• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-efficiency heater

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The Analysis of Main Factors Which Impact on Operation Rate and Power Production of Landfill Gas Power Plant (매립가스 발전시설의 가동률 및 발전량에 미치는 주요 영향요소 분석)

  • Chun, Seung-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2016
  • An analysis of the main factors and its degree of impact on power production is performed against the landfill gas power plant in S landfill site. The number of normal operation (50 MWh & 24 hr) days was 70.9% to the total number of operation days from 2007 to 2014, and the percentage of the actual power production was 79.3% of 3,428,400 MW which is the theoretical maximum estimation. The ratio of factors that accounted for the efficiency of power production are: 44.0% of repairing of the defect and regular servicing, 37.4% of cut-down operation due to hydrogen sulfide, and 18.6% of air pre-heater washing, respectively. Yet, considering that the cut-down operation due to hydrogen sulfide was carried out for only two years, the high concentration of hydrogen sulfide was the most influential factors on landfill gas power production. The long-term power production was analyzed as 35.9 MWh in 2018, and the constant drop is anticipated, resulting in 16.6 MWh by 2028, and under 8.4 MWh in 2038.

IZO/Ag/IZO Multilayers Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering for Flexible Transparent Film Heaters (마그네트론 스퍼터링 법을 이용한 IZO/Ag/IZO 다층 박막 투명 면상 발열체)

  • Park, So-Won;Gang, Dong-Ryeong;Kim, Na-Yeong;Hwang, Seong-Hun;Jeon, Seung-Hun;ZhaoPin, ZhaoPin;Kim, Tae-Hun;Kim, Seo-Han;Park, Cheol-U;Song, Pung-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.114.2-114.2
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    • 2017
  • Transparent film heaters (TFHs) based on Joule heating are currently an active research area. However, TFHs based on an indium tin oxide (ITO) monolayer have a number of problems. For example, heating is concentrated in part of the device. Also, heating efficiency is low because it has high sheet resistance ($R_S$). Resistance of indium zinc oxide (IZO) is similar to ITO and it can be used to flexible applications due to its amorphous structure. To solve these problems, our study introduced hybrid layers of IZO/Ag/IZO deposited by magnetron sputtering, and the electrical, optical, and thermal properties were estimated for various thickness of the metal interlayer. It was found that the sheet resistance of the multilayer was mainly dependent on the thickness of the Ag layers. The $R_S$ of IZO(40)/Ag/IZO(40nm) multilayer was 5.33, 3.29, $2.15{\Omega}/{\Box}$ for Ag thickness of 10, 15, and 20nm, respectively, while the $R_S$ of an IZO monolayer(95nm) was $59.58{\Omega}/{\Box}$. The optical transmittance at 550nm for the IZO(95nm) monolayer is 81.6%, and for the IZO(40)/Ag/IZO(40nm) multilayers with Ag thickness 10, 15 and 20nm, is for 72.8, 78.6, and 63.9%, respectively. The defrost test showed that the film with the lowest RS had the highest heat generation rate (HGR) for the same applied voltage. The results indicated that IZO(40)/Ag(15)/IZO(40nm) multilayer has the best suitable property, which is a promising thin film heater for the application in vehicle windshield.

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Characteristics of ITO/Ag/ITO Hybrid Layers Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering for Transparent Film Heaters

  • Kim, Jaeyeon;Kim, Seohan;Yoon, Seonghwan;Song, Pungkeun
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.807-812
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    • 2016
  • Transparent film heaters (TFHs) based on Joule heating are currently an active research area. However, TFHs based on an indium tin oxide (ITO) monolayer have a number of problems. For example, heating is concentrated in only part of the device. Also, heating efficiency is low because it has high sheet resistance ($R_s$). To address these problems, this study introduced hybrid layers of ITO/Ag/ITO deposited by magnetron sputtering, and the electrical, optical, and thermal properties were estimated for various thicknesses of the metal interlayer. The $R_s$ of ITO(40)/Ag/ITO(40 nm) hybrid TFHs were 5.33, 3.29 and $2.15{\Omega}/{\Box}$ for Ag thicknesses of 10, 15, and 20 nm, respectively, while the $R_s$ of an ITO monolayer (95 nm) was $59.58{\Omega}/{\Box}$. The maximum temperatures of these hybrid TFHs were 92, 131, and $145^{\circ}C$, respectively, under a voltage of 3 V. And that of the ITO monolayer was only $32^{\circ}C$. For the same total thickness of 95 nm, the heat generation rate (HGR) of the hybrid produced a temperature approximately $100^{\circ}C$ higher than the ITO monolayer. It was confirmed that the film with the lowest $R_s$ of the samples had the highest HGR for the same applied voltage. Overall, hybrid layers of ITO/Ag/ITO showed excellent performance for HGR, uniformity of heat distribution, and thermal response time.

Process Improvement and Evaluation of 0.1 MW-scale Test Bed using Amine Solvent for Post-combustion CO2 Capture (0.1 MW급 연소후 습식아민 CO2 포집 Test Bed 공정개선효과 검증)

  • Park, Jong Min;Cho, Seong Pill;Lim, Ta Young;Lee, Young ill
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2016
  • Carbon Capture and Storage technologies are recognized as key solution to meet greenhouse gas emission standards to avoid climate change. Although MEA (monoethanolamine) is an effective amine solvent in $CO_2$ capture process, the application is limited by high energy consumption, i.e., reduction of 10% of efficiency of coal-fired power plants. Therefore the development of new solvent and improvement of $CO_2$ capture process are positively necessary. In this study, improvement of $CO_2$ capture process was investigated and applied to Test Bed for reducing energy consumption. Previously reported technologies were examined and prospective methods were determined by simulation. Among the prospective methods, four applicable methods were selected for applying to 0.1 MW Test Bed, such as change of packing material in absorption column, installing the Intercooling System to absorption column, installing Rich Amine Heater and remodeling of Amines Heat Exchanger. After the improvement construction of 0.1 MW Test Bed, the effects of each suggested method were evaluated by experimental results.

Design of Aerosol Generator for Inhalation Toxicology Study of Lead and Evaluation with Real Time Monitoring (납의 흡입독성 연구를 위한 에어로졸 발생장치의 고안 및 실시간 모니터링을 이용한 성능평가)

  • Jeung Jae Yeal;Kim Jung Man;Kim Tae Hyeung;Chong Myoung Soo;Ko Kwang Jae;Kim Sang Duck;Kang Sung Ho;Song Young Sun;Lee Ki Nam
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2002
  • This paper was the design of aerosol generator for inhalation toxicology study of lead and evaluation with real time monitoring, and applied several engineering methodology to classical aerosol generator to cope with it's disadvantages. According to the testing conditions, source temperature 50℃ and inlet-duct band heater temperature 150℃, aerosol generation results for sodium chloride and lead acetate were as followings: CPM(Count Per Minute) for Sodium chloride that used for the testing material in aerosol generation and inhalation system was decreased in the 2nd and the 3rd hour's serial trials, but CVs(coefficient of variation) were maintained within 10%. CPMs for 5 and 2.5 gram of lead acetate that used for aerosol generation and inhalation exposure of lead showed similar results because of the sedimentation of lead acetate on piezoelectric crystal with time. For that reason, heating and mixing of nebulizing solution will be needed to generate lead aerosol with stable profile and maximum generation efficiency. Fluctuations of 10 and 5 gram lead acetate were low but 2.5gram was high. However, CVs for 10, 5, and 2.5gram lead acetate were within 10%. Considering the theoretical efficiencies for sodium chloride and lead acetate, 5gram sodium chloride and 2.5gram lead acetate were appropriate choice. Aerosol generation characteristics for two materials with 1 hour interval were different with respect to the fluctuation of CPM and the decrease to 10gram in it's material. For that reason, sodium chloride can not be used to estimate the aerosol generation and it's related parts for lead acetate. According to the testing conditions, source temperature 20, 50, 70℃, and inlet-duct band heater temperature 20, 50, 100, 150, 200℃, aerosol generation results for sodium chloride and lead acetate were as followings: Excluding inlet-duct band temperature 200℃, maximum CPM for sodium chloride was manifested in source temperature 70℃ with each inlet-duct band temperature conditions. We suggest that this condition was the optimum in the design of aerosol generator, inhalation system, and the testing. Maximum CPMs for 10, 5, and 2.5gram sodium chloride were from source temperature 70℃ and inlet-duct band temperature 20℃. Excluding inlet-duct band temperature 50, 200℃, maximum CPMs for lead acetate were indicated in source temperature 50℃ with each inlet-duct band temperature conditions. We suggest that this condition was the optimum in the design of aerosol generator, inhalation system, and the testing for lead inhalation study. Source and inlet-duct band temperatures for 10, 5, 2.5gram lead acetate were 50 and 100℃, 50 and 100℃, 50 and 150℃, respectively. In conclusion, considering above 2 paragraphs of results for aerosol generation, 5gram efficiencies for sodium chloride, lead acetate were higher than 2.5gram's. If inlet-duct band temperature was same, aerosol generation was increased with increase of source temperature. To get maximum aerosol generation will be the conditions that set the appropriate inlet-duel band temperature for each materials and increase the source temperature.