• 제목/요약/키워드: High spatial resolution

검색결과 1,462건 처리시간 0.038초


  • Han, You-Kyung;Kim, Hye-Jin;Choi, Jae-Wan;Kim, Yong-Il
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2008년도 International Symposium on Remote Sensing
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    • pp.361-364
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    • 2008
  • It is well known that combining spatial and spectral information can improve land use classification from satellite imagery. High spatial resolution classification has a limitation when only using the spectral information due to the complex spatial arrangement of features and spectral heterogeneity within each class. Therefore, extracting the spatial information is one of the most important steps in high resolution satellite image classification. In this paper, we propose a new spatial feature extraction method. The extracted features are integrated with spectral bands to improve overall classification accuracy. The classification is achieved by applying a Support Vector Machines classifier. In order to evaluate the proposed feature extraction method, we applied our approach to KOMPSAT-2 data and compared the result with the other methods.

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Region Growing Segmentation with Directional Features

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.731-740
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    • 2010
  • A region merging technique is suggested in this paper for the segmentation of high-spatial resolution imagery. It employs a region growing scheme based on the region adjacency graph (RAG). The proposed algorithm uses directional neighbor-line average feature vectors to improve the quality of segmentation. The feature vector consists of 9 components which includes an observation and 8 directional averages. Each directional average is the average of the pixel values along the neighbor line for a given neighbor line length at each direction. The merging coefficients of the segmentation process use a part of the feature components according to a given merging coefficient order. This study performed the extensive experiments using simulation data and a real high-spatial resolution data of IKONOS. The experimental results show that the new approach proposed in this study is quite effective to provide segments of high quality for the object-based analysis of high-spatial resolution images.

Land Cover Classification with High Spatial Resolution Using Orthoimage and DSM Based on Fixed-Wing UAV

  • Kim, Gu Hyeok;Choi, Jae Wan
    • 한국측량학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2017
  • An UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is a flight system that is designed to conduct missions without a pilot. Compared to traditional airborne-based photogrammetry, UAV-based photogrammetry is inexpensive and can obtain high-spatial resolution data quickly. In this study, we aimed to classify the land cover using high-spatial resolution images obtained using a UAV. An RGB camera was used to obtain high-spatial resolution orthoimage. For accurate classification, multispectral image about same areas were obtained using a multispectral sensor. A DSM (Digital Surface Model) and a modified NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) were generated using images obtained using the RGB camera and multispectral sensor. Pixel-based classification was performed for twelve classes by using the RF (Random Forest) method. The classification accuracy was evaluated based on the error matrix, and it was confirmed that the proposed method effectively classified the area compared to supervised classification using only the RGB image.

Backward estimation of precipitation from high spatial resolution SAR Sentinel-1 soil moisture: a case study for central South Korea

  • Nguyen, Hoang Hai;Han, Byungjoo;Oh, Yeontaek;Jung, Woosung;Shin, Daeyun
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2022년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.329-329
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    • 2022
  • Accurate characterization of terrestrial precipitation variation from high spatial resolution satellite sensors is beneficial for urban hydrology and microscale agriculture modeling, as well as natural disasters (e.g., urban flooding) early warning. However, the widely-used top-down approach for precipitation retrieval from microwave satellites is limited in several hydrological and agricultural applications due to their coarse spatial resolution. In this research, we aim to apply a novel bottom-up method, the parameterized SM2RAIN, where precipitation can be estimated from soil moisture signals based on an inversion of water balance model, to generate high spatial resolution terrestrial precipitation estimates at 0.01º grid (roughly 1-km) from the C-band SAR Sentinel-1. This product was then tested against a common reanalysis-based precipitation data and a domestic rain gauge network from the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) over central South Korea, since a clear difference between climatic types (coasts and mainlands) and land covers (croplands and mixed forests) was reported in this area. The results showed that seasonal precipitation variability strongly affected the SM2RAIN performances, and the product derived from separated parameters (rainy and non-rainy seasons) outperformed that estimated considering the entire year. In addition, the product retrieved over the mainland mixed forest region showed slightly superior performance compared to that over the coastal cropland region, suggesting that the 6-day time resolution of S1 data is suitable for capturing the stable precipitation pattern in mainland mixed forests rather than the highly variable precipitation pattern in coastal croplands. Future studies suggest comparing this product to the traditional top-down products, as well as evaluating their integration for enhancing high spatial resolution precipitation over entire South Korea.

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Resolution of Temporal-Multiplexing and Spatial-Multiplexing Stereoscopic Televisions

  • Kim, Joohwan;Banks, Martin S.
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2017
  • Stereoscopic (S3D) displays present different images to the two eyes. Temporal multiplexing and spatial multiplexing are two common techniques for accomplishing this. We compared the effective resolution provided by these two techniques. In a psychophysical experiment, we measured resolution at various viewing distances on a display employing temporal multiplexing, and on another display employing spatial multiplexing. In another experiment, we simulated the two multiplexing techniques on one display and again measured resolution. The results show that temporal multiplexing provides greater effective resolution than spatial multiplexing at short and medium viewing distances, and that the two techniques provide similar resolution at long viewing distance. Importantly, we observed a significant difference in resolution at the viewing distance that is generally recommended for high-definition television.

MODIS영상의 고해상도화 수법을 이용한 오창평야 NDVI의 평가 (Assessment of the Ochang Plain NDVI using Improved Resolution Method from MODIS Images)

  • 박종화;나상일
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • Remote sensing cannot provide a direct measurement of vegetation index (VI) but it can provide a reasonably good estimate of vegetation index, defined as the ratio of satellite bands. The monitoring of vegetation in nearby urban regions is made difficult by the low spatial resolution and temporal resolution image captures. In this study, enhancing spatial resolution method is adapted as to improve a low spatial resolution. Recent studies have successfully estimated normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) using improved resolution method such as from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard EOS Terra satellite. Image enhancing spatial resolution is an important tool in remote sensing, as many Earth observation satellites provide both high-resolution and low-resolution multi-spectral images. Examples of enhancement of a MODIS multi-spectral image and a MODIS NDVI image of Cheongju using a Landsat TM high-resolution multi-spectral image are presented. The results are compared with that of the IHS technique is presented for enhancing spatial resolution of multi-spectral bands using a higher resolution data set. To provide a continuous monitoring capability for NDVI, in situ measurements of NDVI from paddy field was carried out in 2004 for comparison with remotely sensed MODIS data. We compare and discuss NDVI estimates from MODIS sensors and in-situ spectroradiometer data over Ochang plain region. These results indicate that the MODIS NDVI is underestimated by approximately 50%.

Development of a dual-mode energy-resolved neutron imaging detector: High spatial resolution and large field of view

  • Wenqin Yang;Jianrong Zhou;Jianqing Yang;Xingfen Jiang;Jinhao Tan;Lin Zhu;Xiaojuan Zhou;Yuanguang Xia;Li Yu;Xiuku Wang;Haiyun Teng;Jiajie Li;Yongxiang Qiu;Peixun Shen;Songlin Wang;Yadong Wei;Yushou Song;Jian Zhuang;Yubin Zhao;Junrong Zhang;Zhijia Sun;Yuanbo Chen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권7호
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    • pp.2799-2805
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    • 2024
  • Energy-resolved neutron imaging is an effective way to investigate the internal structure and residual stress of materials. Different sample sizes have varying requirements for the detector's imaging field of view (FOV) and spatial resolution. Therefore, a dual-mode energy-resolved neutron imaging detector was developed, which mainly consisted of a neutron scintillator screen, a mirror, imaging lenses, and a time-stamping optical fast camera. This detector could operate in a large FOV mode or a high spatial resolution mode. To evaluate the performance of the detector, the neutron wavelength spectra and the multiple spatial resolution tests were conducted at CSNS. The results demonstrated that the detector accurately measured the neutron wavelength spectra selected by a bandwidth chopper. The best spatial resolution was about 20 ㎛ in high spatial resolution mode after event reconstruction, and a FOV of 45.0 mm × 45.0 mm was obtained in large FOV mode. The feasibility was validated to change the spatial resolution and FOV by replacing the scintillator screen and adjusting the lens magnification.

Spatial Pattern Analysis of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Level Index Approach using Variogram

  • Yoo, Hee-Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2006
  • A traditional image analysis or classification method using satellite imagery is mostly based on the spectral information. However, the spatial information is more important according as the resolution is higher and spatial patterns are more complex. In this study, we attempted to compare and analyze the variogram properties of actual high resolution imageries mainly in the urban area. Through the several experiments, we have understood that the variogram is various according to a sensor type, spatial resolution, a location, a feature type, time, season and so on and shows the information related to a feature size. With simple modeling, we confirmed that the unique variogram types were shown unlike the classical variogram in case of small subsets. Based on the grasped variogram characteristics, we made a level index map for determining urban complexity or land-use classification. These results will become more and more important and be widely applied to the various fields of high-resolution imagery such as KOMPSAT-2 and KOMPSAT-3 which is scheduled to be launched.

Land Cover Super-resolution Mapping using Hopfield Neural Network for Simulated SPOT Image

  • Nguyen, Quang Minh
    • 한국측량학회지
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    • 제30권6_2호
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    • pp.653-663
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    • 2012
  • Using soft classification, it is possible to obtain the land cover proportions from the remotely sensed image. These land cover proportions are then used as input data for a procedure called "super-resolution mapping" to produce the predicted hard land cover layers at higher resolution than the original remotely sensed image. Superresolution mapping can be implemented using a number of algorithms in which the Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) has showed some advantages. The HNN has improved the land cover classification through superresolution mapping greatly with the high resolution data. However, the super-resolution mapping is based on the spatial dependence assumption, therefore it is predicted that the accuracy of resulted land cover classes depends on the relative size of spatial features and the spatial resolution of the remotely sensed image. This research is to evaluate the capability of HNN to implement the super-resolution mapping for SPOT image to create higher resolution land cover classes with different zoom factor.

Impact of Trend Estimates on Predictive Performance in Model Evaluation for Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-based Precipitation Data

  • Kim, Yeseul;Park, No-Wook
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2017
  • Spatial downscaling with fine resolution auxiliary variables has been widely applied to predict precipitation at fine resolution from coarse resolution satellite-based precipitation products. The spatial downscaling framework is usually based on the decomposition of precipitation values into trend and residual components. The fine resolution auxiliary variables contribute to the estimation of the trend components. The main focus of this study is on quantitative analysis of impacts of trend component estimates on predictive performance in spatial downscaling. Two regression models were considered to estimate the trend components: multiple linear regression (MLR) and geographically weighted regression (GWR). After estimating the trend components using the two models,residual components were predicted at fine resolution grids using area-to-point kriging. Finally, the sum of the trend and residual components were considered as downscaling results. From the downscaling experiments with time-series Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B43 precipitation data, MLR-based downscaling showed the similar or even better predictive performance, compared with GWR-based downscaling with very high explanatory power. Despite very high explanatory power of GWR, the relationships quantified from TRMM precipitation data with errors and the auxiliary variables at coarse resolution may exaggerate the errors in the trend components at fine resolution. As a result, the errors attached to the trend estimates greatly affected the predictive performance. These results indicate that any regression model with high explanatory power does not always improve predictive performance due to intrinsic errors of the input coarse resolution data. Thus, it is suggested that the explanatory power of trend estimation models alone cannot be always used for the selection of an optimal model in spatial downscaling with fine resolution auxiliary variables.