• 제목/요약/키워드: High force

검색결과 5,657건 처리시간 0.031초

2축 힘/모멘트센서를 이용한 원통형 손가락 힘측정장치 개발 및 특성평가 (Development of Cylindrical-type Finger Force Measuring System Using Two-axis Force/Moment Sensor and its Characteristic Evaluation)

  • 김갑순
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.484-489
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    • 2011
  • Some patients can't use their hands because of inherent and acquired paralysis of their fingers. Their fingers can recover with rehabilitative training, and the extent of rehabilitation can be judged by grasping a cylindrical-object with their fingers. At present, the cylindrical-object used in hospitals is only a cylinder which cannot measure grasping force of the fingers. Therefore, doctors must judge the extent of rehabilitation by watching patients' fingers as they grasp the cylinder. A cylindrical-type finger force measuring system which can measure the grasping force of patients' fingers should be developed. This paper looks at the development of a cylindrical-type finger force measuring system with two-axis force/moment sensor which can measure grasping force. The two-axis force/moment sensor was designed and fabricated, and the high-speed force measuring device was designed and manufactured by using DSP (digital signal processing). Also, cylindrical-type finger force measuring system was developed using the developed two-axis force/moment sensor and the high-speed force measuring device, and the grasping force tests of men were performed using the developed system. The tests confirm that the average finger forces of right and left hands for men were about 186N and 172N respectively.

고속차량용 디스크 제동 특성 및 제동제어 방법기술에 대한 연구 (A study on Characteristics of Disc Brake of & Technology of Brake Control System in High Speed Railway)

  • 신유정;최경진;곽재호
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2005년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.393-397
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    • 2005
  • Since the braking system of rolling stock is directly linked to it's safety, ensuring reliability of braking system and evaluation of performance of it are very important. To develope the performance of braking system, it is required advanced technology and gradually various factors in the field test result. This study is designed to analyze the air pressure control about braking force in rolling stock, also, by comparing braking force of high speed railway with that of high speed train. This paper suggests to establish a method of computation of braking force form the air pressure control. And The high speed train researches into patterns of braking system such as the train of speed up and introduction of electric and pneumatic braking system.

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로봇용 6축 힘/모멘트 센서를 위한 고성능측정기 개발 (Development of High-Precision Measuring Device for Six-axis Force/Moment Sensor)

  • 신희준;김갑순
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제24권10호
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes the development of a high-precision measuring device with DSP (digital signal processor) for the accurate measurement of the 6-axis force/moment sensor mounted to a humanoid robot's ankle. In order to walk on uneven terrain safely, the foot should perceive the applied forces Fx, Fy, and Fz and moments Mx, My, and Mz to itself, and control the foot using the measured them. The applied forces and moments should be measured from two 6-axis force/moment sensors mounted to the feet, and the sensor is composed of Fx sensor, Fy sensor, Fz sensor, Mx sensor, My sensor and Mz sensor in a body (single block). In order to acquire output values from twelve sensors (two 6-axis force/moment sensor) accurately, the measuring device should get the function of high speed, and should be small in size. The commercialized measuring devices have the function of high speed, unfortunately, they are large in size and heavy in weight. In this paper, the high-precision measuring device for acquiring the output values from two 6-axis force/moment sensors was developed. It is composed of a DSP (150 MHz), a RAM (random access memory), amplifiers, capacities, resisters and so on. And the characteristic test was carried out.

초고속열차용 축소모델 선형동기전동기의 개념 및 기본설계 연구 (A Study on a Concept and Basic Design of a Small-Scaled LSM for Ultra-High Speed Railway Transit)

  • 박찬배;이형우;이병송;박현준
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2009년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.905-911
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    • 2009
  • The viscosity drive method by the wheel which is widely used in the conventional railway systems needs a large friction force between the wheel and the guide-rail, which brings on a thrust force for a quick acceleration and a high-speed travelling. In addition, the viscosity drive method needs an increase of the vehicle weight for a large friction force. However, a maglev train is possible to be driven by the electro-magnet instead of the wheel, which produces a levitation and thrust force without any contact. In general, low-speed maglev train uses a linear induction motor(LIM) for propulsion that is operated under 300[km/h] due to the power-collecting and end-effect problems of LIM. In case of high-speed maglev train, a linear synchronous motor(LSM) is more suitable than LIM because of a high-efficiency and high-output properties. LSM has a driving principle as same as a conventional rotary synchronous motor(RSM), and the torque of RSM becomes the thrust force of LSM. A conventional LSM has relatively large air-gap compared with a conventional RSM. So, it must be achieved a design that is considered normal force by finite-asymmetric structure, end-effect on the entry and exit part, and support structure of a moving part. Therefore, in this research, authors accomplish a conceptualizing and basic design of a small-scaled LSM, and characteristics analysis using FEM.

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회전형 이상 횡자속형 전동기에서 발생하는 자기력 및 토크 해석 (Analysis of the Magnetic Force and Torque of a Rotatory Two-Phase Transverse Flux Machine)

  • 박남기;장정환;장건희
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2006년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.829-835
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    • 2006
  • Rotatory two-phase transverse flux machine(TFM) is a relatively new type of motor with high power density, high torque, and low speed in comparison to conventional electrical motors. However, it has some shortcomings,.i.e. complex construction and high possibility of the magnetically induced vibration due to its inherent structure. This paper investigates the characteristics of the magnetic force and the torque in the rotatory two-phase TFM by using the 3-D finite element method and the spectral analysis. This research shows that the average torque decreases and that the torque ripple increases as the phase delay increases. It also shows that the unbalanced magnetic force is one of the dominant excitation forces in this machine. And it proposes a new topology of rotatory two-phase TFM to eliminate the unbalanced magnetic force.

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고전압 차단기용 솔레노이드 액추에이터의 거동 (Behavior of the Solenoid Actuator for High-Voltage Circuit Breaker)

  • 윤소남;함영복;안병규;김고도
    • 유공압시스템학회논문집
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • In the last few years, a considerable number of studies have been made on On-Off solenoid for fluid control. But, only few attempts have so far been made at solenoid actuator for high-voltage circuit breaker. In case of the high-pressure and high-flow system like high-voltage circuit breaker, a big size of On/Off solenoid is necessary which size is proportional to control pressure and flow rate. So, it is non-effective in the view point of system optimization. In this paper, On/Off solenoid actuator with the farce amplifier connected to the solenoid rod was proposed to get a high mechanical force and a fast response time. The magnetic force and the mechanical stress distributions were analysed using finite element analysis. The performances of suggested solenoid actuator were evaluated through the experimental results and compared with the analysis results.

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앉은 자세에서 힘 수준에 따른 상지관절 동작별 최대 수용 반복 빈도수 분석 (Analysis of Maximum Acceptable Frequencies for Upper Extremity Motions with Forces in a Seated Position)

  • 권오채;유희천;정기효
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2005
  • Evaluation of repetitiveness for upper extremity intensive tasks is essential to determine the level of risk for upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders at the workplace. However, experimental data available to establish the acceptable levels of repetitiveness for various postures and forces is lacking. The present study examined the maximum acceptable frequencies(MAFs; motions/min.) of shoulder, elbow, wrist, and index finger motions at different forces(1kgf and 4kgf for shoulder, elbow, and wrist; 0.25kgf and 1 kgf for index finger) in sitting. Seventeen right-handed males in 20s without having any history musculoskeletal disorders participated in the MAF experiment. The participants determined their MAFs for the upper extremity motions by using the self-adjustment method and their work pulse(increase in heart rate; beats/min.) and rating of perceived exertion(RPE) were measured when working at MAF. The MAFs of elbow, wrist, and index finger motions for each force level were about 2, 3, and 6 times the corresponding MAF(9 at the high force and 24 at the low force) of shoulder motion and the MAFs at the low force increased about 2 times those at the high force. The work pulses of elbow, wrist, and index finger motions for each force level were 70%, 50%, and 30% of the corresponding work pulse(17 at the high force and 12 at the low force) of shoulder motion and the work pulses at the low force were about 70 % of those at the high force. Lastly, the RPEs of the upper extremity regions were about level 3(moderate) or below.

제동시 점착력과 제동력의 관계에 대한 고찰 (Discussion of the relationship between adhesion force and braking force in slip condition)

  • 김영국;김석원;목진용;김기환
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2007년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1005-1011
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    • 2007
  • The brake system of train must posses the large braking effort in order to stop the train safely within the limited traveling distance. But, the excessive braking effort has been deteriorated the ride comfort due to high level of deceleration and jerk, and sometimes occurred the skid, because the applied braking force exceeds the allowable adhesive force. This skid causes not only to increase the stopping distance but also to deteriorate the safety of train and damage the rail surface by wheel flat. In the present paper, the braking force for disc brake of Korea High Speed Train (HSR350x) was measured through on-line test and the adhesion force was estimated by using the analytic model in the skid condition. Also, we have discussed the relationship between the actual disc brake force and the adhesion force in real skid condition.

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The Thrust and Normal Force Analysis of Hybrid Linear Pulse Motor

  • Yoon, Shin-Yong;Baek, Soo-Hyun;Kim, Yong;Kim, Cherl-Jin
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • 제11B권2호
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2001
  • This paper described the forces analysis of a hybrid linear pulse motor (HLPM) with high accuracy and repeatability. The HLPM is fed from a phase current by microstepping drive. The finite element method (FEM) is employed for calculating the force. The forces between mover(forcer) and stator(platen) have been calculated using the virtual work method. The detent force, rate of tooth width to tooth pitch and magnetic saturation were analyzed to considered the distortion characteristics of static thrust. The thrust to displacement produced a high pulsating force while the normal force is much higher than the thrust force.

EHA의 정밀 힘제어를 위한 펌프 속도 제어기의 강인 내부루프 보상 (Robust Internal-loop Compensation of Pump Velocity Controller for Precise Force Control of an Electro-hydrostatic Actuator)

  • 김종혁;홍예선
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2018
  • Force-controlled electro-hydrostatic actuators have to exhibit high backdrivability, to quickly compensate for force control errors caused by externally disturbed rod movement. To obtain high backdrivability, the servomotor for driving the hydraulic pump, should rotate exactly to such a revolution to compensate for force control errors, compressing or decompressing cylinder chambers. In this study, we proposed a modified velocity control structure, including a robust internal-loop compensator (RIC)-based velocity controller, for the servomotor to improve backdrivability of a force-controlled EHA. Performance improvement was confirmed experimentally, wherein sinusoidal velocity disturbance was applied to the force-controlled EHA, with constant reference input. Its dynamic force control errors reduced effectively, with the proposed control scheme, compared to test results with a conventional motordriver, for motor velocity control.