• 제목/요약/키워드: High flux reactor

검색결과 153건 처리시간 0.028초

A Theoretical Model of Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling at Low Qualities

  • Kim, Ho-Young;Kwon, Hyuk-Sung;Hwang, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Yongchan
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제15권7호
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    • pp.921-930
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    • 2001
  • A new theoretical critical heat flux (CHF) model was developed for the forced convective flow boiling at high pressure, high mass velocity, and low quality. The present model for an intermittent vapor blanket was basically derived from the sublayer dryout theory without including any empirical constant. The vapor blanket velocity was estimated by an axial force balance, and the thickness of vapor blanket was determined by a radial force balance for the Marangoni force and lift force. Based on the comparison of the predicted CHF with the experimental data taken from previous studies, the present CHF model showed satisfactory results with reasonable accuracy.

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Study of Lower Hybrid Current Drive for the Demonstration Reactor

  • Molavi-Choobini, Ali Asghar;Naghidokht, Ahmad;Karami, Zahra
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제48권3호
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    • pp.711-718
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    • 2016
  • Steady-state operation of a fusion power plant requires external current drive to minimize the power requirements, and a high fraction of bootstrap current is required. One of the external sources for current drive is lower hybrid current drive, which has been widely applied in many tokamaks. Here, using lower hybrid simulation code, we calculate electron distribution function, electron currents and phase velocity changes for two options of demonstration reactor at the launched lower hybrid wave frequency 5 GHz. Two plasma scenarios pertaining to two different demonstration reactor options, known as pulsed (Option 1) and steady-state (Option 2) models, have been analyzed. We perceive that electron currents have major peaks near the edge of plasma for both options but with higher efficiency for Option 1, although we have access to wider, more peripheral regions for Option 2. Regarding the electron distribution function, major perturbations are at positive velocities for both options for flux surface 16 and at negative velocities for both options for flux surface 64.

Magnetic Core Reactor for DC Reactor type Three-Phase Fault Current Limiter

  • Kim, Jin-Sa;Bae, Duck-Kweon
    • International Journal of Safety
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a Magnetic Core Reactor (MCR) which forms a part of the DC reactor type three-phase high-Tc superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) has been developed. This SFCL is more economical than other types with three coils since it uses only one high-Tc superconducting (HTS) coil. When DC reactor type three-phase high-Tc SFCL is developed using just one coil, fewer power electronic devices and shorter HTS wire are needed. The SFCL proposed in this paper needs a power-linking device to connect the SFCL to the power system. The design concept for this device was sprang from the fact that the magnetic energy could be changed into the electrical energy and vice versa. Ferromagnetic material is used as a path of magnetic flux. When high-Tc superconducting DC reactor is separated from the power system by using SCRs, this device also limits fault current until the circuit breaker is opened. The device mentioned above was named Magnetic Core Reactor (MCR). MCR was designed to minimize the voltage drop and total losses. Majority of the design parameters was tuned through experiments with the design prototype. In the experiment, the current density of winding conductor was found to be $1.3\;A/mm^2$, voltage drop across MCR was 20 V and total losses on normal state was 1.3 kW.

Proposal of Potted Inductor with Enhanced Thermal Transfer for High Power Boost Converter in HEVs

  • You, Bong-Gi;Ko, Jeong-Min;Kim, Jun-Hyung;Lee, Byoung-Kuk
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.1075-1080
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    • 2015
  • A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powertrain has more than one energy source including a high-voltage electric battery. However, for a high voltage electric battery, the average current is relatively low for a given power level. Introduced to increase the voltage of a HEV battery, a compact, high-efficiency boost converter, sometimes called a step-up converter, is a dc-dc converter with an output voltage greater than its input voltage. The inductor occupies more than 30% of the total converter volume making it difficult to get high power density. The inductor should have the characteristics of good thermal stability, low weight, low losses and low EMI. In this paper, Mega Flux® was selected as the core material among potential core candidates. Different structured inductors with Mega Flux® were fabricated to compare the performance between the conventional air cooled and proposed potting structure. The proposed inductor has reduced the weight by 75% from 8.8kg to 2.18kg and the power density was increased from 15.6W/cc to 56.4W/cc compared with conventional inductor. To optimize the performance of proposed inductor, the potting materials with various thermal conductivities were investigated. Silicone with alumina was chosen as potting materials due to the high thermo-stable properties. The proposed inductors used potting material with thermal conductivities of 0.7W/m·K, 1.0W/m·K and 1.6W/m·K to analyze the thermal performance. Simulations of the proposed inductor were fulfilled in terms of magnetic flux saturation, leakage flux and temperature rise. The temperature rise and power efficiency were measured with the 40kW boost converter. Experimental results show that the proposed inductor reached the temperature saturation of 107℃ in 20 minutes. On the other hand, the temperature of conventional inductor rose by 138℃ without saturation. And the effect of thermal conductivity was verified as the highest thermal conductivity of potting materials leads to the lowest temperature saturations.

Stable In-reactor Performance of Centrifugally Atomized U-l0wt.%Mo Dispersion Fuel at Low Temperature

  • Kim, Ki-Hwan;Kwon, Hee-Jun;Park, Jong-Man;Lee, Yoon-Sang;Kim, Chang-Kyu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2001
  • In order to examine the in-reactor performance of very-high-density dispersion fuels for high flux performance research reactors, U-l0wt.%Mo microplates containing centrifugally atomized powder were irradiated at low temperature. The U-l0wt.%Mo dispersion fuels show stable in- reactor irradiation behaviors even at high burn-up, similar to U$_3$Si$_2$ dispersion fuels. The atomized U-l0wt.%Mo fuel particles have a fine and a relatively uniform fission gas bubble size distribution. Moreover, only one of third of the area of the atomized fuel cross-sections at 70a1.% burn-up shows fission gas bubble-free zones, This appears to be the result of segregation into high Mo and low Mo.

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High heat flux limits of the fusion reactor water-cooled first wall

  • Zacha, Pavel;Entler, Slavomir
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제51권5호
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    • pp.1251-1260
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    • 2019
  • The water-cooled WCLL blanket is one of the possible candidates for the blanket of the fusion power reactors. The plasma-facing first wall manufactured from the reduced-activation ferritic-martensitic steel Eurofer97 will be cooled with water at a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) conditions. According to new estimates, the first wall will be exposed to peak heat fluxes up to $7MW/m^2$ while the maximum operated temperature of Eurofer97 is set to $550^{\circ}C$. The performed analysis shows the capability of the designed flat first wall concept to remove heat flux without exceeding the maximum Eurofer97 operating temperature only up to $0.75MW/m^2$. Several heat transfer enhancement methods (turbulator promoters), structural modifications, and variations of parameters were analysed. The effects of particular modifications on the wall temperature were evaluated using thermo-hydraulic three-dimensional numerical simulation. The analysis shows the negligible effect of the turbulators. By the combination of the proposed modifications, the permitted heat flux was increased up to $1.69MW/m^2$ only. The results indicate the necessity of the re-evaluation of the existing first wall concepts.

Application of data-driven model reduction techniques in reactor neutron field calculations

  • Zhaocai Xiang;Qiafeng Chen;Pengcheng Zhao
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권8호
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    • pp.2948-2957
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    • 2024
  • High-order harmonic techniques can be used to recreate neutron flux distributions in reactor cores using the neutron diffusion equation. However, traditional source iteration and source correction iteration techniques have sluggish convergence rates and protracted calculation periods. The correctness of the implicitly restarted Arnoldi method (IRAM) in resolving the eigenvalue problems of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional neutron diffusion equations was confirmed by computing the benchmark problems SLAB_1D_1G and two-dimensional steady-state TWIGL using IRAM. By integrating Galerkin projection with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) techniques, a POD-Galerkin reduced-order model was developed and the IRAM model was used as the full-order model. For 14 macroscopic cross-section values, the TWIGL benchmark problem was perturbed within a 20% range. We extracted 100 sample points using the Latin hypercube sampling method, and 70% of the samples were used as the testing set to assess the performance of the reduced-order model The remaining 30% were utilized as the training set to develop the reduced-order model, which was employed to rebuild the TWIGL benchmark problem. The reduced-order model demonstrates good flexibility and can efficiently and accurately forecast the effective multiplication factor and neutron flux distribution in the core. The reduced-order model predicts keff and neutron flux distribution with a high degree of agreement compared to the full-order model. Additionally, the reduced-order model's computation time is only 10.18% of that required by the full-order model.The neutron flux distribution of the steady-state TWIGL benchmark was recreated using the reduced-order model. The obtained results indicate that the reduced-order model can accurately predict the keff and neutron flux distribution of the steady-state TWIGL benchmark.Overall, the proposed technique not only has the potential to accurately project neutron flux distributions in transient settings, but is also relevant for reconstructing neutron flux distributions in steady-state conditions; thus, its applicability is bound to increase in the future.

Analysis on magnetizing characteristics of current limiting reactor using HTSC module

  • Han, Tae Hee;Lim, Sung Hun
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.15-18
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, the magnetizing characteristics of the current limiting reactor (CLR) using $high-T_C$ superconducting (HTSC) module were analyzed. Since the saturation of iron core comprising the CLR using HTSC module deteriorates its current limiting operation, the design of the CLR using HTSC module considering the magnetizing characteristics is needed. For the analysis on the magnetizing characteristics, the flux linkage and the magnetizing current of this CLR using HTSC module were derived from its electrical equivalent circuit. Through the analysis on the linkage flux versus the magnetizing current, obtained from the short-circuit tests, the suppressing effect of the iron core's saturation was discussed.

Structural assessment of reactor pressure vessel under multi-layered corium formation conditions

  • Kim, Tae Hyun;Kim, Seung Hyun;Chang, Yoon-Suk
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.351-361
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    • 2015
  • External reactor vessel cooling (ERVC) for in-vessel retention (IVR) has been considered one of the most useful strategies to mitigate severe accidents. However, reliability of this common idea is weakened because many studies were focused on critical heat flux whereas there were diverse uncertainties in structural behaviors as well as thermal-hydraulic phenomena. In the present study, several key factors related to molten corium behaviors and thermal characteristics were examined under multi-layered corium formation conditions. Thereafter, systematic finite element analyses and subsequent damage evaluation with varying parameters were performed on a representative reactor pressure vessel (RPV) to figure out the possibility of high temperature induced failures. From the sensitivity analyses, it was proven that the reactor cavity should be flooded up to the top of the metal layer at least for successful accomplishment of the IVR-ERVC strategy. The thermal flux due to corium formation and the relocation time were also identified as crucial parameters. Moreover, three-layered corium formation conditions led to higher maximum von Mises stress values and consequently shorter creep rupture times as well as higher damage factors of the RPV than those obtained from two-layered conditions.

Design of the Magnetic Core Reactor for the connection to the Power System of DC Reactor Type High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (DC 리액터형 고온초전도한류기의 전력계통 연계를 위한 자기철심리액터의 설계)

  • 임대준;배덕권;김호민;이찬주;윤경용;윤용수;고태국
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics Conference
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    • 한국초전도저온공학회 2002년도 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.322-325
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the power-linking device connecting the high-Tc super-conducting(HTS) coil to the power system in the DC reactor type three-phase high-Tc superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) has been designed. This design was triggered from the concept that the magnetic energy could be exchanged into the electrical energy each other. Ferromagnetic material is used as the path of magnetic flux. The device mentioned above was named Magnetic Core Reactor(MCR). MCR was designed to minimize the voltage drop caused by copper loss. The current density of the conductor was 1.3 A/mm$^2$ and % voltage drop was 2%.

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