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Perfusion Impairment in Infantile Autism on Brain SPECT Using Tc-99m ECD : Comparison with MR Findings (유아 자폐증 환아에서의 Tc-99m ECD를 이용한 뇌 단일 광전자 방출 전산화 단층 촬영술상의 관류 저하: 자기 공명 영상과의 비교 분석)

  • Ryu, Young-Hoon;Lee, Jong-Doo;Yoon, Pyeong-Ho;Kim, Dong-Ik;Oh, Young-Taik;Lee, Sun-Ah;Lee, Ho-Bun;Shin, Yee-Jin;Lee, Byung-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.320-329
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    • 1997
  • Neuroanatomic substrate of autism has been the subjects of continuing investigation. Because previous studies had not demonstrated consistent and specific neuroimaging findings in autism and most studies comprised adults and school-aged children, we performed a retrospective review in search of common functional and anatomical abnormalities with brain SPECT using Tc-99m ECD and correlative MRI The patient population was composed of 18 children aged 28 to 89 months(mean age : 55 months) who met the diagnostic criteria of autism as defined in the DSM-IV and CARS. Brain SPECT was performed after intravenous injection of 185-370MBq of Tc-99m ECD using brain dedicated annular crystal gamma camera. MRI was performed in all patients including T1, T2 axial and T1 sagittal sequences. SPECT data were visually assessed. Thirteen patients had abnormal SPECT scan revealing focal areas of decreased perfusion. Decreased perfusion of cerebellar vermis(12/18), cerebellar hemisphere(11/18), thalami(13/18), basal ganglia(4/18), posterior parietal(7/18), and temporal(4/18) area were noted on brain SPECT. Whereas, only 3 patients had abnormal MR findings which were subtle volume loss of parieto-occipital white matter in 3 and mild thinning of posterior body of corpus callosum in 2 and slightly decreased volume of cerebellar vermis in 1. Comparison of the numbers of abnormal findings revealed that regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) abnormalities seen on SPECT were more numerous than anatomical abnormalities seen on MRI. In conclusion, extensive perfusion impairment involving cerebellum, thalami and parietal lobe were found in this study. SPECT may be more sensitive in reflecting pathophysiology of autism than MRI. However, further studies are mandatory to determine the significance of thalamic and parietal perfusion impairment in autism.

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The Changes of Intestinal Normal Flora in Neonates for Seven Days Postnatally (정상 신생아의 대변에서 생후 1주일 동안 장내세균총의 변화)

  • Sung, Nam-ju;Lee, Seung Gue;Kim, Me Jin;Kim, Young Ho;Yang, Seung;Hwang, Il Tae;Jung, Ji A;Lee, Hae Ran;Kim, Jae-Seok
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Microbial colonization of the intestine begins just after birth and development of the normal flora is a gradual process. The first bacteria colonizing the intestine in newborns are Staphylococcus, Enterobacteriaceae and Streptococcus. For several days after birth, the number of Bifidobacterium spp. increase. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of microflora for seven days postnatally in neonatal stool. Methods: Fifteen neonates (breast : formula : mixed feeding 1 : 8 : 6, vaginal delivery : cesarean section 3 : 12) who were born at the Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University were enrolled. First meconium and stools of postnatal 1-, 3-, and 7-day were innoculated. Blood agar plates for total aerobes, trypton bile X-glucuronide agar for E. coli, phenylethyl alcohol agar for gram positive anaerobes, MRS agar for Lactobacillus spp., bifidobacterium selective agar for Bifidobacterium spp. and cefoxitin-cycloserine-fructose agar for Clostridium difficile were used in the general incubator (CO2 free incubator), CO2 incubator or the anaerobic chamber for 48 or 72 hours at 37C and then colony forming units were counted. Results: No microflora was identified in the first meconium. Total aerobes, E. coli, and gram positive anaerobes were significantly increased with advancing postnatal days. In only one baby, Lactobacillus acidophilus was detected 2×105CFU/g in the seven-day stool. Bifidobacterium spp. was detected in two babies. Clostridium difficile was not detected during the seven days. There were no significant differences in the bowel flora depending on the delivery pattern and feeding method. Conclusion: This study shows many changes in the intestinal normal flora in neonatal stool during seven days postnatally. If these findings are confirmed with larger studies, the data may be preliminary findings to support use of probiotics in neonates.

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The Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Medical Nutrition Therapy for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (제2형 당뇨병환자에서 임상영앙치료의 임상적 효과와 비용효과 연구)

  • Cho, Youn-Yun;Lee, Moon-Kyu;Jang, Hak-Chul;Rha, Mi-Yong;Kim, Ji-Young;Park, Young-Mi;Sohn, Cheong-Min
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2008
  • Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is considered a keystone of medical treatment of chronic diseases. However, only few studies have evaluated medical and economical outcome of MNT. The study was performed on the patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus to evaluate the effect of clinical and cost-effective outcomes of MNT. Subjects from two general hospitals were randomly assigned to two different groups; One receiving basic nutritional education (BE) (n = 35), and the other receiving intensive nutritional education (IE) (n = 32) for a 6-month clinical trial. The group which received BE had a single visit with a dietitian, while the other group which received IE had an initial visit with a dietitian addition to two visits during the first 4 weeks of the study periods. Anthropometric parameters, blood components, and dietary intake were measures at the beginning of study period and after 6 month. Cost-effective analysis included direct labor costs, educational materials and medication cost difference during 6 months. After 6 month, subjects from IE group showed significant reduction of body weight (p <0.05) and systolic blood pressure (p <0.05), whereas BE group did not show any significant changes. Result from biochemical indices showed glycated hemoglobin concentration was significantly reduced by 0.7% (p <0.05) only in the IE group. The ratio of energy intake to prescribed energy intake decreased significantly in both groups (p <0.05). Mean time taken for a dietitian to educate the subject was 67.9 ± 9.3 min/person for BE group, while 96.4 ± 12.2 min/person for IE group. Mean number of educational materials was 1.9 ± 0.7/person for BE group and 2.5 ± 0.7/person for IE group. Change in glycated hemoglobin level along the 6 month period of study can be achieved with an investment of \88,510/% by implementing BE and \53,691/% by implementing IE. Considering the net cost-effect of blood glucose control and HbA Ic, IE which provides MNT by dietitian had a cost efficiency advantage than that of BE. According to this study, MNT provided by dietitian had a significant improvements in medical and clinical outcomes compared to that of BE intervention. Therefore, MNT protocol should be performed by systemic intensive nutrition care by dietitian in clinical setting to achieve good therapeutic results of DM with lower cost.

The Need for Child Hospice Care in Families of Children with Cancer (암 환아 가족의 아동 호스피스 요구도)

  • Kang, Kyung-Ah;Kim, Shin-Jeong;Kim, Young-Soon
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for child hospice care programs in families of children with cancer. Methods: The survey of 104 families who were taking care of children with cancer was conducted. This survey was conducted from February 2004 to July 2004 at two general hospitals in Seoul. The data were collected through a self-reporting questionnaire of 22 items. The items were classified into five areas by factor analysis to identify the construct validity. The reliability of the tool was established by Cronbach's alpha as .94 and the data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Results: 1) The degree of need for hospice care of the subjects showed a high average of 3.40 (±3.8). The need for 'emotional care of children' showed the highest mean (M=3.55), 'management of terminal physical symptoms'(M=3.49), 'control of secondary physical problems' (M=3.41), 'acceptance of the family's difficulty' (M=3.20), 'spiritual care for preparing for death'(M=3.17), respectively. 2) With respect to the demographic characteristics of the subjects, there were statistically significant differences in hospice care needs, according to the child's mother's age (F==4.980, P=.009), whether or not there were cancer patients among their siblings or relatives (t=2.423, P=.017). Conclusion: The family of children with cancer have a heavy burden of ambivalence, especially in relieving the anxiety and fear of their children, communicating about death, and managing physical symptoms. Child hospice care must be provided considering the needs of families of children with cancer. Thus popular needs as well as hospice nurses' higher concern and support for hospice care of children require further education and program development to meet the current demands.

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The Spiritual Well-Being and the Spiritual Nursing Care of Nurses for Cancer Patients (암 환자를 돌보는 간호사의 영적안녕과 영적간호수행)

  • Yoon, Me-Ok
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the correlation between the levels of spiritual well-being and spiritual nursing care of nurses for cancer patients and to provide baseline data for spiritual nursing care. Methods: In the study, there were 209 nurses involved who cared for cancer patients, and they were from Christian General Hospital in a city, Jeonju. Data were collected from September 17 to 30 in 2008 using structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using research methods, including descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test, and Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: The mean score of spiritual well-being of nurses was 63.41±10.32 (range 2080) and that of spiritual nursing care was 26.96±7.05 (range 1560). There was a significant positive correlation between the spiritual well-being of nurses and their spiritual nursing care (r=.353, P=.000). Conclusion: The spiritual well-being and spiritual nursing care have a positive correlation. The level of spiritual well-being of nurses was relatively significant, whereas that of spiritual nursing care was relatively low. Therefore, it is recommended, for spiritual nursing care that nurses responsible for cancer patients should pursue more spiritual growth, attend church services regularly, and should further be educated in their care and responsibility.

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A Survey on Clients' Home Care Satisfaction in Taejon City in Korea (일개 시지역의 가정간호 수혜자들의 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Sun-Sook;So, Hee-Young;Lee, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.5
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 1998
  • This study enrolled one thousand five hundred twenty one clients that were receiving home care services at five health centers and a home care services center in the city of Taejon from November 17 through December 7, 1997. The purpose of this study was to analyze satisfaction levels, general characteristics and efficacies, of the client served home care. The main results were as follows; The age group of most of the subjects was 70-79 years: 76.9% of them were female and 87.3% were over 65 years. In education variables, over 90% of the clients were below primary school. In marital status variables, 63.4% of them had no spouse, 57.5% of them were widows and widowers. In living arrangement variables, alone(35.8%) was the most. In insurance status variables, medical aid(69.9%) was the most. In household income variables, below 000 won(72.6%) was the most. In hospitalization variables, 53% of the clients had no hospitalization. The satisfaction level of home care service of male and female was similar. The older the age, the higher the satisfaction level. The satisfaction level of the group having religion was higher than the group having no religion and the Christianity group had the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In education variables, the over high school group was the highest satisfaction level(p<0.01). In living arrangement variables, the other (sisters or neighbors etc.) group indicated the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In insurance status variables, the other group(except for medical aid) was the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In household income variables, below 390,000 won was the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In hospitalization variables, 'over 4 times' group indicated the highest satisfaction level (p<0.01). Home care took place more in health centers than in home care services center. In frequency of home care per month three times was the most. In opinion of home care frequency per month 82.8% of the people answered 'proper'. A lot of present illness was neuralgia, arthritis, digestive disease, hypertension & CVA. In contents of home care services variables, education & counselling was the most and medication was second. In duration of illness variables, over 10 years was the most. In place of treatment before home care service variables, hospital(57%) was the most. In illness condition after home care variables, 'moderate' was the most and 'much better'(85.5%) was second. In help of home care variables, 'much help'(71.5%) was the most and 'moderate'(28.1%) was second. In contents of counselling variables, treatment method of illness was the most. Home care services center indicated higher level of satisfaction than health center(p<0.001). In opinion of home care frequency per month variables, 'less' was the highest satisfaction level (p<0.001). In duration of illness variables, below one year was the highest and over 10 years was second(p<0.001). In place of treatment before home care service variables, health center was the highest (p<0.001). In illness condition after home care variables 'much better' was the highest and 'worse' was second (p<0.001). I n help of home care variables, 'much help' was the highest (p<0.001). In contents of counselling variables, cause of illness was the highest(p<0.001). According to the 14 items which consisted of 3 point scales the total level of satisfaction of home care service was very high, with total mean score 36. According to the above results, most clients taking home care services are satisfied. However, organization and a fund are required to support high quality home care services to those who need them. Furthermore, a follow-up survey should be accomplished to evaluate the status of clients.

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Lung Volumes and Diffusing Capacity in Bronchiectasis: Correlation with the Findings of High Resolutional CT (기관지확장증의 흉부고해상전산화단층촬영소견과 폐기량 및 폐확산능과의 관계)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jae;Park, Jae-Yong;Won, Jun-Hee;Kim, Chang-Ho;Kang, Duk-Sik;Jung, Tae-Hoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.489-499
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    • 1999
  • Background: The patient with bronchiectasis may have obstructive ventilatory impairment combined with mild restrictive ventilatory impairment due to fibrosis of surrounding lung parenchyme and pleural adhesions caused by chronic recurrent pulmonary infections. Since hyperinflation or emphysematous change can be occured in bronchiectasis, pulmonary functions such as lung volumes and diffusing capacity may also vary with associated emphysema. Methods: For the evaluation of lung volumes and diffusing capacity in bronchiectasis with respect to the anatomic types and severity of bronchiectasis, a total of 40 cases comprising 24 cases of tubular, and 16 cystic type of bronchiectasis were analyzed retrospectively. Correlation between lung functions and extent of bronchiectasis or associated emphysema detected in HRCT were also evaluated. Results: Vital capacity(VC) tended to decrease in cystic type than in tubular type. As the severity of bronchiectasis became serious, the VC were significantly reduced, whereas the total lung capacity(TLC), residual volume(RV) and its ratio to the total lung capacity(RV/TLC) had no significant difference. Lung clearance index(LCI) was significantly increased in cystic type than in tubular type, whereas the slope of phase III in single breath nitrogen curve(N2/L) was not significantly changed regard to the type and severity of bronchiectasis. DLCO and DLCO/VA reflecting diffusing capacity were significantly decreased in cystic type and also as the severity of bronchiectasis became serious. The correlation coefficient of VC, DLCO and LCI with the extent of bronchiectasis were -0.322, -0.339 and 0.487, respectively, whereas other parameters were not significantly correlated with the extent of bronchiectasis. VC and DLCO correlated negatively with the extent of emphysema while RV, RV/TLC, LCI and N2/L correlated positively. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the reduction of VC and diffusing capacity or uneven distribution of inspired gas in bronchiectasis are related to both the extent of bronchiectasis and associated emphysema while increased residual volume be related to the extent of associated emphysema alone.

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Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter(PM10) on Peak Expiratory Flow and Respiratory Symptoms in Subjects with Bronchial Asthma During Yellow Sand Period (황사기간 중 천식 환자에서 대기 중 미세먼지(PM10)가 최대호기 유속과 호흡기 증상에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jeong Woong;Lim, Young Hee;Kyung, Ssun Young;An, Chang Hyeok;Lee, Sang Pyo;Jeong, Seong Hwan;Ju, Young-Su
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.570-578
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    • 2003
  • Background : Ambient particles during Asian dust events are usually sized less than 10μm, known to be associated with the adverse effects on the general populations. But, there has been no considerable evidence linking these particles to the adverse effects on airways. The objectives of this study was to investigate the possible adverse effects of Asian dust events on respiratory function and symptoms in subjects with bronchial asthma. Patients and Methods : From march to June 2002, Asthmatic patients who were diagnosed with bronchial challenge test or bronchodilator response were enrolled. We divided them into three groups; mild, moderate, and severe, according to the severity. Subjects with other organ insufficiency such as heart, kidney, liver, and malignancy were excluded. All patients completed twice daily diaries and recorded peak flow rate, respiratory symptom, and daily activity. Daily and hourly mean pollutant levels of particulate matter < 10μm in diameter(PM10), nitrogen dioxide(NO2), sulphur dioxide(SO2), ozone(O3) and carbon monoxide(CO) were measured at the 10 different monitoring sites. Results : Dust events occured 14 times during the study period. Daily averages of 4 air pollutant were measured with an increased level of PM10, decreased level of NO2 and SO2, and no change in CO during dust days compared to those during control days. An increase in PM10 concentration was associated with an increase of subjects with PEF variability of >20% (p<0.05), night time symptom(p<0.05), and a decrease in mean PEF (p<0.05), which were calculated by the longitudinal data analysis. Otherwise, there was no association between PM10 level and bronchodialtor inhaler, and daytime respiratory symptoms. Conclusion : This study shows evidence that ambient air pollution, especially PM10, during Asian dust events, could be one of the many aggravating factors at least in patients with airway diseases. This data can be used as a primary source to set up a new policy on air environmental control and to evaluate the safety of air pollution index. We also expect that this research will help identify precise components of dust, which are more linked to the adverse effects.

Role of Endogenous Histamine on the Pathogenesis in the Endotoxin-Induced Acute Lung Injury (내독소로 유도되는 급성폐손상의 발병기전에서 내인성 히스타민의 역할)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Yoon, Ho Joo;Kim, Mi Jung;Choi, Jeoung Eun;Oh, Yeon Mok;Shim, Tae Sun;Lim, Chae Man;Lee, Sang Do;Kim, Woo Sung;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won Dong;Koh, Younsuck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2003
  • Background : Histamine is widely distributed in the lung. It increases capillary permeability and the P-selectin expression on vascular endothelial cell surfaces. We studied the role of endogenous histamine on the pathogenesis of endotoxin-induced acute lung injury (ALI) in rats. Methods: We instilled either normal saline (control group) or lipopolysaccharide (3 mg/Kg, LPS group) to tracheas of Sprague-Dawley rats. H1-receptor blocker (mepyramine, 10 mg/Kg, H1RB group), H2-receptor blocker (ranitidine, 10 mg/Kg, H2RB group), and H3-receptor blocker (thioperamide, 2 mg/Kg, H3RB group) were administered through vein or peritoneum along with intratracheal LPS administration. Statistical significance was accepted at p<0.05. Results : LPS increases the histamine level in BAL fluid significantly at 2 h after the treatment compared with control group. LPS significantly increases protein concentration, PMN cell count in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in the lung tissue at 6 h compared to control group. PMN cell count in BAL fluid and MPO activity in lung tissue were significantly lower in H2RB-group compared to LPS-group. However, protein concentration in BAL fluid showed no significant differences between the LPS alone and LPS with histamine receptor blockade. Conclusions : Endogenous histamine might be involved in the recruitment of PMNs in LPS-induced ALI via H2 receptor. However, its role in ALI would not be significant in this model.

Arm Morbidity after Breast Cancer Treatments and Analysis of Related Factors (유방암 환자의 상지 부작용과 관련 요인)

  • Chun Mi Son;Moon Seong Mi;Lee hye Jin;Lee Eun-Hyun;Song Yeoung Suk;Chung Yong Sik;Park Hee Bung;Kang Seung Hee
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : To evaluate the incidence of arm morbidity following breast cancer surgery including axillary dissection and to identify related factors. Materials and Methods : One hundred and fifty nine patients were studied using a self-report questionnaire and a clinical examination. Lymphedema, reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint and subjective symptoms (pain, impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness) were evaluated. As related factors, demographic, oncologic characteristics and types of treatment were analysed. Results : The incidence of lymphedema (2 cm difference comparing to unaffected arm) was 6.3%, 10.7%, 22.5% and 23.3% at each 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, and 40 cm from wrist. Reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint ( 20 degree difference comparing to unaffected arm) was noted In more than 1/3 patients for flexion, abduction and internal rotation. Especially the reduction of range of motion in internal rotation was severe (>50% reduction) in 1/3 patients. Approximately 50 to 60% of patients complained impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness and pain. Body mass index (BMI) was the significant risk factor for lymphedema. Conclusion : Lymphedema was present in 1/3 of patients and the common sites of edema were 30 cm 40 cm proximal from the wrist. Also most severe reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint was with internal rotation. There needs weight control for lymphedema because BMI was the significant risk factor for lymphedema. Also rehabilitation program for range of motion especially internal rotation In shoulder joint should be developed.