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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Household Goods

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The mechanization of Housework : Focused on Diffusion Process and influencing Factors (가사노동의 기계화 : 도입과정과 배경)

  • 이기영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was (1) to explore the diffusion process of household capital goods(2) to examine the economic and social factors influencing on the diffusion process and to discuss whether the household capital goods would be introduced for the efficiency of housework. For the purpose this study made use of all sorts of literature. The results were summarized as follows: Household capital goods were developed about the time of 1960's and were spreaded in 1980's In this course such socio-economic factors as the development of electronic industry the price change of household capital goods and services the decrease of employed housekeepers and the increase of income level in fluenced on the diffusion process. It seemed that houehold capital goods were not introduced only for the efficiency of housework.

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The Influence of Consumption Value and Attitude about Luxury Goods by Women on Consumption Behavior and Satisfaction (여성의 명품 구매행동과 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 -명품 소비가치와 명품 관련 태도를 중심으로-)

  • Seong, Suhaeng;Hong, Eunsil
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.517-536
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research was to examine the trend of women consumption value and attitude on luxury goods and to analyse the relations between the behavior of purchasing luxury goods and satisfaction of consumers who buy luxury items. A total of 548 questionnaires were obtained in July and August 2011 from female respondents in their 20s to 40s who have bought at least one luxury item in the last 3 years. Collected data was analysed with factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan's test, and multiple regression in SPSS. The research results are summarized as follows: First, household income and personal expenditure were main factors in determining substantial differences in attitudes towards luxury goods and counterfeits. Second, the difference in frequency of buying luxury items was decided by household income, and expenditure and purchase cost, which varied based on age, education, occupation, household income, and expenditure. Third, both the younger consumers with more household income and expenditure and consumers with positive attitude towards luxury items but negative attitude towards the counterfeits purchased the luxury goods more frequently than those who are older with less incomes and expenditures. Fourth, consumers with more incomes and expenditures along with negative attitude towards the counterfeits spent more money on the luxury items. Consumers with less personal ostentation but with great pleasure consumption value for luxury goods spent more money on luxury goods. Fifth, the satisfactions of purchasing luxury goods were influenced by following variables such as positive attitudes toward luxury goods, ostentation, enjoyment and quality in consumption value.

The Effect of Household Technology on Housework (가정기기가 가사노동 수행과정에 미치는 효과)

  • 이기영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to review the technological deterministic debate that the development of household technology would decrease housework. For the purpose this study made use of all sorts of literature and the interview resources obtained from 86 housewives above 30 years old. It was expected the household capital goods would save housework time and labor. The total time spent in housework and fatigue however seemed not much lessened during the diffusion period. Household capital goods were also expected to enhace the housework satisfaction and increase much housework participation of husband and children; yet neither of them appeared much high during the diffusion period.

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Korean Household’s Level and Standard of Consumption: For Developing Sustainable Lifestyle (한국가계의 소비수준 및 표준:지속가능한 생활양식의 실현 모색)

  • 손상희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.259-277
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to identify household’s level and standard of consumption and their related variables in order to derive some useful implications for developing sustainable lifestyle. Data were collected from 567 household wives living in Seoul and the five Metropolitan cities in Korea. The results showed that most households owned such goods as central heating system, shower and bath, refrigerator, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, washer. TV video player, personal computer, mobile phone, and car. They thought that most of the goods were necessary for the desired level of living and has a strong aspiration to buy those goods. This implied a tendency of uniformity in need perceptions and consumption patterns among Korean households. However, level and standard of consumption measured in selected living area differed according to age. education family size, household income, occupation, and the size housing, which showed that different approach was needed for developing sustainable lifestyle according to these variables.

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Development of household production satellite and application based on the establishment of concept and standardized measurement for household production (가정생산 위성계정의 개발 및 적용: 새로운 개념 정립과 표준화된 측정방법을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyun-Jung;Hong, Hyunjeong;Huh, Kyungok
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.55-74
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    • 2013
  • This research developed standardized satellite accounts for household production to measure the entire production in Korea using representative Korean data. This study utilized standardized methods for measuring the expenditure and consumption of expendable supplies as an element of intermediate goods in household production. The results of this research can be summarized as follows. First, the total value of household production in Korea in 2009 turned was 268 trillion won, which would be 10.16% of the GDP, based on using the method of replacement by specialty for estimating the value of housework, while it was 356 trillion won, which would be 13.5% of the GDP (2,636 trillion won), based on the method of opportunity cost. Second, the economic value of labor invested in household production was 220 trillion won when using the data from 12 main corresponding wages in the market, while it was 203 trillion won when using the method of total replacement, which used the wages of housekeepers, and 290 trillion won when using the method of opportunity cost in measuring the value of housework labor. Third, in estimating the proportion by section in terms of the total value of household production, the portion of labor in household production was measured from 76% to 82%, depending on the methods used, which is the most significant section. These results indicate that housework has the characteristics of labor-centered work. On the other hand, the value of expenditure on and consumption of expendable supplies, as one element of intermediate goods, is 63 trillion won, which is 17.7% (using the method of opportunity cost in measuring the labor of housework) of household production. Also, the value of capital goods, as the other element of intermediate goods is 2.3 trillion won, which is 0.9% (using the method of opportunity cost) of household production. In conclusion, as an element of household production, housework labor was higher in household production than expenditures on expendables, especially for cooking, cleaning, and caring for children. In the future, people should be cautious about estimating that the amount of household work could be reduced, as women's labor in the market and the household work produced by the market will increase.

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Fire Safety Labeling System for Household Goods to Prevent House Fires

  • Kyong-Jin Park;Bong-Kil Kim;Hyun-Mi Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.4_1
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    • pp.735-740
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    • 2024
  • Data released by the National Fire Agency showed that the total incidence of fires from 2014 to 2023 was 410,497, among which 75,215 were house fires, constituting 18% of the total occurrences. The fatalities resulting from house fires numbered 1,435. Fatalities stemming from prior house fires occurred between midnight and 6 am, coinciding with periods of sleep and diminished responsiveness to fire emergencies. A fire safety labeling system is proposed to prevent fire hazards associated with household products. This system primarily entails indicators of thermal energy and inherent fire attributed to household products. Furthermore, the Korea Fire Safety Institute has suggested adopting a risk label as a concrete measure plan for implementing the fire safety labeling system for household products. The results promise to safeguard the public against fires and increase the exports of household commodities by enhancing the corporate reputation through positive association with fire safety measures.

The Development of Household Satellite Account (가정생산 위성계정 개발 연구)

  • Huh, Kyung-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2004
  • This research developed satellite account for household production to measure the whole size of production in Korea. The standardized satellite account was designed on the basis of Ironmonger's IO table. Results of this research were summarized as follows. First, the economic values of male and female labor invested for household production was 1,560,000 and 5,380,000 Won, respectively. Female input was greater than male by 3.5 times. Second, the expenditure for durable goods for household production was on average 470,000 Won per year. Among the total expenditure, 36% was spent for household management activities, 25% for food preparation and 25% for cleaning and laundry. Results of examining the expenditure for durable goods in total production activities showed that more than half was spent for household production; 54% for household production, 39% for leisure, 4% for sleeping, and 3% for individual use. Third, among expenditure of consumption for intermediate foods for household production, expenditure for food was the greatest to be followed by expenditures for child care, other houseworks, and cleaning and laundry. Finally, the total value of household production in Korea turned out to reach 171 trillion won which was value of 36% of GDP(482 trillion Won) in 1999.

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Values of Household Production in Korea Compared to U.S., Australia, Finland, and Canada: An Analysis from a Cross-National Comparative Perspective

  • Huh Kyungok;Yuh Yoonkyung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2005
  • This paper utilized a Korean time-use survey and household expenditure survey in designing an input-output table to develop satellite accounts of household production in Korea in 1999. Additionally, the household production in Korea was compared with that in the United States, Australia, Finland, and Canada. Results of this study may be summarized as follows. First, household production in Korea represented 43% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP,) compared to 63% of GDP in the United States, 68% in Australia, 58% in Finland, and 54% in Canada. Second, labor emerged as the largest input for household production in Korea, while materials and services - both intermediate goods - emerged as the second input. On the other hand, the proportion of housing among the four inputs of household production in Korea was greater than for either the United States or the other countries studied. This implies that the cost of intermediate goods and housing in Korea is more expensive than in other countries.

The Effect of Household Financial System on Private Education Expenses - Focused on Income Classification - (가계의 재무구조가 사교육비지출에 미치는 영향 - 소득계층별 접근연구 -)

  • 이승신
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.41 no.11
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    • pp.151-169
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    • 2003
  • This study is to investigate the important factor for household private education expenditure. Especially, this study analyzed the influence of financial management characteristics. For this, the income level is classified by comparative poverty and analyzed the influence power The data for this study was "the Korean Labor Panel" conducted by Korea Labor Institute in 2000. The result showed the demographic factors by the income level and financial characteristics have big difference. Also, income level affects private education expenditure. For lower income level, demographic factors affect more than financial factors. This result explained the private education expenditure as luxurious goods. For middle income level, financial factors affect more than demographic factors. This explained the private education expenditure as choice goods. For upper income level, the private education expenditure was explained as investment goods.