• 제목/요약/키워드: Health expenditure data

검색결과 297건 처리시간 0.027초

Relationship between Antihypertension Medication Adherence, Medical Utilizations, and Medical Expenditure Among Patients with Hypertension (한국의료패널을 활용한 고혈압환자의 복약순응도가 의료이용 및 의료비 지출에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, SeongOk;Jang, Sunmee
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    • 제57권5호
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2013
  • Objective: Using the Korean Health Panel data (KHP) of 2008 and 2009, this paper analyzed the effect of antihypertension medication adherence on the changes in medical service utilization and medical expenditure in the next year. Method: Through a face-to-face interview survey, KHP has provided an extensive data on demographic characteristics, medical utilizations behavior, medical expenditure and health behaviors of the targeted households and their members since 2008. KHP is recognized as highly accurate regarding medical expenditure in that it makes the target households to record 'Health diary' whenever they use healthcare service, which could minimize their cognitive bias or memory distortion. The 2010 KHP data was based on the interview from 6,432 households and 19,697 household members. Two part model was used to explore the effects of medication adherence on medical use (logistic regression analysis) and medical expenditures (OLS). Result: Our study result demonstrated that the 74.7% of the patients who strictly adhere to their medication in both years, in 2008 and in 2009, were likely to use inpatient service in 2010. This shows the noncompliant patients were in fact use emergency service less than the compliant patients. Conclusion: Based on our analysis, this paper concludes that the high medication adherence of hypertensive patients could contribute to reduce the emergency service use. Therefore it is highly recommendable for the Korean government and the insurer, NHIS, to actively invest in developing education and promotion program to improve medication adherence among hypertensive patients.

Estimation of the Consumption of Antibiotics in Korea (우리 나라의 항생제 소비액 추계 연구)

  • 이영성;이경수;박실비아
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.50-67
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    • 2000
  • This study aims to estimate the consumption of antibiotics in Korea and to suggest the further studies. To measure the amount of antibiotics consumption, we referred to the statistic of NFHI(National Federation of Health Insurance) and a private institute of pharmaceutical information(Korea Intercontinental Medical Statistics; IMS Korea). There were 1,563 antibiotics produced in Korea in 1997. The total amount of antibiotics production was 1,197 billion won in 1997. Antibiotics accounted for 17.6% of the total pharmaceutical productions in 1997. Cephalosporins have taken the largest part of antibiotics production since 1992. The estimation using NFHI data showed that the total expenditure of antibiotics used in health facilities was 268 billion won, 608 billion won, 911 billion won in 1990, 1994, 1997 respectively. Tertiary hospitals spent 246 billion won, general hospitals 287 billion won, hospitals 78 billion won, clinics 300 billion won in 1997. The amount of expenditure and the intensity of antibiotics consumption in hospitals have increased more steeply than any other health facilities. The total expenditure of antibiotics consumption in health facilities and pharmacies was 778 billion won when estimated using the data from IMS Korea, and 999 billion won from NFHI. Cephalosporins was the fast growing antibiotics group in all of the market- hospitals, clinics, pharmacies since 1991. To measure the amount and patterns of antibiotics consumption more precisely, a pharmaceutical monitoring or surveillance system is needed.

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Association Between Local Government Social Expenditures and Mortality Levels in Korea

  • Ko, Hansoo;Kim, Jinseob;Kim, Donggil;Kim, Saerom;Park, Yukyung;Kim, Chang-Yup
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: We examined the association between social expenditures of the local government and the mortality level in Korea, 2004 to 2010. Methods: We used social expenditure data of 230 local governments during 2004 to 2010 from the Social Expenditure Database prepared by the Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs. Fixed effect panel data regression analysis was adopted to look for associations between social expenditures and age-standardized mortality and the premature death index. Results: Social expenditures of local governments per capita was not significantly associated with standardized mortality but was associated with the premature death index (decline of 1.0 [for males] and 0.5 [for females] for each expenditure of 100 000 Korean won, i.e., approximately 100 US dollar). As an index of the voluntary effort of local governments, the self-managed project ratio was associated with a decline in the standardized mortality in females (decline of 0.4 for each increase of 1%). The share of health care was not significant. Conclusions: There were associations between social expenditures of the local government and the mortality level in Korea. In particular, social expenditures per capita were significantly associated with a decline in premature death. However, the voluntary efforts of local governments were not significantly related to the decline in premature death.

Comparative Analysis of Consumption Expenditures by Occupation of the Household Head (가구주의 직업유형에 따른 소비지출양식의 비교분석)

  • 최현자
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.167-184
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    • 2000
  • This study has investigated the degree of similarities and/or differences of consumption expenditure styles among the households with different occupation. Two types of analysis were performed. One was comparative analysis which used to identify the changes of consumption expenditure styles among different occupation classes using time-series data of 1977-1996 Korean Urban Household Expenditure Survey and Rural Household Economy Survey. The other was multivariate analysis to investigate the effects of occupation on consumption expenditure styles with 1551 sample household data from 1996 Korean Urban Household Expenditure Survey. The results showed that the differences in consumption styles among different occupation classes including farmers are diminished during last two decades while there still exist some degree of differences in consumption styles. After controlling other socio-economic factors it is found that occupation is a determinant of consumption patterns of urban w ge earners especially consumption for clothing and health items.

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2015 National Health Accounts and Current Health Expenditures in Korea (2015년 국민보건계정과 경상의료비)

  • Jeong, Hyoung-Sun;Shin, Jeong-Woo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2017
  • Background: This paper aims to demonstrate current health expenditure (CHE) and National Health Accounts of the years 2015 constructed according to the SHA2011, which is a new manual of System of Health Accounts (SHA) that was published jointly by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurostat, and World Health Organization in 2011. Comparison is made with international trends by collecting and analysing health accounts of OECD member countries. Particularly, financing public-private mix is parsed in depth using SHA data of both HF as financing schemes as well as FS (financing source) as their revenue types. Methods: Data sources such as Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service's publications of both motor insurance and drugs are newly used to construct the 2015 National Health Accounts. In the case of private financing, an estimation of total expenditures for revenues by provider groups is made from the Economic Census data; and the household income and expenditure survey, Korean healthcare panel study, etc. are used to allocate those totals into functional classifications. Results: CHE was 115.2 trillion won in 2015, which accounts for 7.4 percent of Korea's gross domestic product. It was a big increase of 9.3 trillion won, 8.8 percent, from the previous year. Government and compulsory schemes's share (or public share) of 56.4% of the CHE in 2015 was much lower than the OECD average of 72.6%. 'Transfers from government domestic revenue' share of total revenue of HF was 17.8% in Korea, lower than the other contribution-based countries. When it comes to 'compulsory contributory health financing schemes,' 'Transfers from government domestic revenue' share of 14.9% was again much lower compared to Japan (44.7%) and Belgium (34.8%) as contribution-based countries. Conclusion: Considering relatively lower public financing share in the inpatient care as well as overall low public financing share of total CHE, priorities in health insurance coverage need to be repositioned among inpatient care, outpatient care and drugs.

The Expenditure Pattern of the Indebted Overspending Households (적자부채가계의 지출구조 및 유형별 특성)

  • Lee, Seong-Lim;Sung, Young-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • 제45권10호
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2007
  • The causes of indebted overspending were investigated by examining household expenditure patterns using the data from the 2002 Family Expenditure Survey. The five major expenditure categories were identified by factor analysis, and the six types of indebted overspending were clustered. About 28% of the indebted overspending was done out of necessity, and food, utilities, housing, and health care accounted for about 42% of the household expenditure. Luxury spending accounted for about 25% of the overspending by indebted households who spent about 24% of the household expenditure on clothing, entertainment, and private education. Cars (22%) and education (20%) were found to be other major causes of indebted overspending. Paying off debt and durable purchases were identified as the major causes of indebted overspending, but had a low frequency. Finally, the financial status of the four major types of indebted overspending households was evaluated.

Estimation Model of Energy Expenditure of Working in a Clean Room for Manufacturing Embedded Needles by Ergonomic Programs (인간공학 프로그램에 의한 매선 제작 청정실작업의 에너지소모량 예측 모델)

  • Chung, Tae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the energy expenditure of working in a clean room for manufacturing embedded needles by ergonomic programs. Embedding needle is one of medical devices and it should be manufactured in a clean room. 3D static strength prediction program was used to analyze the slow movements during embedding needle manufacturing in a clean room. Also the energy expenditure prediction program was used to estimate energy expenditure rates for materials handling tasks to help assure worker safety and health in clean room. The energy expenditures of the tasks were calculated using prediction equations derived from empirical data. The energy expenditure rate of 3.09 kcal/min in a clean room didn't exceed the 3.5 kcal/min action limit guideline for an average 8-hour day set by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Energy consumption was calculated on the same working conditions as EEPP program, using an average body weight of female 20 years old to 59 years who would be the candidates of the real workers.

Factors Affecting the Healthcare Utilization of Spinal and Joint Surgery in Elderly Patients (65세 이상 노인의 척추·관절 수술별 의료이용에 미치는 영향요인 분석)

  • Jeong, Soon Hyun;Gu, Yeo Jeong;Yoo, Ki-Bong
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2020
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to analyze the current status and factors of elderly patients' hospitalization for hip replacement, knee replacement, and general spine surgery. Methods: National health insurance data in 2018 was provided by the National Health Insurance Service. We used multiple regression to analyze factors associated with the medical utilization of hip replacement, knee replacement, and general spine surgery in elderly patients over 65 years old. The dependent variables are the length of stay and total health expenditure. The independent variables are the demographic-social factors (sex, age, region, insurance type, income level) and surgery-related factors (institution type, location of the hospital, surgery classification). Results: The most common factor affecting surgery was the location of medical institutions. Compared with the medical institutions located in metropolitan, the length of stay in rural medical institutions was higher and total health expenditure was lower. The lower quartile of income, the higher the length of stay and total health expenditure. In addition, the variables of age, type of health insurance, and type of medical institution were statistically significant. Conclusion: In this study, we confirmed the effect of sociodemographic factors and medical institution factors on the Healthcare Utilization of spinal and joint surgery.

An Analysis on the Effect of Having a Usual Source of Care for the Elderly: Focusing on the Healthcare Expenditure and the Subjective Health Status (노년기 상용치료원 보유의 효과 분석: 의료비와 주관적 건강상태에 대한 효과를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Yeji;Sakong, Jin
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.531-543
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    • 2021
  • Background: Population aging is a serious problem in Korea. And we have experienced a rapid increase in the health expenditures of the elderly. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of having a usual source of care (USC) for the elderly. Methods: This study used the Korea Health Panel Survey data of 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The sample was the person who answered the USC questions among the elderly. The panel logit model was used to analyze the determinants of having USC and the panel simultaneous equation model was used to analyze the effect of having USC among the elderly on the medical expenses, medical utilization, and subjective health status. Results: The estimation result shows that age, income, marriage, and so forth turn out to be the factors of having USC. Having the clinic level USC is estimated to reduce the health care utilization and the health expenditure and to improve the subjective health status. Conclusion: It is expected that the result of our analysis will provide evidence for encouraging having USC.

The Effect of Copayment on Medical Aid Beneficiaries in Korea

  • Oh, Jin-Joo;Choi, Jeong-Myung;Lee, Hyun-Joo
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was to ascertain whether there are differences in health care utilization and expenditure for Type I Medical Aid Beneficiaries before and after applying Copayment. Methods: This study was one-group pretest posttest design study using secondary data analysis. Data for pretest group were collected from claims data of the Korea National Health Insurance Corporation and data for posttest group were collected through door to-door interviews using a structured questionnaire. A total of 1,364 subjects were sampled systematically from medical aid beneficiaries who had applied for copayment during the period from December 12, 2007 to September 25, 2008. Results: There was no negative effect of copayment on accessibility to medical services, medication adherence (p=.94), and quality of life (p=.25). Some of the subjects' health behaviors even increased preferably after applying for copayment including flu prevention (p<.001), health care examination (p=.035), and cancer screening (p=.002). However, significant suppressive effects of copayment were found on outpatient hospital visiting days (p<.001) and outpatient medical expenditure (p<.001). Conclusion: Copayment does not seem to be a great influencing factor on beneficiaries' accessibility to medical services and their health behavior even though it has suppressive effects on outpatients' use of health care.