• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hot-Spot Analysis

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A Study on Design of Fillet Weld Size for Stiffener in the Hull Bottom of Crude Oil Tanker (Crude Oil Tanker 선저부 보강재 필렛 용접부 각장 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Bong-Gook;Shin, Sang-Beom;Park, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the proper fillet weld size for the stiffeners on hull bottom plate of crude oil tanker. To achieve it, the effective notch stress and hot spot stress of the fillet weld with leg length specified in the rule were evaluated by using comprehensive FE analyses. Based on the results, the fatigue damages at each location of weld were calculated. Meanwhile the transitional behavior of initial welding distortion in the hull bottom plate under the design conditions was investigated by using a non-linear FEA. Welding distortion and residual stress introduced during fabrication process were considered as initial imperfections. According to FE analysis results, if the fillet leg length satisfies the design criteria of the classification society, the concern on the root failure at the fillet welds in the bottom hull plate during the design life can be negligible. In addition, considering the transitional behavior of the distortion during the service life, the fillet leg length should be minimized.

On Shrinkage Cavities Shape Modeling for Fatigue Simulation of A356 Alloy Specimen (A356 합금 시편의 수축공 결함형상에 대한 피로해석용 형상 모델링 방법)

  • Kwak, Si-Young;Cho, In-Sung
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2019
  • During the casting process, it is possible to minimize shrinkage and blowholes by modifying the casting design. However, it is impossible to eliminate these factors completely. Therefore, mechanical design engineers apply a sufficient safety factor owing to the possibility of insufficient performances of the cast products. In this paper, prediction method of the fatigue life of cast products containing shrinkage is conducted by using CT (computed tomography) and the SSM (shape simplification method), and additional fatigue analyses are carried out. The analysis results are then compared to results from actual experiments on samples with shrinkage defects. It is found to be that the considering actual shrinkage in cast products by means of stress and fatigue analyses is more accurate and effective. It is also considered that the proposed hot spot method provides us a good tool to predict the fatigue lifes of cast product.

Fatigue Strength and Root-Deck Crack Propagation for U-Rib to Deck Welded Joint in Steel Box Girder

  • Zhiyuan, YuanZhou;Bohai, Ji;Di, Li;Zhongqiu, Fu
    • International journal of steel structures
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1589-1597
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    • 2018
  • Fatigue tests and numerical analysis were carried out to evaluate the fatigue performance at the U-rib to deck welded joint in steel box girder. Twenty specimens were tested corresponding to different penetration rates (80 and 100%) under fatigue bending load, and the fatigue strength was investigated based on hot spot stress (HSS) method. The detailed stress distribution at U-rib to deck welded joint was analyzed by the finite element method, as well as the stress intensity factor of weld root. The test results show that the specimens with fully penetration rate have longer crack propagation life due to the welding geometry, resulting in higher fatigue failure strength. The classification of FAT-90 is reasonable for evaluating fatigue strength by HSS method. The penetration rate has effect on crack propagation angle near the surface, and the 1-mm stress below weld toe and root approves to be more suitable for fatigue stress assessment, because of its high sensitivity to weld geometry than HSS.

Research on stress distributions around welds of three-planar tubular Y-joints under out-of-plane bending moment

  • Shiliu Bao;Wenhua Wang;Jikai Zhou;Xin Li
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2023
  • Marine structures including offshore wind turbines (OWTs) always work under cyclic loads, which arouses much attention on the fatigue design. The tripod substructure is one of the typical foundation forms for fixed OWTs. The three-planar tubular Y-joint (3Y joint) is one of the important components in fatigue design as it is most likely to have cracks. With the existence of the multiplanar interaction effect, calculating the hot spot stress (HSS) of 3Y joints is complicated. To assist with fatigue design, the distributions of stress concentration factor (SCF) and multiplanar interaction factor (MIF) along weld toe curves induced by the out-of-plane bending moment are explored in this study. An FE analysis method was first developed and verified against experimental results. This method was applied to build a numerical database including 1920 FE models covering common ranges of geometric parameters. A parametric study has been carried out to reveal the distribution patterns of SCF and MIF. After multidimensional nonlinear fittings, SCF and MIF distribution formulas have been proposed. Accuracy and reliability checking prove that the proposed formulas are suitable for calculating the HSS of 3Y joints.

Analysis of Relation Between Criminal Types and Spatial Characteristics in Urban Areas (도심지역의 범죄 종류와 공간적 특성 관계분석)

  • Cha, Gyeong Hyeon;Kim, Kyung Ho;Son, Ki Jun;Kim, Sang Ji;Lee, Dong Chang;Kim, Jin Young
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we analyzed current states and spatial characteristics of crime occurring in A city of Colombia using big data of crime. The analysis draws on the crime statistics of Colombia National Police Agency from 2013 January to September. We also investigated spatial autocorrelation of crime using global and local Moran's Index. Spatial autocorrelation analysis shows significant spatial autocorrelation in the high frequency of crime. Global Moran's I analysis indicates that there are statistically significant value of crime area. Using local Moran's Index analysis, we also implement Local Indicators of Spatial Association(LISA) map and hot spot analysis helps us identify crime distribution.

The Loss of Coolant Flow Accident Analysis in Kori-1 (고리1호기 원자로 냉각재 유량상실사고 해석)

  • Kook Jong Lee;Un Chul Lee;Jin Soo Kim;Si Hwan Kim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.256-266
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    • 1985
  • The loss of coolant flow accident is analyzed for the pressurized water reactor of Korea Nuclear Unit-1. The loss of coolant flow accident is classified into three types in accordance with its severity; partial loss of coolant flow, complete loss of coolant flow and pump locked rotor accident. Analysis has been carried out in three stages; system transient and average core analysis, DNBR calculation and hot spot analysis. The purpose of developing KTRAN is to simulate the transient fast. For the DNBR calculation, the thermal hydraulic codes, SCAN and COBRA IV-1, are adopted. And for the hot spot analysis, the fuel thermal transient code LTRAN is employed. This code system should be fast responding to the transient analysis. In case the transient occurs, severity comes within a couple of seconds. So response should be fast to accomodate the following sequence of the accident. Unfortunately this purpose could not be achieved by KTRAN. However, the calculated results are well comparable with FSAR results in range. Thereby, the effectiveness of KTRAN code analysis in this type of accident is proven.

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Spatial Clustering Analysis of Fire in Gangwon-Do (강원도 화재의 공간적 군집 특성 분석)

  • BAE, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial cluster characteristics of fire using long-term fire data. For this, fire data which were broke out in the last 40 years were converted into GIS data and spatial analysis was performed at Gangwon-do province's minimum administrative district level. In order to grasp the spatial distribution of the fire, Moran's I, Geary's Ci and Getis-Ord's Gi*, which are methods that analyze the local indicators of spatial association(LISA), were used. By integrating the characteristics of the spatial distribution of fire by integrating the results obtained from each analysis, the advantages of the individual analysis methods were reflected in the study results. As a result of the study, hotspot areas of fire in Gangwon-do was derived out. Among the hot spot areas, some areas, where the fire frequency is higher than the adjacent areas, have been identified. The results of this study can be used as information for predicting the fire hazard area and relocating of fire-fighting facilities in the study area.

The Thermal Analysis of Brake Disc using the Solid Model and 2D Coupled Model (솔리드모델과 2D 연성모델을 사용한 브레이크 디스크의 열해석)

  • 강상욱;김창진;이대희;김흥섭
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes the thermoelastic instability arising from friction heat generation in braking and proposes the finite element methods to predict the variation of temperature and thermal deformation. In a conventional disc brake analysis, heat generation is only related with wheel speed and friction material and the interface pressure between disc and pad is assumed constant. But under dynamic braking conditions, the frictional heat causes the thermoelastic distortion that leads to more concentrated contact pressure distribution and hence more and more non-uniform temperature. In this paper, to complete the solution of the thermomechanically coupled problem, the linear relation model between pressure and temperature is proposed and demonstrated in examples of a simple two dimensional contact problem. And the two dimensional model has been extended to an annular three dimensional disc model in order to consider more realistic geometry and to provide a more accurate critical speed for automotive brake systems.

Investigation on SCFs of concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints under balanced axial loading

  • Chen, Yu;Hu, Kang;Yang, Jian
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1227-1250
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    • 2016
  • Most of the research work has been conducted on K-joints under static loading. Very limited information is available in consideration of fatigue strength of K-joints with concrete-filled chord. This paper aims to describe experimental and numerical investigations on stress concentration factors (SCFs) of concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints under balanced axial loading. Experiment was conducted to study the hot spot stress distribution along the intersection of chord and braces in the two specimens with compacting concrete filled in the chord. The test results of stress distribution curves of two specimens were reported. SCFs of concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints were lower than those of corresponding hollow circular chord and square brace K-joints. The corresponding finite element analysis was also conducted to simulate stress distribution along the brace and chord intersection region of joints. It was achieved that experimental and finite element analysis results had good agreement. Therefore, an extensive parametric study was carried out by using the calibrated finite element model to evaluate the effects of main geometric parameters and concrete strength on the behavior of concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints under balanced axial loading. The SCFs at the hot spot locations obtained from ABAQUS were compared with those calculated by using design formula given in the CIDECT for hollow SHS-SHS K-joints. CIDECT Design Guide was generally quite conservative for predicting SCFs of braces and was dangerous for predicting SCFs of chord in concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints. Finally SCF formulae were proposed for circular chord and square braces K-joints with concrete-filled in the chord under balanced axial loading. It is shown that the SCFs calculated from the proposed design equation are generally in agreement with the values derived from finite element analysis, which were proved to be reliable and accurate.

A Study on the Spatial Analysis Model to Decide Medical Institutions/Mental Health Centers for Disaster Victims

  • Choi, Eun-Hye;Hwang, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.358-362
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    • 2011
  • The National Emergency Management Agency of South Korea has established a Disaster Victims Psychology Support Center. The Disaster Victims Psychology Support Center can enable victims who got psychological damage from disasters to return to their daily lives through healing activity, field visits and advice of experts. The previous Psychology Support Center System managed the information of disaster victims through an independent database. However, this paper proposes a system that is developed to identify medical institutions and mental health centers within a distance of radius, based on the potential Hot-Spot areas of disaster victims using the GIS Systems. The proposed system can efficiently support selection of appropriate institutions for disaster victims using their location and age, classification of damage, and damaged parts of the body. Also, this spatial analysis can assist to decide on a policy based on the location of disaster victims and the extent of damage. Therefore, this paper can provide the required information to support decision making based on the concentrated areas for disaster victims.