• 제목/요약/키워드: High-Performance Work System

검색결과 712건 처리시간 0.033초

델파이 기법을 활용한 적정 산지복구비 산출체계의 개발 (Development of an Appropriate Deposit-Estimation System for Restoration of Land-Use-Changed Forest Lands Using the Delphi Technique)

  • 구기운;권형근;이상인;권세명;서정일
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제110권4호
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    • pp.630-647
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    • 2021
  • 이 연구에서는 산지관리법에서 규정하고 있는 복구비 산출체계의 문제점과 그 개선방안을 파악하고, 이에 근거한 산지복구 표준모델을 개발하여 최적 복구비 산출체계를 도출하고자 전문가 그룹을 대상으로 델파이조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 현행 복구비 산출체계의 문제점으로 '토지이용 유형의 부적정', '산지경사 등급의 부적정', '산지복구 기준공종의 불충분'이 채택되었다. 이러한 문제점의 개선방안으로 토지이용 유형을 ① 산지전용허가·신고지 및 산지일시사용허가지, ② 산지일시사용신고지, ③ 토석채취(매각)·광물채굴허가지, ④ 토사채취허가지로 재편성하는 것, 산지경사 등급을 ① θ<10°, ② 10°≦θ<15°, ③ 15°≦θ<20°, ④ 20°≦θ<25°, ⑤ 25°≦θ<30°, ⑥ θ≧30°으로 세분화하는 것, 기존 17개 기준공종 중 3개 공종이 제외되고 15개 공종이 추가된 22개 기준공종 및 7개 추가공종으로 재편성하는 것이 합의되었다. 이상의 결과에 준하여 개발한 24개 표준모델을 토대로 산출한 복구비는 34,185~607,403천원 범위로 나타났으며, 여기에 추가공종, 할증 또는 할인, 감리비가 적용되면 토석채취(매각)·광물채굴허가지에서 최대 668,143천원에 이르는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 표준모델에 의한 복구비 분포에 대해서도 전문가들의 의견은 높은 수준에서 합의가 이루어졌다. 이상의 연구결과는 대집행 복구사업의 원활한 수행을 위해 예치되는 복구비의 적정성을 확보하는 데에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

식재료 아웃소싱이 경제적 주방에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 특1급호텔 양식조리를 중심으로 - (Study on economic effects of outsourcing of food materials on the hotel kitchen - Focus on cooking Western food in the first class hotel -)

  • 성태종
    • 한국관광식음료학회지:관광식음료경영연구
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.45-69
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    • 2002
  • This study is designed to examine feasibility and limitation of outsourcing in cooking Western food in a hotel, to interpret importance of outsourcing(eg. outside order, outside procurement, outside supply) in a broad sense in order to reinforce the core capacity in the cooking department, and to know whether the cooking human power is efficiently used and how much the chefs recognize outsourcing of food materials. As many companies conduct restructuring to cut down its size, the reduction of human power led the Western food cooking in the hotel to lower core capacities, lower quality, and lower efficiency. In addition, the sagging morale of chefs undermined creativity. To change from the traditional kitchen to an economic kitchen needs to look into importance of outsourcing, cognitive attitude of chefs, relation with outside suppliers. Here suggests performance of positive changes in the structure The study examined feasibility and limitation of outsourcing in the hotel kitchen as well as chefs' cognitive attitude toward outsourcing of food materials to reinforce core capabilities of the hotel kitchen. 1. Companies of outsourcing are selected according to variability of price conditions, flexibility of contract conditions, popularity of the outsourcing company, and reputation of the outsourcing company. 2. The importance of outsourcing in the Western food cooking is divided into 4 factors such as standard of selecting outsourcing companies, policies of cooking manu, quality of cooking, and quantity of cooking. 3. The most feasible section in outsourcing of food materials is a process of kneading flour for bread, which shows that many Western-food chefs expect to put higher possibility of outsourcing on the kneading. In other words, when it comes to confectionery and bakery, there are many outside expert processing companies supplying high quality products. In the order of outsourcing feasibility, sauce is followed by processed vegetable, garnish of main dish, and soup. The least feasible section in outsourcing of food materials is appetize. Appetize includes a concept of a improvised dish and needs speed. Due to its color, freshness, and sensibility of taste, the appetize plays a key role in the Western food cooking. 4. When outsourcing is taken in place, the highest risk is to lower the inner cooking skills. Therefore chefs in charge of the Western food sequently recognize both internal problems including storage of cooking skills, unstability of layoffs, and loss of cooperation between departments, and external problems including inferior goods, difficulty of differentiating manu, delay of delivery, and expiration date. It shows that most of the Western food chefs consider risks of the internal problems at first. 5. A effective outsourcing needs appropriate selection of outsourcing companies, maintenance of credibility, active communication, check and management of hygiene. However regardless of their position or career, chefs in charge of the Western food have the same cognitive attitude toward selecting successful outsourcing companies after the outsourcing system is enforced. The core of cooking, or a final stage in the full process of so-called artistic cooking, should be treated with insourcing. Reduction of several cooking processes resulted in shortened cooking time, increased efficiency, faster cooking, cutting the waiting-lines, and finally more room for customers. The outsourcing system can reduce or eliminate the following processes in cooking: buying various food materials, checking, storing, preparing, and processing. Especially in the Western food cooking department of a hotel, the outsourcing system should be enforced to make an economic kitchen and to efficiently manage it. Wow it's time to change from the traditional kitchen to an economic kitchen in the hotel cooking department. For that, the cooking department should become a small but strong organization by outsourcing except its core work.

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대학생의 학창경험이 사회 진출에 미치는 영향: 대학생활 활동 로그분석을 중심으로 (School Experiences and the Next Gate Path : An analysis of Univ. Student activity log)

  • 이은주;박도형
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2020
  • 대학생 시기는 실질적으로 직업선택을 해야 하는 시기이다. 우리 사회가 빠르게 고도로 발달하는 만큼, 직업은 다양화, 세분화, 전문화되어 대학생들의 취업 준비기간은 또한 갈수록 길어지고 있다. 본 연구는 대학생들이 학교 내외에서 하는 경험하는 다양한 활동들이 취업에 어떤 영향이 있을지 대학생들의 로그데이터를 중심으로 분석해 보았다. 실험을 위하여 학생들의 다양한 활동을 체계적으로 분류하고 활동 데이터를 6개의 핵심역량(직무전문성강화 역량, 리더십 및 팀웍 역량, 세계화 역량, 직무몰입 역량, 직업탐색 역량, 자율이행역량)으로 구분하였고, 여기서 구분된 6개의 역량 값이 취업여부(취업그룹, 미취업그룹)에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 6개의 역량 모두 취업집단과 미취업집단의 수준차이가 유의한 것을 확인할 수 있어 학교에서의 활동은 취업에 유의미함을 유추할 수 있었다. 다음으로 6개의 역량이 취업의 질적성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 6개의 역량수준을 상·하로 나누고, 첫연봉액을 기준으로 6개의 그룹을 만든 후 관계를 확인해 보았는데, 그 결과 6개의 역량 중 세계화역량, 직업탐색역량, 자율이행역량 수준이 높은 학생이 연봉을 기준으로 한 취업성과 또한 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구의 이론적 공헌은 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 학창경험으로부터 추출할 수 있는 역량을 인사조직관리분야의 역량과 연결하며, 개인의 경력성공을 위해 대학생으로서 필요한 역량을 직업탐색역량과 자율이행역량을 추가하였다는 점이다. 두 번째, 활동로그의 실데이터 기반으로 각각의 역량을 측정하고 결과변수와 검증을 한 점이다. 세 번째, 양적성과(취업률)뿐만 아니라 질적성과(연봉수준)를 분석한 점이다. 본 연구의 실무적 활용은 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 대학생들의 경력개발계획 수립 시 가이드가 될 수 있다. 전략이 없거나 균형을 갖추지 못한 또는 과도한 스펙을 쌓기는 지양하고 직업세계와 직무에 대한 분석을 바탕으로 자신의 강점을 표현할 수 있는 취업준비가 필요하다. 두 번째, 학교와 기업, 지자체, 정부 등 대학생들을 위한 행사를 기획하는 담당자는 대학생들이 필요로 하는 경험을 설계할 본 연구에서 제시한 6대 역량을 참고할 수 있다. 이벤트의 수요자인 대학생이 필요한 역량을 키우면서 하면서 각 기관의 목적을 더할 때 수요자와 공급자 모두 만족스러운 결과를 만들 수 있다. 세 번째, 디지털 대전환 시대, 국가의 균형발전을 구상하는 정부의 정책담당자는 대학생들의 호기심과 에너지를 대학생들의 역량개발과 국가의 균형발전을 함께 성취하는 방향으로 정책을 만들 수 있다. 기존에 없던 플랫폼서비스를 시도하고, 기존의 아날로그 상품이나 서비스와 기업문화를 디지털화 하는 데에는 많은 인력이 필요하며 디지털세대인 현 대학생들의 활약은 전 산업에서 촉매가 될 뿐 아니라 성공적인 경력개발을 위한 대학생들에게도 필요한 경험이라 사료된다.

사료조성 차이가 돼지 생산 및 도체형질에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Feeding Dietary Differences on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality in Finishing Pigs)

  • 진상근;김일석;송영민;하경희;이성대;김회윤;주선태;박구부
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2003
  • 비육후기 돼지(LY $\times$ D, 90 kg 전후) 사료에 C는 대조구로 우지 5%, T1은 우지 3%에 들깨유를 2%우지 대체하였으며, T2는 T1에 비타민 E($\alpha$-tocopheryl acetate)를 250 ppm 첨가하였다. T3는 우지 3%에 오징어유를 2% 우지 대체하였으며, T4는 T3에 비타민 E를 250 ppm 첨가하였다. T5는 우지 3%에 CLA 2% 우지 대체 첨가 급여한 돼지의 생산 및 도체형 질을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 일당 증체량은 T2와 T3가 다른 구들보다 높았으며(P<0.05) 사료요구율은 처리간에 유의적인 차이는 없으나 T2와 T3가 각각 3.71, 3.80으로 다소 양호하였다. 생체에서 등지방두께는 개시 체중시에는 처리간에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나 출하체중 시에는 C가 다른 처리구들보다 유의적으로 두꺼워 개시체중 대비 출하체중 시의 등지방두께 증가폭 역시 C가 넓었다. 배최장근 단면적은 개시체중 시나 출하체중 시에는 유의적인 차이는 없었으나 증가면에서는 T5가 T2에 비해서 약 2배 정도인 13.35 $\textrm{cm}^2$로 가장 높게 나타났다. 혈액 중 Triglyceride함량은 C가 다른 처리구들보다 높았으며, T3, T4, T5가 유의적으로 낮았다(P<0.05). 총 콜레스테롤 함량은 처리구들간에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 총 콜레스테롤 대비 HDL-콜레스테롤 비율은 비타민 E를 첨가하지 않은 구보다 첨가한 구들이 높게 나타났다. 동맥경화지수(AI: Atherogenic index)는 T3가 가장 높고 T2가 가장 낮았으며, 들깨유와 오징어유에 비타민 E 첨가로 낮아졌다. 도체형질에서 지육율과 등지방두께 및 등급은 처리간에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나(p>0.05) 등급에 있어 T2는 4.67, C와 T3는 4.29, T1과 T5는 4.00 수준이었다.operational requirements and typical plasma parameters have been determined. Large arrays of individual tiny sources can be used to form large-area, atmospheric-pressure plasma sources. The simplicity of the method and the capability of operation without the need for the usual vacuum system and its associated limitations, provide a highly attractive option for new approaches to many different kinds of plasma applications, including plasma surface modification technologies. Here we review the background work that has been carried out in this new research field.row$물엿으로 제조한 정과의 순으로 red에 가까웠다. b값(Yellowness)은 전처리한 동아 300g에 물 1$\ell$, 물엿 475$m\ell$을 넣고 5시간 동안 제조한 군이 가장 높아 yellow에 가까웠고 전체적으로 물엿$\longrightarrow$설탕과 꿀$\longrightarrow$물엿과 설탕으로 제조한 정과의 순으로 yellow에 가까웠다. 5. 관능검사에서 단단하다고 평가된 정과가 색도에서 적색도가 높았다. 관능검사에서 색이 좋다고 평가된 정과가 색도에서 붉은 빛과 황색을 나타냈다. 관능검사의 단단한 정도(Hardness)와 씹힘성(Chewinwss)은 기계검사의 Texture인 최대절단력(Maximum

팀제가 팀 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구;KBS 팀제를 중심으로 (The Empirical Study on the Effects of the Team Empowerment caused by the Team-Based Organizational Structure in KBS)

  • 안동수;김홍
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국벤처창업학회 2006년 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.167-201
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    • 2006
  • 우리나라 기업들은 급변하는 환경을 극복하고 조직의 성과를 높이기 위하여 수직조직을 팀조직으로 전환하고 있다. 그러나 현행 팀제는 조직의 형식만 바꾸었을 뿐 실상은 과거 수직조직과 다름없다는 평가가 많다. 이러한 결과는 팀제의 성공에 필요한 핵심변수인 임파워먼트에 대한 검토와 실행이 되지 않고 있기 때문이다. 본 연구는 KBS 팀제에서 구성원들이 임파워먼트 되는데 걸림돌이 되는 여건이나 심리적 상태들을 파악하여 조직의 임파워먼트를 어떻게 실현할 것인가에 대한 정책적 대안을 제시하고자 한다. 횡단적 연구를 위하여 국내외 문헌조사를 하고 KBS 내에서 회수한 설문결과와 개인면담, 그리고 관찰의견을 종합하여 검토하였다. 설문지는 약 1,200부를 배포해 474부가 수거되어 이 중 460부를 SPSS 12.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 종단적 연구를 위하여 ‘KBS 팀제에 관한 사원의식 조사결과 보고서’ 의 내용과 본 설문조사 연구에서 공통적으로 비교분석할 수 있는 6개 부분을 추출하여 약 10여개윌간의 변화를 비교분석하였다. 분석결과 부정적인 응답자가 24.2%p가 줄어들었고 긍정적인 응답자는 1.29%p가 줄어들었다. 이는 부정적인 평가를 하던 구성원들이 긍정적인 평가자로 전환되어 팀제에 대한 이해가 확산된다는 측면에서 발전적이라 할 수 있으나 문제점에 대한 지속적 해결노력이 필요하다는 것을 시사한다 하겠다. 임파워먼트는 개인과 조직차원에서 생산성을 향상시키는 것으로 증명되었다. 팀 임파워먼트를 높이기 위해서는 경영진이 변혁적 리더십을 발휘해야 하고, 낮게 나타난 경영진과 조직구성원 사이에 신뢰가 무엇보다 먼저 향상되어야 할 것이다. 모든 본부와 직급에서 높게 나타난 업무기피자에 대한 부담이 큰 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 결과는 전체 팀원에게 고른 업무분담이 되고 있지 못하다는 것을 뜻한다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 구성원들은 회사의 평가보상시스템을 신뢰하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 팀의 규모와 업무배정에 좀 더 세심한 배려가 필요하고 평가보상 체계에 사각지대가 생기지 않도록 현행 평가제도를 보완하여야 할 것이다. 리더십은 조직의 특성이나 구성원들의 성향에 따라 각양각색이다. 조직에 맞는 KBS만의 변혁적 리더십, 그리고 팀별로 각각의 특성에 맞는 리더십을 개발하여 운영할 필요가 있다. 또한 팀제의 정착을 위하여 내부 교육과 훈련을 좀 더 강화할 필요가 있다고 판단된다.

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폭소노미 사이트를 위한 랭킹 프레임워크 설계: 시맨틱 그래프기반 접근 (A Folksonomy Ranking Framework: A Semantic Graph-based Approach)

  • 박현정;노상규
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.89-116
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    • 2011
  • In collaborative tagging systems such as Delicious.com and Flickr.com, users assign keywords or tags to their uploaded resources, such as bookmarks and pictures, for their future use or sharing purposes. The collection of resources and tags generated by a user is called a personomy, and the collection of all personomies constitutes the folksonomy. The most significant need of the folksonomy users Is to efficiently find useful resources or experts on specific topics. An excellent ranking algorithm would assign higher ranking to more useful resources or experts. What resources are considered useful In a folksonomic system? Does a standard superior to frequency or freshness exist? The resource recommended by more users with mere expertise should be worthy of attention. This ranking paradigm can be implemented through a graph-based ranking algorithm. Two well-known representatives of such a paradigm are Page Rank by Google and HITS(Hypertext Induced Topic Selection) by Kleinberg. Both Page Rank and HITS assign a higher evaluation score to pages linked to more higher-scored pages. HITS differs from PageRank in that it utilizes two kinds of scores: authority and hub scores. The ranking objects of these pages are limited to Web pages, whereas the ranking objects of a folksonomic system are somewhat heterogeneous(i.e., users, resources, and tags). Therefore, uniform application of the voting notion of PageRank and HITS based on the links to a folksonomy would be unreasonable, In a folksonomic system, each link corresponding to a property can have an opposite direction, depending on whether the property is an active or a passive voice. The current research stems from the Idea that a graph-based ranking algorithm could be applied to the folksonomic system using the concept of mutual Interactions between entitles, rather than the voting notion of PageRank or HITS. The concept of mutual interactions, proposed for ranking the Semantic Web resources, enables the calculation of importance scores of various resources unaffected by link directions. The weights of a property representing the mutual interaction between classes are assigned depending on the relative significance of the property to the resource importance of each class. This class-oriented approach is based on the fact that, in the Semantic Web, there are many heterogeneous classes; thus, applying a different appraisal standard for each class is more reasonable. This is similar to the evaluation method of humans, where different items are assigned specific weights, which are then summed up to determine the weighted average. We can check for missing properties more easily with this approach than with other predicate-oriented approaches. A user of a tagging system usually assigns more than one tags to the same resource, and there can be more than one tags with the same subjectivity and objectivity. In the case that many users assign similar tags to the same resource, grading the users differently depending on the assignment order becomes necessary. This idea comes from the studies in psychology wherein expertise involves the ability to select the most relevant information for achieving a goal. An expert should be someone who not only has a large collection of documents annotated with a particular tag, but also tends to add documents of high quality to his/her collections. Such documents are identified by the number, as well as the expertise, of users who have the same documents in their collections. In other words, there is a relationship of mutual reinforcement between the expertise of a user and the quality of a document. In addition, there is a need to rank entities related more closely to a certain entity. Considering the property of social media that ensures the popularity of a topic is temporary, recent data should have more weight than old data. We propose a comprehensive folksonomy ranking framework in which all these considerations are dealt with and that can be easily customized to each folksonomy site for ranking purposes. To examine the validity of our ranking algorithm and show the mechanism of adjusting property, time, and expertise weights, we first use a dataset designed for analyzing the effect of each ranking factor independently. We then show the ranking results of a real folksonomy site, with the ranking factors combined. Because the ground truth of a given dataset is not known when it comes to ranking, we inject simulated data whose ranking results can be predicted into the real dataset and compare the ranking results of our algorithm with that of a previous HITS-based algorithm. Our semantic ranking algorithm based on the concept of mutual interaction seems to be preferable to the HITS-based algorithm as a flexible folksonomy ranking framework. Some concrete points of difference are as follows. First, with the time concept applied to the property weights, our algorithm shows superior performance in lowering the scores of older data and raising the scores of newer data. Second, applying the time concept to the expertise weights, as well as to the property weights, our algorithm controls the conflicting influence of expertise weights and enhances overall consistency of time-valued ranking. The expertise weights of the previous study can act as an obstacle to the time-valued ranking because the number of followers increases as time goes on. Third, many new properties and classes can be included in our framework. The previous HITS-based algorithm, based on the voting notion, loses ground in the situation where the domain consists of more than two classes, or where other important properties, such as "sent through twitter" or "registered as a friend," are added to the domain. Forth, there is a big difference in the calculation time and memory use between the two kinds of algorithms. While the matrix multiplication of two matrices, has to be executed twice for the previous HITS-based algorithm, this is unnecessary with our algorithm. In our ranking framework, various folksonomy ranking policies can be expressed with the ranking factors combined and our approach can work, even if the folksonomy site is not implemented with Semantic Web languages. Above all, the time weight proposed in this paper will be applicable to various domains, including social media, where time value is considered important.

사용자 로그 분석에 기반한 노인 돌봄 솔루션 구축 전략: 효돌 제품의 사례를 중심으로 (Implementation Strategy for the Elderly Care Solution Based on Usage Log Analysis: Focusing on the Case of Hyodol Product)

  • 이준식;유인진;박도형
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2019
  • 고령화 현상이 가속화되고, 취약계층 노인과 관련된 다양한 사회문제가 제기됨에 따라 노인세대의 건강과 안전을 보호하기 위한 효과적인 노인 돌봄 솔루션의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 최근에는 노인 돌봄의 수단으로 첨단화된 ICT 기술을 탑재한 스마트 토이를 활용하고자 하는 사례가 늘고 있다. 특히 스마트 토이를 통해 기록되는 노인 행태에 대한 로그 데이터는 노인 돌봄 관련 정책 수립, 노인 돌봄 서비스 컨셉 기획 및 개발과 같은 분야에 정량적이고 객관적인 설명지표로써 활용 가치가 높을 것으로 전망된다. 그러나 현재까지 노인 돌봄 스마트 토이와 관련된 연구 중 스마트 토이를 통해 기록된 사용자 행동 로그에 주목하여 이를 의사결정에 활용하고자 하는 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 기존에 충분히 논의되지 않았던 스마트 토이 사용자 행동 로그 데이터에 대한 분석을 중심으로, 노인 돌봄 솔루션의 사용자 경험 증진을 위한 효과적인 인사이트를 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로 사용자 프로파일링 기반 행태 분석과 사용 행태에 따른 삶의 질 변화 메커니즘 도출을 단계적으로 수행하였다. 분석 결과, 5개의 노인 생활관리 요인으로부터 노인집단 유형을 분류할 수 있는 2개의 중요한 차원을 도출하였으며, 도출한 차원에 근거하여 전체 노인 사용자를 3개의 유형으로 분류하고 유형별 스마트 토이 사용 행태 차이를 프로파일링 분석을 통해 확인할 수 있었다. 이후 스마트 토이 사용 행태에 따른 삶의 질 변화 메커니즘을 도출하기 위한 단계적 회귀분석을 수행하였으며, 스마트 토이와의 상호작용, 스마트 토이의 콘텐츠 사용, 스마트 토이가 관찰한 노인의 가정 내 활동 정도가 노인의 우울감 개선과 생활패턴 개선에 미치는 영향 및 이를 중재하는 경로로써 스마트 토이에 대한 사용자의 성능평가와 만족감의 역할을 밝혀내었다.

병원 간호행정 개선을 위한 연구 (A Study for Improvement of Nursing Service Administration)

  • 박정호
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.13-40
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    • 1972
  • Much has teed changed in the field of hospital administration in the It wake of the rapid development of sciences, techniques ana systematic hospital management. However, we still have a long way to go in organization, in the quality of hospital employees and hospital equipment and facilities, and in financial support in order to achieve proper hospital management. The above factors greatly effect the ability of hospitals to fulfill their obligation in patient care and nursing services. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal methods of standardization and quality nursing so as to improve present nursing services through investigations and analyses of various problems concerning nursing administration. This study has been undertaken during the six month period from October 1971 to March 1972. The 41 comprehensive hospitals have been selected iron amongst the 139 in the whole country. These have been categorized according-to the specific purposes of their establishment, such as 7 university hospitals, 18 national or public hospitals, 12 religious hospitals and 4 enterprise ones. The following conclusions have been acquired thus far from information obtained through interviews with nursing directors who are in charge of the nursing administration in each hospital, and further investigations concerning the purposes of establishment, the organization, personnel arrangements, working conditions, practices of service, and budgets of the nursing service department. 1. The nursing administration along with its activities in this country has been uncritical1y adopted from that of the developed countries. It is necessary for us to re-establish a new medical and nursing system which is adequate for our social environments through continuous study and research. 2. The survey shows that the 7 university hospitals were chiefly concerned with education, medical care and research; the 18 national or public hospitals with medical care, public health and charity work; the 2 religious hospitals with medical care, charity and missionary works; and the 4 enterprise hospitals with public health, medical care and charity works. In general, the main purposes of the hospitals were those of charity organizations in the pursuit of medical care, education and public benefits. 3. The survey shows that in general hospital facilities rate 64 per cent and medical care 60 per-cent against a 100 per cent optimum basis in accordance with the medical treatment law and approved criteria for training hospitals. In these respects, university hospitals have achieved the highest standards, followed by religious ones, enterprise ones, and national or public ones in that order. 4. The ages of nursing directors range from 30 to 50. The level of education achieved by most of the directors is that of graduation from a nursing technical high school and a three year nursing junior college; a very few have graduated from college or have taken graduate courses. 5. As for the career tenure of nurses in the hospitals: one-third of the nurses, or 38 per cent, have worked less than one year; those in the category of one year to two represent 24 pet cent. This means that a total of 62 per cent of the career nurses have been practicing their profession for less than two years. Career nurses with over 5 years experience number only 16 per cent: therefore the efficiency of nursing services has been rated very low. 6. As for the standard of education of the nurses: 62 per cent of them have taken a three year course of nursing in junior colleges, and 22 per cent in nursing technical high schools. College graduate nurses come up to only 15 per cent; and those with graduate course only 0.4 per cent. This indicates that most of the nurses are front nursing technical high schools and three year nursing junior colleges. Accordingly, it is advisable that nursing services be divided according to their functions, such as professional, technical nurses and nurse's aides. 7. The survey also shows that the purpose of nursing service administration in the hospitals has been regulated in writing in 74 per cent of the hospitals and not regulated in writing in 26 per cent of the hospitals. The general purposes of nursing are as follows: patient care, assistance in medical care and education. The main purpose of these nursing services is to establish proper operational and personnel management which focus on in-service education. 8. The nursing service departments belong to the medical departments in almost 60 per cent of the hospitals. Even though the nursing service department is formally separated, about 24 per cent of the hospitals regard it as a functional unit in the medical department. Only 5 per cent of the hospitals keep the department as a separate one. To the contrary, approximately 12 per cent of the hospitals have not established a nursing service department at all but surbodinate it to the other department. In this respect, it is required that a new hospital organization be made to acknowledge the independent function of the nursing department. In 76 per cent of the hospitals they have advisory committees under the nursing department, such as a dormitory self·regulating committee, an in-service education committee and a nursing procedure and policy committee. 9. Personnel arrangement and working conditions of nurses 1) The ratio of nurses to patients is as follows: In university hospitals, 1 to 2.9 for hospitalized patients and 1 to 4.0 for out-patients; in religious hospitals, 1 to 2.3 for hospitalized patients and 1 to 5.4 for out-patients. Grouped together this indicates that one nurse covers 2.2 hospitalized patients and 4.3 out-patients on a daily basis. The current medical treatment law stipulates that one nurse should care for 2.5 hospitalized patients or 30.0 out-patients. Therefore the statistics indicate that nursing services are being peformed with an insufficient number of nurses to cover out-patients. The current law concerns the minimum number of nurses and disregards the required number of nurses for operation rooms, recovery rooms, delivery rooms, new-born baby rooms, central supply rooms and emergency rooms. Accordingly, tile medical treatment law has been requested to be amended. 2) The ratio of doctors to nurses: In university hospitals, the ratio is 1 to 1.1; in national of public hospitals, 1 to 0.8; in religious hospitals 1 to 0.5; and in private hospitals 1 to 0.7. The average ratio is 1 to 0.8; generally the ideal ratio is 3 to 1. Since the number of doctors working in hospitals has been recently increasing, the nursing services have consequently teen overloaded, sacrificing the services to the patients. 3) The ratio of nurses to clerical staff is 1 to 0.4. However, the ideal ratio is 5 to 1, that is, 1 to 0.2. This means that clerical personnel far outnumber the nursing staff. 4) The ratio of nurses to nurse's-aides; The average 2.5 to 1 indicates that most of the nursing service are delegated to nurse's-aides owing to the shortage of registered nurses. This is the main cause of the deterioration in the quality of nursing services. It is a real problem in the guest for better nursing services that certain hospitals employ a disproportionate number of nurse's-aides in order to meet financial requirements. 5) As for the working conditions, most of hospitals employ a three-shift day with 8 hours of duty each. However, certain hospitals still use two shifts a day. 6) As for the working environment, most of the hospitals lack welfare and hygienic facilities. 7) The salary basis is the highest in the private university hospitals, with enterprise hospitals next and religious hospitals and national or public ones lowest. 8) Method of employment is made through paper screening, and further that the appointment of nurses is conditional upon the favorable opinion of the nursing directors. 9) The unemployment ratio for one year in 1971 averaged 29 per cent. The reasons for unemployment indicate that the highest is because of marriage up to 40 per cent, and next is because of overseas employment. This high unemployment ratio further causes the deterioration of efficiency in nursing services and supplementary activities. The hospital authorities concerned should take this matter into a jeep consideration in order to reduce unemployment. 10) The importance of in-service education is well recognized and established. 1% has been noted that on the-job nurses. training has been most active, with nursing directors taking charge of the orientation programs of newly employed nurses. However, it is most necessary that a comprehensive study be made of instructors, contents and methods of education with a separate section for in-service education. 10. Nursing services'activities 1) Division of services and job descriptions are urgently required. 81 per rent of the hospitals keep written regulations of services in accordance with nursing service manuals. 19 per cent of the hospitals do not keep written regulations. Most of hospitals delegate to the nursing directors or certain supervisors the power of stipulating service regulations. In 21 per cent of the total hospitals they have policy committees, standardization committees and advisory committees to proceed with the stipulation of regulations. 2) Approximately 81 per cent of the hospitals have service channels in which directors, supervisors, head nurses and staff nurses perform their appropriate services according to the service plans and make up the service reports. In approximately 19 per cent of the hospitals the staff perform their nursing services without utilizing the above channels. 3) In the performance of nursing services, a ward manual is considered the most important one to be utilized in about 32 percent of hospitals. 25 per cent of hospitals indicate they use a kardex; 17 per cent use ward-rounding, and others take advantage of work sheets or coordination with other departments through conferences. 4) In about 78 per cent of hospitals they have records which indicate the status of personnel, and in 22 per cent they have not. 5) It has been advised that morale among nurses may be increased, ensuring more efficient services, by their being able to exchange opinions and views with each other. 6) The satisfactory performance of nursing services rely on the following factors to the degree indicated: approximately 32 per cent to the systematic nursing activities and services; 27 per cent to the head nurses ability for nursing diagnosis; 22 per cent to an effective supervisory system; 16 per cent to the hospital facilities and proper supply, and 3 per cent to effective in·service education. This means that nurses, supervisors, head nurses and directors play the most important roles in the performance of nursing services. 11. About 87 per cent of the hospitals do not have separate budgets for their nursing departments, and only 13 per cent of the hospitals have separate budgets. It is recommended that the planning and execution of the nursing administration be delegated to the pertinent administrators in order to bring about improved proved performances and activities in nursing services.

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영화 <모란봉>(1958)과 음반 (1960) 수록 <춘향전>을 통해 본 1950년대 북한 창극의 실제적 양상 (The actual aspects of North Korea's 1950s Changgeuk through the Chunhyangjeon in the film Moranbong(1958) and the album Corée Moranbong(1960))

  • 송미경
    • 공연문화연구
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    • 제43호
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2021
  • 영화 <모란봉>은 1958년, 아르망 가티, 크리스 마커, 클로드 란츠만, 프랑시스 르마르크, 장 클로드 보나르도가 조선필름의 초청으로 떠났던 북한 여행의 산물이다. 그러나 여러 정치적인 이유로 영화는 바로 개봉되지 못했고, 2010년에야 다시 발굴되어 주목을 받았다. 영화는 한국전쟁을 배경으로 한 영란과 동일의 서사가 저 멀리 조선의 고전 춘향전 속 춘향과 몽룡의 서사와 포개어지는 구성을 취하고 있다. 이때 조선의 고전은 두 주인공의 서사와 시간대를 공유하는 극중극 <춘향전>의 형태로 재현되며, 두 서사는 총 6개 장면에서 포개어진다. 영화에는 두 겹의 중층적인 액자가 존재하는데, 1950년대의 북한을 배경으로 펼쳐지는 영란과 동일의 서사가 가장 바깥에 있다면, 그 안에 창극 <춘향전>의 제작진과 배우들이 만들어 가는 서사가 있고, 가장 안쪽에 온전한 작품으로서의 창극 <춘향전>이 배치된다. 영화 가장 바깥의 액자에서는 동일이 주인공이지만, 안쪽 두 겹의 액자에서는 창극 <춘향전>과 함께 성장하는 배우이자 창극 <춘향전>의 등장인물인 영란이 중심이다. 다음 이 영화의 OST 음반으로는 프랑스에서 1960년 발매된 , 1970년 발매된 , 그리고 일본에서 1968년 발매된 <朝鮮の伝統音樂-唱劇 「春香伝」と伝統樂器-> 3종이 있다. 은 영화 <모란봉>의 음악으로만 구성된 반면, 이후 나온 두 음반은 평양국립방송을 통해 수집 및 녹음한 곡을 추가로 포함하였다. 다만 일본에서 발매된 음반에는 영화 <모란봉>에 관한 정보가 전혀 남아 있지 않다. 정황상 음반사나 음반 해설지의 필자도 영화 <모란봉>의 존재를 미처 확인하지 못했을 가능성이 크며, 영화의 개봉 자체가 금지되었던 배경 때문에 의도적으로 관련 내용을 배제한 것일 수도 있다. 본고에서 영화 <모란봉> 또는 OST 음반에 수록된 창극 <춘향전>의 세부 장면 <이별가>, <십장가>, <춘당시과>, <박석티>, <옥중가>를 분석한 결과를 1950년대 북한 창극계의 변화와 관련해 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1950년대 북한 창극 <춘향전>의 정립 과정을 확인하였다. 1955년에 『조선창극집』을 통해 정리된 희곡이 1956년~1958년 사이 『조선민족음악전집(창극 및 민족가극편)1: 창극 <춘향전>(초고)』에 이르러 실연 가능한 창극 형태로 정착하였고, 영화와 음반에 수록된 부분은 1950년대 말 그 완성판의 한 예시에 해당한다. 1960년대 이후 <춘향전>은 더 이상 기존의 판소리식 창극으로 공연되지 않았기에, 영화 <모란봉>과 음반 은 창극 <춘향전>과 그 음악을 오롯이 담아낸 거의 마지막 기록물이 된다. 둘째, 1950년대 북한 창극계의 탁성 논쟁과 관련한 창극 배우들의 대응 양상을 확인하였다. 1959년까지도 북한에서는 탁성을 둘러싼 비판의 목소리와 이것도 민족적 특징이라는 옹호의 목소리가 어느 정도 공존했다. 맑고 높은 성음의 구사로 탁성 제거에 일정한 성과를 보인 신우선, 분명한 변화를 보이지만 상황에 따라 발성을 달리한 공기남, 탁성을 적극적으로 제거하지는 않았으나 그것이 겉으로 드러나지 않는 배역을 선택한 조상선, 당이 요구하는 발성법을 일부 수용하면서도 자기 원 음색을 유지하고자 하였던 임소향, 이들의 판단과 대처는 영화 <모란봉>과 음반 속 소리에도 오롯이 반영되어 있었다. 한편 조상선과 임소향은 그들의 소리를 계속 해 나갈 수 있는 배역을 보장받았지만, 영화 <모란봉>에 나타난 선택/배제의 양상은 이와 별개로 1950년대 월북국악인들에게 요구되었던 탁성 제거 지침과 그대로 연결된다.

방화범죄의 실태와 그 대책 - 관심도와 동기의 다양화에 대한 대응 - (The Reserch on Actual Condition of Crime of Arson Which Occurs in Korea and Its Countermeasures)

  • 최종태
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제1호
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    • pp.371-408
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    • 1997
  • This article is the reserch on actual condition of crime of arson which occurs in Korea and its countermeasures. The the presented problem in this article are that (1) we have generally very low rate concern about the crime of arson contrary to realistic problems of rapid increase of crime of arson (2) as such criminal motives became so diverse as to the economic or criminal purpose unlike characteristic and mental deficiency of old days, and to countermeasure these problems effectively it presentation the necessity of systemantic research. Based on analysis of reality of arson, the tendency of this arson in Korea in the ratio of increase is said to be higher than those in violence crime or general fire rate. and further its rate is far more greater than those of the U.S.A. and Japan. Arson is considered to be a method of using fire as crime and in case of presently residence to be the abject, it is a public offense crime which aqccompany fatality in human life. This is the well It now fact to all of us. And further in order to presentation to the crime of arson, strictness of criminal law (criminal law No, 164 and 169, and fire protection law No. 110 and 111) and classification of arsonist as felony are institutionary reinforced to punish with certainty of possibility, Therefore, as tendency of arson has been increased compared to other nations, it is necessary to supplement strategical policy to bring out overall concerns of the seriousness of risk and damage of arson, which have been resulted from the lack of understanding. In characteristics analysis of crime of arson, (1) It is now reveald that, in the past such crime rate appeared far more within the boundary of town or city areas in the past, presently increased rate of arsons in rural areas are far more than in the town or small city areas, thereby showing characteristics of crime of arson extending nation wide. (2) general timetable of arson shows that night more than day time rate, and reveald that is trait behavior in secrecy.(3) arsonists are usually arrested at site or by victim or report of third person(82,9%).Investigation activities or self surrenders rate only 11.2%. The time span of arrest is normally the same day of arson and at times it takes more than one year to arrest. This reveals its necessity to prepare for long period of time for arrest, (4) age rate of arson is in their thirties mostly as compared to homicide, robbery and adultery, and considerable numbers of arsons are in old age of over fifties. It reveals age rate is increased (5) Over half of the arsonists are below the junior high school (6) the rate of convicts by thier records is based on first offenders primarily and secondly more than 4 time convicts. This apparently shows necessity of effective correctional education policy for their social assimilation together with re-investigation of human education at the primary and secondary education system in thier life. The examples of motivation for arosnits, such as personal animosity, fury, monetary swindle, luscious purpose and other aims of destroying of proof, and other social resistance, violence including ways of threatening, beside the motives of individual defects, are diverse and arsonic suicide and specifically suicidal accompany together keenly manifested. When we take this fact with the criminal theory, it really reveals arsons of crime are increasing and its casualities are serious and a point as a way of suicide is the anomie theory of Durkheim and comensurate with the theory of that of Merton, Specifically in the arson of industrial complex, it is revealed that one with revolutionary motive or revolting motive would do the arsonic act. For the policy of prevention of arsons, professional research work in organizational cooperation for preventive activities is conducted in municipal or city wise functions in the name of Parson Taskforces and beside a variety of research institutes in federal government have been operating effectively to countermeasure in many fields of research. Franch and Sweden beside the U.S. set up a overall operation of fire prevention research funtions and have obtained very successful result. Japan also put their research likewise for countermeasure. In this research as a way of preventive fire policy, first, it is necessary to accomodate the legal preventitive activities for fire prevention in judicial side and as an administrative side, (1) precise statistic management of crime of arson (2) establishment of professional research functions or a corporate (3) improvement of system for cooperative structural team for investigation of fires and menpower organization of professional members. Secondly, social mentality in individual prospect, recognition of fires by arson and youth education of such effect, educational program for development and practical promotion. Thirdly, in view of environmental side, the ways of actual performance by programming with the establishment of cooperative advancement in local social function elements with administrative office, habitants, school facilities and newspapers measures (2) establishment of personal protection where weak menpowers are displayed in special fire prevention measures. These measures are presented for prevention of crime of arson. The control of crime and prevention shall be prepared as a means of self defence by the principle of self responsibility Specifically arsonists usually aims at the comparatively weak control of fire prevention is prevalent and it is therefore necessary to prepare individual facilities with their spontaneous management of fire prevention instead of public municipal funtures of local geverment. As Clifford L. Karchmer asserted instead of concerns about who would commit arson, what portion of area would be the target of the arson. It is effective to minister spontaveously the fire prevention measure in his facility with the consideration of characteristics of arson. On the other hand, it is necessary for the concerned personnel of local goverment and groups to distribute to the local society in timely manner for new information about the fire prevention, thus contribute to effective result of fire prevention result. In consideration of these factors, it is inevitable to never let coincide with the phemonemon of arsons in similar or mimic features as recognized that these could prevail just an epedemic as a strong imitational attitude. In processing of policy to encounter these problems, it is necessary to place priority of city policy to enhancement of overall concerns toward the definitive essense of crime of arson.

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