• Title/Summary/Keyword: History taking

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DNA Damage in Lymphocytes after Hair Dyeing and Related Factors among Women Volunteers (일부 자원 여성에서 모발염색 후 림프구의 DNA손상과 관련 요인)

  • Cho, Jin-A;Oh, Eun-Ha;Sull, Dong-Geun;Lee, Eun-Il
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2002
  • Objectives : To evaluate the DNA damage by hair dyeing in human lymphocytes Methods : Comet assays were carried out to evaluate the DNA damage in lymphocytes by hair dyeing. Twenty subjects were selected from women volunteers whose age ranged from 55 to 67 year old. All subjects had no smoking history. Blood samples were collected before and 6 hours after hair dyeing. DNA damage was evaluated by means of the tail moments, which were quantified by a KOMET 4.0 image analysis system. Results : The tail moments before hair dyeing showed no significant differences among subjects except for the high frequency group. The mean values of the tail moments in subjects with low and high frequencies of hair dyeing were 1.39 and 1.77, respectively (p<0.05). The tail moments after hair dyeing increased significantly, The mean values of tail moments in subjects before and after hair dyeing were 1.45 and 1.79, respectively (p<0.01). However, the difference levels of DNA damage in lymphocytes before and after hair dyeing were found to be slightly lower in both the dietary supplement taking group and high frequency group. Conclusions : The high frequency group appears to have a higher level of DNA damage than the low frequency group before hair dyeing. DNA damage in lymphocytes was found to be significantly higher in the volunteers after hair dyeing. In this study, the related factors such as high frequency and taking dietary supplements appeard to reduce DNA damage in lymphocytes after hair dyeing.

Two Case Reports of Elderly Patients with Anorexia: the Importance of Confirming Medication and a Potential Infectious Disease (식욕부진을 주소로 내원한 노인 환자 증례 2례 - 복약력 확인 및 감염 관리의 중요성)

  • Joo, Seonghee;An, Soyeon;Hur, Soyoung;Jang, Eungyeong;Kim, Youngchul;Lee, Jang-Hoon
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.491-498
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study aimed to put clinical emphasis on the importance of considering medical precautions, such as drug history and a possible infection, when treating elderly patients. Methods: We closely observed two elderly female patients aged 79 and 76 who had been hospitalized for the treatment of anorexia at the Department of Hepato-Hemopoietic System, Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital in April 2018 for 5 and 9 days, respectively. Results: Through an elaborate medical investigation including a detailed inquiry and laboratory examinations, modifying some drugs and treating a urinary tract infection were preferentially needed to treat these two patients. In the first case, her overall symptoms, including anorexia, were improved after taking Dansambohyeol-tang combined with three types of antacids adjusted by holding 10 drugs in total, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that mainly causing chronic gastric ulcer. In the second case, the urinary tract infection was detected by blood test and urine analysis during the hospitalization period. After taking Geummogpaljeong-san and antibiotics for the treatment of the infection, the chief complaints including anorexia and the negative reaction to nitrite in the urinary analysis were improved. Conclusion: Considering the clinical precautions, including medications and infection possibility, is important especially when treating elderly patients.

International Legal Measures of Protection of Critical Infrastructure Facilities in Banking Sphere

  • Oleg, Batiuk;Oleg, Novikov;Oleksandr, Komisarov;Natalia, Benkovska;Nina, Anishchuk
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2022
  • Based on the obtained results of the study, the most problematic issues and legal conflicts are identified, which are related to the ratio of norms of domestic and foreign legislation, taking into account the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine and the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On international agreements". Along with this, it is stated in this scientific article that there are a number of provisions and examples of positive practice on the specified topic abroad and in international legal acts today, which should be used by Ukraine both in improving legislation on the issues of banking activity and in increasing the level of criminal legal protection of relevant critical infrastructure facilities, especially those that are substantively related to prevention and counteraction of activity, with regard to the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained funds, financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, which is quite relevant for our state, given the military conflict that is taking place on its territory in the Donbass. Again, in the same context, the need for more active cooperation between Ukraine and the FATF (international body developing a policy to combat money laundering) has been proven.

The Case of Toxicity Caused by Scopolia Japonica Ingestion Treated with Gamigamdu-Tang. (낭탕근(狼菪根) 중독 환자의 가미감두탕(加味甘豆湯) 투여 증례 1례)

  • Lee, Hye-Yoon;Cho, Su-In;Park, Hye-Lim;Cho, Min-Kyoung;Lee, In;Hong, Jin-Woo;Kwon, Jung-Nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2014
  • The prevalence rate of plant poisoning is growing up gradually. However, it could be difficult to get proper treatment without detail medical history taking due to the diversity of poisonous plants and their various symptoms. Scopolia Japonica, which grows naturally in Korea, is reported to cause severe toxicity which could be lethal. A few therapeutic measures have been reported in Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM), but it has not been reported yet that those measures have been successfully proven in the clinical practice in modern times. This is a case report of toxicity caused by scopolia japonica ingestion. A 65years-old male patient with cognitive impairment, behavioral disorder, gait difficulty, dysarthria, dysphagia and abnormal pupil reflex recovered from those symptoms during taking Gamigamdu-tang and getting acupuncture. This study shows the clinical aspects of Scopolia Japonica toxicity and the possibility of TKM treatments as one of plant poisoning treatments.

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The Comparative Study of Oriental Medicine in Korea, Japan and China (한국(韓國)과 일본(日本) 및 중국(中國)의 동양의학(東洋醫學)에 대한 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Cho, Ki-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.271-298
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    • 1998
  • During these days of new understanding, western medicine has developed remarkably and a revaluation of traditional medicine has been achieved. This appears to have resulted from the sound criticisms of what western medicine has achieved up to now; excessive subdivisions of clinical medicine, severe toxicity of chemical drugs, lack of understanding about patients complaints which cannot be understood objectively, and etc. It is thought that the role of traditional medicine will be more important in the future than it is now. Someone said that the research methods of traditional medicine depends on the way of experimental science too much. That there was no consideration of a system for traditional medicine and the critic also went so far as to assert that in some cases the characteristics of eastern ideas is to permit irrationalism itself. In view of this thinking, the term traditional medicine seems to have been used somewhat too vaguely. However, traditional medicine is a medical treatment which has existed since before the appearance of modern medicine and it was formed from a traditional culture with a long history. One form of traditional medicine, oriental medicine based upon ancient Chinese medicine, was received in such countries as Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Tibet, and Mongolia. Oriental medicine then developed in accordance with its own environment, race, national characteristics, and history. Although there are some simultaneous differences between them, three nations in Eastern Asia; Korea, Japan, and China, have especially similar features in their clinical prescriptions and medical literature. These three nations are trying to understand each others unique traditional medicines through numerous exchanges. Even though many differences in their ways of studying have developed over history exist, recent academic discussions have been made to explore new ways into oriental medicine. Therefore a comparative study of oriental medicine has gradually been thought to be more important. In Korea the formation of a new future-oriented paradigm for oriental medicine is being demanded. The purpose of the new paradigm is to create a new recognition of traditional culture which creates an understanding of oriental medicine to replace the diminished understanding of oriental medicine that was brought about by the self-denial of traditional culture in modem history and cultural collisions between oriental and occidental points of view. Therefore, to make a new paradigm for oriental medicine which is suitable for these days, and fortifies the merit of oriental medicine while compensating its defects, the author has compared the characteristics of oriental medicines in Korea, Japan, and China. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The fundamental differences of the traditional medicines of these three nations are caused by the differences in the systems of Naekyung and Sanghannon. 2. The pattern-identification of illnesses is generally divided into two categories; the pattern identification of Zang-Fu and the pattern identification of prescription. 3. There are many differences in the definition of terms, such as Yin and Yang, Deficiency and Excess, and etc. 4. Chinese traditional medicine has some new concepts about pattern identification and epidemic febrile disease. 5. Japanese traditional medicine has some characteristics about pattern identification of the whole bodys condition and signs of abdominal palpation. 6. In terms of the effects of herbal drugs, Chinese traditional medicine attaches great importance to the experiential efficacy of the herb, and Japanese traditional medicine is taking a serious view of the effects of experimental medical actions.

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A Study on Images of the Pulse Diagnosis (맥진(脈診)에 관한 도상(圖像)연구)

  • Han, Bong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2009
  • The Pulse diagnosis is in the boundary of the Four Examinations, and it is called 切診, or palpation. It has a great impact on people in reminding of the Traditional Medicine that it is probably the first thing that people think of when they hear about Traditional Medicine. Hu-Jun quoted in the Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine "東醫寶鑑" that the doctor finds out the deficiency and the excess of the meridian of the patiant through the pulse, and that it is of the utmost necessity to know the "deficiency and the excess" of the meridian to decide the formula (君臣佐使) of the herbal medicine and the acupuncture/moxibustion treatment. The research on the studies of pulse diagnosis have been concentrated on the origin, history, and the theory of the pulse diagnosis throughout the years; however, the number of research on the image from the classics on pulse diagnosis have been less. With this in mind, this paper was written to study more on the origin and the history of the pulse diagnosis as well as to study on the image of pulse diagnosis shown on the classics on Traditional Medicine in China and Korea. The history of the pulse diagnosis has its root on the attempt to find out what is happening inside the body through the indication of the small changes of the pulse that is shown on the outer boundaries of the body. There were various kinds of pulse diagnosis including "Three positions and nine indicators method" and "Carotid pulsation and wrist pulse method" in the ancient period, and wrist pulse-taking method became the most popular since the completion of studying on palpation by 初보. The image of the palpation helps the rudimentary practitioners of Traditional Medicine. They are divided into two large categories, which are the area of diagnosis and the shape of the pulse itself. The historical classics including the image of the pulse diagnosis can be found since the Song Dynasty of China. There are various kinds of image of pulse diagnosis in the classic such as "The picture of the hand meridian" from "脈訣指掌病式圖說", "The picture of the image of meridian" from "察病指南", "The picture of the Seven exterior and Eight interior" from "校正圖注脈訣", and "The picture of the six parts of meridian" from Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine "東醫寶鑑". The Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine "東醫寶鑑" have analyzed the basic theories and made up the standards of pulse diagnosis by establishing "The picture of the six parts of meridian" based on "The method of placing the viscera and bowels corresponding to cun-guan-qi, or the meridian".

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The Historical Understanding of the U. S. Secret Records Management (미국의 비밀기록관리체제에 대한 역사적 이해)

  • Lee, Kyong-Rae
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.23
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    • pp.257-297
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    • 2010
  • The U. S. government has a long history to classify and manage governmental records which are created, collected, and preserved for itself. During the colonial period before the independence, the U. S. mostly practiced the maintenances of secret records and restrictions of access to the records following a long convention without any specific legal authority. Since establishment of the U. S. Constitution, the government had kept secret records on the basis of constitutional authority. However, the U. S. government began to take shape the secret records management system when it participated in the World War I, which required the system to reflect the needs in reality to manage drastic increases in important military and foreign relation documents. The World War II made the U. S. government strengthen its secret records management system, and its conception of secret records management system at that time has sustained until now. It can be said that the current secret records management system of the U. S. government continues to be managed by constitutional authorities and the executive orders which are opt to change. This article intends to review the secret records management system of the U. S. from the initial history of the U. S. to the Cold War. To understand its system of secret management, the paper investigates the U. S. secret records management history by dividing into three periods: the period of establishment of its tradition(the Colonial era~just before the WWI); the period of taking shape of its system (the WWI~the WWII); and the period of current conception of its system. The criteria of these divisions are created based on the differences of the laws relevant to the secret records and the application methods of secret management system in reality.

A Case of Pentastomiasis at the Left Maxilla Bone in a Patient with Thyroid Cancer

  • Cho, Eunae Sandra;Jung, Seung Wook;Jung, Hwi-Dong;Lee, In Yong;Yong, Tai-Soon;Jeong, Su Jin;Kim, Hyun Sil
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.433-437
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    • 2017
  • Pentastomiasis, a zoonotic parasite infection, is typically found in the respiratory tract and viscera of the host, including humans. Here, we report for the first time an extremely rare case of intraosseous pentastomiasis in the human maxilla suffering from medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). A 55-year-old male had continuously visited the hospital for MRONJ which had primarily developed after bisphosphonate and anti-neoplastic administration for previous bone metastasis of medullary thyroid cancer. Pain, bone exposure, and pus discharge in the right mandible and left maxilla were seen. Osteolysis with maxillary cortical bone perforation at the left buccal vestibule, palate, nasal cavity, and maxillary sinus was observed by radiologic images. A biopsy was done at the left maxilla and through pathological evaluation, a parasite with features of pentastome was revealed within the necrotic bone tissue. Further history taking and laboratory evaluation was done. The parasite was suspected to be infected through maxillary open wounds caused by MRONJ. Awareness of intraosseous pentastomiasis should be emphasized not to be missed behind the MRONJ. Proper evaluation and interpretation for past medical history may lead to correct differential diagnosis and therapeutic intervention for parasite infections.

A Study Of Aft Nouveau Ceramics (아르누보 도자기에 관한 연구)

  • 유미자
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2000
  • Taking a look at art history around the world reveals the presence of ceramics in a wide range of areas. There have been many changes and developments over the years, but especially notable is the fact that in the course of history, the craft of ceramics has become an aesthetic art form rather than serving the original purpose of providing daily object of necessity. The Art Nouveau movement had peat influence in the development of ceramics before and after 19$^{th}$ century, and its inherent style continues to be copied and produced to modem day. The Art Nouveau style can today be seen particularly in contemporary tableware designs reflecting its graceful motifs that are now richly presenting themselves on table settings. This study looks at the possibilites of Art Nouveau in ceramics, namely by combining both traditional formativ qualities and contemporary visual inspirations to seek new expressions of beauty. In order to document records and analyze formative developments of Art Nouveau, representative pieces have been chronologically presented to cover the period from 1895 to the present.

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Results of Culture Test at the Time of Removal of Metal Implants Used for Ankle Fracture Management (족관절 골절 치료에 사용한 금속 내고정물 제거 수술 시 시행한 균 배양 검사의 결과)

  • Chung, Hyung-Jin;Bae, Su-Young;Yu, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.68-71
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report the results of culture test at the time of removal of metal devices used for management of ankle fractures and for analysis of contributing factors. Materials and Methods: We reviewed medical records of 132 patients with lower tibia and ankle fracture who had their metal devices removed during the period from January 2010 to February 2014. Patients with clinical signs of infection were excluded. Culture test was performed by taking the granulation tissue around the metal device at the time of removal. We divided the subjects into two groups, culture positive and negative. We then performed a retrospective review of each medical record of multiple factors that might contribute to the culture results, including laboratory results, medical history, material and size of metal device, indwelling period, and whether or not it was open injury. Results: Among 132 cases, six were culture positive. Enterococcus was detected in two cases and the others were Staphylococcus. No significant difference in medical history of patients and laboratory results, including C-reactive protein level, was observed between the culture positive and negative group. Culture positive rate was 5.4% in titanium and 3.9% in stainless steel. In terms of metal size, culture positive rate was 5.1% in small plates, 6.7% in large plates, and culture negative in intramedullary nails. The average indwelling period of metal device was 61.5 weeks in the culture positive group, and 68.6 weeks in the negative group. Nine cases were open fractures and all were in the culture negative group. Conclusion: Whether or not the culture result was positive, there were no meaningful contributing factors. Presence of bacterium on the metal device could not be screened by any laboratory results or other factors.