• 제목/요약/키워드: Human T lymphotropic virus type 1

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.021초

Pathogenesis of Oncoviruses: A Systemic Review

  • Zain Ul Abedien;Kainat Gul;Sara Khan;Maheen Shafiq;Khizar Rahman;Muhammad Hassan Nawaz
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2023
  • Viral oncology is focused on understanding the relationship between cancer and viruses, which are known to play a role in the development of certain types of cancer. Approximately 15-20% of human cancers are believed to be caused by oncogenic viruses, and as a result, there is significant interest in understanding how these viruses contribute to cancer development. There are several viruses that have been linked to cancer, including human papillomavirus, hepatitis B and C virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Each of these viruses is associated with different types of cancer, and the mechanisms by which they contribute to cancer development are diverse. This article discusses these mechanisms as well as current and future strategies for preventing and treating virus-associated cancers with the goal of presenting a thorough review of the current state of knowledge in viral oncology and to highlight the importance of continued research in this field.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Inhibits Tax-dependent Activation of Nuclear Factor Kappa B and of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 in Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus-1 Positive Leukemia Cells

  • Harakeh, Steve;Diab-Assaf, Mona;Azar, Rania;Hassan, Hani Mutlak Abdulla;Tayeb, Safwan;Abou-El-Ardat, Khalil;Damanhouri, Ghazi Abdullah;Qadri, Ishtiaq;Abuzenadah, Adel;Chaudhary, Adeel;Kumosani, Taha;Niedzwiecki, Aleksandra;Rath, Mathias;Yacoub, Haitham;Azhar, Esam;Barbour, Elie
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.1219-1225
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    • 2014
  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant polyphenol molecule from green tea and is known to exhibit antioxidative as well as tumor suppressing activity. In order to examine EGCG tumor invasion and suppressing activity against adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), two HTLV-1 positive leukemia cells (HuT-102 and C91-PL) were treated with non-cytotoxic concentrations of EGCG for 2 and 4 days. Proliferation was significantly inhibited by 100 ${\mu}M$ at 4 days, with low cell lysis or cytotoxicity. HTLV-1 oncoprotein (Tax) expression in HuT-102 and C91-PL cells was inhibited by 25 ${\mu}M$ and 125 ${\mu}M$ respectively. The same concentrations of EGCG inhibited NF-kB nuclearization and stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) expression in both cell lines. These results indicate that EGCG can inhibit proliferation and reduce the invasive potential of HTLV-1-positive leukemia cells. It apparently exerted its effects by suppressing Tax expression, manifested by inhibiting the activation of NF-kB pathway and induction of MMP-9 transcription in HTLV-1 positive cells.

식이내 페놀류들이 생체조직의 산화상태와 항암작용에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Dietary Phenols on Body Tissue Oxidative State and Cancer Prevention)

  • 김갑순
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.74-81
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    • 1997
  • 본 연구에서는 phenol이 암 예방에 어떻게 영향을 미치는가를 규명하고자 시도하였으며 phenol이 TBARS에 미치는 영향, TBRAS와 암과의 상관관계 규명에 촛점을 맞추었다. 식이 phenol이 조직산화와 종양 발생(tumor onset)에 미치는 영향을 측정하기 위하여 영양적으로 우수한 amino acid-based diet와 transgenic mouse model을 이용한 protocol을 사용하였다. Mice는 human lymphotropic virus(type-1) transactivator(texl) gene을 carry하며 동시에 종양이 외불 나타난다. 25마리의 transgenic mice를 대조군, 2, 4, 8 mmol catechin/kg diet 군 및 wine soled 군으로 구분하였으며, 대조군은 catechin과 wine solid를 전혀 주지 않았으며, wine solid 군은 redwine 750 ml/kg을 주었다. Mice는 매일 관찰하여 맨 처음 종양이 발현하는 날짜를 기록하였다. Catechin과 wine solid를 섭취한 mice에서 종양이 발현하는 시기가 대조군보다 유의적으로 낮았으며 더욱이 4 mmol catechin diet 군과 8 mmol catechin diet 군에서는 실험기간동안 각각 1마리에서 종양이 발견되지 않았다. Catechin과 wine solid를 섭취한 mice의 뇌조직과 비장의 TBARS 수준은 대조군 mice의 동일한 조직과 비교하였을 때 유의적으로 낮았다. 또한 조직의 TBARS 수준은 종양 발생과 유의적으로 상관관계가 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 phenol의 종류에 상관없이 식이 phenol에 조직의 항산화(산화억제)를 통해 암 예방(cancer prevention)에 영향을 미친다는 것을 제시해준다.

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