• Title/Summary/Keyword: Historic Area

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Study on design methods for museum restoration of modern architecture - Centering on cases of restoration modern architecture which fulfilled its epochal function to museum - (근대건축물의 뮤지엄 재생을 위한 디자인방법에 관한 연구 - 시대적 기능을 다한 근대건축물이 뮤지엄으로 재생된 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, In-Seob;Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2011
  • Throughout the world, interest in issues relevant to energy, resources, environment, etc, is ever soaring. Therefore, the restoration of modern architecture that fulfilled its epochal function is working as a cultural, historic medium. In addition, it also plays its role in the side of environmental approach and so on. Moreover, the museum, which was only used for the possession of art collections and exhibition purposes, is currently expanding its scale and range as the center of culture and education. Also in reality, with the use of various programs, it is globally pursuing urban vitalizations. This study looks at the meaning of modem architecture restoration as well as its relationship with urban area. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to look for design method's direction by finding the relevance between modem architecture restoration and museum during the restoration. This study is based on transformation and preservation scale during the restoration of modern architecture. It analyzed plane and design direction. Additionally, this study analyzed the architectural and regional effect caused by restoration. As a result, in accordance with the direction of museum and the usage, scale, structure as well as superficial aging condition of previous architecture, it shows difference in design methods in the process of restoration. The exterior of architecture was restored and preserved to its original form in order to show the symbolical form through historical value. This is essential to the modern museum. On the other hand, the interior of architecture put more value on utilization concept that its preservation and thus was restored accordingly. However, in all the cases, previous architecture were commonly used and even when alterations and additions were made due to aging and their change in usage, they were restored in a way that preserved and harmonized previous architecture. If the design method for restoration of modern architecture selects the restoration method by considering problems related to location, building value, structure, if it is studied from various angles and is restored after considering its usage as a museum, then we will be able to generate cultural and historical synergy effect. Furthermore, apart from architecture, it will have great impact on urban vitalizations.

Contents Construction of 'Sea of Korea' Using European Antique Maps (서양고지도를 활용한 '동해' 전시 콘텐츠구성 방안)

  • Oh, Il-Whan;Lee, Seung-Su
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.208-219
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    • 2010
  • Antique maps are a cultural heritage of recorded information with distinguished pictorial and scientific value. They have been utilized in a variety of academic fields, especially in historical geography, as the most fundamental data to look into the restoration of space or historic changes of area from the past. However, there is no sufficient study on the development of contents using antique maps in the exhibitions. Furthermore, there is almost no content research on the antique maps integrating the academic programs in museums or art galleries. In particular, it is very difficult to find research on the approaches to configure or utilize the exhibition contents related to the Sea of Korea using European antique maps. This study examined the construction of educational contents in order to use the European antique maps including the Sea of Korea as well as Korea itself in the exhibitions. The results of this study may visualize the results of academic research on the territory and territorial waters of Korea and extensively acknowledge them as scientific data all over the world. Furthermore, this study aimed to create the opportunity to increase interest in the Sea of Korea and recognize it again, to find the contents construction to use European antique maps as academic data for exhibition and education in museums or cultural facilities and to provide a basic model for history education using antique maps.

Evaluation on Geological Structures to Secure Long-term Safety of Nuclear Facility Sites (원자력시설물 부지의 장기적 안전성 확보를 위한 지질구조 평가)

  • Jin, Kwangmin;Kim, Young-Seog
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2018
  • Many large earthquakes have continuously been reported and resulted in significant human casualties and extensive damages to properties globally. The accident of Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was caused by a mega-tsunami, which is a secondary effect associated with the Tohoku large earthquake (M=9.0, 2011. 3. 11.). Most earthquakes occur by reactivation of pre-existing active faults. Therefore, the importance of paleoseismological study have greatly been increased. The Korean peninsula has generally been considered to be a tectonically stable region compared with neighboring countries such as Japan and Taiwan, because it is located on the margin of the Eurasian intra-continental region. However, the recent earthquakes in Gyeongju and Pohang have brought considerable insecurity on earthquake hazard. In particular, this region should be secure against earthquake, because many nuclear facilties and large industrial facilities are located in this area. However, some large earthquakes have been reported in historic documents and also several active faults have been reported in southeast Korea. This study explains the evaluation methods of geological structures on active fault, fault damage zone, the relationship between earthquake and active fault, and respect distance. This study can contribute to selection of safe locations for nuclear facilities and to earthquake hazards and disaster prevention.


    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2016
  • The Silk Route in ancient times served as a link between the World's greatest civilizations and as a source of knowledge, art, religion and philosophy. This network of ancient caravan paths formed the first bridge between East and West, where two different civilizations came in contact with their respective cultural traditions and religious beliefs, as well as their scientific and technological achievements. One of the main routes of the Great Silk Route passed through the Karakoram, linking Kashgar with Kashmir and the Gandhara regions. The Karakoram Highway connects the Chinese province with Pakistan and follows the ancient Silk Route, which connected the Heartlands of Asia with the Western fringes and further beyond the entire continent of Europe. Evidences of the history of humankind, ranging from Pre-historic times to the spread of Buddhism from South Asia to China and the Far East, is depicted in the rocky cliffs on the waysides and on rough boulders scattered in the upper valley of the Indus River and its tributaries. The ancient trade routes also carried scholars, teachers, missionaries and monks of different beliefs and practices, who met and exchanged ideas. The Buddhists as well as Zoroastrians and other missionaries all followed the Silk Route, leaving permanent footprints of their passage. The ancient greater Gandhara is situated in the North-West of the Indian Sub-continent, with the steep mountain ranges of the Karakoram, the Pamir and the Hindu-Kush bordering it and the dry areas of Central Asia to its rear. A number of races from Central Asia migrated to Gandhara because of its mild climate and plentiful farm products and fruits. This area was an entry point of Western Culture into India and at the same times the exit point of Indian Culture, including Buddhism, to the West. In Gandhara, the diffusion of different cultures developed an art form, during the 1-7th centuries CE commonly known after its geographic name as "Gandhara Art". The Buddhism's route of introduction into China originated in Gandhara, then reached in Korea and Japan and other countries. The fame of Gandhara however, rested on its capital, "Taxila" which was a great centre of learning. From the time of the Achaemenians, down through Muslim period, Gandhara continued to establish and maintain a link between East & West, as shown by material evidences recovered from Taxila and other Buddhist centres of Gandhara during the course of archaeological excavations.

The Case Study on Understanding and Adjustment about the Family Living Culture in Marriage Emigration Females - Focused on Mothers in a Day- Care Center in Seoul - (결혼이주여성의 가정생활문화 이해 및 적응에 관한 사례 연구 -서울지역 어린이집 어머니를 대상으로-)

  • Lee, Ae-Lyeon
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.299-321
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how marriage migration females understand and adjust to the culture of family life in Korea. The study was the conducted by extensively interviewing one member from each of a total of 16 women's multicultural families at a daycare center area in Seoul between June 16, 2010 and July 28, 2010. The results can be summarized as follows: All interviewees were marriage migration females, in the range 20 to 50 years of age, and with middle educational backgrounds. They all had middle-level incomes. Through the content analysis of the informants' responses, three major factors were found to influence the understanding and adjustment of to the culture of family living: personal factors, familial support, and sociocultural support systems. Among the personal factors, the intimacy of the married couples was trouble major factor. An issue that tended to arise was that Korean husbands' traditional culture in terms of their way of thinking was often different from that of the wife's culture. However, husbands supported their wives' outside activities and friendships in order to help them adjust to the culture of family living. The husbands made an effort to understand their wives' original culture and national food, often visiting restaurants that served their wives' national cuisine. In terms of familial support, the most important factors affecting marriage migration females were orienting the education of children to the mother's native language, cooking their national foods, and visiting the mother's nation with the children. Marriage migration females had the following requires: The teacher in the daycare center needed to be interested in children from multicultural families and encourage self-pride in the marriage migration females' children. In terms of sociocultural support systems, marriage migration females are conscious of the indisposition and lack of consideration in Korean life. However, the Korean government and local provinces are concentrating attention on education for marriage migration females in terms of language, because learning the language can help these women to become accustomed to the rituals of Korean life. Marriage migration females make an effort to understand and adjust to Korean family living culture that involves the food culture for ceremonial occasions, folk plays, and places of historic interest. A matter of importance is Korean people's effort to understand and adjust to multicultural family with their distinctive cultures. Welfare policy related to multicultural families involves adopting supportive laws and actions.

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A Development of Necktie Design in Western Art (서양 예술작품에 나타난 넥타이의 역사적 고찰)

  • Lee Eui-Jung;Chung Se-Hui
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2006
  • This study aimed to investigate the sociocultural phenomena which affected to clothing change in 1650-1900 and to examine the features of men's necktie in the western art. For this study, information about historic neckwear is obtained from the visual evidence of painted or engraved portraits, contemporary written sources. The covered area of this study was Europe mainly England and France. For this process, research steps were as follows : 1. Investigating the sociocultural phenomena which affect to clothing change through 1650-1900 and analysis of men's clothing and appearance. 2. Finding the changing characteristics of neckties including it's different types, shapes, knots, colors and materials and analyzing similarities and differences of neckties by the times. 3. Examining necktie as one of important and representative icons of male gender identity. The results of the study was as follows: 1. In 1660-1900, men's fashion was simplified in color and detail due to the influence of practical Puritanism and matured civil culture. And British men's fashion spreaded throughout whole European countries and get popularity. 2. In 1650-1720, there were band, cravat and steinkirk. And expecially cravatier, a expert custodian of cravats, was appeared in that period. In 1720-1800, there were stock, solitaire and cravat. In 1800-1850, neckwear were popularized and got various sizes and types up to shape and size of chemise collars. Black stock, scarf cravat and shawl cravat were popular and terms of 'necktie' were used for an certain neckcloth shape. And abundant literature for necktie were published thanks to the development of printing technology in that period. In 1851-1900, the leady-made neckties were spreaded and there were changes in shape, length, knot of necktie up to V-zone formed with shirt's collars and vest types. Neckwear was gradually evolving through four distinct styles, bow tie, scarf or neckerchief, Ascot and four-in-hand. 3. After the mid-l7th Century, as civil culture matured and splendid and extravagant colorful men's wear disappeared, British men's fashion spreaded throughout whole European countries and got popularity. The necktie become an essential ornamental accessory of men's fashion and one of important and representative icons of male gender identity.

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Quaternary Fault Activity of the Yangsan Fault Zone in the Samnam-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan, Korea (울산광역시 울주군 삼남면 일대에 발달한 양산단층대의 제4기 단층운동)

  • Yang, Joo-Seok;Lee, Hee-Kwon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2014
  • We investigated space-time patterns of Quaternary fault activity of the Yangsan fault zone using ESR ages in the Samnam-myeon region, Ulsan, Korea. Some of fault gouge zones consist of well-defined bands which added to the older gouge band, indicative of reactivation. During addition of new bands, the older gouge band was inactive, which represents the type I faulting mode. ESR analyses of each band of the gouge zone allow us to construct history of fault movement. The entire fault gouge zones were reactivated by type III faulting mode giving us ESR ages of the lastest reactivation. ESR dates show temporal clustering into active and inactive periods analogous to historic and paleoseismic fault activities. ESR ages and dates of fault movements indicate migration of fault activities along the Yangsan Fault Zone. Segments of the Quaternary faults in the study area are branched in the south of Sangcheon site. The earliest record of activity in segmented faults is recorded from the western segment to the northern segment. Before 750~850 ka ago, the fault gouge zone from the western segment to the northern segment were active. At 750~850 ka ago, the fault gouge zone from the eastern segment to the northern segment were active. During 630~660 ka and 480~540 ka only the northern segment was active. After 340 ka ago, the fault gouge zone from the western segment to the northern segment were active again.

Case Study for Rural Landscape Analysis Used by GIS Technology - Focused on the Jeiu Stone Wall Landscape - (GIS를 활용한 농촌경관 분석 사례연구 - 제주도 돌담경관을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yong-Bok;Chung, Moon-Sub
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.3 s.38
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    • pp.349-361
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    • 2006
  • New directions on rural policy have been discussed due to the domestic and international environmental changes such as the price degradation of agricultural products, maintenance of rural landscape, and so on. Development of amenity in rural areas has been come out as the one of new policy directions. Amenity defines as, in a very broad way, the public benefits accruing from the condition of a place, such as aesthetic beauty, clean air and water, or good street lighting. Amenity in rural area is referred as a resource with a potential possibility for development. Among them rural landscape is regarded as the one of major resources. In Jeju, particularly, stone wall retains the most esthetic landscape in rural regions. In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism appointed stone wall as the one of important components in rural landscape and one of the 100 national historic symbols. Stone wall in Jeju has its intrinsic and real value and is widespread in rural regions. However, in spite of it's popularity, the landscape of stone wall has been degraded without any concerns and has been partly destroyed. Landscape of stonewall should be maintained and the depth of concerns and systematic management measures for protection should be discussed. In this sense, the purpose of this paper, first of all, is to examine the status of stone wall and to evaluate the landscape of stone wall in Jeju. GIS is used as an analysis tool. Several areas such as Hankyung, Namyeup, and so on in Jeju are selected as the case areas for this study.

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A study on SiJo in Dongkwang magazine (『동광』의 시조 연구)

  • Ahn, Yeong-Gil
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.44
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2016
  • This these studies on SiJo to be published Dongkwang magazine. Dongkwang magazine was published from 1926 to 1933 but in the concrete it proceeded for three years two month. It was published a little SiJo and SiJo would reflected a phenomenon of society and a character of literature. A representative characters of the Si-Jo in substance at that time was summed up three. First it described a warmth of farm village. Expecially make full use of a sensuous description expressed a landscape of farm village. Otherwise it revealed a life of austerity in farming area. Second it reflected a phenomenon of return to their home village. People who was familiar with their country loved to come back their old home. To relax their mind and body they came back home and they pursuit romantic life. Third it was a poetry of historical retrospect. Although their country was colonial situation they longed fot their country's independence. Because of this anxiety they expressed their heart by means of old sijo. Mainly using old castle, ring, historic site they revealed a hidden feelings thst they had. It was a sorrow, an eager, remembrance etc. In spite of a poor surroundings they sang hope, romance, an possibility of independence. and so SiJo reflected the phases of the times.

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Present and Future of Thermoplastic Elastomers As Environmentally Friendly Organic Materials (친환경 유기 소재로서 열가소성 탄성체의 오늘과 내일)

  • Choi, Eun-Ji;Yoon, Ji-Hwan;Jo, Jung-Kyu;Shim, Sang-Eun;Yun, Ju-Ho;Kim, Il
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.170-187
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    • 2010
  • Much interest on the thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) has recently been attracted in commercial fields as well as scientific and applied researches. The TPEs have their own characteristic area especially in relation with block copolymers as well as many other polymeric materials, since they show interesting features displayed by the conventional vulcanized rubber, and at the same time, by the thermoplastics. In addition, they are characterized by a set of interesting properties inherent to block and graft copolymers, variety of blends and vulcanized materials. The importance of TPE as organic materials can be evaluated by the number of published reports (papers, patents, technical reports, etc). The input of the concept 'thermoplastic elastomer' to SciFinderScholar yields 18,508 results between 1939 and July 10, 2010, and the number increased exponentially after the mid of 1990. For the suitable introduction of the TPE, historic, scientific, technical and commercial considerations should be taken into account. This review article starts with a brief discussion on historical considerations, followed by a introduction of the main preparations and analytical techniques utilized in chemical, structural, and morphological studies. The properties, processing tools, the position among organic materials, and applications of TPEs are also briefly reviewed. Finally, the most probable trends of their future development are discussed in a short final remarks.