• Title/Summary/Keyword: High resolution differencing

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Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Flow Using a Refined HRIC VOF Method (개선된 HRIC VOF 법에 의한 자유수면 유동해석)

  • Park, II-Ryong;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Kim, Jin;Van, Suak-Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a VOF method called RHRIC (refined high resolution intertace capturing) is introduced for solving the motion of the free surface and applied to the simulation of the advection of rigid interiaces of different shapes and a 20 dam-break problem, which are typical benchmark test cases. The numerical results for the interface advection cases are compared to the analytic solutions, while the available experimental data and other numerical results of various free surface methods for the dam-break problem are provided for the validation of the proposed VOF method. The same simulations were also carried out using the original HRIC scheme and a modified HRIC scheme called MHRIC for comparison. Although the RHRIC uses a simple order scheme, a basis of the original HRIC scheme, lower than the third-order ULTIMATE-QUICKEST used by the MHRIC, it provides an improved accuracy over the two previous HRIC methods.

Study on the Improvement of the Convective Differencing Scheme for the High-Accuracy and Stable Resolution of the Numerical Solution (수치해의 정확성과 안정성이 보장되는 대류항 미분법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 신종근;최영돈
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1179-1194
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    • 1992
  • QUICKER scheme has several attractive properties. However, under highly convective conditions, it produces overshoots and possibly some oscillations on each side of steps in the dependent variable when the flow is convected at an angle oblique to the grid line. Fortunately, it is possible to modify the QUICKER scheme using non-linear and linear functional relationship. Details of the development of polynomial upwinding scheme are given in this paper, where it is seen that this non-linear scheme has also third order accuracy. This polynomial upwinding scheme is used as the basis for the SHARPER and SMARTER schemes. Another revised scheme was developed by partial modification of QUICKER scheme using CDS and UPWIND schemes(QUICKUP). These revised schemes are tested at the well known bench mark flows, Two-Dimensional Pure Convection Flows in Oblique-Step, Lid Driven Cavity Flows and Buoyancy Driven Cavity Flows. For pure convection oblique step flow test problem, QUICKUP, SMARTER and SHARPER schemes remain absolutely monotonic without overshoot and oscillation. QUICKUP scheme is more accurate than any other scheme in their relative accuracy. In high Reynolds number Lid Driven Cavity Flow, SMARTER and SHARPER schemes retain lower computational cost than QUICKER and QUICKUP schemes, but computed velocity values in the revised schemes produced less predicted values than QUICKER scheme which is strongly effected by overshoot and undershoot values. Also, in Buoyancy Driven Cavity Flow, SMARTER, SHARPER and QUICKUP schemes give acceptable results.


  • Park, I.R.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2015
  • This paper describes a volume of fluid(VOF) method, mRHRIC for the simulation of free surface flows around ship hulls and provides its validation against benchmark test cases. The VOF method is developed on the basis of RHRIC method developed by Park et al. that uses high resolution differencing schemes to algebraically preserve both the sharpness of interface and the boundedness of volume fraction. A finite volume method is used to solve the governing equations, while the realizable ${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ model is used for turbulence closure. The present numerical results of the resistance performance tests for DTMB5415 and KCS hull forms show a good agreement with available experimental data and those of other free surface methods.

Study on Improvement in Numerical Method for Two-phase Flows Including Surface Tension Effects (표면장력 효과를 고려한 이상유동 해석법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Il-Ryong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2013
  • The present paper proposes a coupled volume-of-fluid (VOF) and level-set (LS) method for simulating incompressible two-phase flows that include surface tension effects. The interface of two fluids and its motion are represented by a VOF method designed using high-resolution differencing schemes. This hybrid method couples the VOF method with an LS distancing algorithm in an explicit way to improve the calculation of the normal and curvature of the interface. It is developed based on a rather simple algorithm to be efficient for various practical applications. The accuracy and convergence properties of the method are verified in a simulation of a single gas bubble rising in a three-dimensional flow with a large density ratio.

Comparison of Pixel-based Change Detection Methods for Detecting Changes on Small Objects (소형객체 변화탐지를 위한 화소기반 변화탐지기법의 성능 비교분석)

  • Seo, Junghoon;Park, Wonkyu;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2021
  • Existing change detection researches have been focused on changes of land use and land cover (LULC), damaged areas, or large vegetated and water regions. On the other hands, increased temporal and spatial resolution of satellite images are strongly suggesting the feasibility of change detection of small objects such as vehicles and ships. In order to check the feasibility, this paper analyzes the performance of existing pixel-based change detection methods over small objects. We applied pixel differencing, PCA (principal component analysis) analysis, MAD (Multivariate Alteration Detection), and IR-MAD (Iteratively Reweighted-MAD) to Kompsat-3A and Google Map images taken within 10 days. We extracted ground references for changed and non-changed small objects from the images and used them for performance analysis of change detection results. Our analysis showed that MAD and IR-MAD, that are known to perform best over LULC and large areal changes, offered best performance over small object changes among the methods tested. It also showed that the spectral band with high reflectivity of the object of interest needs to be included for change analysis.

Analysis of Debris Flow Deposition based on Topographic Characteristics of Debris Flow Path (유하부 지형 특성에 따른 토석류 퇴적 분석)

  • Kim, Gihong;Youn, Junhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.6_1
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    • pp.471-481
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the frequency of debris flow disaster has increased, which is one of the natural disasters during extremely heavy rainfall condition. This paper described the analysis method about deposition characteristics of debris flow using topographic characteristics of debris flow path. First, we observed topographic changes by differencing high- resolution LiDAR DEMs acquired before and after the occurrence of debris flow event. We assumed that deposition on outside of debris flow path was generated by movements due to the inertia of debris flows. Then, we analyzed three topographic characteristics of debris flow path: slope in flow direction, transition angle of flow path, and the net efficiency(L/H) of debris flows defined by the ratio of transport length(L) and elevation difference(H). We applied this method to Umyeon Mountain debris flow event in July 2011. The results showed that deposition on outside of debris flow path due to the inertia of debris flows was significantly related to the transition angle of debris flow path. Also, we figured out that there were more frequent such depositions in locations where the ratio of 'transition angle / (L/H)' is over 8.

Analysis of Individual Tree Change Using Aerial Photograph in Deforested area Before and After Road Construction (항공영상을 활용한 도로개발 전·후 산림 훼손지 개체목 분석)

  • Choi, Jae-Yong;Kim, Seoung-Yeal;Kim, Whee-Moon;Song, Won-Kyong;Lee, Ji-Young;Choi, Won-Tae;Moon, Guen-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2018
  • Although the road construction in forest is increasing and there is a need for development ecological restoration on deforest area, no consideration has been given to individual trees in there. This study analyzed aerial photographs of deforest area before and after road construction for determining the degree of forest destruction by extracting individual trees. Study area was selected in the sites where are damaged by road construction in GongJu-si, YuSung-gu, and YeongDong-gun. The aerial photograph taken 1979 before construction is panchromatic image of 80cm in GSD (Ground Sample Distance) and other photograph taken 2016 after construction is multi-spectral image of 10cm in GSD. In order to minimize the difference of GSD, we conducted image re-sampling process for setting to same GSD for the two photographs. After that we carried out visual interpretation method for determining to change of individual tree. The result found that for GongJu-si of the number of individual tree was 1,014 in 1979 and 886 in 2016, which decreased by 128 (12.6%) and the average width of those decreased from 5.77m to 5.75m by 0.47%. In case of YoungDong-gun, the number of it was 761 in 1979 and 746 in 2016, which decreased by 2.0% and the average width of it decreased from 8.99mm to 8.90m by 1.1%. Lastly in case of YuSung-gu, the number of it was 1,578 in 1979 and 988 in 2016, which decreased by 37.4% and the average width of it decreased from 7.09m to 6.65m by 6.21%. these result imply that road construction causes destruction of forests. Since there are limitations such as errors due to researcher, it is necessary to construct a quantitative analysis method for the change of the deforest area. It is need to study the method of extracting individual tree in deforest area more accurately using high-resolution image of GSD 10cm or more as well. This study can be used as a basic data for the ecological restoration of the deforest area considering characteristics of individual tree such as height, diameter at breast height, and biomass.