely involved in anti-oxidative response and increasing antioxidant enzymes activities. However, the effects of their extracts on development of preimplantation bovine embryos have not been investigated. Therefore, we investigated the effects of P. amurense and H. japonicus extracts on developmental competence and quality of preimplantation bovine embryos. Methods: After in vitro fertilization, bovine embryos were cultured for 7 days in Charles Rosenkrans amino acid medium supplemented with P. amurense ($0.01{\mu}g/mL$) and H. japonicus ($0.01{\mu}g/mL$). The effect of this supplementation during in vitro culture on development competence and antioxidant was investigated. Results: We observed that the blastocysts rate was significantly increased (p<0.05) in P. amurense ($28.9%{\pm}2.9%$), H. japonicus ($30.9%{\pm}1.5%$), and a mixture of P. amurense and H. japonicus ($34.8%{\pm}2.1%$) treated groups compared with the control group ($25.4%{\pm}1.6%$). We next confirmed that the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were significantly decreased (p<0.01) in P. amurense and/or H. japonicus extract treated groups when compared with the control group. Our results also showed that expression of cleaved caspase-3 and apoptotic cells of blastocysts were significantly decreased (p<0.05) in bovine blastocysts derived from both P. amurense and H. japonicus extract treated embryos. Conclusion: These results suggest that proper treatment with P. amurense and H. japonicus extracts in the development of preimplantation bovine embryos improves the quality of blastocysts, which may be related to the reduction of ROS level and apoptosis.

탄천 생태경관보전지역에서의 10년간 하천경관 형성과정 (The Process of River Landscape for 10years in Tan-chun Ecological Landscape Reserve)

  • 최정권;최미경;이가연
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2017
  • This study illustrated the process of bar structure and vegetation coverage to understand historical changes of riverbed and suppose adaptive management in Tan-chun ecological landscape reserve. The study site that lower reach of the Tan-chun are known as habitats of migratory bird and aquatic species with dynamic riverbed. Aerial photos from 2006 to 2016 and surveyed vegetation data in 2006 and 2016 were used by analysis of landscape changes and comparison of vegetation coverage. Study area is classified into 3 sites (A: straight site, B: meandering site, C: meandering and junction with Yangjae-cheon). The result showed that bar area of A and C sites gradually increased, B site decreased during 10 years. Also, ratio of bar area to vegetation coverage and level of vegetation coverage increased in all sites during 10 years. All sites seem to have experienced the terrestrialization with time. On the other hand, ratio of annual vegetation increased and ratio of perennial vegetation decreased in C site in 2016 compare to 2006. Because area of Japanese Hops (Humulus japonicas) as one type of annual vegetation increased, other vegetation could not grow up by its powerful expandability. It is time to make active adaptive management based on not only continuos monitoring but also revaluation of river conditions in order to enhance habitat quality and quantity in Tan-chun ecological landscape reserve.

한우의 자궁 내 분리 세균에 대한 천연물질 항균효과 (Antimicrobial effects of natural extracts on bacteria isolated from the uterus of Hanwoo (Korean native cattle))

  • 박보경;김기주;조영재;박소연;이재훈;정배동;권용수;박정준;한태욱
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2014
  • Bacterial infection of the uterus in Hanwoo can kill embryos. Therefore, many antibiotics have been used to treat this infection in the uterus of repeat breeders. Incorrect use of antibiotics has led to resistance in bacteria. Natural compounds have used as substitutes for antibiotics because they are safe and have very mild side effects. This study was conducted to examine the antimicrobial effects of five extracts from medicinal plants including Humulus japonicas (Hj), Phelledendron amurense (Pa), Viola mandshurica (Vm), Carthamus tinctorius (Ct), and Chelidoni herba (Ch) on bacteria isolated from the uterus of Hanwoo using the paper disc diffusion method. Hj and Pa extracts had potent antimicrobial effects against Staphylococcus lentus, Streptococcus infantarius subsp. coli, and Bacillus pumilus. Pa had the greatest antimicrobial effect among the five medicinal plants and was effective against 19 types of bacteria from bovine uterus. Compared to Pa, Hj showed weaker antimicrobial effects on all the bacteria tested except Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Vm, Ct, and Ch also showed weak antimicrobial effects on the tested bacteria. The results obtained suggest that Hj and Pa are natural compounds suitable for treating bacterial infection in repeat breeders and improving conception rates of Hanwoo.