• 제목/요약/키워드: Hereditary disorder

검색결과 81건 처리시간 0.023초

A Review of Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa: Revisitation

  • Prasetyono, Theddeus OH;Hanafi, Enjeline;Astriana, Windi
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.391-406
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    • 2015
  • Macrodystrophia lipomatosa (MDL) is a rare congenital non-hereditary disorder that has significant impact on patient morbidity. This study provides a comprehensive review of the natural history, diagnosis, management, and outcomes of the disorder. A literature search in PubMed was conducted to identify cases of MDL from January 1950 to 14 February 2014. After ruling out articles without information related to the management of the disorder, a summary of 32 studies was performed. An additional three cases from the authors are also presented. Based on 57 journal articles and three additional cases from the authors, around 108 cases of MDL were reviewed. Most patients were males who were admitted to a treatment clinic in the first four years of life. The lower extremities were more frequently affected, with unilateral presentation being most common. They commonly underwent a single-staged surgical procedure with follow-up periods ranging from more than one year up to 21 years. Out of 43 cases that underwent surgical procedures, 13 reported no complications, and there were seven cases of esthetic satisfaction and 15 cases of significant functional improvement. Depending on the severity of a patient's condition, the use of non-invasive diagnostic tools should be carefully considered. Surgery might be a better choice of management than observation, taking into account possible future complications in the absence of surgery and the beneficial outcomes of surgical procedures.

Identification of a novel mutation in a patient with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia

  • Lee, Ye Seung;Kim, Hui Kwon;Kim, Hye Rim;Lee, Jong Yoon;Choi, Joong Wan;Bae, Eun Ju;Oh, Phil Soo;Park, Won Il;Ki, Chang Seok;Lee, Hong Jin
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제57권5호
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    • pp.240-244
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    • 2014
  • Pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP Ia) is a disorder characterized by multiform hormonal resistance including parathyroid hormone (PTH) resistance and Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO). It is caused by heterozygous inactivating mutations within the Gs alpha-encoding GNAS exons. A 9-year-old boy presented with clinical and laboratory abnormalities including hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, PTH resistance, multihormone resistance and AHO (round face, short stature, obesity, brachydactyly and osteoma cutis) which were typical of PHP Ia. He had a history of repeated convulsive episodes that started from the age of 2 months. A cranial computed tomography scan showed bilateral calcifications in the basal ganglia and his intelligence quotient testing indicated mild mental retardation. Family history revealed that the patient's maternal relatives, including his grandmother and 2 of his mother's siblings, had features suggestive of AHO. Sequencing of the GNAS gene of the patient identified a heterozygous nonsense mutation within exon 11 (c.637 C>T). The C>T transversion results in an amino acid substitution from Gln to stop codon at codon 213 ($p.Gln213^*$). To our knowledge, this is a novel mutation in GNAS.

A Case of Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula with Family History (가족력이 동반된 폐동정맥루 1예)

  • Kuwon, Eun-Sang;Park, Won-Koung;Ryu, Jeong-Seon;Kwak, Seung-Min;Lee, Hong-Lyeol;Jo, Cheul-Ho;Rho, Hyung-Keun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.649-653
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    • 1998
  • Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula is a congenital vascular malformation in lung resulting from abnormal capillary development and the exact etiology is not well known but it may occur with or without hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Rendu-osler-Weber disease is an autosomal dominant vascular disorder which associates epistaxis, mucocutaneous and visceral telangicetases, and recurrent hemorrhage with chronic anemia and visceral shuntings. Recently we experienced a case of the pulmonary arteriovenous fistula in a 23 year-old woman with a family history of this disease, which was confirmed by pulmonary angiography.

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Familial Occurrence of Dentin Dysplasia Type I: Case Report (가족 내에 발생한 제 1형 상아질 이형성증: 증례보고)

  • Kim, Sohyun;Kim, Youngjin;Kim, Hyunjung;Nam, Soonhyeun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2014
  • Dentin dysplasia is a rare hereditary disturbance characterized by a dental anomaly of the dentin layer. The etiology is unclear, and this rare hereditary disturbance affects approximately one person in every 100,000. Dentin dysplasia is classified into two types, radicular dentin dysplasia as type I and coronal dentin dysplasia as type II. The characteristic clinical findings of dentin dysplasia type I are normal appearance of the crown and hypermobility of teeth. The radiographic findings are obliteration of all pulp canals, short, blunted and malformed or absent roots. Dentin dysplasia type II as coronal dentin dysplasia shows similar clinical features with dentinogensis imperfecta. This report shows a case of dentin dysplasia type I affecting one family except the father. The clinical, radiographic and histopathologic findings of this family are presented. Dentin dysplasia type I is difficult to diagnose unless dentist performs radiographic examination. If the affecting patient does not get regular dental care, dental abscesses or cysts may form spontaneously without caries. In this regard, early diagnosis is important to prevent premature loss of dentition.

A Case of Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets, Type 1 (제 1형 비타민 D 의존성 구루병 1례)

  • Hur, Ji Hye;Lee, Chong Guk;Sur, Chung Wook
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.665-668
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    • 2005
  • "Rickets" is the term applied to impaired mineralization at epiphyseal growth plate, resulting in deformity and impaired linear growth of long bones. Rickets may arise as a result of vitamin D deficiency or abnormality in metabolism. Vitamin D-dependent rickets(VDDR) is rare autosomal recessive disorder in which affected individuals have clinical features of vitamin D deficiency. In 1961, Prader first described this disorder including severe clinical features of rickets, such as hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, muscle weakness and seizure. Two distinctive hereditary defects, type I VDDR and type II VDDR have been recognized in vitamin D metabolism. Type I VDDR may be due to congenital defects of renal 1 ${\alpha}$-hydroxylase, the enzyme responsible for conversion of $25(OH)D_3$. These patients have low to detectable $1,25(OH)_2D_3$ in presence of normal to raised $25(OH)D_3$. In type II VDDR, renal production of $1,25(OH)_2D_3$ is intact but $1,25(OH)_2D_3$ is not used effectively and target organ resistant to $1,25(OH)_2D_3$ is respectively derived from the abnormality in the vitamin D receptor. We report a case of a 25 month-old girl with typical clinical features of VDDR type I rickets, hypocalcemia, increased alkaline phosphatase and secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Diagnosis and treatment in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (샤르코-마리-투스 질환의 진단 및 치료)

  • Kim, Sang-Beom;Park, Kee Duk;Choi, Byung-Ok
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2005
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease was described by Charcot and Marie in France and, independently, by Tooth in England in 1886. CMT is the most common form of inherited motor and sensory neuropathy, and is a genetically heterogeneous disorder of the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, many genes have been identified as CMT-causative genes. Traditionally, subclassification of CMT have been divided into autosomal dominant inherited demyelinating (CMT1) and axonal (CMT2) neuropathies, X-linked neuropathy (CMTX), and autosomal recessive inherited neuropathy (CMT4). Recently, intermediate type (CMT-Int) with NCVs between CMT1 and CMT2 is considered as a CMT type. There are several related peripheral neuropathies, such as $D{\acute{e}}j{\acute{e}}rine$-Sottas neuropathy (DSN), congenital hypomyelination (CH), hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) and giant axonal neuropathy (GAN). Great advances have been made in understanding the molecular basis of CMT, and 17 distinct genetic causes of CMT have been identified. The number of newly discovered mutations and identified genetic loci is rapidly increasing, and this expanding list has proved challenging for physicians trying to keep up with the field. Identifying the genetic cause of inherited neuropathies is often important to determine at risk family members as well as diagnose the patient. In addition, the encouraging studies have been published on rational potential therapies for the CMT1A. Now, we develop a model of how the various genes may interact in the pathogenesis of CMT disorder.

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Periodontal treatment of a Glanzmann's thrombasthenia patient : A case report (Glanzmann씨 혈소판무력증(Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia) 환자의 치주 치료 증례)

  • Lee, Hak-Churl;Han, Soo-Boo;Kim, Woo-Sung;Lee, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.597-602
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    • 1997
  • Glanzmann's thrombasthenia is a Qualitative platelet disorder characterized by a deficiency in the platelet membrane glycoproteins IIb/IIIa. It belongs to a group of hereditary platelet disorders typified by normal platelet numbers and a prolonged bleeding time. The severity of bleeding does not correlate with the severity of the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa a abnormality. The present case report describes the periodontal treatment of a patient with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. A 30-year-old female with a history of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia was referred for gingival bleeding on tooth brushing and discomforts in #38 area. The periodontal finding revealed a diagnosis of localized slight adult periodontitis. Root planing and extraction of #38 was performed under 12 pack of platelets transfusion and digital compression was done for hemostasis. The gingival bleeding ceased within a day in maxilla and 2 days later in mandible. 42 pack of platelets was administered for 3 days of post-treatment and for iron-deficiency anemia 3 pack of RBCs was transfused 2 days later. 1 week later the inflammation in gingiva disappeared and gingival stippling appeared. The clinical result we got was good and in such a medically compromised patient it is an ability to maintain a proper oral hygiene that is essential both for oral and systemic health.

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Nevoid Basal-cell Carcinoma Syndrome

  • Lee, Choong-Kook;Kim, Hui-Kyeong;Lee, Jae-Huy;Park, Hyoung-Sik;Yoon, Joong-Ho
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1990
  • NBCCS is a hereditary disorder characterized by multiple defects of ectodermal and mesodermal structure, which is chiefly affected on skin, jaws & skeleton, CNS, eye and sexual organ. It is well associated with multiple odontogenic keratocyst on the jaws. Thus, we intended to investigate other anomalies presenting on NBCCS in cases of multiple odontogenic keratocyst which were treated in our hospital from 1980 to 1989. Here we reported 6 cases of NBCCS.

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Dentinogenesis imperfecta type II: A case report with 17 years of follow-up

  • Gama, Francisco Jose Reis;Correa, Isabella Sousa;Valerio, Claudia Scigliano;Ferreira, Emanuelle de Fatima;Manzi, Flavio Ricardo
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 2017
  • Dentinogenesis imperfecta is a dominant autosomal hereditary disorder of dentin formation that affects the deciduous and permanent teeth. Its etiology is characterized by inadequate cell differentiation during odontogenesis. The clinical characteristics of dentinogenesis imperfecta are discolored teeth with a translucency that varies from gray to brown or amber. Radiographically, the teeth exhibit pulp obliteration, thin and short roots, bell-shaped crowns, and periapical bone rarefaction. The aim of this report was to present a case of dentinogenesis imperfecta type II that was followed up over a 17-year period. This report also presents scanning electron microscopy images of the enamel and dentin, showing that both were altered in the affected teeth. The disease characteristics and the treatments that were administered are reported in this study to guide dentists with respect to the need for early diagnosis and adequate follow-up to avoid major sequelae.

CONGENITAL INSENSITIVITY TO PAIN WITH ANHIDROSIS : CASE REPORT (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis 환아의 치험례)

  • Kim, Tae-Geun;Choi, Nam-Ki;Yang, Kyu-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 1999
  • Congenital Insensivity to Pain with Anhidrosis(CIPA) is rare autosomal recessive disorder which is known to be hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies(HSAN) type IV. It is predilection for male and observed in early infant. Its clinical features include congenital analgesia, which leads to self-mutilation; inability to sweat, which leads to defective thermoregulation; and mild to moderate mental retardation. Its dental features include self-mutilation by nail peeling, which leads to gingival ulcer, tongue ulcer due to tongue biting, and enamel hypoplasia. Partial anodontia is often observed as well. Seventeen-months-old boy with CIPA was reported. This is the case in which the dental characteristics are described and the dental treatment of patient is discussed.

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