• Title/Summary/Keyword: High schools

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Demands for Health Education through Internet in Middle and High School Students (중.고등학교 학생들의 인터넷을 이용한 보건교육 요구도)

  • Kang, Pock-Soo;Choi, Yeun-Hwa;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Hwang, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2004
  • Background: It is important to provide health education to students to ensure a healthy life. Using the internet for health education may be a way to overcome the practical barriers to health education such as time and content. This study was conducted to investigate the demands for health education using the internet. Subjects and methods: Six hundreds and twenty-four and male female students in middle and high schools, who lived on Gyeongju-si and Seongju-gun in Gyeongsangbuk-do province, were interviewed by means of structured questionnaires, from March 5 to March 28, 2003. Results: More than 90% of the subjects had their own computers, and nearly 38% of those possessing their own computers had accessed internet sites related to health and medicine. Middle school students and in particular, female students were more desirous for health education through e-mail. Regarding content, the three major topics which the respondents wanted to learn about were healthy lifestyles, growth and development, and disease prevention. In terms of the interval for providing educational materials, over half of the students wanted information once a week. Most of the students wanted to have the quantity of the material be one page. In addition, there were numerous additional topics requested by the students such as sleep and health, contraception and family planning, safety education, cancer prevention, emotional instability of juveniles, the utilization of medical care facilities, stress management, etc. Conclusion: The students had a desire for health education through the use of e-mail, and methods and materials should be developed for appropriate health education using the internet.

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Relationship of Nutritional Knowledge, Dietary Self Efficacy and Change of Dietary Behavior of Nutrition Professional (영양전공자의 영양지식, 식이 효능감, 식행동 변화간의 관련성)

  • Kwon, Seon-Young;Han, Jang-Il;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.550-560
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of nutritional knowledge, dietary self-efficacy and dietary behavior of nutritionist. Total 190 dieticians of middle and high schools in Daejeon metropolitan city(44.2%) and Chungnam area(55.8%) were surveyed by questionnaires. The change of dietary intakes was used as an index of dietary behavioral change, and dietary self-efficacy are categorized into 4 sub groups of general dietary habit, choice of food, environmental stimulus and emotional conditions. Overall nutritionl knowledge of school dieticians was relatively high as 80.3 score, but specific and detail knowledge about food and nutrition yet have to be strengthened. Dietary self-efficacy of 'choice of food' was the highest with 85.4 and self-efficacy of 'environmental stimulus' was the lowest with 69.7 in the subjects. There was no influence between nutrition knowledge and dietary self-efficacy of school dieticians. According to the level of dietary self-efficacy, the intake of desirable food showed no significant difference, but the intake of undesirable foods decreased as dietary self-efficacy increased(p<0.001). In the analysis of correlation of change in intake of desirable and undesirable foods with nutrition knowledge and 4 different variables of dietary self-efficacy, a nutrition knowledge variable did not show any correlation with other variables. While, total dietary self-efficacy or each 4 sub items showed negative correlation with the intake of undesirable foods. And all 4 sub items of dietary self-efficacy could be the principal factors to constrain the intake of undesirable foods, but 2 items of dietary habits and emotional condition of 4 sub items are the factors to increase the intake of desirable food. Accordingly, it is suggested that dietary self-efficacy could be a powerful factor to induce the behavioral change of professional dieticians.

Elementary School Teachers' Perception of Gifted Education (영재교육에 대한 초등학교 교사들의 인식)

  • Choi, Moon-Kyung;Park, Jung-Ok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.125-149
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information on the current status of elementary school teachers' perception of gifted education. For this purpose, this study wi1l analyze elementary school teachers' perception of the gifted education (i.e., general perception of gifted education, characteristics of gifted children, identification of gifted children, programs for gifted education, and teachers of gifted education). A questionnaire survey was used for the purpose and research questions of this study. The questionnaire used in this study was constructed by taking into account the results of surveys conducted in previous studies and the literature on gifted education. Before conducting the research, a preliminary inquiry was made to identify problems that may occur while the subjects were participating in the survey, as well as to determine the appropriateness of the questionnaire and the amount of time needed. The preliminary inquiry was conducted with ten randomly selected elementary school teachers who did not participate as subjects in the actual research. The results were later used as initial data for the actual research. The subjects of this study were teachers who were teaching in8 elementary schools under each office of education in Seoul. This process was conducted for 180 elementary school teachers from April to May 2004. The results were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) Ver. 10.1, a software program for statistical research. After the data were analyzed, the following conclusions were arrived at: 1. The result of the genera1 perception of gifted education by elementary school teachers were positive and reasonably high. The level of their perception of detailed information or knowledge, however, was relatively low. 2. As for their perceptions of the emotional characteristics of gifted children, t11e results showed a low level of understanding of the characteristics of gifted children. 3. As for their perceptions of identification of gifted children, the results showed a high level of understanding of the appropriate time to provide special education to gifted children and of the methods to identify such. On the other hand, their understanding of the identification of gifted children in an actual class was poor. 4. The respondents' level of perceptions of programs for gifted education was very low since many subjects did not have any experiences with such programs. 5. The results showed a very positive response to receiving training on gifted education, though they were very reluctant to be assigned as teachers of gifted education because of the excessive work that is associated with such and their lack of capability in handling gifted children.

Analysis on the Labor Market Performance of Local University Graduates and Regional Education Gap (지방대학 졸업자의 노동시장 성과와 지역별 교육격차)

  • Kim, Hisam
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.55-92
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    • 2010
  • In terms of labor market accomplishments, such as income, size of the company, and the matching quality between one's job and college major (specialization), a very large discrepancy is observed between the graduates from colleges located in Seoul and those outside Seoul. But, when the department average score of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) at the time of college entrance is controlled for, the discrepancy is found to be reduced to a considerable degree. In the case of wage gap, at least two third can be explained by the SAT score gap. The remaining wage gap seems to reflect the characteristics of workplace. In other words, graduates with high SAT scores enter colleges located in Seoul and thus tend to find better jobs leading to earning differences. This result that confirms the importance of aptitude test scores suggests that in the labor market, one of the major reasons behind a lower accomplishment of the graduate from local colleges is due to a lower competitiveness of local colleges in attracting the brightest students. But, this should not be viewed as only an internal problem of local colleges. This is because the growth of local economies tends to haul the advancement of local colleges in that area rather than being the other way around. The agglomeration effect in Seoul where headquarters of large corporations and financial institutions gather is the factor that has elevated the status of colleges located in Seoul since this provides highly preferred job choices of graduates. When the competitiveness of college is significantly influenced by exogenous factors, such as the vicinity to Seoul, the effort being made by colleges alone would not be enough to improve the situation. However, the central government, too, is not in the position to carry out countermeasure policies for such problems. The regional development strategy boosted through supportive policies for local colleges, such as financial support, is not based on the persuasive and empirical grounds. It is true that college education is universal and that the government''s intervention in assisting local colleges to secure basic conditions, such as tenure faculty and adequate facilities is necessary. However, the way of intervention should not be a support-only type. In order to improve the efficiency and effect of financial support, restructuring programs, including the merger and integration of insolvent colleges, should be underway prior to providing support. In addition, when the policy is focused on education recipients-local college students, and not on education providers-local colleges, the importance of regional gap in compulsory education (elementary and junior high schools) turns out to be much important as the gap between metropolitan area colleges and local colleges. Considering the educational gap before college entrance shown from the discrepancies of aptitude test scores among different regions, the imbalance between regions in terms of human resources is apparently derived from compulsory education, and not from college education. Therefore, there is a need to double the policy efforts to reduce the educational gap among different regions. In addition, given the current situation where it is difficult to find appropriate ex post facto policy measures to solve the problem of income gap between the graduates from metropolitan colleges and local colleges, it can be said that improving the environment for compulsory education in local areas is a growing necessity for bridging the educational gap among different regions.

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Relationship of Food Preference and Body Size in Higher Grade Elementary School Boys in Daejeon City (대전지역 남자 초등학생의 음식기호도와 체격과의 관련성)

  • 정영진;한장일
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 2002
  • This study was focused on identifying the difference of food preference according to body size of elementary school boys in Daejeon city. In order to measure the food preference, the degree of liking by means of a 5-point Hedonic scale was asked to 198 boys of 5th grade from six schools throughout Daejeon for 144 food items in 17 food groups composed of main dish, side dish and dessert : cooked rice, noodles or breads, as main dish, kimchi, tang.guk.zzigae, gui, zzim, bokeum, fried.pan-fried, jorim, muchim.namul or jangachi, as side dish, fruits, beverage, milk, rice cake or anacks, as dessert and for best preferred taste among five basic. The survey was conducted in rune, 1997 by questionnaires. Overall food preference of the subject was inclined to be higher in most of dessert food : fruits, beverage, milk or snacks, but to be lower in side dishes of Korean conventional food : jangachi, muchim, namul, jorim, kimchi and tang.guk .zzigae. The percentage of boys preferring cocked rice to noodle or bread as main dish was as much almost double in overweight boys as those of underweight or normal weight boys. None of the food group among 17 groups was significantly different in the food preference by body size of the subjects. However, food preference score of overweight group showed a trend to be higher in 11 food groups except less calorie-dense food groups such as fruits, noodles, rice cake, cooked rice, soup and stew and braised food (jorim) than normal or underweight group, and they seemed to prefer especially high-protein and high-fat foods. Being based on 3 points of preference score as the criterion for comparison, underweight group showed higher preference only in fruits group but showed lower preferences in 12 food groups among 17 groups than other groups.

A Survey on Self-reported Health and Eating Habit of Elite Female Adolescent Athletes in Incheon by Sport Type (인천지역 대표 중고등학교 여자 선수의 운동경기 종목별 건강 및 식습관에 관한 조사)

  • Sung, Hyuni;Chang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the self-reported health and eating habit of the elite female adolescent athletes in Incheon. The subjects were 102 elite female athletes of middle and high schools located in Inchon. A self-administered Questionnaire was used for this cross-sectional survey. Statistical analysis by two-way ANOVA was performed to discriminate between the main effects of age (as middle and high school athletes) and sports type, and their interaction. As use of nutritional supplements, 35.8% of the total subjects took vitamin and iron supplements and 62.5% of field and track athletes took vitamin and iron supplements. While mental stress related to exercise was much in fencing &gt; shooting &gt; field and track &gt; swimming athletes, physical burden during training was higher in swimming &gt; field and track &gt; fencing &gt; shooting athletes. More than half of the subjects showed irregular menstrual cycle. As the most severe problem of eating habit, they reported skipping meal &gt; overeating &gt; prejudiced meal &gt; preference to salty and spicy foods. More than half of the subjects skipped meal over three times per week. Fencing and shooting athletes showed very significantly higher frequency of skipping meal and more irregular breakfast time compared to those of other sport types. As for snack, they ate cookies, carbonated drink, chocolate, candy &gt; milk, yogurt, ice cream &gt; cake, bread, rice cake &gt; fried noodle &gt; hamburger, pizza. Therefore, nutritional counseling and education by sport type are necessary for health and good eating habit of these elite female adolescent athletes.

Dietitians′ Perception on Usage of Cook/chill Vegetables in Institution Foodservice (단체급식 소에서의 냉장조리 채소의 이용에 대한 영양사의 인식조사)

  • 류은순;이동선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1293-1300
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    • 2001
  • We surveyed dietitians'perception on usage of cook/chill vegetables, The questionnaires were distributed to 245 dietitians working in elementary schools and other institutions in Busan area. According to the survey, 75.9% of the dietitians perceived that minimally processed ready -to-use vegetal)toes would be helpful for the institutional foodservice They answered that problems of vegetable usage in the foodservice mainly come from long preparation time (45.4%), a large quantity of leftover (13.1%), and a high ratio of disuse (16.0%). Degree of preparedness from raw vegetables was highest for garlic, and was in tile order of platicodcm, onions, carrots, Potatoes, Korean cabbage and radish.40.9% of the dietitians answered that it was necessary Ic develop cook/chill vegetables in their institute restaurants. The high career group ( >6 yrs.) was, however, significantly (p<0.05) negative against the use of cooHchill vegetables. The dietitians were expecting that developing cook/chill vegetables would save cooking time and processes (4.43/5.00), and reduce waste (4.53/5.00) greatly. They also estimated that focal hygiene and quality would be improved, and labor cast be reduced moderately. On the other hand, they thought that the cost of flood would not be reduced.

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An Analysis of the Realities and Causes of Youth and New College Graduate Unemployment (청년실업과 신규대졸자 실업의 실태, 원인분석 및 과제)

  • Chai, Goo-Mook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.159-181
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    • 2004
  • This study examines the realities and causes of youth and new college graduate unemployment, and seeks some assignments for mitigating youth and new college graduate unemployment. An analysis of the realities and causes of youth and new college graduate unemployment is summarized as follows. First, youth unemployment rate, which rapidly increased after the IMF economic crisis, slowly decreased after 2000, but was still somewhat higher in 2002 than that before the IMF. Second, new college graduate unemployment rate, which rapidly increased after the IMF economic crisis, slowly decreased after 2000 and became a similar level to that before the IMF economic crisis, but the number of the unemployed new college graduates highly increased after the IMF. Third, an analysis of the causes of youth unemployment shows that economic growth and the employment elasticity of economic growth negatively affect the unemployment rate, and the rate of entrance into colleges positively affects the unemployment rate. Fourth, an analysis of the causes of new college graduate unemployment demonstrates that economic growth and the employment elasticity of economic growth negatively affect the unemployment rate, and the increase rate of new college graduates, the college graduate/youth population ratio, and the time trend positively affect the unemployment rate. These results suggest several implications for mitigating the unemployment rate of the youth and new college graduates. First, in order to increase labor demand, emphasis must be placed on preparing economic conditions which can raise economic growth rate and on fostering industries and occupations which have high employment elasticity. Second, in the aspect of labor supply, it is necessary to adjust the number of new college graduates corresponding to labor demands in industries. Third, in order to redress the mismatch between the demand and the supply of the youth labor market, attention should be paid to remedying educational systems such as the activation of vocational education and training in middle and high schools and the reformation of college education to match the education and training provided in colleges and the skills requirements of the world of work, and preparing a unified program to support the youth unemployed systematically and synthetically.

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Analysis of Epidemiological Characteristics, PFGE Typing and Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogenic Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Gyeonggi-do (경기도에서 분리한 병원성대장균의 역학적 특성 및 PFGE, 항생제 내성 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-A;Yong, Kum-Chan;Jeong, Jin-A;Huh, Jeong-Weon;Hur, Eun-Seon;Park, Sung-Hee;Choi, Yun-Sook;Yoon, Mi-Hye;Lee, Jong-Bok
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to survey the epidemiological characteristics and the isolated strains for pathogenic E. coli which was the major causative organisms for food poisoning occurred at school food services in the Gyeonggi-do area during the past three years. We investigated 19 accidents of food-borne disease outbreaks by pathogenic E. coli at school food services from 2010 to 2012. Food-borne disease outbreaks by pathogenic E. coli were usually occurred at direct management type (18 accidents, 95%) and high schools. For the seasonal factors, 13 accidents (65%) were occurred in June to September, especially the end of August and September after the summer holidays. The first patients were occurred on Wednesday (7 accidents, 37%) and Thursday (7 accidents, 37%), and they were mainly reported on Thursday (7 accidents, 37%) and Friday (5 accidents, 26%). The exposure of risk was estimated in Monday (4 accidents, 21%), Tuesday (7 accidents, 37%) and Wednesday (4 accidents, 21%), and kimchi (5 accidents, 50%) was estimated as the food of the high risk responsible for the outbreaks. 98 isolates of pathogenic E. coli consisted of PEC (50%), ETEC (34%), EAEC (15%), and EHEC (1%). The antibiotic resistance of pathogenic E. coli showed in the descending order of ampicilline (40%), nalidixic acid (37%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (24%), and tetracycline (19%). The antibiotics of second and third generation cephalosporins, cabarpenem, aminoglycosides, and second generation quinolones had antimicrobial susceptibilities and cefalotin, ampicillin/sulbactam and chloramphenicol showed medium resistance at 29%, 25%, and 6% respectively, and 70% of isolates were resistant to more than one antibiotic. By the PFGE analysis, they were classified into nine major groups and 31 profiles with 57% pattern similarity. It was very difficult to find the correlation of antimicrobial susceptibilities and genotype in the small scale-food poisoning, but the similarity of antimicrobial resistance and PFGE patterns in the large scale-food poisoning enabled the outbreaks to estimate the same pathotype of E. coli derived from identical origins.

A study on the Curriculum Perspectives of Secondary School Home Economics Teachers and the Home Economics Teacher Efficacy (기술.가정(실과) 교사의 교육과정 관점과 교사 효능감에 관한 연구 - 가정 분야를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, You-Jung;Chae, Jung-Hyun;Park, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspectives on curriculum of secondary school home economics(HE) teachers, the HE teacher efficacy level, and the correlation between their perspectives on HE curriculum and the HE teacher efficacy. A questionnaire survey was carried out to the 500 HE teachers from middle and high schools across the nation, 215 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: First, most of HE teachers had the biggest interest in interpretative perspective and some teachers had a interest in critical perspective. On the other hand, a few teachers only had a interest in technical curriculum perspective. Second, HE teachers who worked in the big cities tended to be more interested in interpretative perspective than those who worked in small cities. HE teachers from 25 to 40 years olds tended to be more interested in critical perspective than those who were more than 50 years old. Also, HE teachers with less than 15 years of experience tended to be more interested in critical perspective than those who had worked for more than 15 years. Third, the average of the HE teacher efficacy level was 3.69. The efficacy level of studying support was the highest. Then came class support, environment support, instruction strategy, and demands alternation in order. Fourth, there was moderate correlation between the interpretative perspective on curriculum of middle and high school HE teachers and teacher efficacy level in comparison with other curriculum perspectives.

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