• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-rise Structures

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Application of Total Station for Structure and Terrain Displacement Monitoring (구조물 및 지형변위 모니터링을 위한 토털스테이션의 활용)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Um, Dae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.582-587
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    • 2020
  • Recently, disasters caused by extreme weather and the damage caused by them are increasing worldwide. The interest in disasters, such as earthquakes, typhoons, and ground subsidence, is increasing in Korea. Korea has enacted a special law based on disaster management, and has built monitoring systems for individual facility units by building precision sensors and related systems to measure the displacement status of long bridges and high-rise composite buildings. On the other hand, the application of a real-time monitoring system is insufficient for slopes, open-pit mines, small and medium structures due to weather, measurement methods, cost, and constant monitoring difficulties. In this study, the displacement monitoring method using the total station was studied and the applicability was suggested through the experiment. Through the research, the concept and operation flow of a monitoring system that can measure the displacement of the terrain or the structure using the total station was presented. The monitoring system allows the user to select the location and operation method of the equipment so that the equipment can be installed according to the site situation, and set the number of observations, the period, and the observation range of the object. Using the experiment on the monitoring system, the station was monitored with precision within 5mm, and it was suggested that the displacement of the object can be monitored using the total station. Further research will be needed to assess the applicability of monitoring to real slopes and structures.

Efficient Floor Vibration Analysis in A Shear Wall Building Structure (벽식구조물의 효율적인 연직진동해석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Su;Lee, Dong-Guen
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.6 s.40
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2004
  • Recently, many high-rise apartment buildings using the box system, composed of only reinforced concrete walls and slabs, have been constructed. In residential buildings such as apartments, vibrations occur from various sources and these vibrations transfer to neighboring residential units through walls and slabs. It is necessary to use a refined finite element model for an accurate vibration analysis of shear wall building structures. But it would take significant amount of computational time and memory if the entire building structure were subdivided into a finer mesh. Therefore, an efficient analytical method, which has only translational DOFs perpendicular to walls or slabs by the matrix condensation technique, is proposed in this study to obtain accurate results in significantly reduced computational time. If all of the DOFs except those perpendicular to walls or slabs in the shear wall structure eliminated using the matrix condensation technique at a time, the computational time for the matrix condensation would be significant. Thus, the modeling technique using super elements and substructuring technique is proposed to reduce the computational time for the matrix condensation. Dynamic analysis of 3-story and 5-story shear wall example structures were performed to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method. It was confirmed that the proposed method can provide the results with outstanding accuracy requiring significantly reduced computational time and memory.

Wheel tread defect detection for high-speed trains using FBG-based online monitoring techniques

  • Liu, Xiao-Zhou;Ni, Yi-Qing
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.687-694
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    • 2018
  • The problem of wheel tread defects has become a major challenge for the health management of high-speed rail as a wheel defect with small radius deviation may suffice to give rise to severe damage on both the train bogie components and the track structure when a train runs at high speeds. It is thus highly desirable to detect the defects soon after their occurrences and then conduct wheel turning for the defective wheelsets. Online wheel condition monitoring using wheel impact load detector (WILD) can be an effective solution, since it can assess the wheel condition and detect potential defects during train passage. This study aims to develop an FBG-based track-side wheel condition monitoring method for the detection of wheel tread defects. The track-side sensing system uses two FBG strain gauge arrays mounted on the rail foot, measuring the dynamic strains of the paired rails excited by passing wheelsets. Each FBG array has a length of about 3 m, slightly longer than the wheel circumference to ensure a full coverage for the detection of any potential defect on the tread. A defect detection algorithm is developed for using the online-monitored rail responses to identify the potential wheel tread defects. This algorithm consists of three steps: 1) strain data pre-processing by using a data smoothing technique to remove the trends; 2) diagnosis of novel responses by outlier analysis for the normalized data; and 3) local defect identification by a refined analysis on the novel responses extracted in Step 2. To verify the proposed method, a field test was conducted using a test train incorporating defective wheels. The train ran at different speeds on an instrumented track with the purpose of wheel condition monitoring. By using the proposed method to process the monitoring data, all the defects were identified and the results agreed well with those from the static inspection of the wheelsets in the depot. A comparison is also drawn for the detection accuracy under different running speeds of the test train, and the results show that the proposed method can achieve a satisfactory accuracy in wheel defect detection when the train runs at a speed higher than 30 kph. Some minor defects with a depth of 0.05 mm~0.06 mm are also successfully detected.

Study on Combined Use of Inclination and Acceleration for Displacement Estimation of a Wind Turbine Structure (경사 및 가속도 계측자료 융합을 통한 풍력 터빈의 변위 추정)

  • Park, Jong-Woong;Sim, Sung-Han;Jung, Byung-Jin;Yi, Jin-Hak
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2015
  • Wind power systems have gained much attention due to the relatively high reliability, good infrastructures and cost competitiveness to the fossil fuels. Advances have been made to increase the power efficiency of wind turbines while less attention has been focused on structural integrity assessment of structural sub-systems such as towers and foundations. Among many parameters for integrity assessment, the most perceptive parameter may be the induced horizontal displacement at the hub height although it is very difficult to measure particularly in large-scale and high-rise wind turbine structures. This study proposes an indirect displacement estimation scheme based on the combined use of inclinometers and accelerometers for more convenient and cost-effective measurements. To this end, (1) the formulation for data fusion of inclination and acceleration responses was presented and (2) the proposed method was numerically validated on an NREL 5 MW wind turbine model. The numerical analysis was carried out to investigate the performance of the propose method according to the number of sensors, the resolution and the available sampling rate of the inclinometers to be used.

Investigation of Hydraulic Flow Properties around the Mouths of Deep Intake and Discharge Structures at Nuclear Power Plant by Numerical Model (수치모의를 통한 원자력 발전소 심층 취·배수 구조물 유·출입구 주변에서의 수리학적 흐름특성 고찰)

  • Lee, Sang Hwa;Yi, Sung Myeon;Park, Byong Jun;Lee, Han Seung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.2A
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2012
  • A cooling system is indispensable for the fossil and nuclear power plants which produce electricity by rotating the turbines with hot steam. A cycle of the typical cooling system includes pumping of seawater at the intake pump house, exchange of heat at the condenser, and discharge of hot water to the sea. The cooling type of the nuclear power plants in Korea recently evolves from the conventional surface intake/discharge systems to the submerged intake/discharge systems that minimize effectively an intake temperature rise of the existing plants and that are beneficial to the marine environment by reducing the high temperature region with an intensive dilution due to a high velocity jet and density differential at the mixing zone. It is highly anticipated that the future nuclear power plants in Korea will accommodate the submerged cooling system in credit of supplying the lower temperature water in the summer season. This study investigates the approach flow patterns at the velocity caps and discharge flow patterns from diffusers using the 3-D computational fluid dynamics code of $FLOW-3D^{(R)}$. The approach flow test has been conducted at the velocity caps with and without a cap. The discharge flow from the diffuser was simulated for the single-port diffuser and multi-ports diffuser. The flow characteristics to the velocity cap with a cap demonstrate that fish entrainment can significantly be minimized on account of the low vertical flow component around the cap. The flow pattern around the diffuser is well agreed with the schematic diagram by Jirka and Harleman.

The Relationship between Unsafe Acts and Fall Accident of Workers Using ETA (ETA를 활용한 근로자의 불안전한 행동과 떨어짐 사고의 관계)

  • Jeong, Eunbeen;Choi, Jaewook;Lee, Chansik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2020
  • The large-scaled and high-rise construction structures in recent years have increased high place work, leading to an increase in falling accidents (hereinafter, "accidents"). The need for prediction and management of unsafe acts of workers at construction sites has been raised as unsafe acts of workers are identified as the main cause of industrial accidents. This research aims at deriving the improvement effect of unsafe acts by presenting the relationship between unsafe acts of workers and accidents at construction sites as a probability. Unsafe acts of workers were derived based on the analysis of accident cases. In addition, surveys were conducted to calculate the probability of occurrence of accidents caused by unsafe acts (hereinafter, 'accident probability'). The Event Tree Analysis (ETA) was utilized to confirm the final probability according to the combination of unsafe acts and improvement effect. The accident probability by unsafe act was found to be the highest for working after drinking (95.41%) and to be the lowest for equipment and machine utilization (65.70%). The accident probability according to a combination of unsafe acts was the highest when all of the unsafe acts were conducted (13.23%) and was the lowest when none of the unsafe acts were conducted (0.00%).

Validating the Structural Behavior and Response of Burj Khalifa: Synopsis of the Full Scale Structural Health Monitoring Programs

  • Abdelrazaq, Ahmad
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2012
  • New generation of tall and complex buildings systems are now introduced that are reflective of the latest development in materials, design, sustainability, construction, and IT technologies. While the complexity in design is being overcome by the availability and advances in structural analysis tools and readily advanced software, the design of these buildings are still reliant on minimum code requirements that yet to be validated in full scale. The involvement of the author in the design and construction planning of Burj Khalifa since its inception until its completion prompted the author to conceptually develop an extensive survey and real-time structural health monitoring program to validate all the fundamental assumptions mad for the design and construction planning of the tower. The Burj Khalifa Project is the tallest structure ever built by man; the tower is 828 meters tall and comprises of 162 floors above grade and 3 basement levels. Early integration of aerodynamic shaping and wind engineering played a major role in the architectural massing and design of this multi-use tower, where mitigating and taming the dynamic wind effects was one of the most important design criteria established at the onset of the project design. Understanding the structural and foundation system behaviors of the tower are the key fundamental drivers for the development and execution of a state-of-the-art survey and structural health monitoring (SHM) programs. Therefore, the focus of this paper is to discuss the execution of the survey and real-time structural health monitoring programs to confirm the structural behavioral response of the tower during construction stage and during its service life; the monitoring programs included 1) monitoring the tower's foundation system, 2) monitoring the foundation settlement, 3) measuring the strains of the tower vertical elements, 4) measuring the wall and column vertical shortening due to elastic, shrinkage and creep effects, 5) measuring the lateral displacement of the tower under its own gravity loads (including asymmetrical effects) resulting from immediate elastic and long term creep effects, 6) measuring the building lateral movements and dynamic characteristic in real time during construction, 7) measuring the building displacements, accelerations, dynamic characteristics, and structural behavior in real time under building permanent conditions, 8) and monitoring the Pinnacle dynamic behavior and fatigue characteristics. This extensive SHM program has resulted in extensive insight into the structural response of the tower, allowed control the construction process, allowed for the evaluation of the structural response in effective and immediate manner and it allowed for immediate correlation between the measured and the predicted behavior. The survey and SHM programs developed for Burj Khalifa will with no doubt pioneer the use of new survey techniques and the execution of new SHM program concepts as part of the fundamental design of building structures. Moreover, this survey and SHM programs will be benchmarked as a model for the development of future generation of SHM programs for all critical and essential facilities, however, but with much improved devices and technologies, which are now being considered by the author for another tall and complex building development, that is presently under construction.

Integrated analysis and design of composite beams with flexible shear connectors under sagging and hogging moments

  • Wang, A.J.;Chung, K.F.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.459-477
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    • 2006
  • A theoretical research project is undertaken to develop integrated analysis and design tools for long span composite beams in modern high-rise buildings, and it aims to develop non-linear finite element models for practical design of composite beams. As the first paper in the series, this paper presents the development study as well as the calibration exercise of the proposed finite element models for simply supported composite beams. Other practical issues such as continuous composite beams, the provision of web openings for passage of building services, the partial continuity offered by the connections to columns as well as the behaviour of both unprotected and protected composite beams under fires will be reported separately. In this paper, details of the finite elements and the material models for both steel and reinforced concrete are first described, and finite element studies of composite beams with full details of test data are then presented. It should be noted that in the proposed finite element models, both steel beams and concrete slabs are modelled with two dimensional plane stress elements whose widths are assigned to be equal to the widths of concrete flanges, and the flange widths and the web thicknesses of steel beams as appropriate. Moreover, each shear connector is modelled with one horizontal spring and one vertical spring to simulate its longitudinal shear and pull-out actions based on measured load-slippage curves of push-out tests of shear connectors. The numerical results are then carefully analyzed and compared with the corresponding test results in terms of load mid-span deflection curves as well as load end-slippage curves. Other deformation characteristics of the composite beams such as stress and strain distributions across the composite cross-sections as well as distributions of shear forces and slippages in shear connectors along the beam spans are also examined in details. It is shown that the numerical results of the composite beams compare well with the test data in terms of various load-deformation characteristics along the entire deformation ranges. Hence, the proposed analysis and design tools are considered to be simple and yet effective for composite beams with practical geometrical dimensions and arrangements. Structural engineers are strongly encouraged to employ the models in their practical work to exploit the full advantages offered by composite construction.

Origin and Characteristics of Sand Ridges in the western Continental Shelf of Korean Peninsula (한반도 서부대륙붕에 발달한 사퇴의 발생기원과 특성)

  • 방효기;이차원
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 1994
  • From northeast to southwest, discontinuous sand ridges distribute on the western continental shelf of Korean Peninsular. The dimension of sand ridges is 3 to 21 m high, 3.1 to 6.8 km wavelength and 9-64 km long with 0.5 steep slope. they are probably originated and reformed by the intensity of tidal current according to the sea level rise. The characteristics of sand ridges revealed in study area are summarized as follows: (1) The sand ridges line up with the long axes of the tidal current ellipses, indicating a tidal control. (2) these are composed of two sedimentary sequences on the 3.5 kHz seismic profiles and core sediments. The upper sequence characterized by prolonged type is covered with thin veneer of massive fine sand(Mz, 2-3$\phi$) with Olive Gray(5Y 5/2). The lower sequence is characterized by internal reflector type with parallel and discontinuous. It consists of sandy mud or muddy sand(Mz, 5-7$\phi$) with laminar structures. the parallel internal reflectors are truncated on the slope of sand ridges. (3) Asymmetrical sand waves are superimposed on the sand ridges, and facing to the crest. However, symmetrical sand waves lie on the crest. Sand ridges having characteristics above is originated by scouring of tidal current, covered with coarase relict sediments, and modified by sadware.

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Behavior Characteristics of Shear Connector for Composite Behavior of Steel Composite Columns (강합성 부재의 합성거동을 위한 전단 연결재의 거동 특성)

  • Won, Deok Hee;Han, Taek Hee;Kim, Seungjun;Lee, Jung Hwa;Kang, Young Jong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1993-1999
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    • 2013
  • Steel composite structures have been studied in various areas such as bridges, high rise buildings, and wind towers. They show excellent structural performance through overcoming of the weaknesses of steel and concrete. Although various methods were already developed to achieve full composite behavior between steel and concrete in flexural members, the number of studies regarding composite columns is quite limited. If slip occurs between concrete and steel under external loads, the performance of the composite column would be reduced significantly. Connection methods ensuring full composite action between steel and concrete must be suggested. This paper investigated about structural behavior of shear studs through a series of experimental tests. Extensive parameters were also performed to understand the effects of the diameter of stud, space of stud and height of concrete. The present study provides fundamental bases for further development of design method of shear studs in composite columns.