• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hierarchical network feature extraction

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Design of Hierarchical Classifier for Classifying Defects of Cold Mill Strip using Neural Networks (신경회로망을 이용한 냉연 표면흠 분류를 위한 계층적 분류기의 설계)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Lyou, Kyoung;Jung, Woo-Yong;Park, Gwi-Tae;Park, Joong-Jo
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.499-505
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    • 1998
  • In developing an automated surface inspect algorithm, we have designed a hierarchical classifier using neural network. The defects which exist on the surface of cold mill strip have a scattering or singular distribution. We have considered three major problems, that is preprocessing, feature extraction and defect classification. In preprocessing, Top-hit transform, adaptive thresholding, thinning and noise rejection are used Especially, Top-hit transform using local minimax operation diminishes the effect of bad lighting. In feature extraction, geometric, moment, co-occurrence matrix, and histogram ratio features are calculated. The histogram ratio feature is taken from the gray-level image. For defect classification, we suggest a hierarchical structure of which nodes are multilayer neural network classifiers. The proposed algorithm reduced error rate by comparing to one-stage structure.

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Human Activity Recognition Based on 3D Residual Dense Network

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.1540-1551
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    • 2020
  • Aiming at the problem that the existing human behavior recognition algorithm cannot fully utilize the multi-level spatio-temporal information of the network, a human behavior recognition algorithm based on a dense three-dimensional residual network is proposed. First, the proposed algorithm uses a dense block of three-dimensional residuals as the basic module of the network. The module extracts the hierarchical features of human behavior through densely connected convolutional layers; Secondly, the local feature aggregation adaptive method is used to learn the local dense features of human behavior; Then, the residual connection module is applied to promote the flow of feature information and reduced the difficulty of training; Finally, the multi-layer local feature extraction of the network is realized by cascading multiple three-dimensional residual dense blocks, and use the global feature aggregation adaptive method to learn the features of all network layers to realize human behavior recognition. A large number of experimental results on benchmark datasets KTH show that the recognition rate (top-l accuracy) of the proposed algorithm reaches 93.52%. Compared with the three-dimensional convolutional neural network (C3D) algorithm, it has improved by 3.93 percentage points. The proposed algorithm framework has good robustness and transfer learning ability, and can effectively handle a variety of video behavior recognition tasks.

Improving the Cyber Security over Banking Sector by Detecting the Malicious Attacks Using the Wrapper Stepwise Resnet Classifier

  • Damodharan Kuttiyappan;Rajasekar, V
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1657-1673
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    • 2023
  • With the advancement of information technology, criminals employ multiple cyberspaces to promote cybercrime. To combat cybercrime and cyber dangers, banks and financial institutions use artificial intelligence (AI). AI technologies assist the banking sector to develop and grow in many ways. Transparency and explanation of AI's ability are required to preserve trust. Deep learning protects client behavior and interest data. Deep learning techniques may anticipate cyber-attack behavior, allowing for secure banking transactions. This proposed approach is based on a user-centric design that safeguards people's private data over banking. Here, initially, the attack data can be generated over banking transactions. Routing is done for the configuration of the nodes. Then, the obtained data can be preprocessed for removing the errors. Followed by hierarchical network feature extraction can be used to identify the abnormal features related to the attack. Finally, the user data can be protected and the malicious attack in the transmission route can be identified by using the Wrapper stepwise ResNet classifier. The proposed work outperforms other techniques in terms of attack detection and accuracy, and the findings are depicted in the graphical format by employing the Python tool.

A Framework for Facial Expression Recognition Combining Contextual Information and Attention Mechanism

  • Jianzeng Chen;Ningning Chen
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.535-549
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    • 2024
  • Facial expressions (FEs) serve as fundamental components for human emotion assessment and human-computer interaction. Traditional convolutional neural networks tend to overlook valuable information during the FE feature extraction, resulting in suboptimal recognition rates. To address this problem, we propose a deep learning framework that incorporates hierarchical feature fusion, contextual data, and an attention mechanism for precise FE recognition. In our approach, we leveraged an enhanced VGGNet16 as the backbone network and introduced an improved group convolutional channel attention (GCCA) module in each block to emphasize the crucial expression features. A partial decoder was added at the end of the backbone network to facilitate the fusion of multilevel features for a comprehensive feature map. A reverse attention mechanism guides the model to refine details layer-by-layer while introducing contextual information and extracting richer expression features. To enhance feature distinguishability, we employed islanding loss in combination with softmax loss, creating a joint loss function. Using two open datasets, our experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework. Our framework achieved an average accuracy rate of 74.08% on the FER2013 dataset and 98.66% on the CK+ dataset, outperforming advanced methods in both recognition accuracy and stability.

A Study on Person Re-Identification System using Enhanced RNN (확장된 RNN을 활용한 사람재인식 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seok-Gyu;Xu, Wenjie
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2017
  • The person Re-identification is the most challenging part of computer vision due to the significant changes in human pose and background clutter with occlusions. The picture from non-overlapping cameras enhance the difficulty to distinguish some person from the other. To reach a better performance match, most methods use feature selection and distance metrics separately to get discriminative representations and proper distance to describe the similarity between person and kind of ignoring some significant features. This situation has encouraged us to consider a novel method to deal with this problem. In this paper, we proposed an enhanced recurrent neural network with three-tier hierarchical network for person re-identification. Specifically, the proposed recurrent neural network (RNN) model contain an iterative expectation maximum (EM) algorithm and three-tier Hierarchical network to jointly learn both the discriminative features and metrics distance. The iterative EM algorithm can fully use of the feature extraction ability of convolutional neural network (CNN) which is in series before the RNN. By unsupervised learning, the EM framework can change the labels of the patches and train larger datasets. Through the three-tier hierarchical network, the convolutional neural network, recurrent network and pooling layer can jointly be a feature extractor to better train the network. The experimental result shows that comparing with other researchers' approaches in this field, this method also can get a competitive accuracy. The influence of different component of this method will be analyzed and evaluated in the future research.

Hierarchical Gabor Feature and Bayesian Network for Handwritten Digit Recognition (계층적인 가버 특징들과 베이지안 망을 이용한 필기체 숫자인식)

  • 성재모;방승양
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • For the handwritten digit recognition, this paper Proposes a hierarchical Gator features extraction method and a Bayesian network for them. Proposed Gator features are able to represent hierarchically different level information and Bayesian network is constructed to represent hierarchically structured dependencies among these Gator features. In order to extract such features, we define Gabor filters level by level and choose optimal Gabor filters by using Fisher's Linear Discriminant measure. Hierarchical Gator features are extracted by optimal Gabor filters and represent more localized information in the lower level. Proposed methods were successfully applied to handwritten digit recognition with well-known naive Bayesian classifier, k-nearest neighbor classifier. and backpropagation neural network and showed good performance.

Printed Hangul Recognition with Adaptive Hierarchical Structures Depending on 6-Types (6-유형 별로 적응적 계층 구조를 갖는 인쇄 한글 인식)

  • Ham, Dae-Sung;Lee, Duk-Ryong;Choi, Kyung-Ung;Oh, Il-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2010
  • Due to a large number of classes in Hangul character recognition, it is usual to use the six-type preclassification stage. After the preclassification, the first consonent, vowel, and last consonent can be classified separately. Though each of three components has a few of classes, classification errors occurs often due to shape similarity such as 'ㅔ' and 'ㅖ'. So this paper proposes a hierarchical recognition method which adopts multi-stage tree structures for each of 6-types. In addition, to reduce the interference among three components, the method uses the recognition results of first consonents and vowel as features of vowel classifier. The recognition accuracy for the test set of PHD08 database was 98.96%.