• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human bone

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  • Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Yung-Soo;Kim, Chang-Whe
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.203-244
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    • 1998
  • The human mandible is always under the condition of loading by the various forces extorted by the attached muscles. The loading is an important condition of the stomatognathic system. This condition is composed of the direction and amount of forces of the masticatory muscles, which are controlled by the neuromuscular system, and always influenced by the movement of both opening and closing. Mandible is a strong foundation for the teeth or various prostheses, nevetheless it is a elastic body which accompanies deformation by the external forces on it. The elastic properties of the mandible is influenced by the various procedures such as conventional restorative treatments, osseointegrated implant treatments, reconstructive surgical procedures and so forth. Among the treatments the osseointegrated implant has no periodontal ligaments, which exist around the natural teeth to allow physiologic mobility in the alveolar socket. And so around the osseointegrated implant, there is almost no damping effect during the transmission of occlusal stress and displacements. If the osseointegrated implants are connected by the superstructure for the stabilization and effective distribution of occlusal stresses, the elastic properties of mandible is restricted according to the extent of 'splinting' by the superstructure and implants. To investigate the change of elastic behaviour of the mandible which has osseointegrated implant prosthesis of various numbers of implant installment and span of superstructre, a three dimensional finite element model was developed and analyzed with conditions mentioned above. The conclusions are as follows : 1. The displacements are primarily developed at the area of muscle attachment and distributed all around the mandible according to the various properties of bone. 2. The segmentation in the superstructure has few influence on the distribution of stress and displacement. 3. In the load case of ICP, the concentration of tensional stress was observed at the anterior portion of the ramus($9.22E+6N/m^2$) and at the lingual portion of the symphysis menti($8.36E+6N/m^2$). 4. In the load case of INC, the concentration of tensional stress was observed at the anterior portion of the ramus($9.90E+6N/m^2$) and the concentration of tensional stress was observed at the lingual portion of the symphysis menti($2.38E+6N/m^2$)). 5. In the load case of UTCP, the relatively high concentration of tensional stress($3.66E+7N/m^2$) was observed at the internal surface of the condylar neck.

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Development and Evaluation of Natural Hydroxyapatite Ceramics Produced by the Heat Treatment of Pig Bones

  • Lim, Ki-Taek;Kim, Jin-Woo;Kim, Jangho;Chung, Jong Hoon
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this research was to develop and evaluate natural hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics produced from the heat treatment of pig bones. Methods: The properties of natural HA ceramics produced from pig bones were assessed in two parts. Firstly, the raw materials were characterized. A temperature of $1,200^{\circ}C$ was chosen as the calcination temperature. Fine bone powders (BPs) were produced via calcinations and a milling process. Sintered BPs were then characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and a 2-year in vitro degradability test. Secondly, an indirect cytotoxicity test was conducted on human osteoblast-like cells, MG63, treated with the BPs. Results: The average particle size of the BPs was $20{\pm}5{\mu}m$. FE-SEM showed a non-uniform distribution of the particle size. The phase obtained from XRD analysis confirmed the structure of HA. Elemental analysis using XRF detected phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) with the Ca/P ratio of 1.6. Functional groups examined by FTIR detected phosphate ($PO{_4}^{3-}$), hydroxyl ($OH^-$), and carbonate ($CO{_3}^{2-}$). The EDX, XRF, and FTIR analysis of BPs indicated the absence of organic compounds, which were completely removed after annealing at $1,200^{\circ}C$. The BPs were mostly stable in a simulated body fluid (SBF) solution for 2 years. An indirect cytotoxicity test on natural HA ceramics showed no threat to the cells. Conclusions: In conclusion, the sintering temperature of $1,200^{\circ}C$ affected the microstructure, phase, and biological characteristics of natural HA ceramics consisting of calcium phosphate. The Ca-P-based natural ceramics are bioactive materials with good biocompatibility; our results indicate that the prepared HA ceramics have great potential for agricultural and biological applications.

Measurement of transmitted vibration to stapes and tympanic membrane by DFMT's vibration in implantable middle ear hearing devices (중이 이식형 보청기에서 DFMT의 진동에 의한 등골 및 고막 방향으로 전달되는 진동력 측정)

  • Lee, Myoung-Won;Seong, Ki-Woong;Lim, Hyung-Gyu;Kim, Min-Woo;Jung, Eui-Sung;Lee, Jang-Woo;Kim, Dong-Wook;Lee, Jyung-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Heun;Lee, Kyu-Yup;Cho, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.286-293
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    • 2009
  • The implantable middle ear hearing devices(IMEHDs) have been developed to overcome the conventional hearing aid's problem(ringing effect caused by the acoustic feedback, cosmetic problem, etc.). In the IMEHDs, the vibrating transducer is a key component because its vibration enables to hear for hearing impaired people. The vibrating transducer is implanted on ossicular chain by surgical operation. The coupling status between implanted transducer and ossicular chain has an effect on delivering vibrating force from transducer to stapes. Noninvasive method is required to investigate the output characteristics of IMEHDs after implementation. Recently, emitted sound pressure measuring method of tympanic membrane is proposed to investigate the output characteristics of IMEHDs. However, the relationship between displacement of stapes and sound pressure by tympanic membrane was not cleared. In this paper, displacement of stapes and sound pressure by tympanic membrane were measured using the differential floating mass transducer(DFMT) that implanted on the ossicular chain of the human temporal bone and physical ear model. Through the experiments results, the relationship between displacement of stapes and sound pressure by tympanic membrane was investigated.

Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency

  • Kehrli, Marcus E. Jr.;Park, Yong-ho;Yoo, Han-sang
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 1999
  • A disease of young Holstein calves characterized by recurrent pneumonia, ulcerative and granulomatous stomatitis, enteritis with bacterial overgrowth, periodontitis, delayed wound healing, persistent neutrophilia and death at an early age had been originally described in 1983 and again in 1987. Most of these calves had stunted growth and a persistent, progressive neutrophilia (often exceeding 100,000/ml). By investigation of pedigrees, all of the affected calves have now been traced to a common sire and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic DNA testing to be homozygous carriers of a defective allele for bovine CD18. Neutrophils from these calves have several functional deficits and, most importantly, fail to adhere in a ${\beta}_2$-integrin dependent manner. The ${\beta}_2$-integrins represent a family of glycoproteins which participate in various leukocyte adhesion reactions during host defense. The presence or absence of ${\beta}_2$-integrin molecules can be demonstrated on the surface of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes from normal or affected calves using specific monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry, or by colloidal gold immunolabeling and scanning electron microscopy in backscatter mode. Deficiency of the ${\beta}_2$-integrins on all leukocyte types in Holstein calves is analogous to leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) seen in humans. Neutrophils in bovine (BLAD) and human LAD patients are unable to adhere to the endothelial lining of the cardiovascular system thus interrupting egression of neutrophils into infected tissues. Other leukocytes, while still deficient in expression of the ${\beta}_2$-integrins, are still able to efficiently egress from the blood stream due to interactions of other adhesion molecules that are not as highly expressed on neutrophils. Both BLAD cattle and LAD children (who do not receive bone marrow transplants) often die at an early age as a result of the failure of neutrophils to extravasate into infected tissues. In 1991, Shuster, et $al^{27}$, identified two point mutations within the alleles encoding bovine CD18 in a Holstein calf afflicted with leukocyte adhesion deficiency. One mutation causes an aspartic acid to glycine substitution at amino acid 128 (D128G) in an extracellular region of this adhesion glycoprotein that is highly conserved (> 95% identity) between humans, cattle and mice. The other mutation is silent. Numerous calves with clinical symptoms of leukocyte adhesion deficiency have since been tested and all have been found homozygous for the D128G allele. In addition, calves homozygous far the D128G allele have been identified during widespread DNA testing in the United States. All cattle with the mutant allele are related to one bull, who through artificial insemination (A.I.), sired many calves in the 1950's and 1960's. The carrier frequency of the D128G CD18 allele among U.S. Holstein cattle had reached approximately 15% among active A.I. bulls and 8% among cows. By 1993, the organization of the dairy industry and the diagnostic test developed to genotype cattle, enabled virtually complete eradication of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency among current and future A.I. bulls.

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Increased Frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchanges After $^{131}I$ Therapy in Lymphocytes of Thyroid Cancer Patients (갑상선암 환자에서 방사성옥소($^{131}I$) 치료로 인한 림프구의 자매염색분체교환(SCE) 빈도증가)

  • Choi, Keun-Hee;Bom, Hee-Seung;Kim, Kwang-Yoon;Kim, Ji-Yeul;Yoon, Jung-Han;JaeGal, Young-Jong;Kim, Jae-Min
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.118-122
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    • 1993
  • To evaluate the genotoxic effect of $^{131}I$, lymphocytes from 9 patients who underwent large dose (150 mCi) $^{131}I$ therapy after total thyroidectomy were studied for sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) before and after their first radioiodine treatments. Frequency of SCE (FSCE) was counted in chromosomes of 30 lymphocytes in each patients, and was expressed as numbers of SCE per cell. Numbers of leukocytes were also observed during $^{131}I$ therapy. Pretreatment FSCE ($4.2{\pm}0.7$) was not different from the control ($3.8{\pm}0.4$, p=0.17). However, the frequency was significantly elevated after $^{131}I$ administration (at the second day, $7.9{\pm}0.8$, p<0.001) and was diminished but still significantly elevated after a week (at 9th day, $6.4{\pm}0.6$, p<0.001). While counts of leukocytes in the peripheral blood showed no change (p> 0.05). In conclusion, chromatids of human lymphocytes were significantly damaged after $^{131}I$ treatment without any bone marrow supression. And the repair of SCE was not complete within one week.

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Effects of locally-delivered minocycline hcl on controlled periodontal disease (Minocycline 국소 약물 방출 제제의 치주질환 치료 효과)

  • Chung, Mi-Hyun;Kwon, Young-Hyuk;Herr, Yeek;Lee, Man-Sup;Park, Joon-Bong
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological outcomes following the use of 30% minocycline-loaded polycaprolacton film and 2% minocycline-loaded gel that was applied locally into pockets combined with scaling and root planing. 25 human subjects who were non-pregnant, non-lactating, aged 20-50 and diagnosed as moderate to advanced adult periodontitis were enrolled. Subjects were excluded if they had a history of severe acute or chronic systemic disease, if they required antibiotic prophylaxis for dental treatment for any reason, or if they reported a history suggestive of hypersensitivity reactions to minocycline or tetracycline. 4quadrants that had several teeth with a 5-8mm probing pocket depth and radiographic evidence of alveolar bone loss for each patient were selected and divided into test sites and control sites according to the split-mouth design. Scaling and root planing was done for each site at baseline(0week). Test sites received the minocycline gel and strip and control sites had saline irrigation. The patients received both treatments simyltaneously. Subgingival irrigation of sterile saline was applied to the control sites for approximately 30 seconds. Minocycline strip and gel was applied into the periodontal pocket at 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks each after scaling and root planing in the test sites. The clinical and microbiological measurements were made at baseline and at the follow-up visits 6, 10, 14, 20 weeks. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The sulcular bleeding index, probing pocket depth and Periocheck test was significantly reduced and the relative proportions of spirochetes and motile rods were significantly reduced and the proportion of cocci was correspondingly increased, in locally delivered minocycline strip group compared to saline irrigation group. 2. In locally delivered minocycline gel group, The effect was the same with minocycline strip group as compared with saline irrigation therapy. 3. There was no significant differences between minocycline strip group and minocycline gelgroup. In conclusion, minocycline HCl local drug delivery combined with scaling and root planing may provide added improvement of clinical and microbiological responses by inhibiting bacterial recolonization of treated sites. It is suggested that the local administration of minocycline-HCl in the periodontal pocket is effective when combined with subgingival mechanical debridement.

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Microgrooves on titanium surface affect peri-implant cell adhesion and soft tissue sealing; an in vitro and in vivo study

  • Lee, Hyo-Jung;Lee, Jaden;Lee, Jung-Tae;Hong, Ji-Soo;Lim, Bum-Soon;Park, Hee-Jung;Kim, Young-Kwang;Kim, Tae-Il
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: With the significance of stable adhesion of alveolar bone and peri-implant soft tissue on the surface of titanium for successful dental implantation procedure, the purpose of this study was to apply microgrooves on the titanium surface and investigate their effects on peri-implant cells and tissues. Methods: Three types of commercially pure titanium discs were prepared; machined-surface discs (A), sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA)-treated discs (B), SLA and microgroove-formed discs (C). After surface topography of the discs was examined by confocal laser scanning electron microscopy, water contact angle and surface energy were measured. Human gingival fibroblasts (hGFs) and murine osteoblastic cells (MC3T3-E1) were seeded onto the titanium discs for immunofluorescence assay of adhesion proteins. Commercially pure titanium implants with microgrooves on the coronal microthreads design were inserted into the edentulous mandible of beagle dogs. After 2 weeks and 6 weeks of implant insertion, the animal subjects were euthanized to confirm peri-implant tissue healing pattern in histologic specimens. Results: Group C presented the lowest water contact angle ($62.89{\pm}5.66{\theta}$), highest surface energy ($45{\pm}1.2mN/m$), and highest surface roughness ($Ra=22.351{\pm}2.766{\mu}m$). The expression of adhesion molecules of hGFs and MC3T30E1 cells was prominent in group C. Titanium implants with microgrooves on the coronal portion showed firm adhesion to peri-implant soft tissue. Conclusions: Microgrooves on the titanium surface promoted the adhesion of gingival fibroblasts and osteoblastic cells, as well as favorable peri-implant soft tissue sealing.

Expression Analysis of the Ligand to Ly-6E.1 Mouse Hematopoietic Stem Cell Antigen

  • Hwang, Dae-Youn;Min, Dul-Lei;Sonn, Chung-Hee;Chang, Mi-Ra;Lee, Mi-Hyun;Paik, Sang-Gi;Kim, Young-Sang
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 1997
  • Ly-6E.1 antigen was proposed as a regulatory molecule of T lymphocyte activation, a hematopoietic stem cell marker, a memory cell marker, and an adhesion molecule. Though there were several reports suggesting the presence of Ly-6 ligand, the characterization of the ligand was not yet performed, As an attempt to screen the expression of Ly-6E.1 ligand, we prepared a probe for detecting Ly-6E.1 ligand by producing a fusion protein between Ly-6E.1 and $hlgC_{r1}$, A mammalian cell expression vector with Ly-6E.$1/hlgC_{r1}$ chimeric cDNA was transfected in SP2/0-Ag14 myeloma cells, and stable transfectants were selected. The fusion protein was produced as a dimer and maintained the epitopes for monoclonal antibodies specific for Ly-6E.1 and for anti-human lgG antibody. The purified fusion protein through Gammabind G column was used for FACS analyses for the expression of Ly-6E.1 ligand. The fusion protein interacted with several cell lines originating from B cells, T cells, or monocytes. The fusion Protein also strongly stained bone marrow, lymph node, and spleen cells, but thymic cells weakly, if any. The staining was more obvious in C57BL/6 $(Ly-6^b)$ than Balb/c $(Ly-6^a)$ mice. These results suggest that the interaction of Ly-6E.1 with Ly-6E.1 ligand may function both in the stem cell environment and in the activation of mature lymphocytes. The fusion protein may be a valuable tool in characterization of biochemical properties of the Ly-6E.1 ligand and, further, in isolating its cDNA.

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Differential Expression of CXCR4 in Conventional High-grade and Low-grade Central Osteosarcoma and Its Prognostic Implications (골육종의 조직학적 등급에 따른 CXCR4 발현 및 예후로서의 의미)

  • Park, Hye-Rim;Seo, Jin-Won;Bacchini, Patrizia;Bertoni, Franco;Park, Yong-Koo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The chemokine receptor CXCR4 has been reported to be aberrantly expressed in human cancer and has been shown to participate in cancer metastasis. We compared the expression of CXCR4 in conventional high-grade and low-grade central osteosarcomas, and determined if an association between CXCR4 expression and prognosis could be made. Materials and Methods: We performed the immunohistochemistry for CXCR4 in a total of 63 patients with osteosarcoma and determined the relationships according to the clinicopathologic variables and overall survival rates. Results: CXCR4 was detected in 76.3% of conventional high-grade osteosarcoma patients and in 36% of low-grade central osteosarcomas. Diffuse expression was noted in 47.4% of the high-grade osteosarcomas and all low-grade cases were focal positive. CXCR4 expression was significantly correlated with histologic grade (p<0.0001). While overall survival rate was reduced significantly with increased CXCR4 expression (p=0.0058), higher histologic grade (p<0.0001), and younger age (p=0.0140), survival rate did not correlate with gender, tumor size, or AJCC stage. Conclusion: Our results suggest that CXCR4 expression is associated with higher-grade tumors and with poor prognosis for osteosarcoma patients.

Quantitative Analysis of Tooth Mineral Content by High Resolution Micro-computed Tomography

  • Song, Dae-Sung;Kim, Jung-Woo;Hwang, Hee-Su;Oh, Sin-Hye;Song, Ju Han;Kim, Il-Shin;Hwang, Yun-Chan;Koh, Jeong-Tae
    • International Journal of Oral Biology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2017
  • Teeth and bones are highly mineralized tissues containing inorganic minerals such as calcium phosphate, and a growing number of evidences show that their mineral content is associated with many diseases. Although the quantification of mineral contents by micro-computed tomography(micro- CT) has been used in diagnosis and evaluation for treating bone diseases, its application for teeth diseases has not been well established. In this study, we attempted to estimate a usefulness of a high-resolution micro-CT in analysis of human teeth. The teeth were scanned by using the Skyscan 1172 micro-CT. In order to measure tooth mineral content, beam hardening effect of the machine was corrected with a radiopaque iodine-containing substance, iodoacetamide. Under the maximum resolution of $6.6{\mu}m$, X-ray densities in teeth and hydroxyapatite standards were obtained with Hounsfield unit (HU), and they were then converted to an absolute mineral concentration by a CT Analyzer software. In enamel layer of cusp area, the mean mineral concentration was about $2.14mg/mm^3$ and there was a constant mineral concentration gradient from the enamel surface to the dentinoenamel junction. In the dentin of middle 1/3 of tooth, the mean mineral concentration was approximately $1.27mg/mm^3$ and there was a constant mineral concentration gradient from the outer of root to the pulp side, ranging from 1.3 to $1.06mg/mm^3$. In decay region of dentin, the mineral content was gradually decreased from the intact inner side to the decayed surface. These results suggest that high-resolution micro-CT can be as a useful tool for non-invasive measurement of mineral concentration in teeth.