• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health expenditure data

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The Impact of Local Government's Expenditure on Air Quality in Korea (지방정부의 대기환경예산 지출이 대기오염 정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Hye Yeon;Jung, Chang Hoon;Kim, Yong Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.583-592
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we attempt to provide empirical evidence for the effect of the expenditure of the local governments on the air quality management. Based on the statistical data, the concentrations of air pollutants including $PM_{10}$, $O_3$, and $NO_2$ were analyzed in accordance with local characteristics of the local governments' environmental expenditure, demographic characteristics, and economic and human resources between 2008 and 2014. The results showed that government spending is estimated to have insignificant impact on air pollutants concentration. All these results are consistently corroborated from the analysis based on different alternative measure of local governments' expenditure (budget composition and measure of expenditure residuals). Subsequently, this study implies that environmental expenditures of local governments have not been effectively enforced to enhance the air quality of the region in Korea.

Impact of Korea's reform for separation between prescribing and dispensing of drugs on profits of doctor's clinics and pharmacies (의약분업이 의원 및 약국의 영업이익에 미친 영향)

  • 정형선
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.44-64
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    • 2004
  • As of 1 July 2000 a big reform was introduced into the Korean health care system: the separation between prescribing and dispensing of drugs (SPD reform). There was, however, a big financial stake associated with pharmaceuticals, particularly before the reform, because physicians as well as pharmacists were allowed to purchase drugs at much lower costs than the insurance reimbursement. In this respect, this study focuses on the change in income and profit of both doctor's clinics and pharmacies after the reform. Data from National Health and Nutritional Survey by the ministry of health and welfare were used to estimate the income or expenditure that are financed by out-of-pocket payment of the patients, while national health insurance data etc. were used for the estimation of the income or expenditure that is financed by insurers. Average annual income per doctor's clinic increased from 299 million won to 338 million won for the three years between 1998 and 2001, whereas average annual income per pharmacy increased enormously from 60 million won to 305 million won for the same period. Average annual 'profit' increase per each doctor's clinic caused by the reform itself was estimated to range from 50 to 83 million won, while that per each pharmacy, from 23 to 87 million won. In sum, while both doctor's clinics and pharmacies are beneficiaries of the SPD reform, its positive impact is particularly prominent on the latter.

The Determinants of Health Outcome between Two Health Care Financing Systems (보건의료체계 재원조달 유형별 건강결과 결정요인 -OECD 국가를 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Ae-Suk;Lee, Kyu-Sik;Shin, Ho-Sung
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.31-53
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of a national health care system is to improve health care outcome among population. The objective of the study was to explore the determinants of health outcome in the 24 OECD countries between two health care financing systems. The study employed the pooled time series and cross-sectional analysis with tax-funded and social insurance-funded countries over the period of 1980 to 1999 using OECD Health Data 2002. The study revealed that health expenditure per capita, physicians per 1,000 of the population and calorie intake were positively significantly associated, smoking rate was negatively associated with health outcome while controlling all variables in the tax-funded countries. But in the insurance-funded countries, health expenditure per capita and the number of physicians were not statistically significant factors explaining health outcome. Only the calorie intake was positively associated with, and smoking rate, alcohol consumption per capita, and total nitrogen oxide emission per capita were negatively significantly associated with health outcome. In conclusion, healthy life style factors were much more important to improve health outcome in the both systems.

Utilization and Expenditure of Health Care and Long-term Care at the End of Life: Evidence from Korea (장기요양 인정자의 사망 전 의료 및 요양서비스 이용 양상 분석)

  • Han, Eun-jeong;Hwang, RahIl;Lee, Jung-suk
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study empirically investigates the utilization and expenditure of health care and long-term care at the last year of life for long-term care beneficiaries in Korea. Methods: This study used National Health Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance claims data of 271,474 LTCI beneficiaries, who died from July 2008 to December 2012. Their cause of death, place of death, health care costs, and the provision of aggressive care were analyzed. Results: Cardio-vascular disease(29.8%) and cancer(15.3%) were reported as their major cause of death, and hospital(64.4%), home(22.0%), social care facility(9.2%) were analyzed as the place of death. 99.3% of subjects used both health care and long-term care during the last 1 year of life. The average survival period were 516.2 days after they were LTCI beneficiaries. The health care expenditure gradually increased near the death, and the last month were three times more rather than the first month. Furthermore, 31.8% experienced some aggressive cares(CPR, blood transfusion, hemo-dialysis, etc.) at the last month of life. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that it is important to develop the end of life care policies(for example, hospice, advanced care directives) for the LTCI beneficiaries. They might contribute to the improvement of quality of life and the reduction of health care expenditure of the elderly at the end-of-life.

Market Segmentation of Patient-Utilization in Oriental Medical Care and Western Medical Care (양.한방 의료서비스 이용환자의 시장 세분화에 관한 연구)

  • 이선희;조희숙;최은영;최귀선;채유미
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2002
  • The objectives of this study were analysis of patient\`s characteristics and market segmentation in oriental medical care and western medical care. This study focused on medical utilization using Anderson's health utilization model. The source of data was 1998 National Health and Nutrition Survey which Korean Institute For Health and Social Affairs carried out. A stratified multistage probability sampling design was used in this survey. The analysis was conducted using the statistical software package SPSS version 10.0 and Answer Tree 2.1 which is one of data mining methodology. The results were as follows ; 1) 44.9% of respondents reported visiting oriental medical center within recent two weeks. 3.4% of them used oriental medical care. The group of age, kind of disease and medical expenditure are associated with the difference western and oriental medical utilization rate. 2) There were several factors related to utilization of oriental medical care according to decision tree. Especially, important factors that patient chose his medical center were kinds of disease, kinds of common medical use, and expenditure. 3) in the results of CART analysis, market of oriental medical care were classified by seven categories. The major groups who have a preference for oriental medicine were those musculo-skeletal, cerebra-vascular disease, or chronic headache patients, and they had a preference fur oriental medical care in common use. These results show that oriental and western medical market were divided into various areas by market segmentation.

Do Fraud Investigations Impact Healthcare Expenditures of Medical Institutions?: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Healthcare Costs in Korea

  • Kim, Seung Ju;Jang, Sung-In;Han, Kyu-Tae;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2018
  • Background: The aim of our study was to review the findings of health insurance fraud investigations and to evaluate their impacts on medical costs for target and non-target organizations. An interrupted time series study design using generalized estimation equations was used to evaluate changes in cost following fraud investigations. Methods: We used National Health Insurance claims data from 2009 to 2015, which included 20,625 medical institutions (1,614 target organizations and 19,011 non-target organizations). Outcome variable included cost change after fraud investigation. Results: Following the initiation of fraud investigations, we found statistically significant reductions in cost level for target organizations (-1.40%, p<0.001). In addition, a reduction in cost trend change per month was found for both target organizations and non-target organizations after fraud investigation (target organizations, -0.33%; non-target organizations of same region, -0.19%; non-target organizations of other regions, -0.17%). Conclusion: This study suggested that fraud investigations are associated with cost reduction in target organization. We also found similar effects of fraud investigations on health expenditure for non-target organizations located in the same region and in different regions. Our finding suggests that fraud investigations are important in controlling the growth of health expenditure. To maximize the effects of fraud investigation on the growth of health expenditure, more organizations needed to be considered as target organizations.

Analysis on the Determinants of Therapeutic Materials Expenditure in National Health Insurance (주요 치료재료 품목군의 건강보험청구액 결정요인분석)

  • Byeon, Jin Ok;Lee, Ju Hyang;Kim, Yu Ri;Lee, Hye Jae
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2016
  • Background: The use of therapeutic materials based on new health technology has increased in recent years in the field of medicine, raising concerns for medical practitioners regarding increased spending on the new therapeutic materials amid the rapid population ageing and increase of chronic diseases in Korea. While therapeutic materials have significant importance in the health care system, they have not been given appropriate attention in the academic world of Korea. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect the growth of expenditure on therapeutic materials and to derive implications for an effective management considering the diversity of therapeutic materials. Methods: Using the claims data of the National Health Insurance Services, specific utilization patterns of groups of therapeutic materials in the middle classification level of Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service from 2007 to 2014 were analyzed. Four categories (J5083: drug eluting coronary stent, D0302: nonmetallic anchor, K6014: gauze, K6023: gauze) that exhibit unique patterns with respect to price and volume were selected. Then, decomposition analysis was performed to identify the largest contributor to the spending growth by dividing the products into existing, new, and abandoned products for the period between 2010 and 2013. Results: The effect of new products had larger impact on spending growth than the effect of core items in drug eluting coronary stent (J5083) and nonmetallic anchor (D0302). In addition, existing products in general included items priced relatively lower when compared with another item manufactured by the same company. In the gauze category, however, existing products had the largest impact on expenditure and the effect of volume was greater than that in other categories. Conclusion: This study provides evidence that appropriate management measures classified by the characteristics of therapeutic materials are required for therapeutic materials pricing and reassessment in Korea.

Wife's Employment and Family Economic Status (주부취업과 가계경제구조)

    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to analyze the family economic status by wife's employment. The data used in the study was taken from 1994 Expenditure Survey of Urban Families. The results showed that 33.2% of family income of employed-wife families was from wife's earnings and employed-wife families took more family income compared to nonemployed-wife families. In total expenditure eployed-wife families spent more than nonemployed-wife families. Employed-wife families spent more than nonemployed-wife families these categories such as food away from home rent domestic services clothing & shoes education public transportation and miscellaneous; spent on health care utilities communication and private transportation. The amount of savings of employed-wife families was more than of nonemployed-wife families.

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The Effects of Cultural Capital and Social Welfare Expenditure on the Elder's Subjective Happiness

  • Bang, Sung-a;Park, Hwie-Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce policy and theoretical implications by analyzing affecting factors for the elder's happiness. For this study, we analyzed data using HLM. Data include a world value survey(hereafter, WVS) as personal level analysis data and also OECD's Social Expenditure Database(hereafter, SOCX) and database from the World Bank as national level analysis data. The subjects of personal level analysis were the elder who are over 65-years od age, and they were total 3,297 people, and while the subjects of national level analysis were total 9 OECD countries. For the data analysis, hierarchial linear model(HLM) analysis was done by using HML 7.0 program. As a result of analysis, First, for the elderly's happiness, they should improve self-disposition, members of social groups, and social class. Second, the old-age pension and the survivor's pension had no meaningful effect on the happiness. but it was found that self - disposition, social class, gender, and health status showed meaningful interaction effect according to old - age pension, survivor pension, per capita GDP, income inequality. This suggests that efforts to improve the happiness of the elderly should be made at the individual level and the national level at the same time.

The Relief Effect of Copayment Decreasing Policy on Unmet Needs in Targeted Diseases (산정특례제도가 미충족 의료경험에 미치는 영향: 2·4차 한국의료패널자료를 이용하여)

  • Choi, Jae-Woo;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2014
  • Background: Bankrupted households have recently been increased due to excessive medical expenditure in Korea. They have not been protected from economic risk when household's member has severe diseases that need a lot of money for treatment. Purpose of this study examines policy effect by comparing unmet needs' change of policy object households and non-object groups. Methods: We used Korea Health panel 2nd 4th data collected by Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and National Health Insurance Service. Analysis subjects were 381 households (pre-policy) and 393 households (post-policy) that had cancer and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Since it was major concern that estimates benefit strengthening policy started by certain time, we setup comparing households which had diabetes, hypertension disease. Comparison subjects were 393,247 households, respectively and we evaluated policy effect using difference in difference (DID) model. Results: Although unmet needs of policy object households were higher than non-object groups, policy execution variable affected negative direction. But interaction-term which shows pure effect of policy was not statistically significant. We utilized multi-DID model to examine factors affecting unmet needs causes. Copayment assistance policy did not significantly affect households that responded to 'economic reason,' and 'no have time to visit' for unmet needs causes. Conclusion: The second copayment assistance policy did not significantly give positive effect to beneficiary households than non-beneficiary groups. When we consider that primary purpose of public insurance guarantee high medical expenditure occurred by unexpected events, it needs to deliberate on switch of benefit strengthening policy that can assist vulnerable people. Also, we suggest that government forward a policy covering non-reimbursable medical expenses as well as switch of benefit strengthening direction because benefit policy do not affect non-covered medical cost which accounts for quarter of total health expenditure.